- Feb 2014
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they carried Egyptian and Assyrian merchandise
Hdt. 1.1 Egyptians and Phoenicians: negotiation. Direction?
However, the Pythian priestess declared that the Heraclidae would have vengeance on Gyges' posterity in the fifth generation; an utterance to which the Lydians and their kings paid no regard until it was fulfilled
Hdt. 1.13 The oracle told Gyges that the Heraclidae would have vengeance in the fifth generation and they ignored this until it came true.
killed Candaules as he slept. Thus he made himself master of the king's wife and sovereignty
Hdt. 1.12 Gyges took the city and Candaules's wife for assassinating him; not a crime.
since among the Lydians and most of the foreign peoples it is felt as a great shame that even a man be seen naked
Hdt. 1.10 See previous note. Great shame to be seen naked, even for men.
When a woman's clothes come off, she dispenses with her modesty, too
Hdt. 1.8 Modesty is an important value/virtue in this culture/time period
fell in love with his own wife, so much so that he believed her to be by far the most beautiful woman in the worl
Hdt. 1.8 It seems like it was strange to love one's wife; might be interesting to look into views on women/wives during this time period.
For my part, I shall not say that this or that story is true, but I shall identify the one who I myself know did the Greeks unjust deeds, and thus proceed with my history, and speak of small and great cities of men alike.
Hdt. 1.5 Herodotus admits that these things are hearsay and does not take a side, only tells both sides of the story.
Such is the Persian account; in their opinion, it was the taking of Troy which began their hatred of the Greeks
Hdt. 1.5 The Persians say Troy began their hatred of the Greeks.
the Persians claim Asia for their own, and the foreign peoples that inhabit it; Europe and the Greek people they consider to be separate from them.
Hdt. 1.4 The Persians separate themselves distinctly as people of Asia from the people in Europe.
“We think,” they say, “that it is unjust to carry women off. But to be anxious to avenge rape is foolish: wise men take no notice of such things. For plainly the women would never have been carried away, had they not wanted it themselves.
Hdt. 1.4 Persian opinion of carrying women off and avenging rape.
after this (the Persians say), the Greeks were very much to blame; for they invaded Asia before the Persians attacked Europe.
Hdt. 1.4 The Persians say the Greeks were to blame; the Greeks invaded Asia before the Persians attacked Europe.
In this way, the Persians say (and not as the Greeks ), was how Io came to Egypt, and this, according to them, was the first wrong that was done
Hdt. 1.2 The Persians say this was how Io came to Egypt ad that it was the first wrong.
Persian learned men say that the Phoenicians were the cause of the dispute
Hdt. 1.1 The Persians blame the Phoenicians for their dispute.
so that things done by man not be forgotten in time, and that great and marvelous deeds, some displayed by the Hellenes, some by the barbarians, not lose their glory
Hdt. 1.1 motive; bias? H's idea of glory and great deeds? "not be forgotten in time" -- I agree this is important.
- motive
- Lydians
- women
- vengeance
- Gyges
- foreshadowing
- values
- Candaules
- Troy
- bias
- modesty
- separation
- Egypt
- oracle
- Hericlidae
- opinion
- Herodotus
- Conflict
- wife
- love
- Greeks
- crime
- objectivity
- networks
- raping
- Egyptians
- men
- Asia
- validity
- conflict
- Phoenicians
- perspective
- Persians
- identity
- pillaging
- virtue
- negotiation
- fate