262 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions. I want you to consciously and conscientiously open yourself up to the perception and the experience of the Love that constitutes your infinite Being, no matter from what apparent point or dimension you seem to be experiencing that infinitude.

      Being is made up of (constituted) infinite Love.Love is the substance of your experience - every aspect of it.

      3d demands (worldly demands) can cause us to withdraw our attention from the Fact that every aspect of our experience is comprised of Love.

      Love constitutes your personal experience of (subjective) Being. No matter what is going on in your experience you always have the ability to perceive Love.

      Practice: No matter what is happening in your experience, consciously and conscientiously open yourself to the perception and experience of the Love that constitutes your Infinite Being.

    1. RAJ: Thank you, Paul. You have been very patient and cooperative. Everything that we have done has been absolutely necessary. It has caused you and your family to grow beyond what they would have otherwise.

      We need to experience what we do to create the contexts of learning and readiness to understand more deeply....

    2. RAJ: Paul, you are who you are, what you are, and where you are at this very moment. You cannot do more than you can do. Do not waste your time in self-criticism or self-doubt. As you shall see, it is totally unnecessary. There has been no requirement for you to be something that you are not able to be. What you have needed to learn in order to fulfill your place has been accomplished. You have done well.

      You cannot do more than you can do. Do not waste your time in self-criticism. There has been no requirement for yo to be something that you are not.

      Here is another of Paul's mistaken beliefs - that he has failed to meet requirements. We all do this.

    3. I am well aware that, at this moment, you do not feel strong. But the fact is, that in spite of your thinking mind, in spite of your finite concepts, you have continued invisibly to grow and become strong with the kind of strength I am speaking of. Your faith has been almost immaculate. I know you are almost totally convinced that it has been foolish, and that you have been gullible to the point of insanity. But, the fact is that you are here, once again communicating with me and believing, still, that these conversations are valid.

      Paul keeps coming back to Raj even when his thoughts and concepts tell him that he has been insanely foolish and gullible putting his trust in Raj.

    1. As I said to you on the way back from Spokane, the necessity here is for you to learn to flow. The only thing for you to flow with is your Being as It unfolds Itself universally and specifically. As I said earlier, you will be more willing and able to do this as you begin to trust the absolutely constructive, loving, perfect, principled, and cohesive manner in which your Being unfolds Itself. Its very Nature is infinite Intelligence, Mind, Consciousness, Life, Principle, et cetera. This is the demand of the moment, no matter what steps come to you to take physically or objectively. Just remember that no matter what objective steps you take, be sure they are being done from a subjective standpoint wherein you are being at and as that Place where your Being is flowing through and as your conscious experience of Being. This is, you might say, the big secret.

      The secret is to allow your experience to flow from your conscious experience of Being.

    2. Both you and Susan continue as you have been in listening for the direction in which you need to move. I do not want you to throw the responsibility for figuring everything out in my lap. You must continue to be aware that you are yourself, and I am myself. I am doing what I need to do, and you must do what you need to do. Do not give away any responsibility to another at all. As I have said before, I cannot help you with things that will deprive you of your own growth. I am here to help, nevertheless.

      Don't give away your power - you are responsible for your own growth.

  2. Oct 2015
    1. RAJ: [Addressing Susan.] Susan, nothing is going on of the sort you are looking at and reacting to. I cannot tell you what is going on. But, I have told Paul that what is going on Actually in your experience is not destructive and will not be experienced that way. You are both caught up in your past conceptualizations and what has worked. But, what governed those appearances is no longer in force. They are not in force for anyone any longer. You and Paul are being led through this change. In a way, you both have an advantage, in that Paul chose to speak to his Guide just prior to this occurring. So, you are getting information that most do not have. This is simply because they were not listening, and did not ask to speak with someone who could do what I am doing with you. If others are not aware of this change having occurred yet, they will soon. And you have an opportunity to be grateful for the information you have at this point. I understand that it is not easy to believe this because, based upon your prior concepts, the whole process by which you are becoming aware of it is not “usual” or “normal” as you understand it. It is, nevertheless, true. Paul is being guided and pressured to move along a new path because he desires it and asked for it. You, Susan, are at the point where you are capable of understanding exactly what is going on. But both of you are hanging onto patterns which are no longer in force, and trying to make these appearances fit in. I can do no more than advise you of these facts, and guide you as long as you are looking for help in understanding what is available to you to understand.

      Paul and Susan are fearful of their current situation. Raj says that what they are looking at and reacting to is *not what is going on.

      What is actually going on in your experience is not destructive - you cannot see that because you are caught up in past concept and experience.

    1. RAJ: I know you have to get to this job which you have at hand. Keep yourself centered in that Place to the very best of your ability. I will be helping. Remember not to get into the picture. Do not see yourself the way the three-dimensional frame of reference sees you and wants to convince you of. Remember that Being is Eternal. No single event in the Eternality of your conscious experience of Being takes precedence over that which is aware of it. You are not in it. It is not larger than you, and it is not controlling your Being.

      Paul is faced with a difficult task, Raj suggests:

      1. stay centered on Conscious Being (4dRef)
      2. don't let yourself be pulled into the 3dRef
      3. The event is not larger than you, it does not control your Being, you are not in it.
    2. RAJ: Paul, you must realize that you are not “in the woods” in the fist place. The “woods” are in you. You are that omnipresent conscious experience of Being which constitutes Fourth-dimensional Man. You will always feel trapped when you are seeing yourself as being inside that Omnipresence which constitutes your Being. You will always feel uncomfortable because you are believing something which is not true. I see that you have gotten the point that you can utilize your ability to think and reason when it is based upon what you have learned when you have been experiencing your being as Conscious Being.

      You will always feel trapped when you believe what is not true.

      Make use of thought and reason that are based upon lessons learned from Conscious Being

    1. RAJ: The delight of Life is the signal which indicates the successful completion or Awakening in individual thought. This is because it indicates the amalgamation or connection of the Alpha and Omega—the inside and the outside—the spiritual and material—the Fourth Dimension with the first three as Conscious Experience. I know that this is very difficult for you to put up with, because you feel there are more pressing needs, but if you will bear with me a little longer, it will be worth your while.

      Awakening is complete when you delight in Life. Delight indicates union of spiritual and material, the inside and outside, the 3D and 4D.

      Paul finds it very hard to accept this, he is distracted by his present financial challenges.

      Isn't this (focus on 3dRef) what keeps us bound to the illusion?

    2. You were incorrect yesterday when it occurred to you that the only way you can tell you are growing is if you are feeling some discomfort. Discomfort can be an indication of growth, but it is not the only indication of growth. We are entering a new phase of these conversations, and in this phase we are going to be dealing with the Light energy that constitutes your Being.

      Indications of growth on the journey of awakening are not limited to feelings of discomfort.

      Light energy is what constitutes Being

    1. RAJ: It is causing you discomfort and uneasiness, because what we are discussing is flying right in the face of many well-established concepts which you have entertained and employed in your lifetime. This feeling may well be the last whimpers of your inclination to utilize them. I would allow them, if I were you, to simply do their whimpering, since they will spontaneously fade out. Do not give them credit, and do not act upon them.

      Raj says Paul's feelings of uneasiness arises from their discussion challenging his well established concepts.

      Raj says to allow but do not give them credit and do not act on them - they will fade out.

    1. The conclusion to processes of reasoning and thinking has never, ever been Enlightenment. No matter who it has been, the enlightenment they have experienced has occurred only when their three-dimensional consciousness has been totally silent, or it has broken through in spite of their thinking. Thus, it has illustrated that the thinking process is never responsible for growth.

      Paul wants to accomplish something but Raj asks him to drop that idea - they are going to simply be.

      Paul has a belief that he can figure it out.

    2. Paul, I want you to rely very heavily on the Actuality of our conversations. You are well aware that these communications are not common among your friends. You know that you most certainly are not communicating with anyone in a “normal” way when you are speaking with me. You have no idea where I am, but you know that the process is one which you call telepathy. You also know that the communications are not nebulous, but very definite. You know that they happen with ease. you know that they occur no matter whether you are upset, depressed, happy, or quiet. If you have nothing other than our conversations to lean on in terms of your seeing beyond what the five physical senses perceive, then lean on them heavily as verification that you can get beyond and through the apparent limitations which confront you.

      Paul, like me, wants to move beyond experience arising from the 5 physical senses and finds it challenging.

      Raj suggest he lean heavily on the communication he's having with Raj. And the same applies to me, I'm having these conversations in a different way - but I am having them!!

      So I can lean on them for support on the journey.

    1. You must learn to flow. You must learn that you are not self-directed in the sense of being a puppet with no strings attached, three-dimensionally speaking. From this standpoint, you will always seem to be a puppet with strings attached, and you will not have hold of the controls. From the standpoint of being as Conscious Being, as Fourth-dimensional Man, the concept of strings and controls is irrelevant. I point this out because, after having a wonderful, productive period of meditation, you spontaneously, immediately and without questioning, were criticizing yourself because you did not do exactly what I had told you to do. The fact is that there is no justifiable reason to be found for self-criticism. Watch for this in your experience, and don’t continue in this habit.

      Paul is criticizing himself and sabotaging the success of his immediately prior meditation success.

      This is common behavior on the journey of awakening and Raj suggests that he stops doing it.

    1. However, as long as you are blinded by the belief that it is not You, and that it is “out there”—separate, apart, and existing on its own—it is not available to you for you to experience as your Self. This is a key point in the unfoldment of one’s conscious experience of being as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man.

      Belief in "other" - separation, blocks the experience of Being as You. The recognition of Oneness is a key point in the journey of awakening.

    2. You see, Paul, Being is not complex, hard to get at, or hard to understand. Half of the problem we have is our belief that it is not easy. We believe that it is bound up in complex religious or occult rituals or mental structures which we must pass through, like mazes, in order to prove our worthiness. It is not true.

      Being is simple and all aspects of it are available - because it is all Your Self.

    1. You must realize, Paul, that the only bluff operating here is that doing this will not work. There really is nothing else presenting itself to you as a valid reason for not continuing. You literally only have two choices—you either do it, or you act upon the basis of a bluff. Now, let’s be good and clear on this: Under what circumstances would you ever base your actions upon a bluff? Normally, you wouldn’t. But, under a sense of pressure and fear, you could possibly be fooled into believing that there was no point in continuing further. That is why I am pointing out the simple, intelligent overview of the situation here.

      The ego loves complexity and what Raj is teaching Paul here is so simple - to live from the Truth of your Oneness, of Christ, rather than the "truth" the ego teaches in smallness, etc.

      This teaching is opposite to what we believe and can seem crazy and totally unworkable - it's too simple.

      But, this is a main practice taught by Christ Mind, WoM has the 5 Minutes as Christ practice.

    2. RAJ: Paul, you are being too serious about this in the sense of emphasis, intensity, and drive. You are not faced with the end of the world. You are not faced with destruction of any kind. What you are faced with is a greater cohesiveness of the All One which You are. If all of you is always present, and all of you is always functioning then the idea of “incompleteness” and “coming up short” is absolutely invalid. It is on the basis of your completeness—and on the Activity of that completeness—that you must let your feelings, your dependence, and you confidence lie. If you try to deal with the way things appear, if you pay attention to what the five physical senses are telling you, you will scare yourself shitless. On the other hand, if you are going to agree with the omnipresence and omniaction of your Being, you will find yourself at peace. And inevitably, you will find that omnipresence being omniactive in concrete, tangible ways.

      Belief that I am incomplete, lacking, and needing to change causes seriousness to be a factor in correcting that perception - which doesn't work.

      You are always complete and to approach life from this understanding come confidence - so apply your practice from what is True about you and not from the way things appear (that arise from limited perspective).

      The journey is putting this into practice.

    1. It doesn’t matter what day the announcement of Maitreya’s return is made on. It doesn’t matter by what means, or for what purpose, you and Susan are receiving an influx of inspiration and enlightenment—whether you’re awake, asleep, in meditation, or flying a kite. The fact is that no matter what is going on anywhere else in the world, you are experiencing the inexorable unfolding of your Being as Conscious Being. You might as well accept it.
    2. Now, tomorrow morning when you get up, take care of your everyday activities. But, before you do them, or have a conversation with me, I want you to get into that Place where you are being as Conscious Being, as Fourth-dimensional Man. Then, from that point, take care of the things that need to be taken care of. Then, when you have completed those, if you would like to converse with me, I will look forward to talking with you. In the meantime, for God’s sake, let go of all this folderol and get back to the point of being the Door. I can promise you this: So long as you are seeking position, power, prestige, by virtue of association with the Masters or Maitreya—no matter how subtly—They will not come near you with a ten-foot pole. The only reasons that the three gentlemen were present at all was because at that point you were truly being the Presence of the Christ. Paul, “person” was nowhere to be found. Learn this lesson well, and you will move forward with great ease. Continue in the frame of reference you are presently indulging in, and you will be sorry. I know that you are not presently experiencing my presence with what you recognize as a feeling of Love. Nonetheless, Paul, it is time for your concept of Love to be broadened. It is time for you to realize that Love is “whatever it takes to bring forth the Reality, right where the belief insists on being.” With that I will say good night for now, and I will look forward to speaking with you tomorrow.
    3. Paul, let the world have its own development in whatever way it most clearly can experience its growth. Remember that this world that is experiencing its growth—in the apparent drama of the reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom—is the infinitude of your Self. One way or another, you are going to have to come to terms with that fact without selling your Self short. There are groups of people actively participating in attempting to pave the way for His return, but this is not where you are. This is not your point of unfoldment. To whatever degree you think they may be doing something more correct than what you are doing, to that degree you are disintegrating your experience of your Self as the One that constitutes the Many. If you try to make comparisons or cross-references to attempt to validate or invalidate what is going on with you, you will lose your awareness of your cohesiveness. Your gut-level feeling of frustration and anger is just a small taste of the suffering that will be in store for you, if you attempt to move back into a three-dimensional frame of reference.

      Don't compare or contrast - your pathway is unfolding, trust it.

    4. RAJ: Paul, I know that since you have gone to dinner, you have frustrated yourself to an even higher degree than when you left. I know that you are arriving at a place where you couldn’t care less whether Maitreya returned or not. Correct? PAUL: Absolutely correct. RAJ: The conclusion that you are coming to is correct. The only appearance of the Christ that is worth a hill of beans for you is that dawning in your own experience of your own perception of Reality. It comes as the result of being the Door. It literally doesn’t matter one way or the other whether Maitreya returns or not. On this point you are absolutely correct.

      Raj is making the point that the return of Christ is an internal journey - not external, not "out there".

      He had believed differently but is now coming to this realization.

    1. PAUL: Raj, something is blocking me from being able to be comfortable with what you are saying. RAJ: I would think by now that “comfortable” and “uncomfortable” would no longer be valid guideposts for you, since those are three-dimensional points of view. You know that when you are in that Place, you are experiencing Absolute Comfort, undivided in any way. If you want to bounce back out onto the surface of your finite consciousness, you will, indeed, find comfort and discomfort, pain and pleasure, gain and loss. I am afraid, Paul, that this is the one essential step which you must make yourself. I can encourage you to take it. I can explain to you why you can take it. But it has to come from within your Being. What is blocking it is simply fear. There is no actual opposition or roadblock. PAUL: In the past, I have experienced healings without taking this radical step. I have experienced benefits of prayer and metaphysical work. I did not have to be under the gun, so to speak. Isn’t unfoldment supposed to be natural?
    2. PAUL: But why does there seem to be an inconsistency between what I am experiencing within, and what is manifest as visibility and tangibility in the three-dimensional frame of reference? RAJ: This is perhaps one of the most difficult things to grasp, and I have reiterated it many times. Your Substance, or Supply, also brought it out to you, and that is: As long as you are bouncing back and forth, from inside to outside, to verify what is going on “out there” against what is going on “in here,” you are losing the continuity of being as Conscious Being. The necessity is to be willing to stand still as Conscious Being. It is similar to using a P.A. system which you have set up in your house, and from which you can speak through speakers which are in your front yard. If you stop speaking into the microphone to go out into the yard to see whether they are working, you will naturally find no sound coming out of them, because you have left the microphone and are not speaking into it. You could easily come to the conclusion that the speakers were not functioning properly when, in fact, the only reason they were not broadcasting your voice is that you were not at your place at the microphone. There is no way to make it any clearer at this point. In effect, I have shown you where the microphone is. I have shown you what it feels like to be there. I have shown you how to get there, and how to get back when you slip away. Believe it or not, I am working with you to help facilitate your ability to stand at and as that Place.

      Being consistent and steadfast in standing still as Conscious Being is critical to manifestation from that place.

    3. RAJ: There is no other way. Mind you, the key word there is “willingness,” The emphasis is not meant to be placed on the collapse of everything around you. PAUL: Does this mean that the unfoldment cannot be harmonious? RAJ: No it does not. But, you are not going to see that harmony of it when your attention is focused on the appearance. You see, Paul, all of you is always present, and all of you is always functioning. This means there is nothing that exists that can be added to you. What you are doing is already done. What you are learning, you already Know. You are in the process of simply beginning to experience what has always been true of you and as You.

      The journey requires the willingness to allow things to be as they are - without resistance, even when it means drastic change.

      Not that it will happen but the willingness to let that happen is to allow a greater wisdom to guide your life rather than insisting that I must do it - especially when the going gets scary.

    4. RAJ: Paul, you have been faithful. You have been attentive. You have been cooperative, willing, and have indeed, grown a lot during the last three weeks. You have listened to what I have said. It has made sense to you. You have believed it, and acted accordingly. The need now is to be willing to go all the way. You were correct that there are innumerable structural safeguards against breaking through the three-dimensional frame of reference. You are running into them popping up in front of you—as a fun house ride. They are calculated to scare you into backing off and not proceeding any further. You must be willing to stand with what is unifying to your conscious experience of being as Fourth-dimensional Man, rather than what is disintegrating or disunifying to you.

      Paul is saying he's listening to Raj and acting accordingly but his problems persist. He's wondering if he's understanding correctly, etc.

      He's being pulled by worldly pressures ...

      Raj is here responding with what is really going on.

    1. Paul, I know I am relentless with you on these points, but if I were not, you would not make the shift. Yet the shift must be made. The shift must be made, because it is the unfoldment of your Being, and because it is the unfoldment in a more universal aspect—it is a change line for your world. It is the age old question of whom you are going to serve. The question is being put before you by your very own Being. Do not mistake what is happening and feel that it is I who is making these demands. I am bound to support only that which your Being is bringing to the level of your conscious experience. I can only help facilitate you in overcoming your ingrained fears, and your habits and patterns of limited thought. I cannot make you give them up. I cannot make you drop them. And, I cannot make you make the shift. You will make it, come hell or high water, because that is where your Being is. But, if you are willing to continue to follow the leadings of your own “upward, individual convictions,“1 as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully put it, then you will continue to experience this shift with no more dissonance or suffering than you have so far. It is finally up to you.

      Many important points here.

      1. I must decide what I want
      2. It is worthwhile to honestly question what I think and feel.
      3. Suffering and dissonance is not necessary
    2. find myself questioning, from the standpoint of a gut-level, non-conceptual feeling, whether this is “right.” Yet, by the same token, I find that by relinquishing my awareness of myself as a separate identity with a will of its own, there is this tremendous influx of understanding and enlightenment, together with a greater experience of peace, which seems far more valid than any sense of relaxation I have experienced before. RAJ: Paul, I realize this is a difficult shift to make, especially since the concept of “individuality” has been so prized—the concept of the “self-made man,” et cetera. I can only suggest Paul, nothing more, that you take a look within your Self. Ask your Self whether the way you have been living for the last two and a half years, as an “individual,” brought with it anything of the sort that you are experiencing now, after having relinquished your “individuality.” I ask you to seriously consider which you find more satisfying, and I suggest you literally make a choice.

      Feeling like a puppet

    3. RAJ: Paul, the clanging cymbals of time are ringing their last clangs. You are feeling a habitual desire to feel “normal” when “what is normal” is changing. It simply doesn’t exist that way any more, even though others whom you see appear to be going about their daily activities as though nothing unusual is occurring.

      Read above Paul's description of feeling out of sorts - wanting to fit in.

    1. Now, these powers which He will apparently bring with Him will be experienced as a general worldwide spiritualization of thought, or inner Enlightenment. But, the fact will remain that it will not move everybody into the position of being a totally enlightened individuality. Their growth will need to be internalized, just as yours has.
    2. Mr. Creme’s book implies that the Christ, together with the Masters of Wisdom, is appearing based on a decision They made. This had to be put this way in the book, but the fact is that They could not have decided to reappear in the year 1551, in the year 1901, or in the year 1970, because the Harmonies of Being, Itself would not allow it. It would not have been a harmonious event. The students were not ready. I know you can see that the Teacher is reappearing by virtue of the readiness of the students, and not because of any great power of His own to act on His own, any more than when you are in that Place where you are experiencing the Allness of your Being as Conscious Being, you can act on your own, doing what you want to do. The only place where you exist in that way is in the imagination of your three-dimensional frame of reference.

      *The only place you can act on your own* is in the imagination of your 3d frame of reference.

    3. Maitreya will apparently come with great transforming powers and ability. but it must be understood that the energy behind those powers is literally being supplied by the very individualities who are about to be apparently changed. Remember, when the student is ready, the Teacher appears. This tells you, Paul, that the Teacher does not appear due to any powers of His own, but due to the inherent readiness of the student. The Christ cannot reappear out of His own fantastic power, because He has none like that. He can only appear because mankind is ready for the growth and change. It is their readiness, whether consciously recognized or not, which causes the Way to be clear for the Teacher to appear.

      the Teacher can not give unless the student is ready to receive.

      Creation/communication/extension does not happen unless the giver is received.

    4. PAUL: And He would agree that I am to keep very clear—I think I see what you’re getting at—you are trying to let me know that I had better not make the serious mistake of disowning my Divinity in any way and placing it “out there,” in Him or anyone else? RAJ: Exactly. And, before you meet Him, this has to be clear to you. Otherwise, you will be overwhelmed or overawed by what you think He is, and you will neglect or slight your Self and will begin to operate from a three-dimensional-only standpoint. As I said before, this will only occur with great discomfort, because you have graduated. There is no need for you to waste your time suffering. You see, you are very willing to serve, but it must be very clear to you that you are not to be the main dish—you are not to give your Self away. You must see that you are fulfilling the purpose of His Being; that that Being is One. It is only at the level of visibility and tangibility that we can see the infinite interplay and interchange of, as I said before, circles within circles and patterns within patterns. As Shakespeare said, “…to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.“2 The only way that you can serve Maitreya is by being true to your Self as He is being true to Himself. This must be very clear, Paul.

      to thine own self be true...

      There's a lot here, Trust, self-honesty, commitment, ...

    5. RAJ: I am saying that, yes, Paul. He and I see much more than what I am saying to you. But you can count on one thing: The more infinite your view becomes, the simpler the understanding of things becomes.
    6. I want you to understand that my primary purpose is with you and your individual unfolding of your Self as your conscious experience of Being. That will become No.1 with you, because you are the one that constitutes the Eternal Constant. The apparent three-dimensional event of the reappearance of the Christ is one of the millions of events which will occur to you as your experience eternally. You must keep in mind that no single event in your experience takes precedence over that which is experiencing it—You. You must be very careful not to classify yourself as a follower of Maitreya, or a follower of any Master, or any Teacher. You are to follow the Inner Path of the evolving of your very own Being as It unfolds and reveals Itself as your conscious experience. This must be a rule, a guidepost for you to refer to often.
    7. It is true that there is infinite progression—infinite, universal progression. It is true that there is more to the infinite progression of Being than you can imagine at the present time. But, it is also true that there is an abundance of misinformation available on your planet regarding these subjects, which apparently have come through Masters, but which were coming through individualities who were caught in great mental complexities. They had not truly grown to the point of being the open Door. They were communicating their own theories and concepts. Tonight I let you have a taste of such theories and concepts.
    1. I can tell you that I’d love to have a cigarette right now, and—Raj, is there something that I can do to botch this whole thing up? Is this a thing where—like I have one chance, and if I miss it I’ve really missed it?

      More expression of the fear of screwing up.

    2. PAUL: Raj, it’s simply a matter that I don’t want any possible confusion or mix-up regarding what you are saying, or what you are going to say.

      Paul is fearful of not clearly understanding what Raj is saying and that fear is disrupting the conversation.

      Raj asks him to just allow the communication and ask questions after - there is no need to be fearful.

      This is a good example of ego behavior. Here, a belief that I'll get it wrong causes fear and disrupts the attempt to get it right.

    3. As I have said before, the key to this is your willingness to stand as the Door. You have been doing this very well, and you are, indeed, seeing changes in the way your infinitude is reflecting your standpoint. Do not make the mistake of overlooking the fact that your infinitude is responding differently. It is a direct result or evidence of the manifesting of your supply. It isn’t just money you need, Paul. it is also a changed experience of your infinitude, which you call your world. You are already seeing evidence of the operation of the Law which we talked about yesterday.

      The key is having the commitment to stay in 4dRef and not return to the fearful 3dRef - to stand as the Door.

      Do not overlook the progress you have made (we often do this as a way to discredit the journey - this is self sabotage).

      It's not just money that you need - it's a changed view of your world. Here he refers to the world as the experience of your infinitude.

    1. As you know, what is ultimately simple can seem totally impossible. The simple fact is, that as things unfold, as things occur, the clarifications will come along as they are able to be understood and internalized. The evolution will be as natural as possible for all concerned. It will occur in such a way that even when it seems difficult or impossible, the individual will also—at the very same time—experience a realization or a conviction that it is possible. This realization will carry him through the difficulty of breaking through his concepts and beliefs.
    2. Paul, all of this is constituting the activity of Consciousness which acts according to Law upon the Nature of the Universal Substance of your Being. The correct vision, felt from the standpoint of Reality, must come forth according to Law as that which appears tangibly, three-dimensionally, as the infinitude of your Being. Remember that once this Law is set into motion. It cannot be stopped from manifesting by any fearful or limited thoughts in which you might indulge from the standpoint of a finite, three-dimensional point of view. Such a point of view cannot be placed at the point of Conscious Being, which is the only Place any action can be set into motion. As you know, when you are in that Place, it is totally impossible to experience fear, doubt, or any sense of limitation. This is a scientific Law that I am talking about. You can prove it day after day after day, without fail, because it is Law functioning according to the scientific, principled Nature of Being. Once you have set a thing into motion by being consciously aware of the Fact from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, your only responsibility is to continue forward, being from that point—exactly as you have been doing—without any care or concern as to how or when it will appear. You must realize that Being functions according to Its own infinite, eternal Harmonies. If that which has been set into motion has not appeared, it is because appearing at that point would not be in harmony with Its unfolding Being. You can trust you do not need it at the moment you are considering the fact that it hasn’t yet appeared. I want you to consider this deeply. I want you to consider it while you are in that Place when we are not talking to each other. I want you to let it unfold its infinite meanings to you before we talk about it again.
    3. The simple fact is that you are finding that you are on the right track, that you are truly spending the great majority of your days now being out from Mind, more or less, and it is daily becoming more. You are perceiving more and more that your world is your Self, appearing to you in Its infinite aspect.
    1. RAJ: Paul, I am aware that you are afraid that something startling or unreal—something so far out that it will seem like it is a hallucination—is going to occur. I assure you that we are directing our energies right now at the experience of Reality, not hallucination. It is not something foreign to you. You are all that is going on, as Conscious Being being Itself infinitely. You do not need to be afraid of Yourself, no matter how It unfolds Itself in its infinite aspect. Relax, and feel the Love. That’s it, Paul. Invite that feeling of fluidity and calm infinity.

      Fear of letting go.

      1. something startling or unreal will happen

      In the text above - look for how Paul is fearful of going deeper.

    2. RAJ: I am helping, Paul. In fact, you are getting a wonderful amount of help. You might simply be aware that you are surrounded by Love. It is supporting you in letting go, and in not being concerned or afraid.

      We have a lot of support on the Journey

    1. In the meantime, you must actively remain at the point of being as Conscious Being. Listen attentively to Mind’s unfolding of Itself as It is, right where it looks like the jig is going on. To paraphrase a statement you are familiar with “You must see the Fourth-dimensional Reality right where the three-dimensional frame of reference sees itself.” Seeing the Reality, you will not be confused by the jig. Neither will you be moved by its claims. In order to do this, you must be willing to stand at the Doorway where Being’s view of Itself is what is seen.
    1. In the meantime, be not afraid to be your Self. Observe to what extent you use other people, by getting your “hooks” into them, in order to make yourself feel that you are doing the right thing. You cannot use other people to validate your position. The only way your position can become validated is for you to see it fully and completely as your conscious experience. That is our objective at this point.
    2. Again, Paul, each One is responsible for his own growth. Each One is responsible for his enlightenment. each One is responsible for any suffering that he seems to experience. You can in no way be responsible for any of those things in what you call “another.” Your responsibility is to leave them free to be that Being which you know is Your Being, since Being is One. You know what constitutes the activity and unfoldment of Being. Whatever they may be experiencing, no matter how hard they may cry and pull at your heartstrings, the fact remains that you can do nothing about it. The fact remains that they need to be up against a hard place because their own Being is in the process of revealing as their conscious experience that they are not bound by the hard place which confronts them. This hard place is nothing more than the limit of some belief they are entertaining. The pressure they feel is truly their Divine Being removing the block. There are further implications and understandings to what I have just said, but you can discover those for yourself.

      You are not responsible for the journey of another. You can't Fix another, you're responsibility is to give them freedom...

    3. You are correct that these are simply dinner bells aimed at turning your attention to the specific unfoldment or enlightenment which is growing within you, moment by moment. You are correctly discovering that you must actively pursue your enlightenment. That simply means that you must actively and purposefully put yourself in that Place where the enlightenment can be discerned. You need to do this, even though the outer demands seem to require that you get into these shallow, surface emotions and abide there in the shit for a time, as though it had some blessing for you other than simply making you stink. You are managing to be sucked in more than momentarily, but I invite you to be even more aggressive in your conviction to get into the Place where you are at this moment. Again, I invite you to pay attention to where you are right now, as broadly as you are able while speaking. You will notice that you are not anxious. You will notice that you feel perfectly capable of dealing with whatever might occur in the next few moments. You are also aware that there are some events which could occur which will ring your bell, so to speak, causing strong reaction of anxiety. When we finish speaking this afternoon, I want you to stay where you are. From this place of Peace and Cohesiveness, I want you to consider these experiences of “anxiety attacks” and see what you can learn about their causes. Why do you feel that it is necessary to be anxious under those circumstances? Listen for clarification on these points.
    4. There is a lot going on in your experience, Paul, but I must come back to the fact that all of it is Your Self, bringing Itself into clearer focus. It is not happening to you.
    5. I reassure you again that being as Conscious Being does not destroy your world, nor does it destroy you. It simply destroys processes within your frame of mind which have been based on false assumptions and beliefs. You do not need to be afraid that it will tear your marriage apart, tear your family apart, or tear your life apart.
    6. I never said this was going to be easy.
    1. You are wondering whether you need to remain in meditation, or whether all you need to do is trust and go about the things at hand to do. Paul, the simple answer is that you must stay in this intuitive place and be responsive to the Universal Harmonies of Your Being. You must learn to flow with the movement of your Substance as well as with the movement of your entire Being, just as you are learning to flow very nicely with the communications you and I have each day.
    1. Raj, it seems to me that it is one thing to go within and listen for you, because you are alive and capable of communicating in language. I certainly do not think that Supply is alive in the sense of being an individual that can communicate Itself to me. I don’t know of anyone to talk to.

      This paragraph and ones that follow Raj is speaking of manifestation.

    1. Not everything can be revealed to you at once, because it would cause you in some things, to neglect necessary growth that has to come out of the very depths of your Being.

      The journey takes time - not everything can be revealed at once.

    1. As I mentioned to Susan yesterday morning, whenever she feels anxiety, tension, or fear she can know that Enlightenment is occurring. She can thus avoid going down endless alleys and byways in an attempt to find out the three-dimensional cause for these “negative” emotions.

      Feelings of fear (anxiety, tension, etc) are indications that life is shifting, old beliefs are giving way to new perceptions - evolution is happening.

      There is no need to discover the 3d cause of these emotions.

      Some of us spend a lot of time identifying the cause of our fearful experience - the first 7 years of life. Raj seems to be saying this is not necessary.

    2. I know you have heard this before. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s True. To whatever degree we identify ourselves with that which Life, Itself, is moving beyond—to that degree (as the fire consumes it) we feel as though something destructive is happening to us. We forget that this fire is constituted of the energy of Spirit. We focus our attention on that small portion of our experience which is being outmoded, closing ourselves off to our Universality. We thereby feel ourselves into believing that the Totality of us is being destroyed.

      Description of why change causes fear.

    3. Paul, you do not need to be afraid of the answer.

      Paul has a question and is aware of being afraid of the answer.

      Fear if change - evolution, the movement of Life.

    1. Be always alert. it is as though you walk through a diamond mine where brilliant jewels of light, embedded and encrusted in dirt, await your intuitive discovery. They could be anywhere, so infinite is the Actuality of your Being.
    2. However, be alert during this transition, and do not become cocksure. Do not let your gratitude or enthusiasm, no matter how valid, overwhelm you to the point where you cannot discern the subtle difference.

      Do not become cocsure!!!

    3. Unfortunately, if this alertness is not developed you can suddenly find yourself on a different track going in a different direction—running into problems.
    4. Do not conceptualize. Do not become comfortable and assured that, because being out from Mind is not as difficult as you thought it was, and because you are becoming more familiar with it, that you can now peg things and feel secure, as though you “know” what is going to happen. Be cautious, and stand at that Place where you know that you know nothing.

      As experience changes with increased awareness by careful to stay in don't know mind. You can run into problems if you don't.