58 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2024
- Oct 2024
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
- Sep 2024
- Mar 2024
www.honeydue.com www.honeydue.com
- Jan 2024
Publish completed designs to Zeplin's platform while you iterate on designs in your design tool.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
I'm not sure that isolating design is something I'd prefer. I'd rather have an issue tagged (labeled) as such, and then attach design artifacts. I start a design in the same way I start frontend, with a list of requirements and acceptance criteria in mind, the design is just an artifact, a deliverable, an asset.
I feel that the current design area should be a key part of the workflow on any work item, not just type of designs. As a PM I don't schedule designs independently. It's odd to open and close a design issue when it doesn't deliver value to the customer.
- Sep 2022
the thing is about vision, same with the ear, you can only see a few at a time in detail, but you can be aware of 100 things at once. So one of the things we're really bad about is, because of our eyes, you can't get the visual point of view we want. Our eyes have a visual point of view of like 160 degrees. But what I've got here is about 25, and on a cellphone it's pathetic. So this is completely wrong. 100% wrong. Wrong in a really big way. If you look at the first description that Engelbart ever wrote about what he wanted, it was a display that was three feet on its side, built into a desk, because what is it that you design on? If anybody's ever looked at a drafting table, which they may not have for a long time, you need room to design, because there's all this bullshit that you do wrong, right?
!- insight for : user interface design - 3 feet field of view is critical - 160 degrees - VR and AR is able to meet this requirement
- Apr 2022
trix-editor.org trix-editor.org
visual design: paper look
sambleckley.com sambleckley.com
- Sep 2021
- Apr 2021
www.redblobgames.com www.redblobgames.com
- Mar 2021
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
Design SHOGI pieces have been redesigned with new iconography to indicate the piece’s movement.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Version HEAD now
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
This idea is not new, there are reference books which teach the use of grid layout, I haven't seen a single book that doesn't show a grid overlay as part of the process.
a designer / developer / designoper is able to create a grid overlay which would act as design reference.
- Jan 2021
freefrontend.com freefrontend.com
- Nov 2020
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
Generally speaking, one will use smaller or less prominent buttons style for this.
- Sep 2020
c0bra.github.io c0bra.github.io
- Jul 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Resume 5 Tips for Designers
he is using Illustrator, which is a good sign, lmao.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Design Your Resume
www.kickresume.com www.kickresume.com
Kick Resume Examples
jobmob.co.il jobmob.co.il
36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work
When grouping items into close proximity, you typically need to makesome changes, such as in the size or weight or placement of text or graphics.Body copy (the main bulk of reading text) does not have to be 12 point!
Items relating to each other should be grouped close together. Whenseveral items are in close proximity to each other, they become one visualunit rather than several separate units.
On proximity
Every element shouldhave some visual connection with another element on the page. This createsa clean and sophisticated look.
On alignment
Repeat visual elements of the design throughout the piece. You canrepeat colors, shapes, textures, spatial relationships, line thicknesses, fonts,sizes, graphic concepts, etc. This develops the organization and strengthensthe unity.
On repetition
Contrast is often the mostimportant visual attraction on a page—it’s what makes a reader look at thepage in the first place. It also clarifies the communication.
on contrast
ttu.blackboard.com ttu.blackboard.com
ypefaces designed specifically for screen readinglike Verdana, Tahoma, Georgia, or Azuro.
screen reading typefaces
Strategies for readable text
Readable text strats
Examples of beautiful color combinations
color.adobe.com color.adobe.com
Mismatching Fonts
2-3 Fonts MAX.
Another common mistake is to attempt to fit too many words into one line of text. For readability purposes, 50 to 60 characters per line is the ideal length.
ideal length of a line.
- Apr 2020
Vertical navigation needs to scroll and “stick” to the screen so that users don’t lose it. Often vertical navigation works well on a single page design
With wider screens, the scroll is higher and some navigation elements might get “lost.”
One thing is certain when it comes to navigation trends, users and designers seem to be fed up with completely hidden styles and demand options that work in similar formats on desktops and mobile devices. This might be one of the reasons a vertical pattern is trending.
Responsive design almost forced designers to think about alternative navigation patterns to make getting around on small screens easier. And the hamburger menu icon was born.
The common theme is that many hamburger icons open into vertical sliding navigation.
One more word of advice when thinking about vertical navigation: Don’t be tempted to cram it too full of elements just to fill up the depth of a standard-resolution screen. White space is totally acceptable – and even highly recommended – as a design tool in this format.
Non-traditional navigation styles can be a fun way to break up some of the same old design patterns.
See the really creative/fun example image above.
- app design: navigation
- pretty visual design
- app design: navigation: location
- visual design: designing for small screens
- visual design: designing for different screen sizes
- cross-platform
- app design: navigation: side navigation
- mobile app
- avoid duplication
- avoid the need to rewrite for different contexts/platforms
- visual design: white/empty space
- non-traditional
- mobile-first
- navigation: side navigation (vertical navigation)
- creative
- alternative to mainstream way
uxmovement.com uxmovement.com
A top navigation conserves more vertical page space than a left navigation. With a left navigation, the navigation links occupy the left column of your page. This shrinks and narrows the content area of your page, which means you will have less space for your content. A top navigation, however, uses minimal vertical space, which allows you to occupy the content area of your page with content only.
Because users read items from left to right, the priority direction for reading items is stronger horizontally than vertically.
Items in a top navigation do not have equal weight. The leftmost items carry more visual weight than other items because of its placement in the primary optical area (top left). Items in the top left area get more exposure and are often seen as more important than other items.
you will have certain items with higher priority than others. Because the user’s topic of interest is more limited in this context, placing items in a top navigation allows users to find what they want faster and easier.
- Mar 2020
Layouts uses the Bootstrap framework, so everything you build with it is responsive. Sites that you build with Layouts display great on desktops, tablets and phones. The Bootstrap grid will shift and adjust automatically according to the screen size. Layouts gives you additional control over the exact appearance in every width. You can manually select how the grid will appear, to get perfect positioning on every device. You can even completely hide parts of the page if you don’t want them to appear on narrow screens.
Good illustration
- Dec 2019
plaintext-productivity.net plaintext-productivity.net
I have concluded that all these systems are cumbersome and onerous in some ways, more concerned with design than functionality, and more concerned with ease-of-use than speed and efficiency.
- Nov 2019
devhints.io devhints.io
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Science sorely needs best practices in visual communication as well as in information design, a mature field with quantitative methods.
Visual communication has scientifically proven grounds; it is not just some obscur magic from an artistic genius
- Oct 2019
- Aug 2019
material-components.github.io material-components.github.io