- Nov 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Oct 2024
patents.google.com patents.google.com
- May 2024
theinformed.life theinformed.life
39:00 Vanevar Bush misses out on a whole swath of history regarding commonplace books and indexing. In As We May Think he presents these older methods to the computer. "Why not imitate?" Aldrich says, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel (or thinking you are doing so).
les premières phrases de l'ordonnance du 2 février 00:42:57 1945 raisonne aujourd'hui comme la mémoire d'un âge presque révolu où le souci de protéger les mineurs prévalait sur la nécessité de punir les délinquants je cite il est peu de 00:43:12 problèmes aussi grave que ceux qui concne la protection de l'enfance et parmi eux ceux qui ont trait au sort de l'enfance traduite en justice peut-ons lire dans ce document historique la France n'est pas assez riche d'enfants 00:43:25 pour qu'elle ait le droit de négliger tout ce qui peut en faire des êtres sains le gouvernement provisoire de la République affirme que tous les mineurs de moins de 18 ans doivent être référés 00:43:39 à des juridictions pour enfants que l'irresponsabilité pénale dont il bénéficie ne saurait avoir de dérogation qu'exceptionnelle que la notion de discernement servante à justifier les poursuites n'a plus cours et que seul 00:43:53 doivent être mis en œuvre à leur égard des mesures de prot d'assistance de surveillance d'éducation et de réforme plus que l'acte lui-même c'est 00:44:05 l'histoire dans laquelle il s'inscrit qu'il faut comprendre dit-on alors ce qu'une enquête sociale c'est le terme permettra de reconstituer de surcroix afin de ne pas compromettre les chances 00:44:19 de ce qu'on appelle un relèvement ultérieur l'inscription au casier casier des mineurs qui n'est transmise à aucune autre institution que judiciaire sera effacé sur simple 00:44:31 requête si donc la bienveillance doublée d'une volonté de réhabiliter le délinquant et de prévenir les récidives prévaut
si donc la bienveillance doublée d'une volonté de réhabiliter le délinquant et de prévenir les récidives prévaut le texte n'écarte pas les sanctions pénales y compris d'emprisonnement long avec toutefois un 00:44:44 quantum réduit de moitié par rapport aux adultes sauf si l'excuse atténuante de minorité est écarté on est donc loin d'une justice laxiste 00:44:57 au cours des décennies suivantes une série de mesures complémentaires prolonge l'esprit de l'ordonnance 1945 ce sont notamment la création de l'assistance éducative et des peines en milieu ouvert la suppression de la 00:45:10 détention provisoire avant 16 ans et du placement en maison d'arrêt avant 18 ans l'obligation de la présence d'un avocat à toutes les étapes de la procédure pénale pour les mineurs délinquants
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
In November 1945, three months after the atomic bombings,Oppenheimer stood firmly behind the scientific attitude, saying, “It isnot possible to be a scientist unless you believe that the knowledge ofthe world, and the power which this gives, is a thing which is of in-trinsic value to humanity, and that you are using it to help in the spreadof knowledge and are willing to take the consequences.”
- Jul 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
```js // Log the full user-agent data navigator .userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues( ["architecture", "model", "bitness", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList"]) .then(ua => { console.log(ua) });
// output { "architecture":"x86", "bitness":"64", "brands":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"99" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98" } ], "fullVersionList":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98.0.4738.0" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98.0.4738.0" } ], "mobile":false, "model":"", "platformVersion":"12.0.1" } ```
- mobile
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
- wikipedia:en=HTTP_Client_Hints
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform-version
- <meta http-equiv="accept-ch"/>
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-bitness
- http:header=accept-ch
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:1945
- js
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-arch
- http:header=user-agent
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-model
- http:header=sec-ch-ua
- http
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:8942
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-mobile
- conneg
- Mar 2023
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Memindex Wilson Wood Box 1945-47 Diary file Planner Vintage Secretary
Great photos including one of some of the individual cards.
(Photo archived into note taking folder as well.)
- Jun 2017
escapeplanltd.com escapeplanltd.com
P.O.W camp,
We should keep a record of where and when they are set. Date, Country and specific locaiton - this one looks like its a POW camp.
- Apr 2016
lib.rus.ec lib.rus.ec
Глава 1. Разведывательная служба
- Jan 2016
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Here's some audio of the voder:
- Sep 2015
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
There will always be plenty of things to compute in the detailed affairs of millions of people doing complicated things.
Who will perform those computations? Those in power presumably?
but who would now place bounds on where such a thing may lead?
Who would, or who should? Who gets to decide how we reshape humanity? The masters of war?
The lawyer has at his touch the associated opinions and decisions of his whole experience, and of the experience of friends and authorities.
So it's not just limited to the individual, but you can see other people's trails. It is social. This seems like a key insight as well.
It consists of a desk, and while it can presumably be operated from a distance, it is primarily the piece of furniture at which he works. On the top are slanting translucent screens, on which material can be projected for convenient reading. There is a keyboard, and sets of buttons and levers. Otherwise it looks like an ordinary desk.
Not a bad user story, all things considered.
Whenever logical processes of thought are employed—that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove—there is an opportunity for the machine.
The use of logic here is also interesting. Is knowledge actually grounded in logic? Didn't Wittgenstein free us of this delusion?
But creative thought and essentially repetitive thought are very different things.
This distinction seems particularly significant.
A girl strokes its keys languidly
Dude, stop it already!
Ouch. C'mon Vannevar!
will the author of the future cease writing by hand or typewriter and talk directly to the record?
Some people do this now, but they seem to be a minority.
Today, with microfilm, reductions by a linear factor of 20 can be employed and still produce full clarity when the material is re-enlarged for examination.
Is it even possible to think what this factor is for today's digital storage technologies?
Often it would be advantageous to be able to snap the camera and to look at the picture immediately.
It would be, and is!
A record if it is to be useful to science, must be continuously extended, it must be stored, and above all it must be consulted.
Valuable ideas often appear before they are viable. But they must be discoverable when the environment changes in ways that make the idea more tractable.
publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record
This makes me wonder if that's where we still are. Connecting documents/information with people when they need it is still a huge challenge. Although being able to go to Google to ask a question on your phone is a huge advantage for those who have questions that are amenable and the device to ask it.
But there is increased evidence that we are being bogged down today as specialization extends.
The now familiar information overload.
strange destructive gadgets
the atomic bomb, among others.