112 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Mar 2023
    1. 312 Oak Midget Tray WWeesCoverEquipped same as]No.324,price.55CTohold cards14x3.No.423.Equippedasabove,tohold65Ccards 24x4, priceNo. 533. Standard size.to hold card 3x5, equip-ped as above,price..........No. 7- Nickel ....PrepaidinU. S.onreceiptofpriceNo. 324OakMidgetTraytheCoverWeis75cNo. 644. To hold cards4x6,equipped$1.10(StyleNos.312,423.533and644)asabove......(Style No. 324,213.335and446.)Send for catalog showing many other time-saving office devices. Our goods are soldyour dealer does not carry our line we can supply you direct from the factory.To hold cards 24x4. lengthof tray2%in..equippedwithAtoZindexand100record cards 45cNo. 213. To hold cards 14x3in,, lenght of tray 24in..equipped asabove40cNo.335.Standardsize,tohold3x5 cards.equipped asabove50c80cNo. 446. To hold 4x6 cards,equipped asabove.Any of these trays sent pre-paid in U. S. on receipt ofpriceby stationers everywhere. IfNo. 6 Union St.The WeisManufacturing Co.,Monroe,Mich.,U. S.A.Please mention SYSTEM when writing to advertisers

      Notice the 1 1/4" x 3" cards, 2 1/4 x 4" cards in addition to the 3 x 5" and 4 x 6".

    1. wretch


    2. emulating

      to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have

    3. brooded


    4. haughty


    5. But now the queen, who fear’d for Turnus’ life

      This is Turnus ignores the advice of the queen, and insist on going fighting with Aeneas , so the queen is worried about he

    6. But now the queen, who fear’d for Turnus’ life

      Why the queen feared turnus' life? And why is the advice the queen gives to he?

    7. The golden belt

      Turnus wears Pallas's belt as his trophy

    8. loquacious

      : full of excessive talk

    9. squadrons

      : a unit of military organization

    10. presage

      : something that foreshadows or portends a future event

    11. lance

      :a steel-tipped spear carried by mounted knights or light cavalry

    12. infringe

      to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another

    13. Undaunted

      courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty

    14. panacee

      a remedy for all ills or difficulties

    15. ‘T is Pallas, Pallas gives this deadly blow.”

      When Aeneas saw the golden belt, he recalled Pallas. This made him out of his mind and take revenge for Pallas by killing Turnus.

    16. adjure

      to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse

    17. Laurentum

      The original Italy’s capital

    18. nostrils

      either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breath

    19. swains

      a young man who loves, or is having a relationship with, a woman

    20. persecute

      Treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period

    21. banish’d

      send someone away ,especially from their country, and not allow them to come back

    22. vaunting

      to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : BRAG 自誇

    23. obviate

      排除 to anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary

    24. hawk

      鷹 any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group

    25. balmy

      Mild and pleasant

  3. Sep 2022
    1. Posted byu/jackbaty4 hours agoCard sizes .t3_xib133._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } I've been on-again/off-again with paper for PKM, but one thing remains consistent each time: I don't enjoy using 4x6 index cards. I much prefer 3x5-inch cards. I realize that it's irrational, but there it is.My question is if I dive into building an antinet, will I regret using 3x5 cards? I already have hundreds of them. I have dividers, holders, and storage boxes for them. I just prefer how they _feel_, as weird as that sounds.I'd like to hear if people are using 3x5 cards successfully or if you've come to regret it.

      While it may be slightly more difficult to find larger metal/wood cases for the 4x6 or 5x8 cards, it's a minor nuisance and anyone who wants them will eventually find the right thing for them. Beyond this, choose the card size that feels right to you.

      If you don't have an idea of what you need or like, try things out for 10-20 cards and see how it works for you, your handwriting size, and general needs. People have been using 3x5, 4x6, and even larger for hundreds of years without complaining about any major issues. If Carl Linnaeus managed to be okay with 3x5, which he hand cut by the way, I suspect you'll manage too.

      Of course I won't mention to the Americans the cleverness of the A6, A5, A4 paper standards which allows you to fold the larger sizes in half to get the exact next smaller size down. Then you might get the benefit of the smaller size as well as the larger which could be folded into your collection of smaller cards, you just have to watch out for accidentally wrapping ("taco-ing") a smaller card inside of a larger one and losing it. I suppose you could hand cut your own 5" x 6" larger cards to do this if you found that you occasionally needed them.

      For the pocketbook conscious, 3x5 does have the benefit of lower cost as well as many more options and flexibility than larger sizes.

      At least commercial card sizes are now largely standardized, so you don't have deal with changing sizes the way Roland Barthes did over his lifetime.

      My personal experience and a long history of so many manuals on the topic saying "cards of the same size" indicates that you assuredly won't have fun mixing different sized slips together. I personally use 3x5" cards in a waste book sense, but my main/permanent collection is in 4x6" format. Sometimes I think I should have done 3 x 5, but it's more like jealousy than regret, particularly when it comes to the potential of a restored fine furniture card catalog. But then again...

  4. Aug 2022
    1. Forcertainlyagreatervarietyofcards,clippings,andsuchlikecan befiledbehind 4x6slipsthan behind3x5's.

      A benefit of 4 x 6" cards is that clippings and other items can often be more easily filed along with them as opposed to the smaller 3 x 5" cards.

    2. shall I adopt the 3x5 slip or the 4x61

      Dow indicates in 1924 that 3 x 5" and 4 x 6" are both commonly had in a range of materials the US as well as boxes or cases to keep them in. He does mention that one can also cut their own paper, indicating that this is a possibility.

  5. Nov 2021
    1. El factor tiempo de trabajo está también muy relacionado con la variabilidad de la presión de inyección, ya que a medida que incrementa el tiempo de operación de un motor, se incrementa el desgaste de las piezas, siendo agravado el sistema de alimentación por la variación de la calidad del combustible

      También depende del factor de cuanto uso se le ha dado a ese motor, no solo por el incremento de desgaste significa que va a bajar su calidad.

  6. Feb 2021
  7. Oct 2020
  8. Jul 2019
  9. Jun 2019
  10. May 2019
    1. For analysis of viral DNA by dot blot, I X I o5 cells were seeded in each we11 of the 9~ well plate and infected in duplicate with 50 J.Ll of the plaque pick for I h, followed b: addition of 50 J.Ll of CM to each well. Infected cells were incubated for 5 days, afte which the culture supernatant was saved and ce11s were processed for dot blot analysi~ Ce11s were lysed with 200 J.LI of 0.5 M NaOH. The alkali was neutralized by addition o 50 J.LI of 4 M ammonium acetate. The nylon membrane was wetted in warm water an( washed in dot blot solution (1 M ammonium acetate, 0.02 N NaOH) and the cell lysatt was blotted on to the membrane using a dot blot apparatus (Bio-Rad), dried, UV eros: linked and processed for prehybridization and hybridization. For the isolation of total genomic DNA, cells infected in a 35 mm culture dish wen harvested 72 h post infection (pi) and treated with 400 J.LI of DNA extraction buffer(]( mM Tris HCI, pH 8, 0.6% SDS, 10 mM EDTA)·and 50 J.Ll of 20 mg/ml proteinase K a 37°C for 12-I6 h. The DNA was extracted twice with phenol:chloroform:isoamy alcohol (25:24: 1) and once with chloroform. For each extraction, the suspension wa! mixed by inverting the eppendorf and separated by centrifugation at 2,000 rpm for 3 mir in a microfuge. DNA was precipitated with I ml of 95% ethanol at -20°C for 4 h anc pelleted at 4,500 rpm for 20 min. The pellet was washed with 70% ethanol, dried anc resuspended in 50 J.LI of TE. DNA was digested with Hind III, resolved on a 0.8% agarose gel and processed for Southern blotting. Positive clones were amplified b) infecting cells at a multiplicity of infection (MOl) of ~1 for 10 days and the amplifiec virus. was titrated using a plaque assay. Sf9 cells were infected at -I 0 MOl fo1 expression of the r-proteins.
    2. Screening of the Recombinant Viruses
    1. Meancorpuscularhaemoglobinconcentration(MCHC)istheaverageHbconcentrationperunitvolume(100)ofpackedredcells(W/V).Henceitisexpresseding/1whichisthesameaspercent(%).ItiscalculatedbythefollowingformulaHbMCHC=—......x100(g/dl)PCV
    2. MCHC
    1. DTT. Then contents were then mixed and 1μl (200 units) of M-MLV was added. The mixture was then incubated at 37°C for 50 minutes. The reaction was stopped by incubating the mixture at 70°C for 15 minutes. The cDNA thus prepared was then used as a template for PCR. The expression of the investigated genes was determined by normalizing their expression against the expression of actin or GAPDH gene
    2. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR
    3. μg of total RNA was reverse-transcribed using poly-T oligonucleotide and M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, a 20μl reaction volume was made for 1μg of RNA. In a microcentrifuge tube, 1μl oligo (dT)(500μg/ml) , 1μg total RNA, 1μl 10mM dNTP mix and sterile water was added to afinal volume of 13μl. The mixture was then incubated at 65°C for 5 minutes ad quickly chilled on ice. To this mixture were added 4μl of 5X first strand buffer and 2μl of 0.1M


    1. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS)levels in yeast cells weredetermined usingfluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA; Sigma# D6883). Cellular esterasesremove the diacetate groups ofthe DCFH-DAand produceDCFHwhich getsreadily oxidized to highly fluorescent product 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein (DCF) by intracellular ROS. The fluorescent intensity of DCF corresponds to the amount ofintracellular ROSpresent in the cell.Cells grown under different environmental conditions were harvested,washed once with tissue-culture grade phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and resuspendedin PBS to the final cell density of 1 OD. Freshly-prepared DCFH-DA (0.01M stock in DMSO) was added to the cell suspension toafinal concentration of 100 μM. Cell suspension was mixed and incubated at 30 ̊C for 30 min. After incubation,cells were washed 2-3 times with 1 ml PBS and then resuspendedin 200 μlPBS. Fluorescence intensity values wererecorded usingspectrofluorophotometer (Varioskan flash-3001, Thermo Scientific) with excitation and emission at 488and 530 nm,respectively.Fluorescenceintensityvalues obtained from probe-loaded cells were subtracted from the fluorescence intensity values obtainedfrom cells-alone samplesto remove background fluorescence
    2. Determination of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS)levels
    1. Stripping of membranes in buffer containing 0.4 M NaCl yielded slightly better results. Hybond membranes were reused for 5-10 times after stripping
    2. Radiolabeled-bound probes were stripped from the membrane by boiling in 1% SDS containing 0.1X SSC for 15 min. Alternatively, membraneswereincubatedtwicein stripping solution (0.4 M NaOH)at 45°C for 30 minto remove the bound probes
    3. Stripping of probes from hybridized membranes
    4. SDS-loading buffer was prepared as a 4X stock solutionin H2Oand used at a 1X concentration.SDS-PAGE running buffer0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSRunning buffer was preparedas a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration before use.Buffers for Western blotanalysisTransfer buffer (10X stock solution)0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSTransfer buffer was prepared as a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration.1X Transfer buffer (1 litre)200 ml of methanol100 ml of 10X transfer buffer700 ml of waterTris-BufferSaline (TBS)25 mM Tris150 mM NaClpH was adjusted to 7.4 with HCl.TBS buffer was prepared asa10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration.Blocking and wash buffers (PBS-T and TBS-T)5% Fat-free milk0.1% Tween-20Volume was made to 100 ml with 1X TBS
    5. 1 mM sodium orthovanadate1 X protease inhibitor cocktail SDS-PAGE30% Acrylamide solution29 g Acrylamide1 gBis-acrylamideDissolved in 100 ml H2O.10% Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)10 g SDS in 100 ml H2OResolving gel mix (12%) (20 ml)6.6 ml H2O8 ml 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix5 ml 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8)200 μl 10% SDS200 μl 10% Ammonium persulfate(APS)8 μl N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine(TEMED)Stacking gel mix (5%, 6 ml)4.1 ml H2O1 ml 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix750 μl 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8)60 μl 10% SDS60 μl 10% APS6 μl TEMEDSDS loading buffer130 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)20% (v/v) Glycerol4.6% (w/v) SDS0.02% Bromophenol Blue2% DTT
    6. Whole cell lysis buffer (Homogenizing buffer)50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)2 mM EDTA10 mM sodium fluoride
    7. Buffers for protein extraction and analysis by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
    1. competent cells pre-inoculum was prepared. A single bacterial colony was picked from LB agar plate that has been incubated for 16-20 hours at 37 °C and inoculated into 3 mlLB medium and incubated overnight at 37 °C temperature with 200 rpm shaking. 1% of this pre-inoculum was sub cultured in 100 ml LB-broth and incubated at 18 °C until OD 600 reached 0.5 -0.6 (approx.). Culture was kept on ice for 10 min. with constant shaking. Cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 2000xg/4°C/8 min. Pellet was resuspended in 40 ml of ice-cold Innoue buffer. Bacterial suspension was kept on ice for 30 min, re-spun at 2000 xg/4°C/8 min. Pellet was resuspended in 8 ml of TB buffer inwhich final concentration of DMSO was 7% and left on ice for 10 min. 100μl aliquots were made and snap frozenin liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C
    2. All the salts (10 mM PIPES, 15 mM CaCl2.2H2O, 250 mM KCl,55 mM MnCl2. 2H2O) except MnCl2were dissolved in water and pH was adjusted to 6.7 with 1N KOH. MnCl2was dissolved separately in water. MnCl2was added drop wise while stirring (MnCl2if added directly will give a brown colour to the solution and precipitates;hence it needs to be dissolved separately). Solution was then sterilized by filteringand stored. To prepare
    3. PreparationofUltra competent cells
    4. EMSA Buffer
    5. TBST
    1. 20 mM HEPES500 mM NaCl 2 mM EDTA1% Triton-XYeast protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (added fresh to the buffer C)IP7 reaction buffer(10X)250 mM HEPES,pH 7.4500 mM NaCl60 mM MgCl210 mM DTT (1 M stock was made separately, aliquoted into 100 μL and stored at -20oC).10X buffer was made and stored at 4oC. An appropriate amount was added to the reaction mix to get a final concentration of 1X.DTT was added fresh to the reaction buffer just before use
    2. Buffer C
    3. 50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC37% sucrose solution
    4. 100mM NaCl30mM MgCl250μg/mLcycloheximide 200μg/mL heparin All the components were made in DEPC treated water.Gradient buffer10% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC10% sucrose solutionTo analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.30% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC30% sucrose To analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.50% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC50% sucrose To analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.37% sucrose gradient buffer
    5. Lysis buffer10mM Tris, pH7.4
    6. Buffers for ribosome and polysome analysis
    1. In planta growth assay for different strains of Xanthomonas oryzaepv. oryzicolawas performed by counting CFUs. For getting the CFUs, 1 cm2 leaf area surrounding the site of inoculation was cut and surface sterilized by dipping the leaf in 1% (vol/vol) sodium hypochlorite for 2 min followed by three washes with sterile water. To get the CFUs, sterilized leaves were crushed using mortar and pestle, and diluted appropriately for plating on PSA plate containing suitable antibiotics for differentially marked strains
    2. In plantabacterial growth assay
    1. Bacterial plasmid DNA was isolatedusing the QIAprep® spin Miniprep kit (QIAGEN, 27106). 10 ml of LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibioticswas inoculated withasingle bacterial colony and incubated at 37°C for 12-16 h. Cultures were spun down at 8,000 rpm for 5 min, supernatant was discarded and the cell pellet was processed to isolate plasmid DNA as per instructions given in the kit. DNA was eluted either in nuclease-free water or in elution buffer provided in the kit and stored at -20°C until use
    2. Plasmid isolation
    3. Bacterial plasmid DNA was isolatedusing the QIAprep® spin Miniprep kit (QIAGEN, 27106). 10 ml of LB medium supplemented with appropriate antibioticswas inoculated withasingle bacterial colony and incubated at 37°C for 12-16 h. Cultures were spun down at 8,000 rpm for 5 min, supernatant was discarded and the cell pellet was processed to isolate plasmid DNA as per instructions given in the kit. DNA was eluted either in nuclease-free water or in elution buffer provided in the kit and stored at -20°C until use
    4. Plasmid isolation
    5. 2% DTTThe stock solution of SDS loading buffer was made asa4 X concentrateand was added to the protein sample to the final concentration of 1 X.SDS-PAGE running buffer0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSThe stock solution was prepared as a 10 X concentrate and was diluted to 1 X concentration prior to use.Resolving gel mix (12%, 10 ml)3.3 ml H2O4 ml 30% Acrylamide:N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide (29:1) mix2.5 ml 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8)100 μl 10% SDS100 μl 10% Ammonium persulfate (APS)4 μl N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)Stacking gel mix (5%, 3 ml)2.1 ml H2O0.5 ml 30% Acrylamide:N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide (29:1) mix380 μl 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8)30 μl 10% SDS30 μl 10% APS3 μl TEMED
    6. 2% DTTThe stock solution of SDS loading buffer was made asa4 X concentrateand was added to the protein sample to the final concentration of 1 X.SDS-PAGE running buffer0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSThe stock solution was prepared as a 10 X concentrate and was diluted to 1 X concentration prior to use.Resolving gel mix (12%, 10 ml)3.3 ml H2O4 ml 30% Acrylamide:N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide (29:1) mix2.5 ml 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8)100 μl 10% SDS100 μl 10% Ammonium persulfate (APS)4 μl N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)Stacking gel mix (5%, 3 ml)2.1 ml H2O0.5 ml 30% Acrylamide:N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide (29:1) mix380 μl 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8)30 μl 10% SDS30 μl 10% APS3 μl TEMED
    7. Total cell lysis buffer (Homogenization buffer)50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)2 mM EDTA10 mM Sodium fluoride*1 mM Sodium orthovanadate*1 X protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma, P 8215)** Were added fresh before use.SDS-PAGE30% acrylamide solution29 g Acrylamide1 g N,N’-MethylenebisacrylamideDissolved in 100 ml H2O10% Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)10 g SDS in 100 ml H2OSDS loading buffer130 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)20% (v/v) Glycerol4.6% (w/v) SDS0.02% Bromophenol blue
    8. Buffers for protein extraction and separation by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
    1. Oligonucleotides and PCR products were end-labelled using phage T4-polynucleotidekinase (PNK, New England Biolabs or Fermentas or Sigma) with 32P-γ-ATP. The radiolabelling reaction mixture (20μl) contained 1X of buffer provided by the company, 10 units of T4-PNK and 40μCi of 32P-γ-ATP. The reaction mix was incubated for 1 hrat 37ºC and the reaction was heat-inactivated at 65oC for 20 minutes. The labelled oligonucleotides and DNA fragments were purifiedby the Qiagen nucleotide removal kit. Labelling efficiency was checkedeither by using Geiger-Muller (GM) counter orusing liquid scintillation counter.For scintillation counting, 1μl of radioactive sample wasadded to the 5ml scintillation cocktail, and radioactivity count was determined in the 32P channel of scintillation counter (Perkin Elmer, Liquid Scintillation analyzer, Tri-Carb 2910 TR, USA). Liquid scintillation cocktail consists of 5g PPO (2,5-diphenyloxazol) and 0.3g POPOP (1,4-bis (5 phenyl 1,2-oxazole) Benzene, adjusted to a volume of 1L in toluene
    2. Radiolabelling of oligonucleotides
  11. Jan 2019
    1. Wherefore, after I have abridged the record of my father, then will I make an account of mine own life.

      The passing of info/energy/knowledge from one gene-ration to the next is often visualized and spoken of in terms of a light bridge or rainbow bridge. The process being described here as an abridgment should also be understood to signify the building and maintenance of this type of metaphysical technology for the transposing of whole bodies of information via spiritual connection between The Fathers and The Children.

      See 3 Nephi 26:6

  12. Sep 2018
    1. Stadtinfo Köln (City Info Cologne) is a research project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Research that centres around the collection of various traffic data to be distributed to diverse platforms including the Internet, portable devices such as PDAs and mobile telephones, in-car navigation systems and variable message signs throughout the city. The project was implemented over a four-year period from 1998 to October 2002 by 15 partners in co-operation with the city of Cologne at a cost of €16.1 million.

      Traffic Information

    1. Neusser Straße in the district of Nippes shows what a future SmartCity could look like, because a section of the street becomes Cologne's climatic road. There, the most important energy projects are implemented. All facets of climate protection are taken into account: from optimal building insulation and maximum heat efficiency to charging stations for electric vehicles and low-energy street lighting. Klimastraße offers innovative companies the opportunity to test their new products and services in everyday life. If possible, companies finance their projects themselves, promising projects are funded from the project budget of RheinEnergie AG. Companies also gain additional value by exchanging valuable information and innovative ideas with other companies, including at climate road events. For all the enthusiasm for innovation, of course, only technology is used that meets the very strict German safety requirements. In addition, RheinEnergie and the City of Cologne make sure that the high Cologne supply standards are adhered to. For all new projects, safety comes first - technically as well as logistically. That is why not everything changes in the climate route - but certainly much better. The following section deals in more detail with the individual projects.

      Climate Road Cologne

    1. In the framework of the project "Celsius" we investigate which method leads to the best possible results in order to increase the chances of realization. For this purpose, demonstration plants were built at three different locations in the city. In Cologne-Wahn and Cologne-Mülheim, the heat is extracted directly from the sewer using so-called gutter heat exchangers. The heat exchangers with a length of 60 and 120 meters are installed at the bottom of the canal. The heat transfer medium transports the heat from there to the heat pumps with a capacity of 150 or 200 kW in the boiler rooms of the schools supplied. In Cologne-Nippes, a total of three schools and a sports hall are supplied by sewage heat. Here, the wastewater is pumped through a newly laid, 400-meter-long bypass to the boiler room of the Edith Stein-.Realschule. There, in the largest direct evaporator in Germany (400 kW), heat is transferred directly to the heating circuit of the schools. With the three demonstration plants, an environmental relief of a total of 500 t CO2 / year is achieved. The use of wastewater heat is technically mature and well developed. Nevertheless, this form of waste heat utilization has so far been a niche existence. This is partly because it is still little known, often the necessary information is not available locally, their implementation is relatively complex and requires high investment. Further reducing these barriers is the goal of the Cologne CELSIUS project.  

      CELCIUS - Use of waste water to generate energy

  13. Aug 2018
    1. The Green-Space Information System (GRIS) is an EDP procedure of the borough departments of green spaces and the Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Commission III C, Open-Space Planning and Urban Green Spaces.

      Green Space Information System - Berlin

  14. Mar 2018
    1. Points of interest:

      • Uses regular expressions -- fancy pattern matching -- to scan the text of annotations

      • This one just looks for ?, the idea being a teacher is looking for students asking questions

      • Could also look for dates, currency, links, images, videos, lots of things

    1. Points of interest

      • A highlight is an annotation with no text or tags.

      • This query has to perform some gymnastics to find the set of annotations that meet those two conditions

      • Gymnastics also required for the percentages

      • This pattern work for other things like: annotations vs pagenotes, public vs private, etc.

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses distinct to get the set of unique users from all users who annotated a given doc
    1. Aspects of interest

      • Looks at the registered_date for users

      • Filters by domain wildcards

      • Then extrapolates to all signups, according to a 56/44 ratio established elsewhere

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Joins annotations table and document_uri table

      • Looks for doi-related metadata

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Finds distinct urls annotated by any CF annotator

      • Finds the average of the dates on the annotation for each url, so those sets of annotations can be arranged on a timeline

    1. Aspects of interest

      • Accesses the user_group table

      • Quotes the "group" field to distinguish it from the group keyword

      • Applies the lower string function to make matching more robust

      • Joins the user_group and group tables in order to show user counts per group

    1. Aspects of interest

      • Shows how to count different things in the same query

      • Shows how to use distinct to deduplicate

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses form-based variables to parameterize the query. (

      • Formats results as a bar chart

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Truncate date to day

      • Filter on a specified recent span of days

      • Use a complex expression to match a specified set of users

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses WITH ("WITH provides a way to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query. These statements can be thought of as defining temporary tables that exist just for one query")

      • Uses wildcard to match tlds: .edu, .ac.uk

      • Uses regular expression to match subdomains of email addresses (e.g. cornell. nyu)

      • uses array indexing to slice the regexp match

      • use || operator to join strings


  15. Nov 2017