997 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. By a process of data aggregating, the algorithm gathers killings that are related by method, place, and time, and by the victim’s sex. It also considers whether the rate of unsolved murders in a city is notable, since an uncaught serial killer upends a police department’s percentages.

      data aggregating can show killers MOs and link them to certain murders. this could also show how serial killers are alike.

    2. 751,785 murders carried out since 1976, which is roughly twenty-seven thousand more than appear in F.B.I. files.

      why were aren't the 27,000 in the F.B.I files? why is there this discrepancy?

    1. In fact, many female patients request women practitioners, particularly with breast imaging.

      lucrative for women since a lot of radiologists study breast cancer and many female patients want female doctors

    2. t’s also imperative to introduce students to radiology much earlier during their medical school career. A growing number of medical schools are now incorporating radiology into the basic science curriculum of the first two years of training rather than introducing it only as an elective during the fourth year, Oates said.

      introducing them to the subject earlier so they have more time to look into the specific specialty

    1. The fishing industry has destroyed undersea ecosystems during trawling operations and endangered some species by overfishing. Significant amounts of Amazon rainforest have been cut down to provide grazing land for cattle. The carbon produced from burning trees, the nitrous oxide in manure, and the high levels of methane produced during a cow’s digestive process are believed to contribute significantly to global warming; the United Nations reports that livestock farming is one of the top three contributors to environmental pollution and degradation. Vegetarianism is one way to reduce an individual’s carbon footprint:

      ethical reasons!! Talk about the carbon footprint

    2. Apart from the issue of health benefits and risks, many take up vegetarianism as an ethical choice. For them, vegetarianism is a way to take a stand on issues such as the morality of killing animals for food and the cruel treatment of animals on factory farms. Organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) advocate vegetarianism by publicizing such treatment.

      One of the main reasons people chose a vegan diet. They want to help their animal counterparts but don't realize the impact they are having on the planet as a result.

    1. you only need to be 14 with a knack for reselling and have wads of cash tucked inside a shoebox to build a treasure trove of fire wares

      Important part to the Hype beast culture.

    2. gram game,

      Instagram game/Instagram prowess. Also known as "Flexing"

    3. Instagram is a main motivator

      Very key point

    1. Males with the best genes (e.g. biggest tusks, darkest manes etc.) father a high proportion offspring, meaning their traits can spread rapidly. Consequently, the population can adapt quickly to new environments (like the ones we're creating for them). Trophy hunting targets these high quality males, leaving the population very vulnerable to change.

      This again has to do with the sustainability of a population. If the individuals with the most desirable genetics are killed, the population cannot adapt as it needs to. This can lead to a population reduction by proxy.

    2. Restrictions on the age of animals killed aren't always followed, meaning animals are killed too young and don't get a chance to reproduce.

      Age is an important factor as the population needs to be sustained.

    3. The money generated from trophy hunts doesn't always go back to the right people, i.e. the community suffering as a result of living alongside these animals, or the conservationists and rangers trying to protect the people and wildlife.

      Seeing as killing an endangered animal for the fun of it isn't exactly moral, it is unlikely that the trophy hunters will be moral in their means.

    4. Ethically speaking, shooting an animal and taking it's head as a 'trophy' doesn't sit well with the majority of people.​

      Pathos is used here.

    5. Trophy hunting has a smaller footprint than ecotourism; fewer people provide a higher revenue, meaning less flights, and hunters require less infrastructure, meaning habitat degradation is minimal. Additionally, hunters don't mind hunting in less attractive areas meaning more areas can facilitate hunting.

      I don't think this is an effective argument because it's supporting an evil by comparing it to another evil. Two wrongs don't make a right and trophy hunting doesn't reduce ecotourism.

    6. Trophy hunting can benefit local people (via employment, money, and meat) and wildlife if done correctly.

      Solid, but most individuals who trophy hunt don't do it "correctly".

    7. People managing hunting build and maintain waterholes and try to maximise wildlife populations to make it sustainable, whereas in ecotourism there's less need for large populations as a few individuals of a species are enough to make people happy and maximise profits.

      True but to what end? Does it not then further promote trophy hunting and ecotourism? This is in part a good argument as it shows that some trophy hunting can be somewhat helpful as to maximizing populations, although for the sole purpose of killing the animals in the population. Ironic, if anything.

    1. Private health care allows for decisions to be made between a patient and a doctor with much less interference than if the government managed the system.
    2. Such problems are just a few of the drawbacks of a government-managed health care system. Consumer-driven care, or the ability to choose health care providers and procedures that meet individual needs, is crucial to a successful program.
    3. Health Care America documents the pitfalls of the Canadian healthcare system. On average, Canadians wait nearly eighteen weeks to receive treatment by a specialist after the initial referral, more than eight weeks for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), four weeks for computed tomography (CT) scans or ultrasounds, and four or more months for surgeries that are considered unessential, such as hip replacements. Procedures that are standard in the United States, including bypass surgery and transplants, are provided only after patients deal with numerous agencies and fill out copious amounts of paperwork. Sometimes the approval arrives too late.
    4. Canadian single-payer health care system,

      "Single-payer healthcare systems pay for all covered healthcare-related services by a single government or government-related source. "

    5. determined that 89 percent of Americans are satisfied with their health insurance coverage, and of these, over half are very or extremely satisfied. For the majority of Americans, a transformation to a government-managed health care system would be disastrous.


    6. In 2006, $516 billion in tax funds helped pay for medical expenses for 40 million retirees and disabled citizens
    7. When it comes to health care, clearly the United States must be doing something right.

      is it health care or modern technology..?

    8. US citizens to choose the physicians and treatment plans that meet individual needs rather than a generic government-funded program.

      how does obamacare allow "individuality" in healthcare plans

    9. the country is a leader in the delivery of quality health care

      what about quality of life

    10. Increased competitiveness within the health care industry and the implementation of government-mandated strategic changes will help Americans save money and preserve their well-being.
    1. ; in the case of fetal deformities; when the pregnancy is a consequence of a rape or incest; or when the pregnant woman is a girl or a teenager

      how will different religions in the region react to this? "at any stage in the pregnancy"

    2. easing restrictions for when the mother is in extreme poverty or doesn't have sufficient resources to support a child; when she already has three or more children; or if she is still studying

      Latin American countries today are making big steps in loosening their grip on reproductive rights

    1. parents discourage their children from playing outdoors because of safety concerns, whether crime or increased traffic

      Certain kids can't play outside because parents won't let them.

    2. While it is important to keep physically fit and maintain an appreciation for nature, it is equally important to recognize the role technology plays in modern society and to encourage young people to develop their interests and skills in these areas.

      Needs to be a balance between technology and outdoor recreation

    1. Just as personality shapes an individual, so it does society. Regions high in extroversion have more people in occupations like sales and nursing where social interaction is essential. Their residents are also more socially involved. Conscientiousness goes along with healthy behaviors, and tends to breed more computer scientists, who prefer "systematic and focused tasks and clearly defined rules," says Rentfrow. But there are more artists and entertainers in low-conscientiousness and high-openness places—as well as high patent production.

      People can be shaped by their environment, or they can move to places that support their own beliefs.

    2. personality predicts such important outcomes as health, job performance and academic success— things that we pretend are matters of conscious control or public policy

      It would be interesting to see what personalities are the most successful and if this is determined by where someone lives, or just the traits they have.

    3. About 20 years ago scientists established that combinations of five basic dimensions—extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to new ideas and experiences—account for all personalities.

      Would this test be more accurate if more dimensions of personality were measured?

    4. The Swiss rate themselves as highly conscientious; Indians and Canadians see themselves as agreeable

      It would be interesting to see how people rate their own culture and personality traits versus how other people rate these same qualities.

    1. Land pollution is the deterioration (destruction) of the earth’s land surfaces, often directly or indirectly as a result of man’s activities and their misuse of land resources.

      Land pollution definition

    1. But President Trump quickly took up a cudgel, tweeting early the next morning that the suspect had entered on "the 'Diversity Visa Lottery Program,' a Chuck Schumer beauty."

      Trump makes unsupported claims

    2. The Halloween attack was the first fatal terrorist strike in New York City since Sept. 11, 2001. Its toll was also emotional.

      terroist attacks want to insight fear and thats what they did.

    3. But in a city where 37% of residents were born overseas, the NYPD also relies on an ambitious intelligence network, regarded as second only to the CIA's.

      becoming a police state is not a good thing for the every day american

    1. Galton's formulation was greatly assisted by Charles Darwin's theory of particulate inheritance. But where Darwin thought these particles ("gemmules") might sometimes allow acquired characteristics to be passed on, Galton was convinced otherwise. To him, they were unchanging--hard, like atoms--and, like many others, he thought particulate inheritance could do for biology what atomic theory had done for chemistry.
    2. trying to determine how much of a trait is produced by nature/genes and how much by nurture/environment is as useless as asking whether the drumming we hear is made by percussionist or instrument.
    3. Genetical science has outgrown the false antithesis between heredity and environment productive of so much futile controversy in the past." And everything we have learned since has only underscored the fact that the entanglement of developmental processes is from the start immensely intricate.

      It is wrong and incorrect for people to simply assume one or the other instead of both linked as one

    4. The unfortunate effect is to obscure the basic fact that the causes of the development of a trait are not separable.
    5. The discovery of how genes actually influence human behaviour, and how human behaviour influences genes, is about to recast the debate entirely. No longer is it nature versus nurture, but nature via nurture. Genes are designed to take their cues from nurture."

      This argument makes sense in that it is not either nature or nurture, but rather, a gateway into the other. They should not be determined as separate when in fact, they together are the true essence of human behavior

    6. the answer is neither nature nor nurture, but both

      This is very important because it counteracts the idea that either nature or nurture can define human behavior

    7. Sometimes the distinction is between what is inborn and what is acquired after birth; more often, it is between genes and environment. But not only does nurture affect prenatal development, we also need to ask what exactly is a gene, and what does it do?

      I have also questioned this idea many times about what exactly is meant by nature and nurture and how it can be easily identified

    1. The U.S. ranks last in Access, Equity, and Health Care Outcomes, and next to last in Administrative Efficiency

      Interesting because the US spends far more on health care than other high-income countries according to Figure 1

    1. physical activity in schools has been shown by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education to not only promotes health, but to increase a child's performance in the classroom. A 2003 study by Sibley and Etnier notes that children who participated in physical activity saw improvement in perceptual skills, IQ, achievement, verbal and mathematical test scores, and developmental and academic readiness.

      Physical activity improves student skills and creativity

    2. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that children spend, on average, more than seven-and-a-half hours a day in front of television or computer screens.

      A statistic about how often children spend time on technologies

    3. Children today are not receiving the face-to-face interaction they need to develop emotional and intimate relationships.

      With less interaction, development of relationship decrease

    4. This obesity epidemic is largely the consequence of a lack of physical activity. Instead of playing outside with friends, children are playing video games, surfing the Internet, or watching one of the hundreds of television channels now available. Outdoor recreation, therefore, is becoming more uncommon, while excessive exposure to technology is the new norm.

      It is more common to stay inside using some sort of technology like video games, tv, or the internet than it is to go outside for outdoor recreation

    5. Children are particularly affected by media and technology as they have grown up surrounded by smart phones, computers, and other devices. Some exposure to technology is beneficial because it allows children to develop the technical skills they will need in their future academic and professional careers. However, the sedentary and reclusive lifestyle resulting from overexposure to technology is negatively affecting children's health.

      With the innovation of technology, there are positive impacts and negative impacts.

    6. Overexposure to technology deprives children of outdoor recreational opportunities and inhibits the development of social skills, stunts intellectual growth, and contributes to poor health and the obesity epidemic in today's youth.

      Too much technology is not good for children.

    1. Economically disadvantaged children face tremendous challenges in accessing technology.

      potential quote.

    2. Low-income children lack consistent access to high quality technology when compared to their middle-income peers. This 'digital divide' among the classes remains persistent despite the increased availability of lower priced devices and a tremendous jump in school spending on technology. The gap occurs mostly in student access outside of school, where middle-class students have computers and easy Internet access in their homes. Low-income children more often must rely on public resources such as libraries or after-school programs. But these resources can be unreliable—restrictive timeframes, high demand, and funding problems all add up to erratic availability of technology in these settings. The guidance of a parent or other adult is far different from home use as well, where time is less constrained and the atmosphere more relaxed. Over time, limitations in technology resources add up, further widening the achievement gap between the haves and have nots.

      This shows a major flaw to the incorporation of technology in education because it puts behind those who cannot afford/don't have access too the high quality technology.

    1. Sign In Folder Help « Result List Refine Search Download PDF

      If more than 80% of kids are going to at least try alcohol by the age of 18, I think there should classes held so you can learn about drinking. One of the problems is the fear of getting in trouble. I think by taking that away and maybe creating a drinking permit where you could drink safely there would be less issue. i think drinking would increase but problems would decrease.

    2. Sign In Folder Help « Result List Refine Search Download PDF

      Drinking age was 18 in 1970s so that is why number is so high. I thing binge drinking has become more prominent today because it is illegal and there is no way of teens knowing about the dangers unlike the 70s.

    3. Folder Help « Result List Refine Search Download PDF

      In college where there is an enclosed enviroment and less of a fear of police trouble or injury drinking increases, but problems decrease. They also saw that by putting in policy where you do not say no to alcohol all together but instead set guidelines kids are more safe. I think kids are willing to compromise but when you say no all together it forces poor decisions.

    4. In college where there is an enclosed enviroment and less of a fear of police trouble or injury drinking increases, but problems decrease. They also saw that by putting in policy where you do not say no to alcohol all together but instead set guidelines kids are more safe. I think kids are willing to compromise but when you say no all together it forces poor decisions.

    5. If more than 80% of kids are going to at least try alcohol by the age of 18, I think there should classes held so you can learn about drinking. One of the problems is the fear of getting in trouble. I think by taking that away and maybe creating a drinking permit where you could drink safely there would be less issue. i think drinking would increase but problems would decrease.

    6. Drinking age was 18 in 1970s so that is why number is so high. I thing binge drinking has become more prominent today because it is illegal and there is no way of teens knowing about the dangers unlike the 70s.

    1. Bush has proposed only $1 billion in new funding over the next five years, leaving the big bills for his successor–does it really makes sense to spend a significant sum to satisfy an idle curiosity when we can spend the money solving some other, equally daunting scientific challenge that would actually make people happier, healthier and better able to fulfill their capabilities in their brief time on earth?

      I can counter this with the point of NASA and space exploration funding being less than a percent of all spending today.

    1. Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Switzerland, the World Conservation Union, or International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is an international group dedicated to the protection of natural resources and plant and animal species. Every year since 1963 the IUCN has compiled and released its Red List of Threatened Species, widely considered to be the world's most comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased inventory of the global conservation status of plant and animal species. The Red List groups species according to nine different classifications: Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild, Extinct, Data Deficient, and Not Evaluated.

      Another indication of information's validity. A trustworthy source.

    2. The Sixth Event: A term used to describe a possible mass worldwide extinction of species due to humanity's impact through population growth; overhunting and overfishing; and habitat loss due to agriculture, pollution, and climate change. Five previous mass extinction events occurred during the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous Periods.

      We even have a name for our mass extinction, one which centers primarily around human lifestyle. This is key because it shows that this is enough of a problem that it is classified as an extinction event of it's own, just like the Triassic, Ordovician, etc.

    3. The World Conservation Union

      Reliable source of information.

    4. 40 percent of all organisms are under some degree of threat due to habitat destruction, disease, pollution, overhunting and overfishing, or other reasons

      Almost half of the planet's organisms are under strain.

    5. A species is described as endangered when the entire population faces a serious risk of extinction. In the early twenty-first century, as human population growth, large-scale agriculture, and increasing economic development impact the planet in ways never before seen, extinctions are occurring at an unprecedented rate

      This gives a good description as well as explains that the Earth is undergoing a mass extinction at this time.

    1. The country’s size, number of species, and conservation status from the start of the study were all important in determining how development affected biodiversity.

      This is possibly why places like Fiji and Ukraine are leading in improving biodiversity while larger and more dense countries such as the US and Australia are loosing it.

    2. 109 countries that signed the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and that increased their conservation budget accordingly had significantly lower biodiversity loss.

      In reference to the 'Nature' study above, that website said that they "reduced biodiversity loss in 109 countries (signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity and Sustainable Development Goals), by a median average of 29% per country between 1996 and 2008". The dates are a little different between the two...

    1. Vegetarianism does not automatically constitute a more ecologically friendly alternative to eating meat. Agriculture damages the environment when vast tracts of habitat are cleared and replaced by a monoculture of a single or very few species.

      just because agriculture may also be damaging to land doesnt mean that it isnt much much better for it than growing livestock. A difference is still a difference even if it is small.

    2. Individuals with lower levels of protein, sodium, iron, manganese and phosphorus in their blood should be especially wary of switching to a vegetarian diet

      We have the means to supplement missing vitamins and nutrients apart from that there are many plant based foods that have plenty of iron sodium or anything else such as spinach, lentils and plenty of other options.

    3. many vegetarians suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Though a vegetarian diet can, in theory, be a healthy alternative to a standard diet, most that choose vegetarianism fail to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals and may suffer from a variety of physical ailments.

      They say it themselves. A healthy vegetarian diet is possible and although it doesn't mean everybody chooses to be healthy it is a healthier alternative when done correctly.

    1. For instance, men are more likely to marry divorced mothers of sons than they are to marry divorced mothers of daughters.

      What is the statistic for this?

    2. couples with multiple daughters are more likely to try for another baby than are couples with multiple sons.

      This is very interesting and I wonder if its something that can be seen in our daily lives. Personally i feel like its the other way around.

    3. -it's also true in the United States, where a couple whose only child is female is 4.4 percent more likely to divorce than a couple whose only child is a boy, and where a couple with three girls is nearly nine percent more likely to split up than a couple with three boys.

      Is this because there is a bias around sons and a social perception that sons are better than daughters? Or is there evidence that daughters need more attention, or that they are more financially demanding then sons?

    1. Many supporters of abortion rights claim that restrictions on abortions have a negative impact on the poor, especially in less developed nations.

      lack of resources and education; is it that population's fault that there is an increase in unplanned pregnancies?

    2. The allocation of government funds continues to be a focus of the abortion debate.

      e.g. planned parenthood and private funding/government spending

    3. cruel termination of what they consider to be a viable human life

      when does life truly begin? when the heart starts beating? when consciousness forms?

    4. In Roe v. Wade (1973), the US Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects a woman’s right to an abortion through the end of the first trimester, or the twelfth week of pregnancy. After twelve weeks, a woman’s access to abortion may be restricted based on the discretion of the states, as well as the level of risk that the pregnancy poses to the woman’s health.

      important for beginnings of issue within subject of abortion, and separation of powers with respect to state and federal jurisdiction

    5. State legislatures have enacted laws to restrict and regulate access to abortion. Several of these laws have been challenged in federal courts, with some laws, such as the denial of state funds for the procedure, being upheld.

      states regulate/restrict, nation funds

    6. were not restricted by law until Connecticut passed the first anti-abortion law in 1821.

      what initiated this law, and why?

    7. Court’s decision determined that an unborn fetus is not a person in the legal sense

      what constitutes a "person" by law?

    8. The point at which viability is achieved during a pregnancy remains a topic of debate.

      viability and point at which life is achieved are both sources of debate

    9. Some of these laws included provisions that required the examination rooms in which the procedure would be performed to be a certain size and width.

      unnecessary laws that would restrict ability to perform abortion without being blatant

    10. laws

      abortions must take place a certain distance from a hospital or medical facility

    11. may condone abortions in cases of rape or incest
    1. This suggested question was my favorite: "May I opt my child out of screen-based instructional activities?"

      This is something that I believe to not be productive in helping one's child to succeed. If you have to limit their screen time in class, you are essentially setting your child behind from what the other kids in class are able to access.

    2. Citing much research, they concluded, "the new digital world is a toxic environment for the developing minds of young people. Rather than making digital natives superlearners, it has stunted their mental growth."

      Technology has capabilities to bring great advancements to the mind, but there are constant distractions that are "stunting their mental growth".

    3. They know what too much screen time can do. A student dozed in class because he woke up at 2 a.m., when his parents were asleep, to play video games. A study showed teens spending an average ofnine hours a day on entertainment media. Clement and Miles estimated, based on several studies, that about 75 percent of high school students walk the halls with cellphones in their hands rather than in pockets or purses.

      The downside to having these technological advancements is that it is "taking over" our lives. Students spend a majority of their time on digital screens and this may bring harm to how we are able to function in society.

    4. Last week, I discussed their recommendation that teachers reject most of ed-tech and instead teach simply and directly to encourage understanding and thought. They want to improve student skills and human interaction, not show them how to look up stuff on Google.

      Kids should have technology incorporated into education, but it should not simply be how to "google" things. Kids should be taught how to improve student skills and interaction with the aid of technology. We should not fully rely on technology to help us.

    1. The disagreement points, perhaps, to a deeper confusion about what it means to possess human-level intelligence: even as computer programs achieve milestones that used to be considered essential tests of human intelligence (playing chess, conversing with a human being), more milestones appear to be added (such as recognizing objects, using natural language, or understanding a scene).

      Opinion depends on one's definition of "intelligence"

    2. There are several possible paths to the singularity, including the creation of intelligent machines (which may enable humans to create superintelligent machines, or may enable machines to redesign their own programming to enhance their intelligence, in what is sometimes known as an "intelligence explosion"); whole brain emulation (also known as "mind uploading"); enhancement of humans' own biological intelligence (through genetic engineering, for example); and the development of more sophisticated brain-computer interfaces.

      This suggests that the singularity is inevitable. It makes sense to me that there would have to be a limit to a program's abilities.

    3. It is not sufficient, then, to consider a machine as an AGI if it can beat a world champion at chess, but that same machine cannot hold a simple conversation or tie its shoelaces.

      Being programmed to do one task really well is not true "intelligence". Humans (for now) remain to be more intelligent because of the variety of applications we can transfer our experience and intelligence to.

    1. Decades of empirical evidence from around the world shows that reducing and eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession does not increase rates of drug use or crime – while drastically reducing addiction, overdose and HIV/AIDS.
    2. Our retrograde federal administration is ramping up the war on drugs – despite widespread public support for ending it and instead focusing our limited resources on health-based approaches to drug addiction and overdose deaths.
    1. Alien: A person residing in a country who is not a citizen of that country.Deport: To expel someone from a country who is there illegally.

      Important definition.

    2. The issue has evolved on two fronts: the influx of immigrants across the border between the United States and Mexico, and the arrival of immigrants from regions of the world in which international terrorism is prevalent.

      The Immigration debate is no longer about the immigrants from Europe becuase we will allow as many of them in as possible.

    1. ability to create genetically identical to donor organs such as: kidney, bone marrow transplant;

      Cells taken form a human could create a perfect replica of a lost organ, and it would be guaranteed to be compatible.

    2. a major setback in 2003 when Dolly died at the age of 6 years

      6 years is much less than the average lifespan of a sheep, so people were worried about the life expectancy of cloned animals. It is unknown what the genetic age of cloned cells is, since their dna comes from other cells.

    3. Roe vs. Wade

      Roe vs. Wade somewhat devalued the human embryo by legalizing abortion, which made cloning somewhat more ethical. If the embryo is not considered an actual person, then cloning is less unethical.

    1. When I was younger, fear came in the form of a scary movie, like The Shining or Nightmare on Elm Street

      The shining- Ghosts, parents going crazy, being unsafe in your home Nightmare on Elm Street- Dreams can kill you, big part of the movie is fear of falling asleep once the kids figure out what's going on

    1. gun-show loophole

      info about the "gun show loophole" Description

    2. Love would like to see a repeal of the Dickey Amendment, which prohibits the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from researching gun violence

      Here's some background information on the Dickey Amendment: Description)

    1. But kids who do chores see the fruits of their labour; they’re encouraged to work harder and do more

      Kids are more focused on tasks if they understand the benefits of the task (receiving a reward or boost of self-esteem).

    2. She reminds parents that introducing kids to chores is easier when they’re young.

      Better to teach chores for kids at young age rather than old.

    3. “I’ll do it for you because you can’t” and “No sense in your trying because I can do it faster and better,” writes Wyma.

      Should give kids a chance to do things on their own if not they won't learn to be responsible

    4. “serve-me kids,” and it was time to change her parenting approach from “I love you, so let me make life easy for you” to “I love you, so I’m going to make you work.”

      A mom change her approach to dealing with kids by making them active instead of passive

    1. criminal histories can complicate applications for dispensary licenses.

      The same groups that are looking for a new job opportunity to do something legal could be limited by their pasts. The issue could pile up because some of them have records, but are now trying to sell drugs legally.

    1. hest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and airway inflammation

      Ozone symptoms

    2. oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds

      Bad ozone reactives

    3. ood ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere

      Good ozone is

    1. Marijuana is not only a popular drug; it is an evolving one. The National Institute on Drug Abuse warns that the potency of marijuana has been on the rise for the last few decades. The increased potency mainly stems from the ability of marijuana cultivators to continually create new, more powerful strains.

      potency changes effect

    2. more potent marijuana is more dangerous

    1. Depending on the level of exposure, lead can adversely affect the nervous system, kidney function, immune system, reproductive and developmental systems and the cardiovascular system. 

      Lead effects

    2. At the national level, major sources of lead in the air are ore and metals processing and piston-engine aircraft operating on leaded aviation fuel. Other sources are waste incinerators, utilities, and lead-acid battery manufacturers.

      Source of lead

    1. Not all social networking is created equal.

      Some social media sites can help bolster self image, while others tear it down. You-tube is one of the better sites in this right, while Instagram is the worst.

    2. Some teens may be feeling sad and turn to the Internet for much-needed support. Others may find that the Internet increases feelings of sadness or loneliness.

      Does social media use cause depression? It's complicated...

    1. If you’re unaware, the NCAA released data showing that only 14 programs are turning a profit without having to rely on institutional support (like student fees or a check cut directly from the university coffers).

      One of the biggest obstacles in the paying college athletes. Most of the universities simply can't afford to pay all of their athletes.

    1. Premium Tax Credit Spending and Enrollment Estimates

      shows increases (counter)

    2. H&E expects federal spending on premium tax credits to increase by $9.8 billion from 2016 to 2017.


    1. 32 Million Would Lose Care
    2. “If you’re a victim of domestic violence,” Harris said, “you can be denied access to health care because being a victim of domestic violence is considered a pre-existing condition.


    3. more than 4 million people with average individual incomes of roughly $16,000 gained coverage.
    4. This ranged from savings on immunizations to annual physicals for Medicare recipients.
    5. Under ACA, coverage can’t be denied nor benefits reduced if someone has a history of heart disease, for example.

      T1D, etc..

    6. Women gained more comprehensive services for reproductive health care. This included well-woman visits, mammograms, contraceptive coverage, breast cancer tests for women at high risk, prenatal services and breastfeeding support.
    7. the uninsured rate for young people has dropped by 47 percent.
    8. Young people were able to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26.
    9. The number of uninsured people declined.
    10. he expanded the social contract for the first time in several decades,

      definition: "The theory of an implicit social contract holds that by remaining in the territory controlled by some society, which usually has a government, people give consent to join that society and be governed by its government, if any. This consent is what gives legitimacy to such a government."

    11. That number could nearly double to 32 million by 2026,
    12. If the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is even partially dismantled, 18 million people could become uninsured within a year, according to a new
    1. projected federal spending on health care has been slashed by $200 billion in 2020, thanks largely to slower health care cost growth. That means lower deficits, more room for investment in education, roads, bridges, or lower taxes.

      contrary to popular belief

    2. You’re paying less.
    3. For example, 50,000 fewer people died as a result of preventable errors and infections in hospitals from 2010 to 2013. And Medicare is creating “star ratings” for health plans and many types of health care providers – improving performance and information for patients.
    4. You are healthier after a hospital stay.
    5. tackling these and other challenges and increasing the quality of health care for Americans.
    1. drug-resistant strains of bacteria may be passed directly between animals and humans (primarily farmers); drug-resistant strains may be passed to humans who consume meat and milk from infected animals; and both drug-resistant bacteria and un-metabolized antibiotics may be released into the environment through the animals’ excrement.

      this is how humans can contract infections and antibiotic strains that will not help fight the infection

    2. The large groups of confined animals on factory farms can become breeding grounds for pathogens, and such zoonotic diseases as salmonella, E. coli, avian influenza, and swine flu have all been linked to the industry.

      An interesting fact about what diseases could be in our meat that we eat

    3. Worldwide, more than half of all antibiotics used are used on farm animals.

      This is a crazy fact

    4. For decades, factory farms have administered large quantities of antibiotics — drugs designed for the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections — to animals who are not sick.

      Another concern for human welfare.

    1. I do feel more in control. I’m less reactive and more intentional about where I put my attention. When I’m online, I try to resist surfing myself into a stupor. As often as possible, I try to ask myself, “Is this really what I want to be doing?”

      Is using the internet a necessity or a want, after reducing the use of becoming an internet addict.

    2. Beyond spending too much time on the Internet and a diminishing attention span, I wasn’t eating the right foods. I drank way too much diet soda. I was having a second cocktail at night too frequently. I was no longer exercising every day, as I had nearly all my life.

      The internet has cause health issues and has change the person life

    3. Denial is any addict’s first defense. No obstacle to recovery is greater than the infinite capacity to rationalize our compulsive behaviors.

      Many stages to addiction, with denial being the first

    4. Addiction is the relentless pull to a substance or an activity that becomes so compulsive it ultimately interferes with everyday life.

      Definition of Addiction

    5. Instead of reading them, I was spending too many hours online, checking the traffic numbers for my company’s website, shopping for more colorful socks on Gilt and Rue La La, even though I had more than I needed, and even guiltily clicking through pictures with irresistible headlines such as “Awkward Child Stars Who Grew Up to Be Attractive.”

      Would rather be online than read a book because it has become a habit.

    1. produced by combustion engines running without modern catalytic convertors. Other common sources of Carbon Monoxide are old gas and fuel appliances, incinerators, and even cigarettes.

      Sources: combustion engines w/o modern catalytic, old gas and fuel appliances, incinerators, cigs

    2. ighly toxic and dangerous pollutant

      CO dangerous

    1. An internal or external drive that prompts a person to action The ability to initiate and persist at a task Putting 100% of your time, effort, energy, and focus into your work Being able to work hard in the face of obstacles, boredom, fatigue, stress, and the desire to do other things Motivation means doing everything you can to be as productive as you can.

      This is good categorization of the factors that affect motivation, an important part of success. This would be good to use in your essay about the key factors that affect motivation, as it explains how we manage our time and the internal drive to become succesful.

    1. Genetics research has at times generated heated ethical and political debates. For example, some authors have commented that studying the genetic components of traits will lead to a resurgence in the eugenics movement and, in particular, the misuse of heritability research on intelligence by some proponents of genetic engineering

      This reminds me of study where a large adoption agency separated twins at birth and watched they grow throughout their lifetime which led to huge legal and moral issues

    2. Study found moderate to high correlations for processes specifically related to aging, such as memory decline. The conclusion reached in these studies is that genetics are responsible for trait similarity, and that environmental factors have little influence.

      this is a very important factor to address as it centers around nurture being more influential than nature for human behaviors

    3. Twin studies are particularly used in clinical and psychological research aimed at attempting to find the genetic component of certain disorders, such as schizophrenia, as well as of intelligence and various personality traits.

      This is very central to the idea of epigenetics and it holds insight into how and why twins develop certain diseases

    1. Space exploration has also been one of the most powerful drivers of science and technology education in this country. Ask how many of today’s leading scientists and engineers were inspired by the space program and by the science-fiction shows and movies that fed off of it.

      This proves one of my points that space exploration has led to many discoveries and inspirations for objects we use everyday.

    2. This is leaning towards my side of the argument. Even though people think we spend way too much of our money on space exploration, it is only half of a percent of all spending.

    1. cost to administer Medicare is 2.3 cents per dollar of benefit

      I wonder what has happened in the last 15 years and if there are current statistics amounting the cost of Medicare and HMO to the dollar.

    2. government budgets are set so low that demand outstrips supply

      Universal isn't the right solution because the 'supply' that the government offers (that comes with a universal healthcare plan) cant keep up with the 'demand' of citizens, and it doesn't transfer over into private sectors healthcare, forcing citizens to wait for healthcare.

    1. Medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US.

      Not only will there be better healthcare for everyone, there are economic benefits for the masses that will accompany it.

    2. the US’s universal healthcare system will almost certainly have a different flavour than, say, France’s – but we can no longer accept that such a system is impossible.

      Of course the US's healthcare system will be different, but it is possible to achieve.

    3. pay more than double what other countries do, and get worse results

      Not only does the US fail in offering universal healthcare, we pay more for it than countries and get worse results- Human decency isn't the only incentive for changing the American healthcare system, universal healthcare could cost less and be more effective than the current healthcare system.

    1. “I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.” Trump admitted it was an “un-Republican” position, but said he felt strongly.

      This is really surprising, seeing as of recent he has called universal healthcare a "curse". Does he believe it's a curse because it was proposed by a democratic senator and not under his terms?

    1. Arizona outdoor enthusiasts support conservation through the purchase of hunting and fishing equipment.

      This is a clever idea. Get those whose actions more or less need conservation to counter/help pay a tax on their items related to their activities benefiting the group as a whole.

    1. he central question of the paper was then: how would the beings send out their message?

      Send electromagnetic waves for possible communication.

    2. But it wasn't until the close of the 1950s that anyone proposed a credible way to look for these distant, hypothetical neighbors. The space age had dawned, and science was anxious to know what lay in wait beyond the confines of our thin, insulating atmosphere. The Russians had, in 1957 and 1958, launched the first three Sputnik satellites into Earth orbit; the United States was poised to launch in 1960 the successful Pioneer 5 interplanetary probe out toward Venus. We were readying machines to travel farther than most of us could imagine, but in the context of the vast reaches of outer space, we would come no closer to unknown planetary systems than if we'd never left Earth at all. Our only strategy was to hope intelligent life had taken root elsewhere and evolved well beyond our technological capabilities—to the point at which they could call us across the empty plains of space.

      More background During the space age in the 1950's, the question of alien life became more popular as the Russians sent satellites into Earth's orbit. We sent machines farther than we imagined leading us to question if life had taken root elsewhere and evolved.

    3. The ancient Greeks were the first Western thinkers to consider formally the possibility of an infinite universe housing an infinite number of civilizations. Much later, in the 16th century, the Copernican model of a heliocentric solar system opened the door to all sorts of extraterrestrial musings

      Background/History The ancient Greek considered the possibility of civilizations in our infinite universe. Later, Copernicus' model opened that door to extraterrestrial babble.

    1. Looking beyond our solar system, astronomers have now discovered over four hundred planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy. In general, the exoplanets detected so far are supermassive and huggingtight orbits around their sun;this is simply because the effects of big planets orbiting close to a star are easiest to spot. Theirhot, bloated atmospheres are not the sort of place for life to begin, but over time we have been finding more and more Earth-like worlds. The expectation is that within the next few years wewill discover a true Earth twin. The next step will be trying towork out what this new world is like.

      Exoplanets may be Earth's twin, in search for a planet like ours

    2. Astrobiology is a bright new field of science, concerned with the possibility ofexisting life beyond theEarth –of extraterrestrial life.

      New definition of "astrobiology"

    3. So it seems as though ancient Mars ticked all the necessary boxes for providing basiclife-support as a planet. There is the distinct possibility that itexperienced its own independent genesis of life, perhaps even before Earth became alive. The problem today is that Mars has suffered somesortof environmental catastrophe.

      Before Mars' environmental catastrophe, there might have been life even before Earth was around. Ancient Mars could have been a planet to help sustain life

    1. observations by NASA's Kepler space telescope suggest that nearly every star in the sky hosts planets — and many of these worlds may be habitable. Indeed, Kepler's work has shown that rocky worlds like Earth and Mars are probably more common throughout the galaxy than gas giants such as Saturn and Jupiter.

      Planets are Earth-like and can offer evidence that life is possible beyond our planet

    2. Recent discoveries suggest that the solar system and broader Milky Way galaxy teem with environments that could support life as we know it, Grunsfeld said.

      Many habitable environment may lead to life being supported

    3. Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say. "I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years,"

      Quote from scientist

    1. Bradley has filed a bill seeking to double that to $100 million a year.

      There is some hope for the organization with the new administration in charge. Though this number is not exactly what Amendment 1 called for, and special interest political projects are going to take most of the A1 funding, it's a start.

    2. Amendment 1.

      This amendment is the Florida Water and Land Conservation Initiative Constitutional Amendment passed in 2014. It passed with a very high approval rating and guaranteed $300 million for Florida Forever out of $750 million in funding in total.

    1. Social movements often seek to draw attention to issues they deem important by organizing public demonstrations with the aim of attracting mass media coverage. But only a small proportion of all public demonstrations receives any media attention.

      Social Movements attack big mass media because of the impact that it can make in society. Depending on the movement will allow media attention.

    1. earmarks

      What are these?

    2. This loss in confidence is not limited to a single party or ideology; rather, it cuts across the spectrum.  It is a perception bred by recent Congressional failures and scandals, which I need not chronicle here.

      lots of people assume this to be a liberal point of view, but it shouldn't be

    3. Mr. President, today I am pleased to be joined by Senators Feingold, Collins, and Lieberman in introducing a bill to provide greater transparency into the process of influencing our government, and to ensure greater accountability among public officials.

      did he achieve these goals?

    4. t would require greater disclosure of lobbyists’ contributions and payments to lawmakers and entities associated with them, as well as fundraising and other events they host

      addresses one loophole, the fundraiser loophole

    5. senior congressional staff

      title senior has to do with pay not experience. Often staffers will take pay cuts or decline raises in order to escape these sanctions.

    6. Members and staff would also have to post the details of their privately-sponsored work trips on-line for public inspection.

      aiming for more transparency

    1. I do feel more in control. I'm less reactive and more intentional about where I put my attention. When I'm online, I try to resist surfing myself into a stupor. As often as possible, I try to ask myself, ''Is this really what I want to be doing?''

      Is using the internet a necessity or a want, after reducing the use of becoming an internet addict.

    2. Beyond spending too much time on the Internet and a diminishing attention span, I wasn't eating the right foods. I drank way too much diet soda. I was having a second cocktail at night too frequently. I was no longer exercising every day, as I had nearly all my life.

      The internet has cause health issues and has change the person life

    3. Denial is any addict's first defense. No obstacle to recovery is greater than the infinite capacity to rationalize our compulsive behaviors

      Many stages to addiction, with denial being the first

    4. Instead of reading them, I was spending too many hours online, checking the traffic numbers for my company's website, shopping for more colorful socks on Gilt and Rue La La, even though I had more than I needed, and even guiltily clicking through pictures with irresistible headlines such as ''Awkward Child Stars Who Grew Up to Be Attractive.''

      Would rather be online than read a book because it has become a habit.

    5. Addiction is the relentless pull to a substance or an activity that becomes so compulsive it ultimately interferes with everyday life.

      Definition of Addiction.

    1. ause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects, or adverse environmental and ecological effects.

      Definition of air pollutants

    1. unhealthy levels of social media usage

      I'd like to know what research Daniel Floyd is referring to. The article never cites the actual research studies.

    1. To date, money has been the biggest obstacle to manned moon missions. McKay says that working with private companies, utilizing innovations such as 3-D printing, and taking advantage of off-the-shelf electronics could make a moon base affordable. "It's not that much harder than supplying and operating the space station," he says.

      Companies like SpaceX are making space flight more affordable, meaning multiple moon landings could be in store for the future. In this case, a base on the Moon would be necessary.

    1. How did the story of panicked listeners begin? Blame America’s newspapers. Radio had siphoned off advertising revenue from print during the Depression, badly damaging the newspaper industry. So the papers seized the opportunity presented by Welles’ program to discredit radio as a source of news.

      An earlier example of fake news

    1. girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs.

      This completely breaks the gender stereotypes that people hold.

    2. And parents are two and a half times more likely to ask “Is my son gifted?” than “Is my daughter gifted?”

      I thought this was really interesting. Why do we assume that sons would be more intelligent then daughters and why do we hold higher academic standards for boys than girls?

    3. Sending gender-related messages like girls are more nurturing and boys are more math and science oriented can also impact academic paths and career choices.

      These types of messages can be really damaging to people. I think a majority of parents don't realize that they are doing these things.

    1. This is basically ‘scaremongering’ at every available opportunity in order to sensationalize and emotionalize the impact of a news story.

      Look into the War of The Worlds scare

    1. "Why do we need self-driving cars or robots?" you'll hear many say.

      It is just the natural progression of advancement. We have made countless innovations to reach this stage, and they will continue.

    1. vegetarians — generally eat fewer calories and less fat, weigh less, and have a lower risk of heart disease than nonvegetarians do.

      If vegetarians are healthy in their food choices they are on average much healthier than the average meat eater

    1. Most recently, a just-published study [researched] nearly 2,000 young Australian adults "for eight years and found that marijuana has little long-term effect on learning and memory—and any cognitive damage that does occur as a result of cannabis use is reversible."...

      I didn't think this was reversible. I am not sure if this is accurate. Based on the other information I have read, it contradicts what other people have said.

    1. “Today’s teenagers have less freedom to wander than any previous generation.”

      very true

    2. “I often heard parents complain that their children preferred computers to ‘real people,’ ” Boyd writes. In her research, however, she discovered that they would much rather hang out with their friends in person. But they can’t.

      this is very accurate and important