12 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
raindrop.io raindrop.io
social bookmarking option. not open source. freemium
- Feb 2022
cft.vanderbilt.edu cft.vanderbilt.edu
I'm practicing with page notes
- Feb 2021
medium.com medium.com
[Geisel, 2017] Using social bookmarking tools to bookmark, tag, annotate, and take notes on websites; "Better bookmarking"
- Diigo
- Hypothes.is
- Dec 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Create a note by selecting some text and clickin
Dette er praktisk, tenk å samle så mye informasjon
- Mar 2019
www.lifewire.com www.lifewire.com
Social Bookmarking
- Aug 2018
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
test desc
- Feb 2018
An annotation service like Hypothesis allows you to highlight, save, and (possibly) share individual lines from a text. This allows for saving this content across a page, and across multiple pages for themes. Used in discussion, this allows for collaborative reading exercises, or group annotations. This also allows for conducting research while you write and annotate. Since Hypothesis will import PDFs, you can annotate in the tool, it will give you a digital trail of breadcrumbs as you’re reading online to see what you found to be important. After you are finished reading and researching, you can go back and see what texts you’ve read, and the important elements from these pieces. Furthermore, if you effectively tag your annotations, you can look for larger themes across your readings.
Interestingly, Diigo allows many of these same functions.
- Apr 2016
- Dec 2015
share their thoughts about a site with friends or colleagues
A description of both social bookmarking in particular and most social media practices generally.
organize and remember useful sites on the Web
Bookmarking still isn’t a solved issue.
essentiallyshannon.blogspot.com essentiallyshannon.blogspot.com
- Nov 2015
delicious.com delicious.com
focus on curation and discovery