- Dec 2024
Pasqua Rosée opened the first coffee house in London in 1652, prompting a revolution in London society. “British culture was intensely hierarchical and structured. The idea that you could go and sit next to someone as an equal was radical,” says Markman Ellis, author of The Coffee House: A Cultural History.
for - trivia / history - first coffee house in London - opened in 1652 by - Pasqua Rosee - revolution in London society - broke through hierarchy of British society
Where does so much mad agitation come from? From a crowd of minor clerks and lawyers, from unknown writers, starving scribblers, who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
for - trivia / history - coffee house - quote - Paris Cafe as organizing ground for the agitators that led the French Revolution
quote - Where does so much mad agitation come from? - From a crowd of - minor clerks and lawyers, - from unknown writers, - starving scribblers, - who go about rabble-rousing in clubs and cafés. - These are the hotbeds that have forged the weapons with which the masses are armed today.
Smyrna Coffee House in London
for - trivia / history - coffee house - Smyrna Coffee House in London - Benjamin Franklin wrote his famous Open Letter to Lord North satirizing the King's power over the colonies.
in New York, Merchant's Coffee House
for - trivia / history - Merchant's Coffee House in New York - birth of the Bank of New York and The New York Chamber of Commerce
the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston
for - trivia / history - coffee house - The Green Dragon Tavern in Boston - home of The American Revolution - due to many meetings by the Sons of Liberty
Frederick the Great of Germany was so against coffee that he attempted to outlaw the drink outright in favor of beer on September 13, 1777. Afraid that the importation of coffee was costing his kingdom (and his highness) business, he required all coffee sellers to register with the crown, denying licenses to all but a few friends of the court
for - trivia / history - coffee house - Frederick the Great of Germany outlawed coffee houses - he favored beer and beer business was losing money to coffee
Grecian Coffee House near Fleet Street
for - trivia / history - coffee house - Grecian Coffee House - Isacc Newton and other members of Royal Society frequented - Newton dssected a dolphin on a table at this coffee house - another coffee house introduced the ballot box for voting
Jonathan’s Coffee House in Exchange Alley
for trivia / history - coffee house - Jonathan's Coffee House - stockbrokers traded shares here after closing hours - gave birth to the London Stock Exchange
Lloyd’s Coffee House
for - trivia / history - coffee house - Lloyd's coffee house - sailors and merchants conceived of Lloyd's of London Insurance Company here.
- trivia - first coffee house in London - opened in 1652 by - Pasqua Rosee - revolution in London society - broke through hierarchy of British society
- trivia / history - coffee house - Lloyd's coffee house - sailors and merchants conceived of Lloyd's of London Insurance here.
- trivia / history - coffee house - quote - Paris Cafe as organizing ground for the agitators that led the French Revolution
- trivia / history - coffee house - Jonathan's Coffee House - stockbrokers traded shares here after closing hours - gave birth to the London Stock Exchange
- rivia / history - Merchant's Coffee House in New York - birth of the Bank of New York and The New York Chamber of Commerce
- trivia / history - coffee house - Smyrna Coffee House in London - Benjamin Franklin wrote his famous Open Letter to Lord North satirizing the King's power over the colonies.
- trivia / history - coffee house - Grecian Coffee House - Isacc Newton and other members of Royal Society frequented - Newton dssected a dolphin on a table at this coffee house - another coffee house introduced the ballot box for voting
- of Germany outlawed coffee houses - he favored beer and beer business was losing money to coffeetrivia / history - coffee house - Frederick the Great
- trivia / history - coffee house - The Green Dragon Tavern in Boston - home of the American Revolution - due to many meetings by the Sons of Liberty
- Nov 2024
www.worldscientific.com www.worldscientific.com
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,” said Sir Winston Churchill in his speech to the meeting in the House of Lords, October 28, 1943, requesting that the House of Commons bombed out in May 1941 be rebuilt exactly as before.
Is there a document/source?
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
the Mathom-house – The Homebound Symphony by [[Alan Jacobs]]
So, though there was still some store of weapons in the Shire, these were used mostly as trophies, hanging above hearths or on walls, or gathered into the museum at Michel Delving. The Mathom-house it was called; for anything that Hobbits had no immediate use for, but were unwilling to throw away, they called a mathom. Their dwellings were apt to become rather crowded with mathoms, and many of the presents that passed from hand to hand were of that sort. — J. R. R. Tolkien, “Concerning Hobbits”
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - podcast - Great simplification - Hospicing Modernity - Vanessa Andreotti
Summary - metaphor of the house is used to compare modernity
- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Verantwortliche der großen US-Fossilunternehmen haben vertraulich die öffentlichen Statements der Firmen zur Dekarbonisierung relativiert und in ihrer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gegen die von ihnen selbst offiziell vertretene Politik agiert. Das geht aus Dokumenten hervor, deren Herausgabe der Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses für Oversight und Reform erzwungen hatte. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/14/climate/oil-industry-documents-disinformation.html
- Apr 2024
for - open source tiny home - open source building - open source construction - open source house - cosmolocal building - cosmolocal home construction - cosmolocal tinyhome construction - Eutopia - Ownworld.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
austinkleon.substack.com austinkleon.substack.com
An interview with Mary Ruefle by [[Austin Kleon]]
Kleon's wife Meg, with a master's in architecture, has aphantasia.
www.chathamhouse.org www.chathamhouse.org
- Feb 2024
hypothes.is hypothes.is
One of my inquiries was for anecdotes regarding mistakes made between the twins by their near relatives. The replies are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children, they are usually distinguished by ribbons tied round the wrist or neck; nevertheless the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes was usually given by the mother, in a phraseology that is some- [p. 158] what touching by reason of its seriousness.
- We can see that mistaken one twin for another by spanking the wrong one could create a god complex in the twin that got away with bad behavior. while the twin who was unjustly spanked could feel inferior to the other twin even other people. Therefore nuture developing different traits based on parent's upbringing.
- The parental mistake highlights that even when twins are in the same house or even siblings in the same house can develop diffrent traits through parental mistakes. For instance
Die Folgen des Hamas-Überfalls auf Israel gefährden Fortschritte in der Klimapolitik massiv. Sie führen zu weiteren Vertrauensverlusten, die internationale Kooperation behindern, begünstigen Investitionen in Öl, verringern möglicherweise staatliche Ausgaben für erneuerbare Energien und könnte, wenn es zu Preiserhöhungen für Öl kommt, der Biden-Aministration in den USA innenpolitisch schaden. Ausführlicher, auf Experten gestützter Artikel in der New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/23/climate/gaza-war-climate-change.html
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die Bauernproteste haben zu Revisionen von Maßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung (und Pestizidreduktion) in europäischen Ländern und auf EU-Ebene geführt, obwohl die Klimaziele der EU ohne eine deutliche Reduktion der Emissionen der Landwirtschaft nicht zu erreichen sind. Der Arikel der New York Times beschäftigt sich mit der besonderen Rolle der Landwirtschaft in der EU-Politik und mit der Notwendigkeit, Klimapolitik als just transition zu gestalten. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/06/climate/europe-farming-protests-policy.html
Mehr zu den EU-Emissionszielen für 2040: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22EU%20emission%20goals%202040%22
- Jan 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die Biden-Administration hat die Genehmigung des LNG-Terminals Calcasieu Pass 2 gestoppt, um die Klimawirkung des Projekts zu prüfen. Die Entscheidung gilt als Sieg von Klima-Aktivist:innen. Sie ist ein Signal im Wahlkampf und kann Folgen für 16 ähnliche geplante Projekte haben. Ihr war eine intensive Kampagne vorausgegangen. Auch ohne CO2 werden sich die LNG-Exportkapazitäten der USA in den nächsten Jahren nahezu vervierfachen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/climate/a-huge-win-for-activists-puts-climate-on-the-2024-agenda.html
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Eine der wichtigsten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Konferenzen der USA, die Allied Social Science Association conference der American Economic Association, war von Themen beherrscht, die mit der globalen Erhitzung zusammenhängen. In dem Bericht der New York Times wird das als Signal für einen Umschwung in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft interpretiert und unter anderem mit den Rekordtemperaturen des vergangenen Jahres in Verbindung gebracht. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/23/business/economy/climate-change-economics.html
- 2024-01-23
- Paulina Oliva
- White House Council of Economic Advisers
- by: Lydia DePillis
- Inflation Reduction Act
- American Economic Association
- Allan Hsiao
- Avis Devine
- Abigail Ostriker
- Biden Administration
- Center on Global Energy Policy
- Allied Social Science Associations conference 2024
- Heather Boushey
- Joel Watson
- Michael Greenstone
- Noah Kaufman
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Klimabeauftagten der USA und Chinas, John Kerry und Xie Zhenhua, ziehen sich zurück. Der Guardian fast die klimapolitischen Aktivitäten und Versäumnisse beiden Länder zusammen. Beide hätten, stellt Paul Bledsoe fest, erst damit begonnen die Wirtschaften ihrer Länder auf Wege zu viel niedrigeren Emissionen und größerer Klima-Kooperation zu bringen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/21/goodbye-mr-kerry-farewell-mr-xie-end-of-an-era-in-global-climate-politics
- DieKlimabeauftagten der USA und Chinas
- Chatham House
- Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
- Paul Bledsoe
- Todd Stern
- Rachel Kyte
- Mohamed Adow
- actor: Xie Zhenhua
- 2021-01-24
- John Kerry und Die Zhenhua
- Nicholas Stern
- Bernice Lee
- Liu Zhenmin
- Power Shift Africa
- Harjeet Singh
- John Kerry
- China
- by: Fiona Harvey
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Der Standard über die megalomane Dystopie Neom, die der Kashoggi-Mörder Mohammed bin Salman vorantreibt: das materialisierte Greenwashing des ölreichsten Petrostaats. Beteiligt ist auch der in Graz immer noch gefeierte Architekt Peter Cook, der aber in diesem Artikel nicht erwähnt wird. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202323/the-line-utopia-auf-sand-wird-mit-blut-bezahlt
- Dec 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
House of Leaves – Wikipedia, English
site:: [[Wikipedia]] url:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Leaves accessed:: 2023-12-08 01:35
- Nov 2023
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Listened to on 2023-11-11
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McCarthy’s tenure atop the House—the briefest in nearly 150 years—was as historic as it was short-lived: He won the office after fighting through more ballots than any speaker in a century, and he was the first to be removed in the middle of a term by a vote of the House.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Eher unkritischer, aber informativer Bericht über eine Studie zur Wassernutzung in Italien, an der die Gruppe A2A beteiligt ist. Extremwetter und Trockenheit haben gravierende Konsequenzen. So sank die Stromprodutktion durch Wasserkraftwerke im vergangenen Jahr auf die Werte von 1954. 18% des Bruttoinlandprodukts Italiens hängen von der ausreichenden Verfügbarkeit von Süßwasser ab.
Studie: https://www.ambrosetti.eu/news/acqua-azioni-e-investimenti-per-lenergia-le-persone-e-i-territori/
- Sep 2023
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- May 2023
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The idea was to make a subterranean home that would originate from the rock bed, forming multiple whirls around the tree and adjoining to create a secure private space below for the residents and a space around the trees above that ensures that the thick vegetation and ecosystem continues to thrive undisturbed
built right into the rocky landscape, leaving all the trees undisturbed and building a swirling roof of beams and glass that accept the trees
Chuzhi as the meaning suggests in Malayalam, ”whirlpool” are swirls of precast poured debris earth composite bottle beams, fashioned from 4000 discarded plastic bottles designed around the three large Tamarind trees on site.
- picture of Chuzhi house
- sustainable house built with combination of natural and waste materials
- picture of Chuzhi house
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