70 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. In previous columns I’ve mentioned Murray Bookchin’s popular assembly model, implemented in Rojava in north-eastern Syria, in which decisions are handed up from local communities, rather than down from a distant centre; and the highly successful participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, wh
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Heute ist die Frage, ob dieser politische Ansatz sich in eine Zeit der ökologischenKatastrophen oder Degradation übertragen lässt. Kann man den libertären Munizipalismus auch als Strategie gegen die Dominanz fossiler Machtrguppen formulieren? Oder sind unsere Bedingungen heute so anders, dass man mit diesem Versuch in lange vergangenen Debatten verharren würde.

    2. t outcome convinced him that the working class, as such, was not going to be the primary revolutionary agent. Contrary to Marxist predictions, capitalism was not going to so “immiserate” the working class that it rose up in rebellion against it. Rather, workers were going to try to make improvements in their working conditions within capitalism

      Hier ist davon die Rede, dass Bookchin die Arbeiterklasse nicht länger für ein revolutionäres Subjekt hielt. Damit verbunden ist aber die Frage, ob es überhaupt ein vorweg existierendes einheitliches revoluionäres Subjekt geben kann.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Fachleute rechnen damit, dass ein Sieg Trumps bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen zu einem Rollback bei den Projekten für saubere Energie führen würde, die die Biden-Administration eingeleitet hat. Der Inflation Reduction Act hat bereits zu Investitionen von etwa 200 Milliarden Dollar in solche Projekte geführt. Wie weit der Rollback gelingen würde, ist unklar, zumal besonders republikanisch dominierte Regionen von den Projekten der aktuellen Administration profitieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/us/politics/inflation-reduction-act-republican-attacks.html

    1. Over the seven years that archaeologist-to-be Margaret Murray sent in wordsto the Dictionary, she managed to contribute 5,000 slips.
    2. The box in the archives held two further address books belonging toMurray, and the following summer, in a box in the Bodleian Library, I foundanother three address books belonging to the Editor who had preceded him,Frederick Furnivall. As I worked my way through them, it became clear thatthere were thousands of contributors. Some three thousand, to be exact.

      Sarah Ogilvie found a total of three address books from Dr. Murray as well as three address books from Frederick Furnivall which contained details about the three thousand or so contributors to the OED.

    3. urray’s house at 78 Banbury Road to receive post (it is still there today).This is now one of the most gentrified areas of Oxford, full of large three-storey, redbrick, Victorian houses, but the houses were brand new whenMurray lived there and considered quite far out of town.

      Considered outside of Oxford at the time, Dr. Murray fashioned the Scriptorium at his house at 78 Banbury Road. Murray received so much mail that the Royal Mail installed a red pillar box just to handle the volume.

  4. Jan 2024
    1. The physicistsStephen Wolfram and Brosl Hasslacher introduced me, in the early1980s, to chaos theory and nonlinear systems. In the 1990s, I learnedabout complex systems from conversations with Danny Hillis, the bi-ologist Stuart Kauffman, the Nobel-laureate physicist Murray Gell-Mann, and others. Most recently, Hasslacher and the electrical engineerand device physicist Mark Reed have been giving me insight into the in-credible possibilities of molecular electronics.

      some of Bill Joy's intellectual history here mirrors much of my own...

  5. Oct 2023
  6. Jun 2023
    1. How Harriet Tubman is remembered and honored

      I want this Harriet Tubman stamp more than I'd like the $5 Bill Murray version... at least until the new $20 is released.


    1. A five -dollar Bill Murray.

      See a ‘$5 Bill Murray’ by Eliot Glazer

      When did this idea enter the culture? This 2011 post may have helped it enter the zeitgeist.

  7. Jan 2023
    1. one of the earliest thinkers to warn us of its dangers was Murray Bookchin, who in 1962 summarized cogently what an ecological understanding of the world means and what it does to our understanding of our place within it:The critical edge of ecology, a unique feature of the science in a period of general scientific docility, derives from its subject matter—from its very domain. The issues with which ecology deals are imperishable in the sense that they cannot be ignored without bringing into question the survival of man and the survival of the planet itself. The critical edge of ecology is due not so much to the power of human reason—a power which science hallowed during its most revolutionary periods—but to a still higher power, the sovereignty of nature . . . ecology clearly shows the totality of the natural world—nature viewed in all its aspects, cycles and interrelationships—cancels out human pretensions to mastery over the planet.[7]

      !- Murray Bookchin : quotation - humanity not as conqueror of nature, but as a part of nature

  8. Sep 2022
    1. The underlying theme tyingthese myths together is that poverty is often perceived to be an issue of“them” rather than an issue of “us”—that those who experience povertyare viewed as strangers to mainstream America, falling outside accept-able behavior, and as such, are to be scorned and stigmatized.

      One of the underlying commonalities about the various myths of poverty is that we tend to "other" those that it effects. The "them" we stigmatize with the ills of poverty really look more like "us", and in fact, they are.

      Rather than victim shame and blame those in poverty, we ought to spend more of our time fixing the underlying disease instead of spending the time, effort, energy, and money on attempting to remedy the symptoms (eg. excessive policing, et al.) Not only is it more beneficial, but cheaper in the long run.

      Related:<br /> Gladwell, Malcolm. “Million-Dollar Murray.” The New Yorker, February 5, 2006. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/02/13/million-dollar-murray (.pdf copy available at https://housingmatterssc.org/million-dollar-murray/)

  9. Apr 2022
  10. Oct 2021
  11. Aug 2018
    1. social ecology formally emerged with the work of Murray Bookchin

      We should clarify that the term "social ecology" is not Bookchin's, but, at least according to Janet Biehl's Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, originated with E.A. Gutkind. In 1953, Gutkind authored Community and Environment: A Discourse on Social Ecology. Use of the term may go back even further.

  12. May 2017
    1. That student’s name was Pauli Murray. Her law-school peers were accustomed to being startled by her—she was the only woman among them and first in the class—but that day they laughed out loud.

      So excited to learn more about her!

  13. Oct 2015
    1. that he was influenced by no other motive than a bare pusilianimous attachment to a woman!

      It was just a mere woman who brought down Adam!

    2. It doth not appear that she was governed by any one sensual appetite; but merely by a desire of adorning her mind; a laudable ambition fired her soul, and a thirst for knowledge impelled the predilection so fatal in its consequences.

      Eve just wanted some knowledge! But apparently a desire for knowledge is fatal to women...

    3. Strange how blind self love renders you men; were you not wholly absorbed in a partial admiration of your own abilities, you would long since have acknowledged the force of what I am now going to urge.

      DAMN! Calling them out!

    4. upon this point we will never contend for victory

      Hmm...never say never!

    5. would interfere with our more peculiar department,

      Sexual duties?

    6. If we meet an equal, a sensible friend, we will reward him with the hand of amity, and through life we will be assiduous to promote his happiness

      Marriage without equivalent knowledge of the sexes is oppressing and wrong, but marriage with equal knowledge would be right!

    7. And if we are allowed an equality of acquirements, let serious studies equally employ our minds, and we will bid our souls arise to equal strengths.

      Equal education. Equal education. Equal education.

    8. for after an education which limits and confines, and employments and recreations which naturally tend to enervate the body, and debilitate the mind; after we have from early youth been adorned with ribbons, and other gewgaws, dressed out like the ancient victims previous to a sacrifice, being taught by the care of our parents in collecting the most showy materials that the ornamenting our exteriour ought to be the principal object of our attention; after, I say, fifteen years thus spent, we are introduced into the world, amid the united adulation of every beholder.

      After a limited and intellectually void upbringing, women are sent out into the world thinking only their looks matter.

    9. Thus David was a man after God’s own heart, yet see him enervated by his licentious passions! behold him following Uriah to the death, and shew me wherein could consist the immaculate Being’s complacency. Listen to the curses which Job bestoweth upon the day of his nativity, and tell me where is his perfection, where his patience–literally it existed not

      Just because men are mentioned more often in the Bible, doesn't mean their unquestionably superior. The men in the Bible made mistakes too!

    10. I know there are who assert, that as the animal power of the one sex are superiour, of course their mental faculties also must be stronger

      "Men are physically stronger than women, so the same must be true of their brains." Bull. Shit.

    11. Pity that all such censurers of female improvement do not go one step further, and deny their future existence; to be consistent they surely ought.

      Deny us of education because house duties should be enough for our minds? Might as well just kill us off. Dramatic and sassy and I LOVE IT

    12. Nay, while we are pursuing the needle, or the superintendency of the family, I repeat, that our minds are at full liberty for reflection


    13. I can add, that when once attained, they require no further mental attention.

      Once you learn how to cook and clean, you know how to cook and clean. You don't even have to think about it because it is mindless work. And that is why it is so unfulfilling.

    14. an unhappy Hymen would then be as rare, as is now the reverse.


    15. A mind, thus filled, would have little room for the trifles with which our sex are, with too much justice, accused of amusing themselves, and they would thus be rendered fit companions for those, who should one day wear them as their crown.

      If women were allowed to fill their minds with knowledge, they would not be accused of needing senseless "amusements" by men.

    16. Is she united to a person whose soul nature made equal to her own, education hath set him so far above her, that in those entertainments which are productive of such rational felicity, she is not qualified to accompany him. She experiences a mortifying consciousness of inferiority, which embitters every enjoyment.

      Marriage to a man only decreases a woman's already low self-worth because she feels intellectually inferior to him due to their differences in education.

    17. At length arrived at womanhood, the uncultivated fair one feels a void, which the employments allotted her are by no means capable of filling. What can she do? to books she may not apply; or if she doth, to those only of the novel kind, lest she merit the appellation of a learned lady; and what ideas have been affixed to this term, the observation of many can testify.

      A life without knowledge is unfulfilling to a woman, but she cannot fill this void in her life because it is frowned upon by society

    18. the sister must be wholly domesticated,

      Makes women sound like dogs

    19. the one is taught to aspire, and the other is early confined and limitted.

      Men are taught to gain knowledge and have aspirations, women are taught to stay in the house and clean

    20. May we not trace its source in the difference of education, and continued advantages? Will it be said that the judgment of a male of two years old, is more sage than that of a female’s of the same age

      The only reason women are intellectually inferior to men is because of their difference in education! If both sexes had the exact same education, it would be different

    21. Are we deficient in reason? we can only reason from what we know, and if an opportunity of acquiring knowledge hath been denied us, the inferiority of our sex cannot fairly be deduced from thence.

      Women cannot be properly judged against men in matters of reason because they have been denied traditional education

    22. Is the needle and kitchen sufficient to employ the operations of a soul thus organized? I should conceive not, Nay, it is a truth that those very departments leave the intelligent principle vacant, and at liberty for speculation.

      Housework is not enough to fulfill someone's life!

    23. Assuredly great activity of mind is thereby discovered, and was this activity properly directed, what beneficial effects would follow.

      If the mental energy women used to "imagine" things was allowed to access real knowledge and build upon it, greater things would be accomplished by their intellect

    24. so extremely ready are we, that the very first thought presents us with an apology, so plausible, as to produce our actions even in an amiable light.

      Women are good at coming up with apologies...because we apparently always have something to apologize for!

    25. The province of imagination hath long since been surrendered to us, and we have been crowned and undoubted sovereigns of the regions of fancy.

      Women have always been considered good at imagining things...but not understanding "real" things.

    26. I know that to both sexes elevated understandings, and the reverse, are common. But, suffer me to ask, in what the minds of females are so notoriously deficient, or unequal.

      There are varying levels of intelligence among both men and women. Why is all female intelligence considered inferior to any man's?

    27. But imbecility is still confin’d, And by the lordly sex to us consign’d; They rob us of the power t’improve, And then declare we only trifles love

      Women are written off as not being smart by men and considered only as playthings.

    28. And in past times some men have sunk so low, That female records nothing less can show.


    29. As if a woman’s form must needs enrol, A weak, a servile, an inferiour soul; And that the guise of man must still proclaim, Greatness of mind, and him, to be the same

      Women are made out to be weak and intellectually inferior to men, but there is no real reason they a prescribed that identity

    30. While others, emulous of sweet applause, Industrious seek for each event a cause, Tracing the hidden springs whence knowledge flows, Which nature all in beauteous order shows.

      Some people are stuck in their ways and just exist, others aspire to goals and knowledge.

    31. But some there are who wish not to improve Who never can the path of knowledge love, Whose souls almost with the dull body one, With anxious care each mental pleasure shun; Weak is the level’d, enervated mind,

      Some won't strive for progress because they are too stuck in their ways, and their stubbornness gets in the way of their ability to change.

    32. And Genius, led by Study, wears the crown.

      Once again pointing out that education of women is the most important part of bringing about change

    33. THAT minds are not alike, full well I know, This truth each day’s experience will show;

      Not all minds think alike

    1. I would, I must repeat, by all means guard them against a low estimation of self. I would leave no charm undiscovered or unmarked, for the penetrating eye of the pretended admirer, to make unto himself a merit by holding up to her view; thus, I would destroy the weapons of flattery, or render them useless, by leaving not the least room for their operation.

      Have a high self-worth and be aware of your strengths so that flattery of men does not fool you and take your self-control away.

    2. when the voice of adulation should assail her ear, as she had early been initiated into its true meaning, and from youth been accustomed to the language of praise; her attention would not be captivated, the Siren’s song would not borrow the aid of novelty, her young mind would not be enervated or intoxicated, by a delicious surprise, she would possess her soul in serenity and by that means, rise superior to the deep-laid schemes which, too commonly, encompass the steps of beauty.

      By being exposed to compliments and understanding flattery, she will not be fooled by men's compliments that are meant to make her swoon. Instead, she will maintain control over her soul (heart/mind/emotions?) in such a situation.

    3. to be hung up as a pleasing picture among the paintings of some spacious hall

      You are more than just a pretty face to look at! You have a brain, so use it!

    4. but, it must be your part, my sweet girl, to render yourself worthy respect from higher motives: you must learn “to reverence yourself,” that is, your intellectual existence; you must join my efforts, in endeavouring to adorn your mind, for, it is from the proper furnishing of that, you will become indeed a valuable person,

      This is FANTASTIC. She's telling her daughter that she needs to consider herself to be important for more than just her looks and strive to educate herself so she can demand respect for her true value as a person. I love it!

    5. I would, from the early dawn of reason, address her as a rational being

      She intends to treat her daughter as a human being!

    6. from my lips she should be accustomed to hear the most pleasing truths, and, as in the course of my instructions, I should doubtless find myself but too often impelled to wound the delicacy of youthful sensibility.

      She will compliment her daughter instead of shielding her from flattery, but won't protect her innocence by keeping harsh truths from her.

    7. whence arise the sweet perfume of adulation, and when she can obtain the regard due to a merit, which she supposes altogether uncommon.

      Because women are never taught to strive for accomplishments, when they are praised about a particular accomplishment, they think that such a practice is uncommon.

    8. they assiduously guard every avenue, they arrest the stream of due admiration, and endeavour to divest her of all idea of the bounties of nature

      Women are kept shielded from education and discouraged to believe that they're important. Probably to keep them "womanly."

    9. I would, therefore, have my pupils believe, that every thing in the compass of mortality, was placed within their grasp, and that, the avidity of application, the intenseness of study, were only requisite to endow them with every external grace, and mental accomplishment.

      That's a powerful teaching technique! You can achieve anything in the world if you learn your studies and apply yourself.

    10. to teach young minds to aspire, ought to be the ground work of education

      LOVE this idea!

    11. Ne’er taught to “rev’rence self,” or to aspire, Our bosoms never caught ambition’s fire;

      Women were never taught to have pride in themselves or to have goals.

    12. But, lost to conscious worth, to decent pride, Compass nor helm there is, our course to guide: Nor may we anchor cast, for rudely tost In an unfathom’d sea, each motive’s lost,

      Without self-worth, you lose your direction in life and your drive

    13. Self-estimation will debasement shun,

      Believing in yourself will keep others from devaluing you

    14. May stimulate to most exalted deeds, Direct the soul where blooming honor leads;

      Confidence in one's self allows the soul to aspire to & accomplish great things