- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
integration is what people are seeking that's why they're coming to you um they want they often people will seek me out because nothing else seems to have helped all the talk therapy all the Psychotherapy all the things that they've tried not that they are still in being influenced by the patterns that are affecting them uh so we we call this notion the integration imperative
for - definition - integration imperative - people seek integration - talk therapy - psychotherapy has not helped - patterns still there and affecting them - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
second one would be moving into the emotional body
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- Sep 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
38:00 psychotherapy as entangling lies, religious confession also
- Mar 2021
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Klein, A. (n.d.). Grief over covid-19 deaths may be unusually severe and long-lasting. New Scientist. Retrieved July 9, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2248095-grief-over-covid-19-deaths-may-be-unusually-severe-and-long-lasting/
- Dec 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Weiskittle, R. E., Mlinac, M., & Nicole Downing, L. (2020, August 25). Addressing COVID-19 Worry and Social Isolation in Home-Based Primary Care. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/483zv
medium.com medium.com
Instead of waiting for a magic fairy to appear and eliminate your problem so that you can enjoy life again, you might want to start adding those little positive events back onto your agenda despite the problem still being present
This solution based therapy focuses on trying to get people active and engaged with life even when depressed.
It is important to help patients experience those little positive events. These events can help people get back on track.
If you need to imagine in concrete detail how you would notice that a problem disappeared, you are challenged to leave vague descriptions like “I’ll be happy”, “I’ll be less annoyed” behind.Vagueness in the end is a cognitive avoidance mechanism. It is easy to ruminate on general emotions and thoughts but very hard to imagine concrete outcomes and changes. We would rather not face precise thoughts, emotions or memories because they can be painful. Better to stay at a safe but vague distance.
This is all about solution based therapy. We need concrete ways of fixing our problems.
Vagueness is a cognitive avoidance strategy. It is a way to avoid digging deep.
It is safer for our feelings to stay vague, but that is not where we need to improve.
Rather than defining the problem — which is hard — you are invited to define the change you would like to experience. It is a bit like reverse engineering.
This is a very interesting way to approach psychotherapy:
Let the patient define and explore the change they want to experience.
- Jul 2020
Free webinar gives top tips on effective video therapy | BPS. (2020, April 24). British Psychological Society. https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-policy/free-webinar-gives-top-tips-effective-video-therapy
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Sung, J., Dobias, M., & Schleider, J. L. (2020, April 29). Single-Session Interventions: Complementing and Extending Evidence-Based Practice. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/z7bw2