47 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Sample .devcontainer/devcontainer.json:

      json { "name": "Global", "build": { "context": "..", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile" }, "containerEnv": { "PYTHONPATH": "." }, "customizations": { "vscode": { "settings": { "extensions.verifySignature": false }, "extensions": [ "GitHub.copilot", "ms-python.vscode-pylance", "ms-python.python", "eamodio.gitlens" ] } }, "initializeCommand": "/bin/bash -c '[[ -d ${HOME}/.aws ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.aws directory not found.\"; exit 1; }; [[ -f ${HOME}/.netrc ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.netrc file not found.\"; exit 1; }; [[ -d ${HOME}/.ssh ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.ssh directory not found.\"; exit 1; }; echo \"\n> All required mounts found on the host machine.\"'", "onCreateCommand": { "hadolint": "apt-get update && apt-get install wget -y && wget -O /bin/hadolint https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/releases/download/v2.12.0/hadolint-Linux-x86_64 && chmod u+x /usr/bin/hadolint", "precommit": "pip install pre-commit" }, "updateContentCommand": "/bin/bash -c 'if grep -A 2 \"machine gitlab.com\" ~/.netrc | grep -q \"password\" && GITLAB_TOKEN=$(grep -A 2 \"machine gitlab.com\" ~/.netrc | grep -oP \"(?<=password ).*\" | tr -d \"\\n\") && [ -n \"$GITLAB_TOKEN\" ]; then echo \"\n> Token found in ~/.netrc\"; else read -sp \"\n> Enter your GitLab token: \" GITLAB_TOKEN && echo; fi; echo \"export GITLAB_TOKEN=$GITLAB_TOKEN\" >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc && poetry config http-basic.abc __token__ $GITLAB_TOKEN'", "postCreateCommand": ". ~/.bashrc && curl -s --location 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/12345/repository/files/.pre-commit-config.yaml/raw?ref=main' --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_TOKEN\" -o .pre-commit-config.yaml", "postAttachCommand": "/bin/bash -c '. ~/.bashrc && read -p \"\n> Do you want to update the content of devcontainer.json? (y/n): \" response; if [[ \"$response\" == \"y\" ]]; then curl -s --location \"https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/12345/repository/files/devcontainer.json/raw?ref=main\" --header \"PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_TOKEN\" -o .devcontainer/devcontainer.json; else echo \"\n> Skipping update of devcontainer.json\"; fi'", "mounts": [ "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.aws/,target=/root/.aws/,type=bind,readonly", "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.netrc,target=/root/.netrc,type=bind,readonly", "source=${localEnv:HOME}/.ssh/,target=/root/.ssh/,type=bind,readonly" ] }

    2. Some more of my recent learning with devcontainer.json (its Dev Container metadata):

      • Interactive commands (those waiting for user input like read) do not display the input request in (at least onCreateCommand and postCreateCommand sections), so it is better to keep them in updateContentCommand or postAttachCommand.
      • If there are 2 read commands in a single section, like updateContentCommand, only the 1st one is displayed to the user, and the 2nd one is ignored.
      • When I put a read command within a dictionary (with at lest 2 key/values) of postAttachCommand, the interactive command wasn't being displayed.
      • We need to use /bin/bash -c to be able to use read -s (the -s flag) which allows for securely passing the password so that it does not stay in the VS Code console. Also, I had trouble with interactive commands and if statements without it.
      • Using "GITLAB_TOKEN": "${localEnv:GITLAB_TOKEN}" does not easily work as it is looking for GITLAB_TOKEN env variable set locally on our host computers, and I believe no one does it.
      • The dictionary seems to be executing its scripts in parallel; therefore, it is not easily possible to break down long lines which have to execute in a chronological sequence.
      • JSON does not allow for human-readable line breaks; therefore, indeed, it seems impossible to improve the long one-liners.
      • The files/folders mentioned within mounts need to exist locally (otherwise, Docker container build fails). They are mounted before any other section. Technically, we can protect ourselves with the following command to find an extra message in VS Code container logs:

      json "initializeCommand": "/bin/bash -c '[[ -d ${HOME}/.aws ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.aws directory not found.\"; exit 1; }; [[ -f ${HOME}/.netrc ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.netrc file not found.\"; exit 1; }; [[ -d ${HOME}/.ssh ]] || { echo \"Error: ${HOME}/.ssh directory not found.\"; exit 1; }'",

      Other option is to get rid of the error completely, but this creates files on the host machine; therefore, it is not an ideal solution:

      json "initializeCommand": "mkdir -p ~/.ssh ~/.aws && touch ~/.netrc",

    3. ["bash", "-i", "-c", "read -p 'Type a message: ' -t 10 && echo Attach $REPLY"],

      I would also simply put the following:

      bash /bin/bash -c 'read -p 'Type a message: ' -t 10 && echo Attach $REPLY'

    4. Consequently, it’s one of the only commands that consistently allows interactions with users.

      I also found that updateContentCommand allows for the user interaction (it displays interactive command in the VS Code console).

    5. There are six available lifecycle script hooks

      Explanation of 6 available devcontainer.json (Dev Container in VS Code) hooks.

  2. Jan 2024
  3. Oct 2023
  4. Jul 2023
  5. Jun 2023
  6. Feb 2023
    1. "languageServerExample.trace.server": "verbose"

      This is in the contributes part of the package.json

      json "contributes": { "configuration": { "type": "object", "title": "Example configuration", "properties": { "languageServerExample.maxNumberOfProblems": { "scope": "resource", "type": "number", "default": 100, "description": "Controls the maximum number of problems produced by the server." }, "languageServerExample.trace.server": { "scope": "window", "type": "string", "enum": [ "off", "messages", "verbose" ], "default": "off", "description": "Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server." } } } },

  7. Dec 2022
  8. Oct 2022
  9. Jan 2022
    1. A best practice among Python developers is to avoid installing packages into a global interpreter environment. You instead use a project-specific virtual environment that contains a copy of a global interpreter. Once you activate that environment, any packages you then install are isolated from other environments. Such isolation reduces many complications that can arise from conflicting package versions. To create a virtual environment and install the required packages, enter the following commands as appropriate for your operating system:
  10. Dec 2021
    1. packer has the cond option that you can pass to optionally load a plugin. I found the disable didn't work for dynamic variables. For instance I have use { 'vimwiki/vimwiki', setup = [[require('config.vimwiki')]], cond = function() return not vim.g.vscode end } to only load vimwiki if not in vs code
  11. Sep 2021
    1. You can attach Visual Studio Code to this container by right-clicking on it and choosing the Attach Visual Studio Code option. It will open a new window and ask you which folder to open.

      It seems like VS Code offers a better way to manage Docker containers

  12. Mar 2021
  13. code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
    1. Commands may also return a result. The API-like vscode.executeDefinitionProvider command, for example, queries a document for definitions at a given position. It takes a document URI and a position as arguments, and returns a promise with a list of definitions:


  14. Apr 2020
    1. The best way to explain the difference between launch and attach is to think of a launch configuration as a recipe for how to start your app in debug mode before VS Code attaches to it, while an attach configuration is a recipe for how to connect VS Code's debugger to an app or process that's already running.

      Simple difference between two core debugging modes: Launch and Attach available in VS Code.

      Depending on the request (attach or launch), different attributes are required, and VS Code's launch.json validation and suggestions should help with that.

    2. Logpoint is a variant of a breakpoint that does not "break" into the debugger but instead logs a message to the console. Logpoints are especially useful for injecting logging while debugging production servers that cannot be paused or stopped. A Logpoint is represented by a "diamond" shaped icon. Log messages are plain text but can include expressions to be evaluated within curly braces ('{}').

      Logpoints - log messages to the console when breakpoint is hit.

      Can include expressions to be evaluated with {}, e.g.:

      fib({num}): {result}


    3. Here are some optional attributes available to all launch configurations

      Optional arguments for launch.json:

      • presentation ("order", "group" or "hidden")
      • preLaunchTask
      • postDebugTask
      • internalConsoleOptions
      • debugServer
      • serverReadyAction
    4. The following attributes are mandatory for every launch configuration

      In the launch.json file you've to define at least those 3 variables:

      • type (e.g. "node", "php", "go")
      • request ("launch" or "attach")
      • name (name to appear in the Debug launch configuration drop-down)
    5. Many debuggers support some of the following attributes

      Some of the possibly supported attributes in launch.json:

      • program
      • args
      • env
      • cwd
      • port
      • stopOnEntry
      • console (e.g. "internalConsole", "integratedTerminal", "externalTerminal")
    1. If you'd just like to see refactorings without Quick Fixes, you can use the Refactor command (Ctrl+Shift+R).

      To easily see all the refactoring options, use the "Refactor" command

    1. To customize settings for debugging tests, you can specify "request":"test" in the launch.json file in the .vscode folder from your workspace.

      Customising settings for debugging tests while running

      Python: Debug All Tests


      Python: Debug Test Method

    2. For example, the test_decrement functions given earlier are failing because the assertion itself is faulty.

      Debugging tests themselves

      1. Set a breakpoint on the first line of the failing function (e.g. test_decrement)
      2. Click the "Debug Test" option above the function
      3. Open Debug Console and type: inc_dec.decrement(3) to see what is the actual output when we use x=3
      4. Stop the debugger and correct the tests
      5. Save the test file and run the tests again to look for a positive result
    3. With pytest, failed tests also appear in the Problems panel, where you can double-click on an issue to navigate directly to the test

      pytest displays failed tests also in PROBLEMS

    4. VS Code also shows test results in the Python Test Log output panel (use the View > Output menu command to show the Output panel, then select Python Test Log

      Another way to view the test results:

      View > Output > Python Test Log

    5. For Python, test discovery also activates the Test Explorer with an icon on the VS Code activity bar. The Test Explorer helps you visualize, navigate, and run tests

      Test Explorer is activated after discovering tests in Python:

    6. You can trigger test discovery at any time using the Python: Discover Tests command.

      After using python.testing.autoTestDiscoverOnSaveEnabled, it'll be set to true and discovering tests whenever a test file is saved.

      If discovery succeeds, the status bar shows Run Tests instead:

    7. Testing in Python is disabled by default. To enable testing, use the Python: Configure Tests command on the Command Palette.

      Start testing in VS Code by using Python: Configure Tests (it automatically chooses one testing framework and disables the rest).

      Otherwise, you can configure tests manually by setting only one of the following to True:

      • python.testing.unittestEnabled
      • python.testing.pytestEnabled
      • python.testing.nosetestsEnabled
    1. Visual Studio Code supports working with Jupyter Notebooks natively, as well as through Python code files.

      To run cells inside a Python script in VSCode, all you need to is to define Jupyter-like code cells within Python code using a # %% comment:

      # %%
      msg = "Hello World"
      # %%
      msg = "Hello again"

    1. To help you get started quickly, we created a special Installer of Visual Studio Code for Java developers. Download Visual Studio Code Java Pack Installer Note: The installer is currently only available for Windows. For other OS, please install those components (JDK, VS Code and Java extensions) individually. We're working on the macOS version, please stay tuned. The package can be used as a clean install or an update for an existing development environment to add Java or Visual Studio Code. Once downloaded and opened, it automatically detects if you have the fundamental components in your local development environment, including the JDK, Visual Studio Code, and essential Java extensions.

      If you wish to use Java inside VSCode, try downloading the Installer of Visual Studio Code for Java developers

    1. Note: When you create a new virtual environment, you should be prompted by VS Code to set it as the default for your workspace folder. If selected, the environment will automatically be activated when you open a new terminal.

      After creating a new project related environment, it shall be specified as a default for this specific project

    2. Tip: Use Logpoints instead of print statements: Developers often litter source code with print statements to quickly inspect variables without necessarily stepping through each line of code in a debugger. In VS Code, you can instead use Logpoints. A Logpoint is like a breakpoint except that it logs a message to the console and doesn't stop the program. For more information, see Logpoints in the main VS Code debugging article.

      Try to use logpoints instead of print statements.

      More info: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging#_logpoints

  15. Nov 2019
    1. the more files you have and the bigger your project, the more resources VS Code will start to consume. The Search Indexing and File Watcher scripts start eating up your memory. Moreover, to work on such a project, you will open each file in a new tab, leading to multiple VS Code instances running simultaneously, and eventually, your CPU usage will start to look like this

      VS Code consumes much more memory in comparison to Sublime while working on more significant projects

  16. Nov 2018