- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
e scientists said the record level of stratification and reduced oxygen in the ocean would have “severe consequences” for ocean plant and animal life. Marine heatwaves struck across the oceans in 2023.
This cuts the amount of oxygen in the oceans, threatening marine life, and also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and heat the seas can take up in the future.
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Another major climate driver is hypoxia, or low oceanic oxygen levels. Hypoxia is caused by the decreased solubility of oxygen in warmer waters as well as increased respiration rates of marine microbes and changes in the circulation of the ocean.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Wong et al. (2024) observed, not only is the global ocean becoming warmer, more acidic, and losing oxygen, but also there is a growing tendency for it to experience extreme events
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
1/5 der Meeresoberfläche ist von Hitzewellen bedroht, die mit Sauerstoffverlust und Versauerung verbunden sind, wie eine neue Studie detailliert nachweist. Unter diesen Bedingungen können viele Lebewesen nicht überleben. Es handelt sich um Folgeerscheinungen der Erhitzung der Ozeane und der Aufnahme von CO2 durch die Meere. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/04/extreme-heat-oceans-acidification
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Es war schon immer so. Halte die Menschen im Stress und Sie kommen nicht zum nachdenken. Eltern die Sorgen haben wie Sie ihre Kinder satt bekommen und die Wohnung bezahlen können, haben schlicht keine Zeit zum nachdenken und andere Sorgen als, Radwege in Peru
"Halte die Menschen im Stress"<br /> die methode dazu ist "helfe den schwachen und bestrafe die starken".<br /> beispiel: meine exfrau ist ein kompletter vollidiot, der alles falsch macht, was man nur falsch machen kann. jetzt rate mal, wer beim familiengericht das sorgerecht gekriegt hat? richtig, nur meine exfrau, und ich als klugscheisser bin "erziehungsunfähig" und "ein fall für die psychiatrie".<br /> ich bin ein geborener führer, und werde behandelt wie ein staatsfeind (teufel).<br /> meine exfrau ist ein geborener sklave, und wird vom system belohnt (gott).
- Aug 2024
www.chatpdf.com www.chatpdf.com
Once we’ve donethis, we take all of ourstocks and put them into adashboard, which is just ourmaster Excel worksheetthat has all the valuations.Then we sort by reward-to-risk, and this is what reallydrives the framework forour portfolio. Sortingthrough that reward-to-riskhelps us make our buy andsell decisions and portfolio-weighting decisions.
“The mostimportant thing inthe market, as inalmost anyendeavor, isdiscipline.”
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.ivey.uwo.ca www.ivey.uwo.ca
Presented ToThe Ivey Business SchoolBen Graham Centre for Value Investing
805 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 430 Austin, Texas 78746 1-800-664-4888 avandenberg@centman.com www.centman.com
- Jun 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Im Mai sind die Strompreise auf dem nicht regulierten Markt in Deutschland kurzfristig um 90% gefallen. Grund war ein enormes Angebot an Solarstrom aufgrund der Verdoppelung der Kapazität im vergangenen Jahr. Der Artikel der Republica fast rundinformationen zum Aufbau der Solarenergie in Deutschland zusammen. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2024/06/04/news/germania_il_solare_produce_troppo_crolla_il_prezzo_dellenergia_per_i_produttori-423163827/
In zwei US-Bundesstaaten haben NGOs verhindert, das Kohlekraftwerksbetreiber ihre Verluste auf ihre Kundinnen abwälzen. Die Argumentation, es stünden billigere erneuerbare Energiequellen zur Verfügung, wurde von dem Regulatoren akzeptiert. Kohlekraftwerke sind für mehr als 50% der energiebedingten Emissionen der USA verantwortlich, produzieren aber nur 20% des Stroms. Die Abwälzung ihrer Mehrkosten auf Kunden erschwert die Durchsetzung von Windenergie am Markt.. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/climate/electricity-from-coal-is-pricey-should-consumers-have-to-pay.html
- institution: RMI
- ClearView Energy Partners
- Neue Regulierungen für die Emissionen von Kohlekraftwerken in den USA April 2024
- David Rogers
- logseq: true
- Devi Glick
- Dana Ammann
- Sierra Club
- Synapse Energy Economics
- Joshua Smith
- coal phase out
- Grid Strategies LLC
- NGO: Natural Resources Defense Council
- coal
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Donald Trump hat 20 Spitzenmanagern der amerikanischen Ölindustrie angeboten, für Wahlkampfspenden in Höhe von einer Milliarde Dollar alle Regulierungen der Biden-Administration, die die Förderung von Öl und Gas behindern, zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit außer Kraft zu setzen. Die Washington Post berichtet über das Treffen in Mar-a-Lago. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/09/trump-oil-ceo-donation
Bericht der Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/l
- Moratorium für LNG-Exporte aus den USA
- 2024-08-09
- Korruption
- Christina Polizzi
- Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (Crew)
- Climate Power
- Pete Maysmith
- Jordan Libowitz
- ExxonMobil
- Chevron
- League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
- logseq: true
- Spenden-Dinner Donald Trumps mit Big Oil-Managern
- Inflation Reduction Act
- Occidental Petroleum
- actor: Biden administration
- by: Ed Pilkington
- May 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
gallien den galliern, römer raus ... alles nix neues
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe
- Carbon offsets
- Zac Goldsmith
- Conservation International
- Science Based Targets Initiative
- Bezos Earth fund
- Holger Hoffmann-Riem
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Climate Action Network International
- Iván Duque
- Paul Bodnar
- Luiz Fernando do Amaral
- Go for Impact
- Stephan Singer
- Sam Van den Plas
- John Kerry
- Wanjira Mathai
- Auszeichnung des Bezos Earth Fund durch Conservation International
- Andrew Steer
- Carbon Market Watch
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian: Die Parteien, die die neue niederländische Rechtsregierung unterstützen, haben sich auf ein Arbeitsprogramm geeinigt. Wichtige klimapolitische Maßnahmen werden zurückgenommen. So soll die Höchstgeschwindigkeit auf Autobahnen wieder 130 km/h betragen; Agrardiesel wird wieder subventioniert. Bei der Installation von Wärmepumpen verzichtet man auf Zielwerte. Es sollen 4 Atomkraftwerke gebaut werden. Was die Regierung durchsetzen kann, ist noch unklar. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/16/new-dutch-coalition-aims-to-reintroduce-80mph-limit-in-cull-of-climate-goals
- Aug 2022
www.ischool.berkeley.edu www.ischool.berkeley.edu
Historical Hypermedia: An Alternative History of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 and Implications for e-Research. .mp3. Berkeley School of Information Regents’ Lecture. UC Berkeley School of Information, 2010. https://archive.org/details/podcast_uc-berkeley-school-informat_historical-hypermedia-an-alte_1000088371512. archive.org.
Interface as Thing - book on Paul Otlet (not released, though he said he was working on it)
- W. Boyd Rayward 1994 expert on Otlet
- Otlet on annotation, visualization, of text
- TBL married internet and hypertext (ideas have sex)
- V. Bush As We May Think - crosslinks between microfilms, not in a computer context
- Ted Nelson 1965, hypermedia
- Michael Buckland book about machine developed by Emanuel Goldberg antecedent to memex
- Emanuel Goldberg and His Knowledge Machine: Information, Invention, and Political Forces (New Directions in Information Management) by Michael Buckland (Libraries Unlimited, (March 31, 2006)
- Otlet and Goldsmith were precursors as well
four figures in his research: - Patrick Gattis - biologist, architect, diagrams of knowledge, metaphorical use of architecture; classification - Paul Otlet, Brussels born - Wilhelm Ostwalt - nobel prize in chemistry - Otto Neurath, philosophher, designer of isotype
Paul Otlet
- wrote bibliography on law
- book: Something on Bibliography #wanttoread
- universal decimal classification system
- mundaneum
- Le Corbusier - architect worked with Otlet for building for Mundaneum; See: https://socks-studio.com/2019/05/05/the-shape-of-knowledge-the-mundaneum-by-paul-otlet-and-henri-la-fontaine/
Otlet was interested in both the physical as well as the intangible aspects of the Mundaneum including as an idea, an institution, method, body of work, building, and as a network.<br /> (#t=1020)
Early iPhone diagram?!?
(roughly) armchair to do the things in the web of life (Nelson quote) (get full quote and source for use) (circa 19:30)
compares Otlet to TBL
Michael Buckland 1991 <s>internet of things</s> coinage - did I hear this correctly? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things lists different coinages
Turns out it was "information as thing"<br /> See: https://hypothes.is/a/kXIjaBaOEe2MEi8Fav6QsA
sugane brierre and otlet<br /> "everything can be in a document"<br /> importance of evidence
The idea of evidence implies a passiveness. For evidence to be useful then, one has to actively do something with it, use it for comparison or analysis with other facts, knowledge, or evidence for it to become useful.
transformation of sound into writing<br /> movement of pieces at will to create a new combination of facts - combinatorial creativity idea here. (circa 27:30 and again at 29:00)<br /> not just efficiency but improvement and purification of humanity
put things on system cards and put them into new orders<br /> breaking things down into smaller pieces, whether books or index cards....
Otlet doesn't use the word interfaces, but makes these with language and annotations that existed at the time. (32:00)
Otlet created diagrams and images to expand his ideas
Otlet used octagonal index cards to create extra edges to connect them together by topic. This created more complex trees of knowledge beyond the four sides of standard index cards. (diagram referenced, but not contained in the lecture)
Otlet is interested in the "materialization of knowledge": how to transfer idea into an object. (How does this related to mnemonic devices for daily use? How does it relate to broader material culture?)
Otlet inspired by work of Herbert Spencer
space an time are forms of thought, I hold myself that they are forms of things. (get full quote and source) from spencer influence of Plato's forms here?
Otlet visualization of information (38:20)
S. R. Ranganathan may have had these ideas about visualization too
atomization of knowledge; atomist approach 19th century examples:S. R. Ranganathan, Wilson, Otlet, Richardson, (atomic notes are NOT new either...) (39:40)
Otlet creates interfaces to the world - time with cyclic representation - space - moving cube along time and space axes as well as levels of detail - comparison to Ted Nelson and zoomable screens even though Ted Nelson didn't have screens, but simulated them in paper - globes
Katie Berner - semantic web; claims that reporting a scholarly result won't be a paper, but a nugget of information that links to other portions of the network of knowledge.<br /> (so not just one's own system, but the global commons system)
Mention of Open Annotation (Consortium) Collaboration:<br /> - Jane Hunter, University of Australia Brisbane & Queensland<br /> - Tim Cole, University of Urbana Champaign<br /> - Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory annotations of various media<br /> see:<br /> - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311366469_The_Open_Annotation_Collaboration_A_Data_Model_to_Support_Sharing_and_Interoperability_of_Scholarly_Annotations - http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20130205/index.html - http://www.openannotation.org/PhaseIII_Team.html
trust must be put into the system for it to work
coloration of the provenance of links goes back to Otlet (~52:00)
Creativity is the friction of the attention space at the moments when the structural blocks are grinding against one another the hardest. —Randall Collins (1998) The sociology of philosophers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (p.76)
- Le Corbusier
- Paul Otlet
- evidence
- references
- S. R. Ranganathan
- Vannevar Bush
- Herbert Spencer
- atomist philosophy
- Universal Decimal Classification
- materialization of knowledge
- Mundaneum
- octagonal index cards
- material culture
- Herbert Van de Sompel
- Wilhelm Ostwalt
- Tim Cole
- atomic ideas
- index cards
- hypermedia
- memex
- Emanuel Goldberg
- atomic notes
- Open Annotation Collaboration
- Michael Buckland
- mnemonic devices
- W. Boyd Rayward
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Hypothes.is
- Jane Hunter
- semantic web
- Web 2.0
- Charles van den Heuvel
- listen
- Otto Neurath
- idea links
- Ted Nelson
- Randall Collins
socks-studio.com socks-studio.com
Notice the octagonal shape of this rooms which mirrors in some ways the octagonal index cards mentioned by Charles van den Heuvel in his Regents Lecture (2008) which Otlet used to link via subject headings. You'll see here subject headings on the walls of the architecture to match.
link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/8e9hThZ4Ee2hWAcV1j5B9w
- Mar 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is