- Dec 2024
medium.com medium.com
for - climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
summary - A good article that offers an explanation of how language has potentially led the public to rely on top down actors to provide solutions to the climate crisis - Joe Brewer draws on his background as a frame analyst to analyse the role language and cognitive linguistics has played in framing the discourse on the climate crisis - He claims that this has led the public to look to elite top down actors to provide the solutions - This had led to a disempowerment of the public in actively participating in contributing too solutions - Indeed it could be why we have a sleeping giant - Reframing the story could have the opposite effect of inspiring people's to wake up and take action to regenerate nature within and surrounding the communities where people live.
from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/yvHstLfVEe-cyRN4sq09Ow/www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-brewer-4957925_earlier-this-week-i-lived-into-an-important-activity-7270035170328494080-E7Cq/ - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed. - https://hyp.is/0NOdtLiREe--pwPfB1SmdA/www.resilience.org/stories/2024-04-18/a-transcender-manifesto-for-a-world-beyond-capitalism-a-seed/
- from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
- from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
- climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
What I did this week was sit down and record a video explaining how the climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us -- and what we can do about it by focusing on grassroots organizing to restore health to our local ecosystems
for - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/XoQoRLfVEe-ZMIMjZheLLA/medium.com/@joe_brewer/how-climate-change-is-framed-to-disempower-you-01d871413487
- post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
- to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - climate crisis - Youtube - climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - to - climate clock - adjacency - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - A third option - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis
YouTube details - title: climate Doomsday 6 years from now - author: Jerry Kroth, pyschologist
summary - Psychologist Jerry Kroth makes a claim that the 1.5 Deg C and 2.0 Deg C thresholds will be reached sooner than expected - due to acceleration of climate change impacts. - He backs up his argument with papers and recent talks of climate thought leaders using their youtube presentations. - This presentation succinctly summarized a lot of the climate news I've been following recently. - It reminded me of the urgency of climate change, my work trying to find a way to integrate the work of the Climate Clock project into other projects. - This work was still incomplete but now I have incentive to complete it.
adjacency - between - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer - Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis - and many others - adjacency relationship - I have been holding many fragmented projects in my mind and they are all orbiting around the Tipping Point Festival for the past decade. - When Indyweb Alpha is done, - especially with the new Wikinizer update - We can collectively weave all these ideas together into one coherent whole using Stop Reset Go complexity mapping as a plexmarked Mark-In notation - Then apply cascading social tipping point theory to invite each project to a form a global coherent, bottom-up commons-based movement for rapid whole system change - Currently, there are a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together! - I think this video served as a reminder of the urgency emerged of our situation and it emerged adjacencies and associations between recent ideas I've been annotating, specifically: - Yanis Varoufakis - Need to end the US-led cold war with China due to US felt threat of losing their US dollar reserve currency status - that Trump wants to escalate to the next stage with major tariffs - MIchel Bauwens - Cosmolocal organization as an alternative to current governance systems - Roger Hallam - love-based strategy intervention for mitigating fascism, polarization and the climate crisis - Otto Scharmer - Emerging a third option to democracy - small islands of coherency can unite nonlinearly to have a significant impact - Climate Clock - a visual means to show how much time we have left - It is noteworthy that: - Yanis Varoufakis and Roger Hallam are both articulating a higher Common Human Denominator - creating a drive to come together rather than separate - which requires looking past the differences and into the fundamental similarities that make us human - the Common Human Denominators (CHD) - In both of their respective articles, Yanis Varoufakis and Otto Scharmer both recognize the facade of the two party system - in the backend, it's only ruled by one party - the oligarchs, the party of the elites (see references below) - Once Indyweb is ready, and SRG complexity mapping and sense-making tool applied within Indyweb, we will already be curating all the most current information from all the fragmented projects together in one place regardless of whether any projects wants to use the Indyweb or not - The most current information from each project is already converged, associated and updated here - This makes it a valuable resource for them because it expands the reach of each and every project
to - climate clock - https://hyp.is/R_kJHKGQEe28r-doGn-djg/climateclock.world/ - love-based intervention to address fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - ending the US / China cold war - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/Yy0juqmrEe-ERhtaafWWHw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - Cosmolocal coordination of the commons as an alternative to current governance and a leverage point to unite fragmented communities - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/AvtJYqitEe-f_EtI6TJRVg/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation - A third option for democracy - Uniting small islands of coherency in a time of chaos - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/JlLzuKusEe-xkG-YfcRoyg/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b - One party system - oligarchs - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/CVXzAKnWEe-PBBcP5GE8TA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - What's missing is a third option (in the two party system) - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/M3S6VKuxEe-pG-Myu6VW1A/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b
- to - A third option for democracy - Uniting small islands of coherency in a time of chaos - Otto Scharmer
- climate crisis - Youtube - climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth
- to - Cosmolocal coordination of the commons as an alternative to current governance and a leverage point to unite fragmented communities - Michel Bauwens
- to - ending the US / China cold war - Yanis Varoufakis
- to - Climate Clock
- to - love-based intervention to address fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam
- adjacency - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - A third option - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis
- Oct 2022
The overrepresentation of AfricanAmericans as poor, in and of itself, has been found to undermine support forantipoverty initiatives by activating racist and classist stereotypes about lazi-ness and lack of motivation among African Americans and people experiencingpoverty (see also Chapter 6).15
- Sep 2021
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
an ongoing, complex process of aligning resources, practices, and initiatives of multiple communities [20].
- Feb 2021
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(b)(1) A representative form of annual or special meeting is a meeting of members elected by district to exercise the powers vested in the voters of the town to act upon articles. However, the election of officers, public questions, and all articles to be voted upon by Australian ballot as required by law or as voted under section 2680 of this title at a prior annual or special meeting, and reconsideration of articles under section 2661 of this title shall remain vested in the voters of the town. (2) An organizational resolution to adopt a representative form of annual or special meeting may be made by the legislative body of the municipality or by petition of five percent of the voters of the municipality. An official copy of the organizational resolution shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the municipality at least 10 days before the annual or special meeting at which the vote whether to adopt the organizational resolution shall take place, and copies thereof shall be made available to members of the public upon request.
Town Representative Form of Local Gov't. Only Brattleboro has this.
- Jan 2021
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(5) contain any article requested by petition signed by at least 10 percent of the voters and filed with the Town Clerk at least 45 days prior to the day of the meeting; and
Town of Barre
Initiatives and Repeal 10%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 113-306. Petition for enactment of ordinance; special meeting (a) Subject to the provisions of section 305 of this chapter, voters of the Town may at any time petition in the same manner as in section 305 for the enactment of any proposed lawful ordinance by filing such petition, including the text of such ordinance, with the Town Clerk. The Selectboard shall call a special Town meeting to be held not less than 30 nor more than 40 days after the date of such filing, unless prior to such meeting such ordinance is enacted by the Selectboard. The warning for such meeting shall state the proposed ordinance in full and shall provide for an aye and nay vote as to its enactment. Such ordinance shall take effect on the 10th day after the conclusion of such meeting provided that the voters as qualified in section 305 of this chapter, constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted in the affirmative.
Initiatives require 10%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(5) contain any article requested by petition signed by at least five percent of the voters and filed with the Village Clerk at least 40 days prior to the day of the meeting. (Added 1999, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 9, 2000.)
Hyde Park
Initiatives requires 5%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 221-9.02. Petitions (a) Number of signatures. Initiative petitions must be signed by qualified voters of the Village equal in number to at least five percent of the total number of qualified voters registered to vote at the last regular Village election. (b) Form and content. All papers of a petition shall be uniform in size and style and shall be assembled as one instrument for filing. Each signature shall be executed in ink and shall be followed by the address of the person signing. Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance proposed. (c) Affidavit of circulator. Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it when filed an affidavit executed by the circulator thereof stating that he or she personally circulated the paper, the number of signatures thereon, that all the signatures were affixed in his or her presence, that he or she believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, and that each signer had an opportunity before signing to read the full text of the ordinance proposed. (Amended 2013, No. M-6, § 2, eff. May 20, 2013.)
Village of Essex Junction
Initiatives, Referendums require 5% of previous turnout
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 117-304. Rescission of ordinances All ordinances shall be subject to rescission by a special or annual Town meeting, as follows: If, within 44 days after final passage by the selectmen of any such ordinance, a petition signed by voters of the Town not less in number than five percent of the qualified voters of the municipality is filed with the Town Clerk requesting its reference to a special or annual Town meeting, the selectmen shall fix the time and place of the meeting, which shall be within 60 days after the filing of the petition, and notice thereof shall be given in the manner provided by law in the calling of a special or annual Town meeting. Voting shall be by Australian ballot. An ordinance so referred shall remain in effect upon the conclusion of the meeting unless a majority of those present and voting against the ordinance at the special or annual Town meeting exceeds five percent in number of the qualified voters of the municipality. § 117-305. Petition for enactment of ordinance; special meeting (a) Subject to the provisions of section 304 of this Charter, voters of the Town may at any time petition in the same manner as in section 304 for the enactment of any proposed lawful ordinance by filing the petition, including the text of the ordinance, with the Town Clerk. The selectmen shall call a special Town meeting (or include the ordinance as annual meeting business) to be held within 60 days of the date of the filing, unless prior to the meeting the ordinance shall be enacted by the selectmen. The warning for the meeting shall state the proposed ordinance in full or in concise summary and shall provide for an Australian ballot vote as to its enactment. The ordinance shall take effect on the 10th day after the conclusion of the meeting provided that voters as qualified in section 304, constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted in the affirmative.
Town of Essex
Referendums, Initiatives Require 5%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(3) Articles may be placed on the warning by: (A) A majority vote of the Selectboard. (B) A petition of at least five percent of the voters registered at the time the petition is submitted, provided law authorizes such articles as within the authority of the voters. (4) Articles submitted by petition must be filed with the Town Clerk not less than 40 days before the date of the meeting. (e) Voting by Australian ballot. (1) No article or type of article shall be voted by Australian ballot at any annual or special Town meeting called on its action, or by petition, unless the voters have approved the use of such system of voting pursuant to 17 V.S.A. § 2680 or as required by law.
Initiatives, Referendums require 5%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(f) All ordinances shall be subject to overrule by a special Town meeting as follows: if, within 30 days after final passage by the Selectboard of any such ordinance, a petition signed by electors of the Town not less in number than 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the last municipal election is filed with the Town Clerk requesting its reference to a special Town meeting, the Selectboard shall fix the time and place of such meeting, which shall be within 60 days after filing of the petition, and notice thereof shall be given in the manner provided by law in the calling of a special Town meeting. An ordinance so referred shall remain in effect upon the conclusion of such meeting unless electors not less in number than 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the last municipal election and constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted against the ordinance.
Referendums and Initiatives require 10% of previous turnout
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 153-204. Ordinances (a) Method of adoption and enforcement. (1) Ordinance-making authority granted to the Town by this charter and general law shall be exercised pursuant to the provisions of subsections (b) through (e) of this section. (2) The Selectboard may provide penalties for the breach of any ordinance authorized by general law or this charter; may prosecute any person violating the same through the Town grand jurors or police officers who for such purposes shall be informing officers; and may maintain actions to restrain actual or threatened violations of the same. The establishment of any fine or penalty shall be by ordinance. (b) Introduction; first and second readings; public hearings. (1) Every ordinance shall be introduced in writing. If the Selectboard adopts the proposed ordinance, the Selectboard shall cause the ordinance or a concise summary of it meeting the requirements of 24 V.S.A. § 1972(a) to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town in the form adopted, at least once, together with a notice of the time and place when and where there will be a public hearing to consider the same for final passage. The first such publication shall be at least one week prior to the date of the public hearing. (2) At the time and place so advertised, or at any time and place to which such hearing may from time to time be adjourned, such ordinance shall be read in full, and after such reading, all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard. (3) After such hearing, the Selectboard may finally adopt such ordinance with or without amendment, except that, if the Selectboard makes an amendment, it shall cause the amended ordinance or a concise summary of it meeting the requirements of 24 V.S.A. § 1972(a) to be published at least once together with a notice of the time and place of a public hearing at which such amended ordinance will be further considered, which publication shall be at least three days prior to the public hearing. At the time so advertised or at any time and place to which such meeting may be adjourned, the amended ordinance shall be read in full, and after such hearing, the Selectboard may finally adopt such amended ordinance, or again amend it subject to the same procedure as outlined herein. (c) Effective Date. Every ordinance shall become effective upon passage unless otherwise specified. (d) Rescission. All ordinances shall be subject to rescission by a special Town meeting, as follows: If, after final passage by the Selectboard of any such ordinance, a petition signed by voters of the Town not less in number than five percent of the legal voters of the Town is filed with the Town Clerk requesting its reference to a special Town meeting, the Selectboard shall fix the time and place of such meeting which shall be within 60 days after the filing of the petition, and notice thereof shall be given in the manner provided by law in the calling of a special Town meeting. An ordinance so referred shall remain in effect upon the conclusion of such meeting unless a majority of those present vote against the ordinance at the special meeting. (e) Petition for enactment. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, voters of the Town may at any time petition in the same manner as in subsection (d) for the enactment of any proposed lawful ordinance by filing such petition, including the text of such ordinance, with the Town Clerk. The Selectboard shall call a special Town meeting to be held within 60 days of the date of such filing, unless prior to such meeting such ordinance shall be enacted by the Selectboard. The ordinance shall take effect immediately after the conclusion of such meeting provided that voters constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted in the affirmative. (2) The proposed ordinance shall be examined by the Town Attorney before being submitted to the special Town meeting. The Town Attorney is authorized, subject to the approval of the Selectboard, to correct such ordinances so as to avoid repetitions, illegalities, and unconstitutional provisions and to ensure accuracy in its text and references and clearness and precision in its phraseology, but he or she shall not materially change its meaning and effect. (f) Filing. The Town Clerk shall prepare and keep in the Town Clerk's office a book of ordinances which shall contain each ordinance finally passed by the Selectboard, together with a complete index of the ordinances according to subject matter. (g) Existing ordinances. All existing ordinances shall remain in effect. (Amended 2001, No. M-7, § 2, eff. May 21, 2001; 2013, No. M-4, § 2, eff. May 8, 2013.)
Referendums and initiatives require 5%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(c) In addition to the procedure set forth above in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the charter may be revised or amended by the submission of a citizen initiative (petition) signed by 10 percent of the voters. The petition and subsequent action shall conform to the requirements of State statutes relating to charter amendment procedures, shall be subject to the determination of the Board of Selectmen as to whether or not they are comprehensive in nature, and shall be approved by a Town meeting vote with at least 25 percent of voters participating.
Charter change initiatives require 10%
Charter change minimum turnout 25%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 19-416. Results of election (a) Initiative. If a majority of the qualified voters voting on a proposed initiative ordinance vote in its favor, it shall be considered adopted upon certification of the election results and shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as ordinances of the same kind adopted by the Council. If conflicting ordinances are approved at the same election, the one receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall prevail to the extent of such conflict. (b) Referendum. If a majority of the qualified voters voting on a referred ordinance vote against it, it shall be considered repealed upon certification of the election results. (Added 2015, No. M-19 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 17, 2016.)
Same force of law for Results of Initiatives and Referendums
§ 19-412. Petitions (a) Number of signatures. Initiative and referendum petitions must be signed by at least five percent of the legal voters of the City. (b) Form and content. All papers of a petition shall be uniform in size and style and shall be assembled as one instrument for filing. Each signature shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil and shall be followed by the address of the person signing. Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (c) Affidavit of circulator. Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it when filed an affidavit executed by the circulator thereof stating that he or she personally circulated the paper, the number of signatures thereon, that all the signatures were affixed in his or her presence, that they are believed to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, and that each signer had an opportunity before signing to read the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. (d) Time for filing referendum petitions. Referendum petitions must be filed within 30 days after adoption by the Council of the ordinance sought to be reconsidered. (Added 2015, No. M-19 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 17, 2016.)
Provisions for petitioning process
(b) Submission to voters. The vote of the City on a proposed or referred ordinance shall be held not less than 30 days from the date of the final Council vote thereon. If no regular City election is to be held within the period prescribed in this subsection, the Council shall provide for a special election; otherwise, the vote shall be held at the same time as such regular election, except that the Council may in its discretion provide for a special election at an earlier date within the prescribed period. Copies of the proposed or referred ordinance shall be made available at the polls.
Voters to determine
Council Failure to adopt triggers automatic submission to be voted on by whole electorate
(a) Action by Council. When an initiative or referendum petition has been finally determined sufficient, the Council shall promptly consider the proposed initiative ordinance in the manner provided in this Article or reconsider the referred ordinance by voting its repeal. If the Council fails to adopt a proposed initiative ordinance without any change in substance within 60 days or fails to repeal the referred ordinance within 30 days after the date the petition was finally determined sufficient, it shall submit the proposed or referred ordinance to the voters of the City.
Initiative or Repeal
Outright adoption of petition by Council to enact or repeal
(b) Referendum. The qualified voters of the City shall have power to require reconsideration by the Council of any adopted ordinance and, if the Council fails to repeal an ordinance so reconsidered, to approve or reject it at a City election, provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or capital improvements program or any emergency ordinance or ordinance relating to appropriation of money or levy of taxes. (Added 2015, No. M-19 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 17, 2016.)
(a) Initiative. The qualified voters of the City shall have power to propose ordinances to the Council and, if the Council fails to adopt an ordinance so proposed without any change in substance, to adopt or reject it at a City election, provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or capital improvements program or any ordinance relating to appropriation of money, levy of taxes, or salaries of City offices or employees.
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(a) The Mayor shall call a special meeting of all the legal voters of the City, when petitioned to do so by not less than five percent of the legal voters of the municipality, but only for any legal purpose beyond the jurisdiction of the Board of Aldermen. (b) The Mayor shall call a special City meeting for any purpose upon being petitioned to do so by two-thirds of the members of the Board of Aldermen voting and present at a regular meeting, or by two-thirds of the members of the Board of School Commissioners, voting and present at a regular meeting. (c) Also, the Mayor may, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, call a special meeting for any purpose when he or she feels such a meeting is necessary for the public good. (d) At such special meetings those persons whose names are on the checklist used for the last City election shall be entitled to vote; and also such persons as were or have become entitled by law to have their names on the checklist and whose names have been added thereto, by the Board of Civil Authority since said City election. (e) The questions at any such special meeting shall be decided by ballot. There shall be separate polling places in each ward, for every such special meeting and the ward officers hereinbefore named shall act at such meeting in the same manner and have the same powers as at City or ward elections. For all such meetings it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and distribute suitable ballots in the same manner provided for city and ward elections. (Amended 1997, No. M-17(Adj. Sess.), § 2.)
Petition for initatives only matters beyond Board of Aldermen jurisdiction
The warning shall also contain any article or articles requested by a petition signed by at least five percent of the legal voters of the municipality and filed with the legislative branch not less than 40 days before the day of such meeting.
Initiatives and Referendums
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 13-506. Petition for enactment of ordinance; special meeting (a) Subject to the provisions of section 505 of this charter, voters of the City may at any time petition in the same manner as in section 505 for the enactment of any proposed lawful ordinance by filing such petition, including the text of such ordinance, with the City Clerk. The Council shall call a special City meeting to be held within 45 days of the date of such filing, unless prior to such meeting such ordinance shall be enacted by the Council. The warning for such meeting shall include a short, concise one-paragraph description of the effects of the proposed ordinance and shall provide for an aye and nay vote as to its enactment. The warning shall also include reference to a place within the City where copies of the entire text of the proposed ordinance may be examined. Such ordinance shall take effect on the 10th day after the conclusion of such meeting provided that the electors as qualified in section 505, constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted in the affirmative. (b) Any such proposed ordinance shall be examined by the City Attorney before being submitted to the special City meeting. The City Attorney is authorized subject to the approval of the Council, to correct such ordinance so as to avoid repetitions, illegalities, and unconstitutional provisions and to insure accuracy in its text and references and clearness and preciseness in its phraseology, but he or she shall not materially change its meaning and effect. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any appointments of officers, members of commissions, or boards made by the Council or to the appointment of designation or councilmen, or to rules governing the procedure of the Council.
So. Burlington
§ 13-505. Rescission of ordinances All ordinances shall be subject to rescission by a special City meeting, as follows: if, within 10 days after final passage by the Council of any such ordinance, a petition signed by electors of the City not less in number than 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the last municipal election is filed with the City Clerk requesting its reference to a special City meeting, the Council shall fix the time and place of such meeting, within 14 days after the filing of the petition, and notice thereof shall be given in the manner provided by law in the calling of a special City meeting. An ordinance so referred shall remain in effect upon the conclusion of such meeting unless electors not less in number than 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the last municipal election and constituting a majority of those voting thereon, shall have voted against the ordinance.
So. Burlington
Repeal referendums
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 103-103. Initiative: advisory votes The voters of the Town have the power to petition for a nonbinding advisory vote to reflect public sentiment. Such petition shall be signed by at least five percent of the voters of the Town and shall state that it is advisory only. The Select Board, upon receipt of such a petition, shall place the article on the warning for the next Town meeting or any other Town election.
Advisory initiatives only
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(2) Petition for inclusion in the warning of an article to adopt an ordinance. (A) Such petition shall be signed by at least 10 percent of the voters of the Town and shall state that it is to be binding.
Binding Initiatives
(1) Petition for inclusion in the warning of an article to reflect public sentiment and to be advisory only. (A) Such petition, stating that it is advisory only, shall be signed by at least five percent of the voters of the Town. If it is desired that the article be acted upon by all voters of the Town by Australian ballot, the petition shall so state. If the petition is silent as to being acted upon by the voters of the Town at a General Town Meeting, said article shall be acted upon by the Representative Town Meeting as an advisory vote.
Advisory Initiatives
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
The Clerk of the City shall at any time when directed by the City Council, or when petitioned in writing by at least five percent of the registered voters of the City and filed with the City Clerk no less than 40 days before the day of such meeting, call a special meeting of the legal voters of the City, for any legal purpose, in the same manner as is provided for the annual meeting, except as is hereinafter provided: (1) Whenever a petition is brought for a meeting to rescind or reconsider the action taken at a previously held City meeting, the number of names required shall be 10 percent of the legal voters, and the petition shall be filed with the City Clerk within 30 days following the date of that meeting.
St. Albans
Initiatives and Referendums
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(c) Initiative. Any lawful ordinance may be enacted by vote of the Town as follows: A petition signed by not less than five percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the Town Clerk requesting enactment of the ordinance and accompanied by the text thereof. The warning for the next annual Town meeting shall include the text of the proposed ordinance and shall provide for a "yes" or "no" vote.
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
Any lawful ordinance may be enacted by vote of the Town as follows: A petition signed by not less than 15 percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the Town Clerk requesting enactment of the ordinance and accompanied by the text thereof. The selectmen shall call a special Town meeting to be held within 60 days of the date the petition is filed, unless prior to such meeting, the selectmen shall have enacted the ordinance. The warning for the meeting shall include a summary of the text of the proposed ordinance, its effective date and penalty provision for violation thereof, and shall be posted and published as the law of this State requires for special meeting generally. The warning shall provide for a "yes" and "no" vote by ballot as to its enactment. Copies of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in its entirety in at least five locations in Town for at least 30 consecutive days to the date of said special Town meeting. In the discretion of the selectmen, the enactment of such ordinance may be proposed as an article in the warning for the next ensuing annual Town meeting, providing that such annual meeting shall be held within 120 days of the filing of such petition for enactment.
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 127-109. Initiative Any lawful ordinance may be enacted by vote of the Town as follows: A petition signed by not less than five percent of the registered voters shall be filed with the Town Clerk requesting enactment of the ordinance and accompanied by the text thereof. The selectmen shall call a special Town meeting to be held within 60 days of the date the petition is filed, unless prior to such meeting, the selectmen shall have enacted the ordinance. The warning for the meeting shall include the text of the proposed ordinance and shall provide for a "yes" or "no" vote as to its enactment. The ordinance shall be adopted if at least 15 percent of the registered voters vote and a majority of that number vote for adoption. The ordinance shall take effect on the 30th day following adoption.
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
The warning also shall contain any legally binding article or articles requested by 10 percent of the registered voters of the City. The warning shall also include any nonlegally binding articles, including matters of State, national, or international importance requested by five percent of the voters.
Initiatives and Referendums Requirements
- Oct 2020
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Témoignage de la Chapelle sur Erdre
- Aug 2018
anz.smartcitiescouncil.com anz.smartcitiescouncil.com
- Oct 2016
www.bestcolleges.com www.bestcolleges.com
www.rmi.org www.rmi.org
Study on Campus Climate Initiatives
- Mar 2015
www.scrumguides.org www.scrumguides.org
an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.
an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.
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- an objective set for the Sprint that can be met through the implementation of Product Backlog. It provides guidance to the Development Team on why it is building the Increment. It is created during the Sprint Planning meeting. The Sprint Goal gives the Development Team some flexibility regarding the functionality implemented within the Sprint. The selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Goal can be any other coherence that causes the Development Team to work together rather than on separate initiatives.