24 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Dec 2024
  3. Oct 2024
  4. Mar 2024
  5. Oct 2022
    1. passenger-docker images contain an Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. You may want to update this OS from time to time, for example to pull in the latest security updates. OpenSSL is a notorious example. Vulnerabilities are discovered in OpenSSL on a regular basis, so you should keep OpenSSL up-to-date as much as you can. While we release passenger-docker images with the latest OS updates from time to time, you do not have to rely on us. You can update the OS inside passenger-docker images yourself, and it is recommend that you do this instead of waiting for us.
  6. Feb 2022
  7. Nov 2021
  8. Jul 2021
  9. Mar 2021
    1. But I believe the core philosophy of tiny modules is actually sound and easier to maintain than giant frameworks.
    2. "Functions Are Not Packages" - Well why not?
    3. Small modules are extremely versatile and easy to compose together in an app with any number of other modules that suit your needs.
    4. Write modules that are small. Iterate quickly.
  10. Feb 2021
    1. Sass

      Define variables, such as colors (e.g. $primary: #337ab7) in Sass (styles.scss) then compile to css for web.

      R library "bootstraplib" built on foundation of "sass".

      Use "run_with_themer()" to get a live preview GUI for customizing bootstrap theme.

      Also, use "shinyOptions(plot.autocolors=TRUE)" at top of app to get plot outputs that respect Dark Mode.

  11. Jan 2021
    1. We have consistently said that we cannot forsee the deb-based desktop going away. I still can’t see that happening. Debs are an integral part of the way the desktop is built. It’s just not feasible / desirable to make the desktop be “all snap”.
  12. Nov 2020
  13. Sep 2020
  14. Mar 2020
    1. Mobility is cryptographically signed. To be sure the gem you install hasn't been tampered with, add my public key as a trusted certificate and install: gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.github.com/shioyama/mobility/master/certs/shioyama.pem) gem install mobility -P MediumSecurity The MediumSecurity trust profile will verify signed gems, but allow the installation of unsigned dependencies.
  15. Dec 2019
    1. A package is a self-contained and reusable piece of software that includes code and metadata, such as current version number, name, and the package's dependencies, that a developer bundles together in a common place for others to use. Packages simplify using and distributing solutions to common problems such as needing a common framework for developing a project, testing runners and linters to improve code quality, or introducing industry-standard machine learning tools to power your application.
    2. GitHub Packages uses the native package tooling commands you're already familiar with to publish and install package versions.

      Looks like GitHub Packages acts as a wrapper to these clients, acting on your behalf so you don't have to use the CLI yourself.

  16. Sep 2019
    1. Looking for affordable SEO packages? We offer an optimal implementation of SEO services with balancing the deep breath research and optimization. This seo packages is ideally built for small business websites that are looking to target local market.

      Looking for affordable SEO packages? We offer an optimal implementation of SEO services with balancing the deep breath research and optimization. This seo packages is ideally built for small business websites that are looking to target local market.

  17. Jun 2018