1. Last 7 days
    1. Why do Guidelines help with tech? Guidelines help by providing security while using different apps or websites.

    2. In many cases, educators find that they are already incorporating aspects of the Guidelines into practice. However, learners may still be experiencing barriers to their learning, and educators may still be incorporating methods and materials that may unintentionally create these barriers.

      There is some of the educators that are already teaching about the how they should use guidelines and having them practice them in the classroom. There is a few students that are struggling with guidelines and it creating barriers and since some educators are teaching that makes some barriers as well.

    3. The current version of the UDL Guidelines, UDL Guidelines 3.0, more accurately reflects the fact that each of the three large networks has a vertical organization as well. At the access row, the processing is often unconscious and automatic

      Although the Uld is something new in a way it is now up to date and the new version is now more accurate to the flow of the three large networks.

    1. We examined whether there were any differencesin teachers’ reported self-awareness, self-management, and socialawareness regarding teachers’ comfort, commitment, and schoolculture (RQ


    2. howteachers describe SEL in general and its facets’ self-awareness,self-management, and social awareness in particular (RQ 1a).In addition, we were interested in exploring how comfortableand trained teachers feel for teaching SEL (RQ 1b). Based onprevious research with preschool and elementary school teachersand the assumption that secondary school teachers are lessexplicitly asked to address SEL, we expected that secondaryschool teachers would not be very familiar with and trained inteaching SEL. Moreover, we wanted to describe how supportiveteachers perceive their school culture for teaching SEL (RQ 1c).

      RQ 1a, 1b, 1c

    3. only 13%of the United States teacher preparation programs offered at leastone course including information on relationship skills, 7% forresponsible decision-making, 6% for self-management, 2% forsocial awareness, and approximately 1% for self-awareness. Theseresults emphasize that training opportunities are overall scarcebut that almost no offers exist for social and self-awareness. Forthe perceived school culture, thus far, no studies investigatingdifferences between facets of SEL exist

      shows a big need in teacher prep, clearly flows down to schools

    4. Thus far, single facets of SEL or comparisons of different facetshave been investigated rarely.


    5. time


    6. In addition, high levels of elementaryschool principals’ support are positively related—and needed—to implement SEL teaching practices effectively

      explore these articles for my own research

    7. . A content analysis of requiredcourses in teacher preparation programs in the United Statesrevealed that only a few programs offered SEL course content(between 1% and 13% of almost 4,000 courses in 300 colleges ofeducation;

      what would count as SEL for this?

    8. most studies have shown that neitherpre-service nor in-service teachers receive training in teachingSEL

      so where does the training happen?

    9. A prescribedSEL curriculum was only used secondary to their interactions.In contrast, medium supportive teachers relied heavily onprescribed curricula during predefined times of the day

      interesting finding, makes sense

    10. inconsistent


    11. more in-depth qualitativestudies revealed that teachers report uncertainty in teaching SEL

      example of how mixed methods could benefit this research space

    12. Two important SEL beliefsare teachers’ comfort with and confidence in teaching SEL as wellas their commitment to improve their own skills in teaching SEL


    13. Previous qualitative studies gave first hints that teachers seemto be not very familiar with the concept of SEL and that theirknowledge is limited.

      how current? country/state/city level differences?

    14. Moreover, the match with the cultureof the school they are employed at can affect their SEL teachingpractices (cf. Brackett et al., 2012).

      interesting point to explore via study referenced

    15. Hence, school and teaching canstill influence students’ social and emotional skills even at theselater stages of age

      SEL is not only for elementary aged students

    16. Social awareness is defined as having respect and empathyfor others and understanding others’ perspectives and feelings(Zins and Elias, 2007; Denham and Brown, 2010). It is alsothe ability to perceive similarities and differences among people

      social awareness definition

    17. Self-management involves self-discipline, motivation, goalsetting, and stress management (Dusenbury et al., 2011). It isthe ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors invarious situations, and be able to set and monitor progress towardpersonal and academic aims

      self management definition

    18. Self-awareness is characterized as the ability to carefullyidentify one’s emotions, thoughts, interests, and values, as wellas to understand how these impact one’s behavior (Eklundet al., 2018). In addition, it involves the ability to evaluateone’s strengths and limitations accurately and maintain a well-grounded sense of self-efficacy and sense of self-confidence

      self awareness definiton and subcomponents

    19. at the intersection of a number ofother SEL component

      implications for teaching these skills?

    20. Five interrelated core social and emotional competenciesare defined: (1) self-awareness, (2) social awareness, (3) self-management, (4) relationship skills, and (5) responsible decision-making

      CASEL 5

    21. than wouldhave been obtained by either approach separately. This is notonly valuable for researchers by enhancing their knowledge aboutteachers’ SEL familiarity, beliefs, training, and perceived schoolculture. It is also important for policymakers, administrators,and school staff by identifying critical aspects that preventsuccessful SEL in schools

      potential benefits

    22. only a few studies exploredschools’ and teachers’ own attempts, initiatives, and instructionalpractices to enhance students’ social and emotional competencies


    23. but did not systematicallytarget specific SEL facet


    24. only few qualitative and quantitative studieshave examined teachers’ perceptions of SEL

      gap in the literature

    25. These skills foster learners’ performance(e.g., Corcoran et al., 2018) and facilitate positive social behaviors,goal orientations, emotion management, and social relationship-building skills (Elias and Arnold, 2006; OECD, 2015). Moreover,they reduce behavior problems and psychological distress(Harrell et al., 2009; Durlak et al., 2011; Sklad et al., 2012;Wigelsworth et al., 2016; Taylor et al., 2017). Hence, they areimportant skills that help students succeed in school, work,personal life, relationships with families and friends, and societyin general (cf. Mahoney et al., 2018)

      the why of SEL

    26. Theyare characterized as constructs that are not identified withtraditional indicators of cognitive capability or intellectualfunctioning (Rieger et al., 2017) and are often described undersuch terms as socio-emotional skills, character, personality, or21st-century skills

      partial definition offered, helpful because SEL can be nebulous

    27. However,over the past decade, the attention of which outcomes studentsshall achieve broadened from these cognitive to so-called “non-cognitive” factors as additional important school outcomes(e.g., Rieger et al., 2017) and concepts of educating the“whole child” became more prominent (Liew and McTigue,2010)

      more than academic/content learning became important

    28. he results do not only add to researchers’ knowledge about teachers’ SELfamiliarity, beliefs, training, and school culture, but are also relevant for policymakers,administrators, and school staff by identifying critical aspects that prevent successfulSEL in schools

      benefits of study

    29. Therefore, in both study parts, teachers expressed strong interest in receivingprofessional SEL training

      implication for practice

    30. The reason for collecting both qualitative andquantitative data was to obtain different but complementary data on the sametopic in order to bring greater insight into this research question than wouldhave been obtained by either type of data separately.

      explanation of why mixed methods

    31. Hence, the present studyinvestigated teachers’ familiarity, beliefs, training, and perceived school culturewith regard to social and emotional learning and its facets self-awareness, self-management, and social-awareness by applying a convergent parallel mixed-methoddesign.

      what it did, and type of study

    32. Education advocates argue that effective schools should foster multidimensionaleducational goals that not only include cognitive but also non-cognitive outcomes.

      do authors agree

    33. nja Schiepe-Tiska*, Aiymbubu Dzhaparkulova and Lisa Ziernwald

      citation- (Schiepe-Tiska et al, 2021)


    1. jequassa tayy YIM uosueduios fq A1epuosas 10 JOUTUI d18 SISQUIDUI UIdMI9q SIDUIIIJIpP

      Ah yeah I spoke before I read the rest of the paragraph, but it seems the author is on a similar page about potentially subverting that expectation


      This to me, feels like a perhaps skewed perception of community. I think there are fundamental shared values that create community -- like, perhaps the queer community assumes that those that are part of it will not discriminate against other queer people but it fails to understand the nuance of people's perceptions of what that means. After all, there are plenty of members of the queer community that identify as queer but have troubling opinions on who is queer or what counts as queer. There are transphobes and people that don't recognize bisexuality in queerness yet still choose to identify with the community. I don't think the phrase "As we all know," is intended to inspire groupthink or be a rallying cry for unanimity but I do think it is a means of creating an outgroup if not exclusively due to the Niavety of believing in a shared assumption without the understanding that assumptions are beholden to the nuance of the beholder's perspective.

    3. yoni

      I'm wondering how much ritual is implemented into life outside of religion to strengthen community? Is that an aspect of why growing up we had to say the pledge of allegiance every morning and how beneficial is it outside of religion

    4. (u90q sey SABme JI Jey) st QIuUNUTOD inoge Bunp s3qeyseuUls1 oI

      I've never seen this before ;')

    5. pooysoSuens jessaarun

      I want to know more about this!!

    6. gouaiayjIpul [eIOW 0} UOnUaHEU! AIO wos dais woYs & nq yy


    7. 9928e sn jo [Je Sy,

      Like who is all of us??

    1. can be central to the empowerment of those who are so often disempowered outside of the classroom

      key idea

    2. shrinking the horizons of what we think is possible.

      plato's cave

    3. political justification and justice to her own experience of political institutions.

      govt should be made for the people, by the people, but that means ALL people

    4. But we often forget, I think, how successfully it harnesses the power of the imagination to construct an alternative vision of what society could be like.

      something feels a little messed up here but I can't put my finger on it. it would be nice to make billionaires have to pay rent for once though, so maybe we should do this in real life

    5. Imagine that everybody walking on the street is an automaton

      a little narcissistic?

    6. are failing as citizens if they turn their back on those in the cave who are less fortunate.

      but how can they determine that their "knowledge" is superior/the "right" knowledge?

    7. how can it be that we can’t know any of what we thought we knew?

      should we question reality as people born into certain religions tend to question their beliefs at an older age/as they become disillusioned?

    8. When you’re tired and busy and overwhelmed with worry, you often do not have the luxury to consider these questions

      ability to study philosophy as a measure of class divide?

    9. uncritical acceptance of the world and ourselves as we are

      teaching critical thinking and to question the world around you

    10. Knowledge with a capital K

      asking how we know what we know?

    1. effectively detect and classify the visual images

      This reminds me of a video I watched about a way that scientists can recreate visual images of what someone imagines in their mind's eye.

    2. Freud might have argued that this represents the woman’s fear of sexual intimacy, with the snake serving as a symbol of a man’s penis.

      Freud seems like a freak

    3. sleep;

      Beta > Alpha > Theta > Delta

    4. phases: REM sleep and non-REM

      I know that REM sleep is affectted cannabis use as well as alcohol use.

    1. . ¿Cómo nos ayuda cultivar deseos apropiados?

      (Amós 5:15). Nos da la clave, no podemos pensar en dos cosas al mismo tiempo, por éso debemos desarrollar amor por lo que es bueno, cambiando el pensar en algo inapropiado, por hacer lo correcto en el momento que nos damos cuenta.

    2. ¿Qué más nos ayudará a mantenernos en guardia para no caer en la tentación?

      Tener la firme convicción de que cumplir las normas de Jehová, siempre al 100%.

      Porque Jehová es santo y perfecto, entonces lo que nos pide siempre es para nuestro beneficio, muy diferente de nosotros que somos imperfectos y por ese motivo podemos desarrollar pensamientos y deseos diferente a los de él.

    3. ¿Por qué debemos tener cuidado con lo que pensamos?

      Porque podemos atraer lo que pensamos, en el sentido que. Con el tiempo se fortalece el deseo de cumplir esos pensamientos.

      Por éso debemos resistir y evitar esos pensamientos cuando surjan. Para evitar que crezcan hasta convertirse en deseos intensos, y difíciles de resistir y que pueden llevarnos a cometer un pecado grave (Filip. 4:8; Col. 3:2; Sant. 1:13-15).

      Serie de imágenes: 1. Un hermano ve la televisión por la noche. 2. Mira con deseo a una compañera de trabajo. 3. Él y la mujer tomando algo juntos en un bar.

    4. ¿Qué decisión tomó Job, y cómo lo ayudaría a mantenerse en guardia?

      Dijo: “He hecho un pacto con mis ojos” (lea Job 31:1). Respetar ese pacto lo ayudaría a no cometer nunca adulterio. Nosotros también podemos tomar en nuestro interior la firme decisión de no hacer nada que pudiera llevarnos a caer en una tentación.

    5. Si no queremos cometer un pecado, ¿qué debemos hacer?

      debemos mantenernos alejados de todos los pasos que nos puedan llevar a cometerlo.b Esto puede incluir evitar ciertas situaciones o actividades que para los cristianos en general no son malas pero que sabemos que a nosotros podrían llevarnos a caer en una tentación (Mat. 5:29, 30).

    6. Al igual que el joven de Proverbios, ¿qué error puede cometer alguien hoy día?

      Que terminemos cometiendo un pecado grave, de repente, cómo sin saber cómo sucedió. Por No haber tenido cuidado con los pasos que se dieron antes como por ejemplo: - Aceptar malas compañías - Elegir entretenimiento inapropiado - Querer ver sitios peligrosos, sean físicos o de internet. - descuidando quizá la actividad espiritual, oración Estudio Reuniones Predicación

    7. ¿Qué tendría que haber hecho el joven del capítulo 7 de Proverbios para no cometer un pecado grave? (Proverbios 7:8, 9, 13, 14, 21).

      Debió haber evitado pasar por ése lugar, donde sabía que estaba esa mujer, con la que de repente cometió inmoralidad, pero la realidad es que ése acto fue el resultado de muchos pasos anteriores que se pudieron haber evitado. Proverbios 7



    9. ¿Qué puntos son los que más debemos proteger? Ponga un ejemplo.

      Nuestras debilidades,

      Es cómo en las ciudades amurallada, los puntos más débiles, son las puertas, y por eso se ponía mayor énfasis en su protección, en nuestro caso es igual, nuestras debilidades, son la puerta o el punto más vulnerable que nos conduzca a cometer algún pecado.

    10. ¿Qué debemos reconocer?

      Que tenemos puntos débiles in duda, nos conviene ser honrados con nosotros mismos y reconocer los campos en los que no somos fuertes (2 Cor. 13:5).



    12. ) Si queremos ser fieles a Jehová, ¿por qué no podemos confiarnos?

      Primero porque somos imperfectos, y en cualquier momento podemos enfrentar a situacionais que nos pongan a prueba, por eso el consejo de mantenerse siempre en guardia. Pablo explico que tenía una lucha constante Romanos 7:21-23

    13. ¿Por qué cayeron en la tentación los discípulos?

      Porque estaban desprevenidos. Jesús mismo les había advertido que se mantuvieran despiertos. Pero se durmieron y la situación los agarró tan de sorpresa que terminaron haciendo exactamente lo que habían dicho que nunca harían: abandonar a Jesús (Mat. 26:56).

      Imágenes de Jesús y sus apóstoles por la noche en el jardín de Getsemaní. 1. Jesús habla con sus apóstoles. 2. Los apóstoles duermen. 3. Los apóstoles huyen cuando Jesús es arrestado.

    14. ¿Qué advertencia dio Jesús?

      “EL ESPÍRITU está dispuesto, pero la carne es débil” (Mat. 26:41b).a

      Jesús tiene claro que somos imperfectos y aunque tengamos buenas intenciones, podemos caer en el error de pensar o actuar con exceso de confianza, cómo decir que a nosotros o a mi, nada nada me apartará de hacer siempre lo correcto. Porque amo a Jehová y Jesús.

    15. Mantengámonos en guardia para no caer en la tentación


    1. Cono Elliot's work on notational design and his influential papers - Cono got his PhD at Carnegie Mellon University in the '90s under Frank Fenny working on higher order unification. - Cono has devoted his life to thinking and refining graphic computation and tools behind it, and has published influential papers on various topics related to functional programming and notational design.

      Living in a forest setting with deep connection to nature. - Conor lives on 20 acres next to his family's 60 acres and has a deep emotional connection to the place because of his parents' presence. - He sees a connection between nature and technology, highlighting the non-sequential nature of computation and neurology.

      We are in a pre-scientific age of thinking about computation. - Humans have created thinking organisms that think systematically, leading to computation. - We are in an awkward phase of thinking about computation in a clumsy and pre-scientific way.

      Humans are driven by curiosity to understand the universe. - We have a limited ability to perceive the universe due to our evolutionary constraints. - Through the advancement of science and technology, we have developed tools like telescopes, microscopes, high-speed cameras, and time-lapse to enhance our perception.

      Elegance and wonder in computer science - Elegance is the deepest value in computer science, inspiring a sense of play and wonder. - Computer science is in a deeply inelegant phase, but there is potential for Elegance and Beauty in the field.

      Elegance as a guiding value in theoretical physics - Elegance guided Einstein in developing the special and general theory of relativity. - Modern civilization is built on general relativity and quantum physics; GPS system corrects for relativity.

      Elegance and simplicity in formalizing concepts in computer science - Elegance and simplicity in formalizing concepts are related - People often mistake familiarity for simplicity in programming

      Academia today lacks time for critical thinking - Focused on churning out papers and credentials - Issue of education accessibility affecting teaching quality

      Semantics is crucial in programming - Meanings are called semantics - The relationship between a program and its meaning is important

      Dana Scott answered the crucial question of the mathematical meaning of Lambda calculus in 1970. - Lambda calculus was originally intended for encoding high order logic and quantifiers, not for programming. - Peter Landon realized the potential of Lambda calculus for programming and introduced the concept of executing Lambda calculus on a machine.

      Languages convey meanings, computation looks at meanings. - Languages and programming languages serve the same purpose: to convey meanings. - Computation and technological tools help us observe and understand meanings in various forms, from stars and quasars to microorganisms and atoms.

      Euclid revolutionized geometry with his conceptual approach - Introduced a new way of thinking about geometry with axioms and postulates - Plato's influence on the idea of mathematical space and its relation to the physical world

      Mathematics describes real truth and possibly taps into platonic truth. - Platonist perspective considers mathematics as a way to describe truth beyond us. - Success of mathematical fantasy or story inspires acting as if tapping into platonic truth.

      Ancient beliefs about movement of stars and planets - Stars and planets thought to move in circular paths due to perfection/God concept - Some stars behaved differently, known as 'The Wanderers' or planets

      Kepler discovered planetary laws - Planets move in an ellipse, not a circle - Kepler's explanation lacked why planets move in an ellipse

      Scientific theories evolve with enhanced observations - Newton's theory successful until discrepancies discovered in the 20th century - Einstein's theory validated through observations of planet Mercury during solar eclipse

      Scientific exploration is an unending journey - Science aims to understand what we don't know - In academia, the system often fails to reward wonder and not knowing

      Denotational semantics helps distinguish beauty and elegance from complexity - Beauty or elegance in theory is described precisely in terms of mathematics - Fortran, led by John Backus, introduced expressions, advancing from Von Neumann style sequential programming

      Functional programming emphasizes expressions over statements - Fortran blends statements and expressions but still leans towards statements - Functional programming eliminates everything except expressions

      Hardware limitations led to sequential model prototyping - John Von Neumann's experiment from 1947 is still relevant in 2022 - John Backus discussed fundamental problems in computing during the war

      Von Neumann bottleneck affects computer performance. - Physical bottleneck slows computers due to high heat generation. - Mental bottleneck limits brain capacity and mental efficiency.

      Breaking out of the Von Neumann bottleneck - The Von Neumann style of programming forces us to think small and is fundamentally sequential and mechanistic. - The lecture emphasizes the importance of thinking in larger, powerful notions and focusing on functions rather than words.

      Functions as building blocks for knowledge - Functions built from other functions allow for scalability and creation of complex systems - Importance of denotational semantics in designing new languages rather than just explaining existing ones

      Backus emphasized fixing defects and learning from mistakes. - Using denotational semantics reveals detailed defects in existing languages. - Advancement in computer science involves replacing outdated concepts like go-to with structured and functional programming.

      The cost of focusing on education and progress is losing the ability to make significant advances in science. - The speaker expresses disappointment with the impact of Academia on progress and science. - The speaker remains dedicated to truth and beauty, advocating for the importance of denotational semantics in making aesthetic distinctions.

      Ideas are expressions of beauty or ugliness which give deep insights across fields. - Denotational semantics serves as a reliable guide to beauty and elegance in ideas. - Beauty and elegance are valuable guides for understanding the universe and computation.

      Passion for mathematics and computer graphics - Attended undergrad in math at UC Santar with a small group of math students in a nurturing environment - Transitioned to grad school at Carnegie Mellon for computer science and pursued computer graphics due to love for geometry and math

      Had to change plans at Carnegie Mellon - Arrived at CMU to study computer graphics, but found out the people I wanted to study with had left - Discovered a group focusing on reasoning about programs, which became the focus of my PhD work

      Transition to computer graphics and involvement in group projects - Worked with notable advisors like Dana Scott, John Reynolds, and Frank - Focused on exploring the next advancements in programming interfaces and data structures at Sun Microsystems

      Introduction to denotational semantics in understanding language meanings - Studied denotational semantics under Stevenh Brooks and Dana Scott in grad school, leading to a revelation on language meanings - Believes language meanings should be independent of specific machines and analyzed compositionally for better understanding

      Graphics programs are sequential commands organizing video memory for visual output. - Graphics programs are different from traditional software due to their focus on organizing instructions for video memory. - Alternative design paradigms focus on conveying meanings and inventing tools to help users view desired content through a computer.

      Designing a language library for geometry and colors - Creating a composable vocabulary of geometry and colors, similar to modern linguistic frameworks - Developing a rich system of types for three-dimensional geometry and adding a time component to the design

      Rendering graphics offscreen to build up incrementally for a correct answer. - Rendering offscreen allows showing previous true things before replacing them incrementally. - Temporal discreetness in computer graphics breaks compositionality and introduces fundamental bugs.

      Compositional models with approximations lose accuracy when composed - Compositional models incorporating approximations result in gross inaccuracies upon composition - Functional reactive programming involves composing before approximating for accurate results

      Outline fonts are resolution independent - Outline fonts are continuous and do not have pixels when zoomed in - Switching from bitmap graphics to outline fonts improves efficiency and clarity

      Transition from discrete to continuous programming in space and time. - Examples of continuous programming in space like fonts, 2D and 3D geometry, vector graphics. - Applying continuous programming principles to time requires a fundamental shift in implementing and describing things that vary with time within the Von Neumann model.

      John Reynolds introduced the idea of using functions from the reals instead of sequences for solving time interpolation problems - This approach helped in resolving issues with interpolations and time manipulation - Continuous time modeling was found to be more effective than discrete modeling for things that vary with time

      Functional programming requires a shift from loops to lazy lists - Functional programming involves describing the mathematical model behind the data manipulation - The common reasoning that input and output data should have the same nature is wrong in functional programming

      Functional reactive programming is about understanding concepts in the simplest, most elegant compositional terms. - It emphasizes denotational semantics, where types have a mathematical model. - It focuses on fully explaining operations in terms of the model, independent of implementation.

      Programming expresses ideas with clear understanding before implementation - Category Theory is appreciated for its precise and elegant tools in mathematics - Functional Reactive Programming lacks denotational and compositional principles, leading to fundamental misunderstandings in programming

      Algebraic patterns like monoids and distributivity are powerful for organizing reasoning - There are different types of monoids like addition and multiplication each with their own properties - Multiplication distributes over addition and zero plays a special role in this interaction

      Algebra and category theory provide reusability and reasoning in mathematics and programming. - Algebra allows for reasoning that is parameterized and applicable to different mathematical scenarios. - Category theory generalizes various algebraic concepts and is important for correctness in programming.

      The complexity of Python programs and limited cognitive abilities can lead to a lack of understanding. - Options include quitting the profession or divorcing what you've seen from what you do. - Another option is switching to a language with simple semantics, such as purely functional or denotative languages.

      Denotative programming allows for proving program correctness. - Denotative programming enables answering questions about the multiple meanings of programs. - Functional programs can have meanings within a cartesian closed category.

      Tropical semi-rings relate to timing analysis of parallel computations. - Understanding operations of plus and max in relation to semi-rings. - Realization of dot products and matrix multiplication pattern in timing analysis.

      Timing analysis can be described compositionally using the language of categories - I realized the parallel sequential composition is the fundamental building blocks of functions computation - The type Lambda calculus has more than one model, and the mathematical values it describes can have different interpretations

      Realizing the connection between HCLL and lambda calculus led to successful compilation to hardware. - HCLL translates to a small core lambda calculus - Interpreting lambda calculus in cartesian closed categories enabled successful compilation to hardware

      Exploring unconventional categories for computation - Discovering powerful ideas by compiling categories since 1980 - Seeking beauty in solutions to drive innovation and never settling for unsatisfactory answers

      Geometry and the introduction to proof changed my life - The systematic way of exploring what is true and growing knowledge in geometry was a life-changing concept for me. - Discovering computers at Lawrence Hall of Science through the Star Trek Club in high school eventually led me to computation.

      Introduction to programming through games on teletypes - Experiencing games and printing out results on rolls of paper as souvenirs - Discovering source code hidden in the printed paper, initiating an interest in programming

      Started college with no computer science department, emphasized logic and enjoyed math contests - Computer science classes offered in math department or College of Engineering - Discovered talent and passion for math despite discouragement from elementary school teacher

      The origin of computer science in universities and its impact on its development - Initial classes were labeled as Computer Science or logic, sparking a debate on department placement. - Placement in engineering rather than mathematics influenced the practical nature of computer science education.

      Transition from imperative to functional programming - Discovered Haskell as a better alternative to imperative programming languages - Applied Haskell in programming for 25+ years and mentorship in hardware design for machine learning

      Realizing the power of category theory in simplifying automatic differentiation - Changed vocabulary to be more symmetric with respect to composition - Describing automatic differentiation in the language of categories simplifies and generalizes it

      Denotational design is key for software implementation - HLL was not effective for teaching denotational design - Inner guidance essential for understanding and using HLL effectively

      Struggling with teaching denotations and homomorphisms in programming - Encountered issues with students not understanding correct implementations - Wanted compiler to indicate errors instead of personally correcting

      Understanding the question is more important than answering it correctly - Operational thinking is about biases in answering problems and questions - The most important thing is to understand the question in the most beautiful way

      Realization about teaching and learning process - Programmers differ in their attitude towards being told they're wrong - Importance of being open to feedback for growth in programming

      Automation has benefits but limited scalability - SMT automation has advantages in problem-solving but faces scaling limitations - Despite advancements, SMT technology cannot achieve unlimited scalability

      Agda is the most tasteful tool for working with dependent types. - Agda offers beauty, consistency, simplicity, and tremendous power. - Agda contributes to an incredibly beautiful story about the equivalence of computation, logic, and the foundations of mathematics.

      Exploring if all of mathematics can be built on logic - David Hilbert's attempt to formalize logic in the early stages - Can natural numbers be understood via logic as a foundation?

      Natural numbers are a profound and important concept - Natural numbers are a product of human construction on top of other systems - Piano numbers are a significant concept in mathematics

      Constructive logic allows expression of proofs as either A or B - In constructive logic, every proof of A or B can be expressed as a proof of A or a proof of B - Brower's logic allows for this expression without the law of excluded middle, leading to simple answers for negation, implication, truth, and falsehood in terms of types.

      De bruyne pioneered logic computable through computers - Exploration of dependent typing and realization of logic and types - Mechanization of information and manipulation, leading to modern programming languages

      The power of math and knowledge in programming - Manipulating from the bones is a powerful and beautiful concept - Embracing sequential stateful notion of computation limits insights and learning

      Written language enabled deep reflection and improvement of ideas. - Written language allowed ideas to be examined and improved over time. - Written language initiated a feedback loop for continuous enhancement of concepts.

      Continuous improvement through iterative optimization - Iteratively refining program logic and expressions for efficiency and clarity. - Enhanced abstraction and reusability through denotational design and parameterization.

      The debate on using formal proofs in industry - Industry perspective often argues against formal proofs due to perceived time constraints and impracticality. - Decision to use formal proofs depends on the objectives and the value placed on accuracy and thoroughness.

      Achieving 100% correctness is the only way to reach 95%. - Errors compound, leading to significant deviations in calculations. - Approximations and probable correctness can lead to overall incorrectness in complex projects.

      Inspired by deep conversation - The conversation has been engaging and has touched on major topics of interest. - The speaker hopes to discuss denotational design and its application in software design.

      Create space for contemplation in the age of instant information - Encourage meditation and reflection on content - Announcement about a dedicated email for audience feedback and inquiries

    1. wordt een tekortkoming aangeduid die krachtens verkeersopvattingen voor rekening van de verkoper kom

      Wat is de essentie in Oerlemans/Driessen?

  2. jstor-ui-assets.s3.amazonaws.com jstor-ui-assets.s3.amazonaws.com
    1. Diagram bird's-eyeviewofshapeofDeilaandorientationtoroad;usedottedlines

      Wow check this out

    1. this was an article about homelessness in America and its major problem. we need to have solutions to the problem, or it's going to get to a point where we can't fix it.

    2. The relationship between addiction and homelessness is complex and controversial. Many people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs never become homeless, but people who are poor and addicted are clearly at increased risk of homelessness.

      this country has had a horrible drug problem, and we need to be a lot more strict about drug distribution

    3. For families and individuals struggling to pay the rent, a serious illness or disability can start a downward spiral into homelessness, beginning with a lost job, depletion of savings to pay for care, and eventual eviction.

      the healthcare system is so bad in this country we need a better.

    4. The declining value and availability of public assistance is another source of increasing poverty and homelessness and many families leaving welfare struggle to get medical care, food, and housing as a result of loss of benefits, low wages, and unstable employment.

      They need to help families in need so we can have fewer kids on the streets.

    5. With unemployment rates remaining high, jobs are hard to find in the current economy. Even if people can find work, this does not automatically provide an escape from poverty.

      we need to start creating more jobs that are high paying to lower the poverty rate.

    6. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education.

      everyone should be able to take care of them selfs and get medical attention for free.

    1. I needed to build a bespoke python GUI tool to help me categorize hundreds of websites.

      I want one of these

    2. Star Trek-level UI

      Any one got a counter example to this, what is a Sci Fi UI that is super intuative and understandable. The book Daemon (Daemon, #1) by Daniel Suarez describes one, even Ready Player One does a good job but those are not actual interfaces we can use.

      Actually Westworld (TV Series 2016–2022) does a great job showing how the Hosts are programmed.

    3. It will hurt. It will suck. It’s not like starting to use a new, elegant tool on some pet project. A lot of brain power needs to go into this, and it’s mostly boring, menial work. But hey, nobody said this stuff is easy. Not even Vannevar Bush. None of us are entitled to easy work.

      It's always the people not the tools that lead to greatness. As is the lesson of Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002)

    4. And when I inevitably need to review something a few months from now, I know exactly where to look. For example, I will want to measure whether the app is actually getting faster, and I will want to use the exact same methodology and code as at the start. Thankfully, both are right there in my memex trail.

      I find writing something, and coming back a couple days later to reread it with a fresh mind is very helpful. A "memex" medium would remind me to do that, if you spend 3 hours writing something it should call you up and ask, hey wana read through this again so future you a long time from now will make sure to understand it

    5. Even if I deleted the folder at this point, it would all still be a beneficial exercise. By putting all of this together, I need to organize my own thoughts. I get to see everything in context. I understand the problem more clearly.

      A meme is not a folder of notes, it as an attitude the user has with a folder of notes

      So the medium is not the message, the attitude towards the medium is......

      One medium can have many different messages, it is about distilling value from it. Some people only open up books to look at the pictures, others read the words, other people consume both pictures and words

    1. One effective method to overcome task overwhelm in ADHD is breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

      I kind of do this already but I feel like I need a better mechanism to keep myself on track. So maybe breaking tasks into smaller bits AND adding a timeline element so that I can see how it all works to the very end could help me.

      How should time and timelines be incorporated into this breakdown big tasks into smaller tasks?

    2. Additionally, setting clear, achievable goals and using positive reinforcement can further assist in overcoming initiation barriers

      What type of language should be used in creating these goals and how and when do I remind myself of these goals?

    3. task paralysis involves a temporary inability to initiate action, often due to overwhelming choices or sensory overload, executive dysfunction

      How do task paralysis and executive function effect one another?

    1. I will continue to send updates on my blog, and I intend on adding more content on my alpine climbing. I will continue to stream on Twitch, and work on my technical projects.This blog, and the RSS feed will slowly grow into read-only automation that will publish to all of my channels.I do not intend on engaging in social media moving forward. I am too happy to change anything at the moment.Stay tuned for more.

      So how would the medium of social media have to transform for someone like the author to want to engage.

      What is the true Twitter 2.0? Twitter was just Usenet+IRC message boards with a script to merge them right?

      The screen is always separate from our reality

      Doing pushups doesn't enhance your relationships with people on the other side of the screen? Or does it... Running clubs are the new social hangout places I hear

      Who are you if you can't run 5k, think about it

      If you can't do 20 pushups, what can I decern from you

      Maybe there is a reason SAO(Sword Art Online) the medium did not allow people to switch sexes, or as the SJW's prefer "Hormonal Profiles"

      George Carlin on Soft Language - YouTube

    2. I have rediscovered a sense of self-respect for my ability to accomplish my goals when nobody is watching.

      Bro this goes hard, who are you when God is not watching.... something to think about

    3. However it has robbed us of the most critical dialogue, our dialogue with ourselves.
    4. You can’t tweet your way to self-respect.
    5. Broadcasting virtue to the world will never provide internal fulfillment regardless of how true it may be. Virtue signaling is effective in shifting public perception, but remains powerless in shifting an internal self-image.

      Go say genocide is bad, then throw money at anti genocide charity, good luck trying to understand why the genocide is happening

      Project Itoh: Genocidal Organ - Official Trailer - YouTube

    6. We are a collective of depressed authors trying to persuade other equally hopeless authors of our integrity.

      Yea we gotta think about, who are the people that actually consume social media rather than just living their life

    7. Regardless of how delightful, jarring, shocking, funny, cute, or aggressively virtuous my content was, internally I remained empty. Regardless of how much content I consumed, internally I remained empty.

      What would a counter example of being empty be?

    8. I remember feeling the need to out-perform my previous display of extreme morality.

      Wearing that mask during Covid must have felt pretty empowering eh

    9. We have lost our prerogative to enact change.
    10. I believe social media has drifted to a doom and horror conduit similar to the tabloids.

      Wow everyone is addicted to tabloids, also does gen Z even know what a tabloid is?

    11. I notice this internal tranquility seems to be related to my exodus of social media.

      What do you do instead?

      What habits replaced social media?

    1. Now, to be fair, the time was short. The store was only open for six months before residents were surveyed. Matthews says most residents knew that the store was there and that it offered healthy food. But only 26 percent said it was their regular "go to" market. And, as might be expected, those who lived close to the store shopped there most regularly.

      Social tendiecies and views along with having the resources needed to actively give new foods and healthy alternatives a chance

    2. "I had a mother who approached me to tell me she had learned a lot from prior cooking demonstrations about healthy eating," he says, "and, because of what she learned about nutrition and about reducing saturated fats and sodium, and increasing fiber intake in her diet, she lost over 20 pounds. And her daughter lost 10 pounds."

      Eating healthy food is a clear solution to a lot of health problems

    1. In company after company, whenever I present the BAPO model, the first reaction is: Yes, of course! And then, after a few seconds, some or several people in the audience realize that this is exactly the opposite of how their company really works. And the realization (and associated embarrassment) that the company actually uses OPAB sets in. The result often is a lively discussion across the participants on the times the company has falling into the trap in the past and whether we are at risk of falling into this trap again right now.

      Now this is an excellent example of brainwashing

    1. Jacob Riis, a Danish immigrant, combined photography and journalism into a powerful indictment of poverty in America. His 1890, How the Other Half Lives shocked Americans with its raw depictions of urban slums. Here, he describes poverty in New York.

      social source for paper 1

    2. Charlotte Perkins Gilman won much attention in 1892 for publishing “The Yellow Wallpaper,” a semi-autobiographical short story dealing with mental health and contemporary social expectations for women. In the following piece, Gilman reflected on writing and publishing the piece.

      Social source for paper 1

    3. Ida B. Wells-Barnett, born a slave in Mississippi, was a pioneering activist and journalist. She did much to expose the epidemic of lynching in the United States and her writing and research exploded many of the justifications—particularly the rape of white women by black men—commonly offered to justify the practice.

      political source for paper 1

    1. The magic of both software and software organizations comes from those moments where insight into how something works sparks entirely new ideas about what it could become.

      I would have liked some more details or examples of a more ideal way for software organizations to reflect these insights, but they are good insights and it may end up turning into a false idols situation. :)

    2. But the change that every team needs to make is dependent on the change that every other team needs to make.

      I think an example of organizations that get it right are Elon Musk's companies. Both Tesla and SpaceX are working in these kinds of seismic shift opportunities. They are working from first principles and with the entire product (including the manufacturing process) in mind. You don't get things like the "Superbottle" with siloed teams.

      Both Tesla and SpaceX are also engineering in domains with very thin margins. The energy to weight ratio of electric batteries is very, very low compared to gasoline, so a Tesla has to be 95% efficient where an ICE car can be only 40% efficient.

      SpaceX is also working in a domain that has famously thin margins. Given Earth's gravity, it is just barely possible to leave Earth's surface and only after jettisoning parts of your vehicle through staging.

    3. These two ways of thinking about organizations (autonomous vs hierarchical) seem really different at first glance. However, in one respect, they are both essentially the same: Both assume a relatively unidirectional relationship between vision and engineering.

      This is an interesting point that I had not considered. What would an organization look like that allowed the "bidirectional relationship between engineering an vision to emerge?"

    4. I think we can only truly create when we truly understand what we have to create with.

      This is true, and (again) I think is not unique to software engineering.

      Even to take the film example, someone like Christopher Nolan actually knows quite a bit about how cameras work and even what kind of film he wants to use.

    5. the whole of software development is actually full of discovery even though it exists within a completely known universe.

      Yes! Software engineering is rightly conceived as an exploratory process!

      Software engineering is an exploratory process of refining and fitting your vision to and with feedback from the artifact you're creating.

      I think it is very similar in this respect to writing prose where you edit, read, re-edit, and re-read over and over to refine. You also throw out large chunks and rewrite. In the end if it is done well it looks effortless, which is the lie.

    6. At first glance, software seems like a straightforward engineering practice. After all, it exists within a fully known universe – the computer – of our own making. This is in stark contrast to disciplines that are more obviously science, like biology or physics, which exist within domains that we did not create and do not fully understand. Unlike computers, which are fully understood, those disciplines are in large part about the search for understanding. Science, in other words, is often occupied with the process of discovering how something works – which we don’t need to do with computers.

      Richard P. Gabriel also makes this point in his talk "Engineering(,) A Path to Science".

      Software engineers quite literally create the reality that computer scientists study. I think this is actually quite common in fields that are about shuffling concepts. (Gabriel also discusses cases where engineering precedes science even in physics.)

      This vision-engineering-non-linear-intertwining is essential to creative work in general. The creative process isn't so much one of creating but discovery; the artifact you are creating is a co-creator of itself.

    1. Su propósito es aumentar la probabilidad y el impacto de eventos positivos,

      Esta oración no aporta demasiado: en ningún momento se definen los riesgos "positivos"

    1. All this enters the child’s consciousness much sooner than we as adults would like to think it does.

      A child's consciousness is so precious and needs to be taken into account every day by their care givers.

    2. America is not the world and if America is going to become a nation, she must find a way — and this child must help her to find a way to use the tremendous potential and tremendous energy which this child represents. If this country does not find a way to use that energy, it will be destroyed by that energy.

      A very powerful way to end the reading on such a heavy topic

    3. A society, in turn, depends on certain things which everyone within that society takes for granted

      People agree on certain rules and norms in exchange for living in our society. We sometimes don't realize how much we take our social issues and society for granite

    1. SHALLOW CULTUREUnspoken rules of interactionHigh emotional impact

      I believe that yes, shallow culture is super important in today's society. However it is a fact that not everyone perceives the world the same way. Everyone has different values and beliefs and may take shallow culture differently than how other people would.

    2. singsg|thatsimplymaintainsastatusquoofcoloniality—whatthesestudentsentertheclassrooms with—1s-WorEnough: whatwasforc-iblylost, stolen,erased,andreplacedmustalsobe[PvRaned)

      I believe that the longer us educators continue to push non-cultural ideals, the longer students will continue to be uninterested and not wanting to deepen their understandings of school. Students feel disinterested because school is not something that they can relate to.

    1. Australia’s most imperilled marsupials, the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus)

      The species that has seen population decrease due to Cane Toads

    2. island off Australia’s north-central coast

      Location of the study

    1. Por esa razón, JSON se emplea habitualmente en entornos donde el tamaño del flujo de datos entre cliente y servidor es de vital importancia.

      La relevancia de los datos determinan el uso o no de JSON

  3. canvas.tufts.edu canvas.tufts.edu
    1. I don't understand neutral.

    2. Disabled actors struggle to portray the same things as non-disabled actors.

    3. How can actors create emotion in their performances?

    4. In social settings, everyone's physical is constantly being examined.

    5. How can directors incorporate disabled actors into more plays?

    6. Disabled actors would give off an unwanted vibe to the performance.

    7. Disabled actors are dissuaded from performing in the arts.

    1. particular language

      /ˌkɒm.bɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ nghĩa là sự kết hợp hoặc tổ hợp

    2. particular language

      trong lĩnh vực máy tính hoặc ngôn ngữ học có nghĩa là một ngôn ngữ cụ thể, thường là một ngôn ngữ lập trình hoặc một ngôn ngữ tự nhiên nhất định.

  4. drive.google.com drive.google.com
    1. improve familyand community engagement to improvestudents’ transition to high school andsuccess in grade 9

      Support during transitions from families and community would be essential for the success of students.

    1. Who is this toolkit for? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> This toolkit is for faculty teaching the following courses: Undergraduate courses that are taught online in the summer semester AND that are not part of an online program. Graduate courses that are taught online AND that are not participating in Butler+ course design services. If you are unsure if this toolkit applies to you, email OEET@butler.edu for further assistance. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bcc-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); How were faculty involved in this process? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> In early January 2024, five faculty were identified by the Associate Deans to test the first draft of the 2024 Summer Online Toolkit. These faculty provided valuable feedback to the Academic Partnerships (AP) team, which resulted in a second iteration of the toolkit. Based on their feedback, AP: Began adding more about the purpose of the toolkit. Included more information about regulatory requirements. Simplified several template pages to make editing easier. Clarified technical language. Modified the workflow based on common faculty tasks (e.g., combining multiple course sections) Following the faculty review, University leadership conducted an internal review of the second draft of the toolkit. This review resulted in the AP team clarifying the pathways for faculty by breaking the toolkit into separate documents. Next the third version of the toolkit was reviewed by the Provost and the Provost Advisory Council (PAC). <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1024" height="768" src="https://www.butler.edu/academic-technology/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1024x768.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-2350 size-full" srcset="https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-1536x1152.jpg 1536w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9266-2-2048x1536.jpg 2048w" sizes="100vw" /> <img decoding="async" width="1024" height="768" src="https://www.butler.edu/academic-technology/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1024x768.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-2352 size-full" srcset="https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-1536x1152.jpg 1536w, https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/03/IMG_9280-2-2048x1536.jpg 2048w" sizes="100vw" /> The PAC review resulted in this web-based version of the toolkit with the following changes: An introductory page that explains the “why” behind the toolkit, including more information about regulatory requirements. How the template aligns to Butler’s Course Design Rubric. More detail about the phases of this initiative. A feedback survey to collect suggested improvements. The Academic Partnerships team is worked with a second group of faculty to gather feedback on the third version of the toolkit during the week of March 22. In September 2024, after the Provost announced the Quality Matters adoption at Faculty Sentate, the Academic Partnerships team began revisions to the toolkit to align resources to the QM Essential Standards. Once revisions are complete, the AP team will convene faculty for further feedback and refinement. Faculty who are using the current version of this toolkit can submit feedback using the form linked below. Thank you to the faculty who helped develop this toolkit: S. Carey document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-s-carey"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-s-carey"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); M. M. Duran document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-m-m-duran"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-m-m-duran"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); S. Furuness document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-s-furuness"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-s-furuness"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); P. Linos document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-p-linos"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-p-linos"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); M. Rademacher document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // move innerblocks to tabs-content var targetTabItem = document.getElementById("tab-item-m-rademacher"); var targetInnerBlocks = targetTabItem.querySelector(".tabitem-content"); targetInnerBlocks.setAttribute("id", "tab-content-m-rademacher"); var parentTabgroup = targetTabItem.closest(".tabgroup"); var destination = parentTabgroup.querySelector(".tabs-content"); destination.appendChild(targetInnerBlocks); }); <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/scarey1-6fWUTQcQuMWmxB-WIVsbU-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Seth Carey' />Seth CareyAssistant Professor College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Dr. Seth Carey is originally from Nashville, Tennessee. In 2015 he completed his Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) with a minor in psychology from Lipscomb University. In 2018. Dr. Carey completed his Masters of Science in Nursing Education (MSN Ed.)…View more about Seth Carey <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mmelgare--ALwbLBmp4n2FqKFyc_Ug-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mauricio Melgarejo Duran' />Mauricio Melgarejo DuranAssociate Professor of Accounting Lacy School of Business Mauricio has a Ph.D. in management with a specialization in accounting from Purdue University and an MBA from INCAE Business School. He worked as an assistant professor at INCAE Business School in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. At Butler, he teaches…View more about Mauricio Melgarejo Duran <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/sfurunes-JnHVkZh5tdH02Cl7y8R-m-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Shelly Furuness' />Shelly FurunessProfessor – Education College of Education <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/api-profiles/linos-41f_URRRO.jpg' alt='Headshot of Panos Linos' />Panos LinosProfessor – Computer Science Computer Science and Software Engineering – LAS Panos Linos is a professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Butler University since 2000. He served as the interim department chairperson during the fall 2019 semester. Following that, he has accepted the challenge to serve another 3-year…View more about Panos Linos <img class='directory__cardImg' src='https://cdn-dev.butler.edu/mrademac-TQ_567ZJ9DaD4Nk4ApsoS-photo.jpg' alt='Headshot of Mark Rademacher' />Mark RademacherProfessor College of Communication Dr. Mark Rademacher is a Professor of Strategic Communication in the College of Communication at Butler University. His teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses, including foundations of strategic communication, research…View more about Mark Rademacher ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179bf6-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What is Quality Matters (QM)? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> Quality Matters (QM) is a widely recognized, research-based framework designed to ensure high standards in online and blended course design. QM focuses on creating clear, measurable learning objectives, aligning assessments with course goals, and ensuring accessible and engaging instructional materials. Through its peer-reviewed rubric, QM promotes continuous improvement in the online learning experience, supporting educators in crafting courses that enhance student success and engagement. Learn more on the Quality Matters website. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179c8d-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); What do I need to do for Summer 2025?

      Who? What do I need to do for Summer 2025? How are you helping me?

    2. choose not to use the toolkit

      If you are more advanced in the development of your online courses and/or teaching skills and elect not to use the toolkit, you should

    3. in the summer semester


    4. the summer semester


    5. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ca4-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); How do I return to a QM self-review in progress? <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> To return to a Self-Review in progress, Log in to the QM site, qmprogram.org/myqm. After logging in, click the CRMS button from the top navigation menu. From the left-hand menu, select My Course Reviews. Then select Self-Reviews. Select the Edit Self-Review (pencil icon) to the left of the Self-Review Title. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179fcc-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 1: Course Overview & Introduction <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> QM Standard 1.1 The Canvas course template (linked below) includes getting started information on the home page: there’s a quick “Start Here” button as well as a “Getting Started” section with more detail. These link to Module 0, which starts with a “Course Navigation” page. If you’d like, you can replace the course navigation video with one that you record for your specific course. We recommend that you use this as evidence that you met this standard. QM Standard 1.2 Likely information to meet Standard 1.2 will be found in your syllabus, although you may choose to include this in your “Welcome to the course” section on the home page of the course template. The “Course Introduction” and “Assessment Overview” sections of the syllabus may be used as evidence for this standard. If you do not include a course schedule in your syllabus, there is a page in Module 0 that you can use for this. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f179ff4-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 2: Learning Outcomes <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> While most QM Essential Standards are addressed through the provided syllabus and course templates, certain requirements—particularly those related to learning outcomes—are highly specific to each course. To help you meet these standards, we’ve compiled resources on writing effective learning outcomes. By following the guidance in these short videos (totaling 5 minutes and 47 seconds), you’ll be well-equipped to meet QM Essential Standards 2.1 – 2.5. Videos QM Standard 2.1 Video QM Standard 2.2 Video QM Standard 2.4 Video ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a01d-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 3: Assessment and Measurement <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> QM Standard 3.1 More resources coming soon! QM Standard 3.2 Likely information to meet Standard 3.1 will be found in your syllabus. If you’re using the Butler Syllabus Template (linked here), the “Grading Schema” section may be used as evidence for this standard. ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a035-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 4 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a0a5-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 5 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a108-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 6 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ).off( 'click' ).on( 'click', ( function() { let row = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ); let acc_img = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-img' ); /* * If the panel is open, close it by setting its height to 0px. * If it's closed, i.e. its height is 0px, open it b setting its height to fit-content if in backend, or scrollHeight if frontend. * This is necessary because transitions do not work on height: fit-content, causing the accordion to snap open and shut instantly. */ if ( panel.style.maxHeight != '0px' ) { panel.style.maxHeight = '0px'; } else { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 'fit-content' : panel.scrollHeight + 'px'; } let expanded = row.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' ); if ( expanded == 'true' ) { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png'; } else { row.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panel.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); acc_img.src = '/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks/assets/images/nav_main_icon_close.png'; } } ) ); //End .click let highlightColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-blue-bright' ); let textColor = getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--color-theme-primary' ); let title = document.getElementById( 'block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-title' ); $( '#block_acf-block-66f563f17a168-acc-row' ).hover( function() { title.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; title.style.color = textColor; }, function() { title.style.backgroundColor = ''; title.style.color = ''; } ); //End .hover } )( jQuery ); Resources for Essential Standards GS 7 (Coming Soon!) <img alt="" id='block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-img' class='acc-icon' src='https://www.butler.edu/oeet/wp-content/plugins/butler-acf-blocks-new/assets/images/nav_main_icon_open.png' /> More resources coming soon! ( function( $ ) { let panel = document.getElementById('block_acf-block-66f563f17a1c9-acc-content-panel'); /* * Need to set a value for maxHeight to initialize the accordion properly. * If we don't include this conditional, the accordion doesn't nicely transition to open/close on the first click. */ if ( 1 == 0 ) { panel.style.maxHeight = 0 == 1 ? 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      Collapse these under another area

    6. for Summer

      Delete "for summer"

    1. The signifieds of this third message are constitutedby the real objects in the scene, the signifiers by these same objects photographed, for, given that therelation between thing signified and image signifying in analogical representation is not 'arbitrary' (as itis in language), it is no longer necessary to close the relay with a third term in the guise of the psychicimage of the object.

      This helps me understand the purpose of iconic signifiers.

    2. composition of the image, evoking the memory of innumerable alimentary paintings, sends us to anaesthetic signified: the 'nature morte' or, as it is better expressed in other languages, the 'still life';

      Talked about in class, something that was so subliminal to me I didn't realize it until it was pointed out.

    3. en abyme

      Not familiar with this term. In French it has multiple meanings: "In literature, mise en abyme can refer to a story within a story" I think is the most relevant. ( I looked it up).

    1. there are still mysteries around the cane toads’ cannibalistic tendencies

      this might be a tactic to help control the population?

    2. the toads might have evolved to speed up their hatchling phase,

      wow! its crazy that this evolution happened in less than 100 years

    3. adpoles were nearly 30 times as likely to swim towards a trap containing hatchlings as an empty trap, and the South American tadpoles showed no preference for either.

      this is a very big difference

    4. f the hatchlings that emerge from the tens of thousands of eggs in a single clutch2.

      i wonder if this can be used to help bottleneck the population

    5. introduced about 100 cane toads

      it is crazy that this few being introduced can create and epidemic

    6. that they face more evolutionary pressure from each other, as they compete for resources, than from anything else in Australia.

      This is very surprising, it is not evolution pressure from predation

    7. develop in front of their eyes”, given that the behaviour arose in less than a hundred years — the blink of an eye by evolutionary standards.

      this seems like an extremely fast time table

    8. is far less cannibalistic.

      this is very interesting, I wonder if it is based on prey or more environment

    1. 1 to: 1 do: [:i | Transcript show: i*2 "asString"; cr ]. 1 to: 20 by: 3 do: [:i | Transcript show: i asString; cr]. 30 to: 0 by: -2 do: [:i | Transcript show: i asString; cr].

      Sigo sin entender este código

    2. [:x | x+2] value: 20. b := [:x | x+2]. b value: 20.

      Sigo sin entender este código como funciona

    3. [:x | x+2] value: 10.

      cálculo con valores enteros

    1. Fine-mesh fencing can also assist in keeping cane toads from ponds that are in need of special protection.

      this should definitely be used to protect more sensitive areas

    2. humanely

      MUST be done humanely

    3. collecting the long jelly-like strings of cane toad eggs from the water

      not sure if there is a way to scale this to help the larger problem

    4. native predator species which are heavily impacted when toads arrive make rapid adaptations (both behavioural and physiological) allowing for population recovery in the longer term.

      this means they learn to avoid eating the toad, allowing the toad population to grow further

    5. other predators are more vulnerable and die rapidly after ingesting toads.

      this causes even more damage to the natural food chain

    6. Females can lay 8000–30 000 eggs at a time. In comparison, most Australian native frogs typically lay 1000–2000 eggs per year.

      shocking how quickly they can multiply, especially compared to the natural local species

    7. If forced to stay in flooded conditions, cane toads can absorb too much water and die. They can also die from water loss during dry conditions.

      two other possible solutions

    8. Toads will even take food left out for pets.

      this is very interesting, and maybe something with this could be used to trap them?

    1. 3:08 "the whole cult basically ran the town<br /> except for a few diehards who didn't want to give their houses up"<br /> that was the osho cult's main problem: conservative idiots.<br /> in natural order, you would simply kill such enemies.<br /> in civilization, such enemies are protected and will destroy your cult...

    1. What issues surrounding privacy might be raised by targeted advertising?

      My phone does this to me, like when I'm searching for a specific thing or talking about a specific thing for a long time my phone starts giving me ads about that thing and our phones just recently started doing the "limited ad tracking" which its going to track them anyway because that's the way our phones were built.

    1. The "X-Literature Initiative" makes startlingly clear that the formation we know as "literature" is a complex web of activities that includes much more than conventional images of writing and reading. Also involved are technologies, cultural and economic mechanisms, habits and predispositions, networks of producers and consumers, professional societies and their funding possibilities, canons and anthologies designed to promote and facilitate teaching and learning activities, and a host of other factors. All of these undergo significant transformation with the movement into digital media. Exploring and understanding the full implications of what the transition from page to screen entails must necessarily be a community effort, a momentous task that calls for enlightened thinking, visionary planning, and deep critical consideration. It is in these wide and capacious senses that electronic literature challenges us to re-think what literature can do and be.

      The X-Literature Initiative is an insightful look at how literature is evolving in the digital age. It emphasizes that literature now includes not only writing and reading, but also technology, economics, and social systems, making it much more complex. We can agree that understanding this transition requires a collaborative effort because digital media is changing how we create, distribute, and preserve literary works. This transition forces us to rethink what literature is and how we interact with it, which is both challenging and exciting for the future of literary culture.

      Rotova Kira

    2. Electronic literature, generally considered to exclude print literature that has been digitized, is by contrast "digital born," a first-generation digital object created on a computer and (usually) meant to be read on a computer. The Electronic Literature Organization, whose mission is to "promote the writing, publishing, and reading of literature in electronic media," convened a committee headed by Noah Wardrip-Fruin, himself a creator and critic of electronic literature, to come up with a definition appropriate to this new field. The committee's choice was framed to include both work performed in digital media and work created on a computer but published in print (as, for example, was Brian Kim Stefans's computer-generated poem "Stops and Rebels"). The committee's formulation: "work with an important literary aspect that takes advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer."

      The definition given by the Electronic Literature Organization is very helpful because it shows how important the literary elements are when using digital technology. This view encourages us to see literature in a new way today, understanding that moving to digital forms is a growth, not a decline, in literary art. For example, Brian Kim Stefans's work "Stops and Rebels" demonstrates how creating on digital platforms and then printing them can enhance our understanding of literature.

      Additionally, we must recognize that digital media offers features like interactivity, non-linearity, and multimedia, which allow readers to experience texts in new ways. These features not only challenge traditional storytelling but also change how readers engage with literature. So, saying that electronic literature thrives on computers—whether connected to the internet or not—both emphasizes its special characteristics and encourages us to explore this exciting field further.

    1. My entourage of crows leaves me at the stone wall,

      she's lonely

    2. it hurts mywinter-softened hand

      She's old

    3. Both of my daughters will be home for the weekendfrom the far places where they live.

      She is a mother of two who are old enough to live on their own.

    1. as thedaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the founding mother of political feminism.Beginning in the early twentieth century, she was a leader in her own right, initiallyin New York, later nationally. A

      Expand of this


    1. such sentiments would affect OSs, who are likely to be in-dividuals, more than RPs, who are likely to be organizations.2?

      oSs more likely to be disccouraged by cultural anti-litigious attitudes

    2. RP

      RPs have prior knowledge and have structured the transactions, profitable economies pf scale, and low startup costs.They can facilitate informal relationships. The RP is trusted because he has a reputation to maintain. they can lobby for rules. Precedent is skewed towards RPs because they can afford to sacrifice the tangible gain of one case for beneficial laws down the line

    3. I would like to reverse that procedureand look through the other end of the telescope.



    1. and perpetrated by a curious felon — occurred in this town on Monday night. Mr. Smith, with his lady, resides in the apartments of Mrs. Weaver in Mardol.
      1. Perpetrated(v.)<br /> -To carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action).

      2. Singular (adj.) -Remarkably or strikingly unusual or extraordinary.

      3. Felon (n.) -A person who has committed a serious crime, typically one punishable by imprisonment.

    1. ideophones often come in reduplicative pairs(Dingemanse, 2019)

      This claim is unsupported by the given citation, in which reduplication is only discussed in relation to a single example from a single language. I take strong exception to my work being cited in a misleading way. In fact, empirical work and grammatical descriptions show that the relation between Ideophones and reduplication is far from settled (Dingemanse 2015), rendering the supposed link to two-slot grammars unsubstantiated. That supposed link is very weak anyway because reduplication is not the simple doubling this account makes it out to be, and especially not in ideophones, which often show more complex reduplicative morphology, as the literature also shows.

      Dingemanse, M. (2015). Ideophones and Reduplication: Depiction, Description, and the Interpretation of Repeated Talk in Discourse. Studies in Language, 39(4), 946-970. doi:10.1075/sl.39.4.05din.

    1. VI e VII

      nao extendem ao acompanhante /atendente pessoal: prioridade na restintuição do imposto de renda e na tramitação processual.

    1. Conclusion

      FINAL THOUGHTS: This paper went over lots of issues being faced right now due to the UN's ineffectiveness in resolving conflicts. One example given was the Syrian Civil War, where the the UN's current structure and the veto power of permanent members hinder decisive action. So, there's a very urgent need to provide and implement solutions to help resolving these crises.

    2. Hostilities and disagreement amongst the United States and Russiaexemplify a reduction in each state’s commitment to human security and the betterment of the world.

      geopolitical tensions hinder collective security efforts.

    3. UN is a vital platform for providing states with aforum to voice their opposition to a nation’s behavior.

      UN's role in promoting state accountability.

    4. Ultimately, critics of the UNSC have consolidatedreform into seven demands – “that the Council be: more representative, more accountable, more legitimate, moredemocratic, more transparent, more effective, and more fair and even-handed”.

      The seven demands to help with UNSC's effectiveness.

    5. human security is privileged over international order as a basicpublic good”.[

      This goes to show the importance of prioritizing human security in international relations.

    6. the United Nationscannot be expected to uphold its commitment as a defender of international peace and security withoutacknowledging the dire need for institutional reform that better enables it to respond to modern conflict

      Theres a necessity of change the UN in order to address conflicts effectively.

    7. All proposed reforms were differing iterations of methods to expand permanent membership orveto authority in the body.

      ongoing debate about changing UNSC membership.

    8. Russia has used its veto on [multiple] occasions, largely to avoid scrutiny over its actions in Syria”.[

      Misuse of veto power.

    9. Anotherexample of UNSC reform could involve placing limitations on the use of the veto powe

      Suggestion to stop veto power.

    10. “regional powers, such as Brazil, Germany, India, Japan,Nigeria and South Africa, have sought to enlarge the council or secure permanent seats of their own”

      Add new members to the permanent council.

    11. it is evident that the UNSC’spresent structure is unsuitable for addressing modern conflicts

      UNSC structure is ineffective,

    12. the development of customary norms takes aconsiderable degree of time and is often prescribed following a case of war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing, orcrimes against humanity.

      Slow evolution of legal standards.

    13. R2P can besolidified as a norm in customary international law, which “results from a general and consistent practices of statesthat they follow from a sense of legal obligation”.[

      Establishing R2P as a norm is essential.

    14. Therefore, it is theresponsibility of member states to address the prevalent threats that prevent the UN from fulfilling its mandate ofpreserving international peace and security.

      States must take initiative.

    15. the lack of institutional remedies thwarts the capacity for the UN “to providepublic goods in the realm of human security”.

      institutional failures limit the UN’s effectiveness.

    16. R2P

      Debates about the justification for humanitarian interventions.


    1. Should Google protect your searches and refuse to divulge information about your habits to governments, even if they share that data with other companies for marketing purposes?

      I feel like our personal data shouldn't be shared with anyone unless we choose to share our info out.

    2. “Instagram famous” or “YouTube” famous

      I feel like us as people are finding easier ways to get famous from social media.

    1. powerful country like the United States could be a victim of terrorism. But the horrific event also brought Americans closer together. As U.S. senator John Kerry said at the time, “It was the worst day we have ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us.”

      This is logistical and emotional by comparing and contrasting and the authors saying that "even though it was a dark day America but it brought out the best in us."

    2. The impact of the crash tore a hole that stretched from the 93rd to 99th floors of the building

      This is called vivid imagery

    3. When the airplanes hit the twin towers, they caused massive damage.

      This is the rhetorical strategy called imagery.

    4. dark smoke poured from the twin towers. People rushed to escape the area, which later became known as ground zero. First responders—including police officers, firefighters, and paramedics—arrived within minutes of the first attack on the World Trade Center. They rushed into both towers to help people trapped inside, even though it would be an extremely difficult rescue operation. Almost all the elevators in the twin towers had stopped working. So rescuers started climbing up the stairs, but many were blocked by rubble or fire. Still, firefighters forged ahead, ignoring the danger.

      They use "dark smoke poured from the twin towers" to create vivid imagery and they establish credibility in the firefighters when they say the firefighters rushed into the rubble and burning building.

    5. Concrete floors were destroyed. Steel support beams were cut in two. Floors above the crash sites started to sag downward. Meanwhile, the sprinklers in both buildings were damaged. There was nothing to stop the raging fires, which became hot enough to weaken steel. The buildings grew unstable. Then they collapsed.

      this is imagry because it is very desciptive

    1. Other American women expressed new discontents through literature. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s famous short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” attacked the expectation of feminine domesticity and ridiculed Victorian psychological remedies forced on women, such as the “rest cure.”

      This text is interesting for me because I read this book but didn't really look much into its origin. It really showed a way on how women used literature as a way to speak up.

    2. Women’s work against alcohol propelled temperance into one of the foremost moral reforms of the period

      This is interesting because it shows how women played a big role in this movement.