1,483 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
  2. Feb 2019
    1. Starbucks to Stop Using Disposable Plastic Straws by 2020

      We as a group are curious is stop using plastic straws a good way to stop the pollution?

  3. Dec 2018
    1. This sectional combination for the submersion of the Constitution, has been aided in some of the States by elevating to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming citizens; and their votes have been used to inaugurate a new policy, hostile to the South, and destructive of its beliefs and safety.

      2 + 4 - The author claims that Northern liberty laws allowed Black people to vote and deems that unconstitutional since he does not believe they could ever be citizens. The author also views this as an attack on the stability of the Southern states' social and cultural beliefs and values.

    2. they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States.

      4 - The author argues that the Northerners' attack on slavery resembles an attack on the lifestyle of Southerners.

  4. Nov 2018
    1. If there is a recent date in the very title of the video, and that particular video has been uploaded to YouTube multiple times over a short span of time, then there is high probability that the video is a fake

      Remember to see how many times that video has been uploaded. Also check for the date in the title could also instigate that it is a fake.

  5. Sep 2018
    1. The Service Card for the Stuttgart Services project is the first electronic ticket for e-mobility in and around Stuttgart. In the initial phase of the project, subscribers have been able since 2015 to use the Service Card as an electronic ticket. Marketed under the polygo brand, the project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy until June 2016.As one of 40 projects included in Baden-Württemberg’s “LivingLab BWe mobil” e-mobility showcase, the Stuttgart Services project seeks to make access to e-mobility services as seamless as possible for customers traveling in the Stuttgart region, and to supplement them with further citywide offers. The Service Card will not only open up the city’s e-mobility potential; it will also integrate everyday aspects of urban life by serving as a library card, swimming-pool membership card, and payment card.

      Service Card

    1. Stadtinfo Köln (City Info Cologne) is a research project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Research that centres around the collection of various traffic data to be distributed to diverse platforms including the Internet, portable devices such as PDAs and mobile telephones, in-car navigation systems and variable message signs throughout the city. The project was implemented over a four-year period from 1998 to October 2002 by 15 partners in co-operation with the city of Cologne at a cost of €16.1 million.

      Traffic Information

    1. As part of the joint project "Innovation Network Morgenstadt: City Insights" under the project management of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for the Promotion of Applied Research eV, the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) is developing a three-dimensional visualization of the district of Mülheim in cooperation with the City of Cologne. For this purpose, the city of Cologne provides data from the areas of environment, traffic, real estate, urban planning. From this three-dimensional geoinformation system (so-called 3-D GIS model), an app is being developed, which is expected to be available to the people of Cologne in the second quarter of 2015 on the homepage of the city of Cologne.

      Smart urban development in 3-D format

    1. The Cologne-based TÜV Rheinland headquarters is revitalizing its approximately 100,000 square meter business park with ten buildings in Poll. The management of TÜV Rheinland Immobiliengesellschaft mbH & Co. KG has developed an innovative concept with the engineering experts from Drees & Sommer as energy designer, building physicist and TGA planner: In future, there should only be one energy center. All buildings in the property are supplied with heat and cooling via the power grid of the new energy center. For heat supply, hybrid energy sources are used. These consist of the renewable raw material wood, a wood pellet boiler plant, as well as the fossil energy natural gas, gas condensing boilers and an integrated combined heat and power plant. The cold is generated by free-cooling, high-efficiency compression machines and absorption chillers. This can save 30 percent of primary energy compared to today. In addition, CO2 emissions will be reduced by more than 30 percent. The overall concept is modular in design and adaptable for the future.

      Sustainable Business Park

    1. evohaus innovative settlements in general evohaus irq (Intelligent Residence Quartiere) Settlements cover your heat demand primarily environmentally friendly and cost-effective by the sun. The need for heating is already low due to the good insulation of the evohaus architecture anyway. Remaining heat demand is covered by solar power. The solar power drives heat pumps that produce about three kilowatt hours of heat energy for heating or hot water with one kilowatt hour of electrical energy. The settlement gets its heat independent of gas, coal or other fossil fuels. The heat pumps are preferably switched on when enough solar power is generated. Water tanks store excess heat and provide the settlement with sunless times. An energy management system monitors and controls storage tanks and heat pumps. The evohaus irq concept is taking the step from a passive house to an active house: it not only saves energy but also generates electricity itself and uses it with intelligence.


    1. Electric cars are an energy-efficient and potentially regenerative alternative to cars powered by fossil fuels. In order to promote this regenerative alternative, colognE-mobil has already installed 122 charging stations for electric cars (TankE) in and around Cologne, one of which is located on the Klimastraße in the car park behind the Kaufhof. Further charging points will soon be created directly on the Klimastraße.

      Electric Charging Stations

    1. As well as energy-saving lighting, Smart Home is an important building block for an energy-efficient and comfortable future. With smart homes and smart meters in the network, homeowners and store owners can reduce their electricity and heating costs by an average of 7%! Add to that the great comfort of making the apartment burglar-proof and controlling almost every aspect of heating, electricity or security in the building. So you can control from your smartphone whether the stove is still on at home, a window has been left open, the heating is running at full speed or the light is on. In addition, before the house is on fire, modern, networked smoke detectors report any alarm directly to the owner's smartphone. It can automatically be initiated various steps, such. B. that the fire department is called. In order to test some scenarios and saving opportunities in everyday life and to make known the possibilities offered by these modern technologies, Smart Home applications were installed on the Klimastraße in nine private apartments of the Nippes Tower and in the bookstore Neusser Straße. This was financed by the project Klimastraße or the company RocketHome . In addition, it is planned to equip the entire climate road with smart meters from RheinEnergie.

      Smart Home

    1. The Cologne-based company Coptr Warn- und Schutzsysteme GmbH has been developing and producing innovative, precise, acoustically-optically smart on-site warning systems for several years.   Whether thunderstorms, hurricanes, extreme heat or pollutants in the air, the warning systems automatically warn and alert people in the open air to get to safety from lightning strikes and other high-threshold, potentially life-threatening weather and environmental hazards.

      COPTR - Digitization of the population warning

    1. The HOOU is a cross-university project, which is supported by the network of the six state-owned Hamburg universities * with the UKE, the Department of Science, Research and Equality, the Senate Chancellery and the Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH).

      Hamburg Open Online University

    1. District heating is one of the key pillars of our sustainable energy action plan. This plan has been decided by the local parliament in 2008 and renewed in 2015. Our first priority is to cut in half the total energy demand of the city until 2050 and then cover the rest with renewable energy and/or waste heat. To use large amounts of waste heat (e.g. from a waste incineration plant, industry, datacentres …) you need a distribution system, because it is not useable only locally. This is why we want to increase the share of district heating in the city. For the future we see a district heating system which will be “open source technology” – everyone can use the heat and also be a prosumer, delivering surplus energy, e.g. from a solar – thermal plant, to the system. There will not be any longer central DH-Stations but smaller plants and the use of all waste heat sources we can get.

      HotMaps - open source heating / cooling mapping and planning toolbox

  6. Aug 2018
    1. Knowledge transfer at all levels Tutech combines science, business and society We know what is important in technology and knowledge transfer at the interface between university and industry. We speak both languages ​​- those of science and those of companies - and have been successfully combining entrepreneurial and scientific potential for 25 years. Our mission and goal is to create sustainable value through the application of new research results and inventions, and we do so by acting as a consultant, broker, initiator and coordinator at national and international levels. Tutech is a privately organized subsidiary of the Technical University of Hamburg and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Together with our sister company Hamburg Innovation , we connect all public law schools of the city as well as numerous research institutions of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.


    1. As a subsidiary of the  Hamburg Investment and Development Bank  , we support innovative business start-ups and young, innovative companies in Hamburg in order to strengthen the startup scene in Hamburg and to contribute to the development of promising companies. For this purpose, we have two ideal with InnoRampUp and the Innovation Starter Fund Hamburg

      Innovation Starter

    1. We turn ideas into enterprises Hanse Ventures is the company builder in Hamburg. We develop our own internet and mobile business concepts, and implement these together with suitable founder teams.

      Hanse Ventures

    1. Solo self-employed persons are understood to be persons who carry out an independent activity on their own, ie without salaried employees. In the creative industry, there is an above-average proportion of solo self-employed compared to other sectors of the economy. People who offer creative services or products without being hired are faced with particular challenges in practice because they have to deal intensively and permanently with questions of their own positioning, customer acquisition, marketing, target groups, etc. Many of our offerings are tailored to the needs of solo freelancers in the creative industry. 

      Kreativegesllschaft - Hamburg

    1. In the eCulture Cloud, the digital cultural content of Hamburg will be stored in bundled form in the future. Among other things, this cloud offers the possibility of making (private) collections, libraries, image and video archives accessible to the public, even if they can not find a place in exhibitions of the institutions. The particular attractiveness of this project lies in the diversity of the collection contents. Because these are not only composed of historical documents, but also give deep insights into modern phenomena, such. B. in pop culture. In addition, it is not uncommon for creators themselves to start collecting collections or archives according to their personal needs

      eCulture Cloud

    1. CityScopes are interactive, digital city models that analyze urban relationships and simulate development scenarios.They typically consist of model tables and "data blocks" on which information is projected. In this way, complex city data can be illustrated simply and transparently for concrete tasks and experimentally carried out as "what if" scenarios. CityScopes are particularly suitable for group discussions and participation workshops in which both professionals as well as laymen can participate. Multifunctional relationships can be displayed and changed quickly, with CityScopes providing fast visual feedback on potential impacts.


    1. The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is the teaching hospital of the University of Hamburg and Europe’s most advanced paperless hospital. With about 10,000 employees, the UKE is the third-largest employer in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. About 2,400 of them are medical specialists and researchers, while more than 3,100 work as nurses and therapists. Together with its University Heart Center Hamburg and the Martini Clinic, the UKE has more than 1,730 beds.

      Paperless Hospital

    1. Apartimentum in Hamburg will be the smartest home in Europe with  44 apartments, all rented for a flat-rate, including all services – powered by Cisco IP technology.

      Apartimentum - Smart Home in Hamburg

  7. www.hamburg-port-authority.de www.hamburg-port-authority.de
    1. e-Mo­bi­li­ty in the port Elec­tric ve­hi­cles are be­com­ing in­creas­ingly com­mon­place in road trans­port. We are also re­view­ing ways of ex­tend­ing e-Mo­bi­li­ty to pas­sen­ger and freight traf­fic in the har­bour area. We are there­fore press­ing ahead with charg­ing in­fra­struc­ture, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the op­er­a­tors of pub­lic charg­ing pil­lars. At the cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal, we plan to use pref­er­en­tial e-Ta­xis. In ad­di­tion, we are analysing the vi­a­bil­ity of e-Mo­bi­li­ty for our staff.


    2. In­tel­li­gen­t rail­way point Fre­quently used points on the har­bour rail­way are fit­ted with sen­so­rs that trans­mit da­ta to a cen­tra­l IT sys­tem in real-time. They col­lect a va­ri­ety of data by mov­ing or pass­ing over the switch­ing points and thereby pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the con­di­tion and wear of the es­sen­tial op­er­a­tional in­ter­sec­tions. The ben­e­fit: we can iden­tify main­te­nance work or re­pai­rs at an early stage, thereby avoid­ing down­time.

      Intelligent Railway Points

    3. Shore power from re­new­able en­er­gies Thanks to a land­side cruise liner power sup­ply sourced from re­newa­ble en­er­gi­es, we are sig­nif­i­cantly re­ducing the en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact in Ham­burg. These ocean-go­ing gi­ants are sup­plied with elec­tric­ity via a trans­former ­sta­ti­on and mo­bi­le trans­fer mech­a­nism at the Al­to­na cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal. The di­men­sio­ns of the land­side power plant are unique in Eu­ro­pe. We are cur­rently con­sid­er­ing us­ing sim­i­lar mo­dels in other ar­eas of the port in fu­ture.

      Shore Power from Renewable Energies

    4. smart­PORT en­er­gy The HPA pro­motes en­vi­ron­men­tally-friend­ly mo­bi­li­ty and ad­vo­cates re­du­ced en­er­gy con­sump­tion. smart­PORT en­er­gy there­fore helps limit its de­pen­dence on con­ven­tio­nally gen­er­ated power, re­duce emis­sio­ns and save money. It fo­cuses on three core ar­eas: re­newable en­er­gi­es, en­er­gy ­ef­fici­ency an

      smartPORT Energy

    5. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics Thanks to in­tel­li­gen­t so­lu­tions for the flow of traf­fic and goods, the HPA is im­prov­ing the port's ef­fici­ency. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics com­bines eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gical as­pec­ts in three sub-sec­tors: traf­fic flows, in­fra­structure and the flow of goods. An in­ter­mo­da­l Port­Traf­fic cen­tre for sea, rail and road trans­port forms the ba­sis for net­work­ing the flow of traf­fic. In­tel­li­gen­t net­work­ing is a pre­req­ui­site for smooth, ef­fici­en­t trans­port in the port of Ham­bur­g and ul­ti­mately for the flow of goods: op­ti­mum da­ta cap­ture and rapid in­for­ma­ti­on shar­ing al­low lo­gis­tics man­agers, car­ri­ers and agen­ts to se­lect the most efficien­t means of trans­port for their goods.

      smartPORT Logistics

    1. Discover cashless, ticketless and hassle-free on-street parking with ParkNow in Berlin. The digital parking service ParkNow can be used in the extended inner city area of Berlin. A detailed overview of all parking zones can be obtained from our overview map. In the marked parking zones you can start and end your parking via app and save yourself the annoying way to the parking meter as well as the search for change. No more unnecessary parking fees thanks to minute-accurate billing and start / stop function. The billing occures convenient at the end of the month via direct debit, PayPal or credit card. The advantages of mobile parking with ParkNow in Berlin: Parking tickets are a thing of the past No more searching for small change and ticketing problems Accurate billing Comfortable payment at the end of the month Parking in Berlin was never that easy

      ParkNow - Berlin

    1. Berlin is Germany’s hotspot for founders and also the new venture capital. Entrepreneurs – and also potential entrepreneurs – find exactly the right environment here to implement their business ideas. With around 40,000 business registrations per year and more than 500 startup companies, Berlin is undisputedly Germany's founder capital and is expanding its nationwide lead. The capital is particularly appealing for founders in the creative sectors and technology. The starting conditions are advantageous: office and location expenses are much lower than in other major cities. Berlin attracts young, highly qualified people from all over the world. The high life quality at comparably low living costs, the vital scene life and international environment are the reasons for young entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas here. Numerous national and international studies regard Berlin as a leading global location for business start-ups with the world's best growth potential. The start-up scene is not only gaining importance as a job engine for the city, but has also become an important driving force for the Berlin office market.


    1. Co-working spaces are generally fully-equipped offices and working areas, which offer an opportunity to network within the “community”, alongside complete infrastructure with a range of services. They are used by individuals, startups and an increasing number of outsourced departments of established companies as their main place of work. For the user, they represent a flexible and, depending on the deal, cost-effective alternative to conventional office spaces in self-contained rental units. Startups and larger companies are increasingly preferring co-working spaces over classic office spaces, as they offer straightforward opportunities for an exchange with other people, or to recruit new employees. Berlin is the capital city of company founders. The range of well-equipped co-working spaces in a central location is very wide, and points to continued dynamic growth. The spectrum ranges from small units with a few tables to professionally operated offices with hundreds or sometimes even over 1,000 workplaces. International providers allow their members the opportunity to make use of desks and meeting spaces in other cities around the world.

      Co-working Spaces

    1. Berlin can attract by far the most risk capital nationwide and is becoming the most important target area for foreign investors. With a plus of almost 200%, the investment volume of venture capital in Berlin rose in just one year (2017) to almost 3 billion euros, putting Berlin just behind London, in second place. Local business angels, company owned and university related incubators, accelerators as well as national and international venture capital investors support Berlin’s young entrepreneurs in the foundation phase. Numerous successful start-ups have emerged that way, e.g. Zalando, SoundCloud, Wooga and Delivery Hero.

      Venture Capital and Incubators

    1. With our online tool it is easy to find available financing options for your business in Berlin. Gain an overview over the relevant publicly funded programs and other funding opportunities and learn how to apply.  With just a few clicks you can find individual ways to finance your business in Berlin. The aim of this Funding Finder is to make it easier for founders and entrepreneurs in Berlin to access the various types of financing and funding.The range of funding opportunities includes not only public sources of funding but also other financing options such as venture capital, crowd funding, leasing and factoring.The information provided represents a selection of what in our experience are the most common forms of financing and funding which are available to businesses in Berlin. It is directed at current and future member companies of the CCI Berlin. 

      Funding Finder Berlin

    1. Innovationsassistent/-in - Innovation assistant New know-how for your company Are you in the start-up phase and are looking to position your company successfully on the market? Or is your company already established and you are now looking to expand? One way to achieve this is to hire a qualified graduate from a university or a university of applied sciences. IBB works on behalf of Berlin's Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research in order to provide funding for hiring innovation assistants.

      Innovation Assistant

    1. BSR’s MHKW Ruhleben Waste-to-energy power station with an annual capacity of 520,000 tonnes of waste forms the centrepiece of Berlin’s waste disposal. It went into operation in 1967, and has since been successively extended and refitted many times. With the com­missioning of the new Line A in September 2012 (together with the decommissioning of Lines 5 to 8), the MHKW now has a total of five incineration lines (Line A and Lines 1 to 4). It operates in a continuous three-shift system.

      BSR - Waste to Power

    2. Some 60,000 tonnes of organic waste are collected by BSR every year in the city’s BIOGUT bins. Since the summer of 2013, this organic waste has been treated in the newly-erected biogas fermentation plant in Berlin-Ruhleben. Recycling and energy recovery mean that in comparison with the composting procedures previously used it has been possible to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The biogas plant of BSR in Ruhleben has a capacity of 60,000 tonnes. The plant oper­ates using the dry fermentation method. Microorganisms from the organic waste generate the biogas. This method is particularly suitable for organic waste with a water content of 60–80%, which is typical for kitchen waste from Berlin households. After the biogas has been cleaned, treated and concentrated, it consists of 98% methane, and is therefore chemically identical with natural gas. After having been prepared in this way it can therefore be fed into the gas supply so that the natural gas vehicles used by BSR for waste collection can be refuelled at its own filling points. In the coming years it will be possible for BSR to operate as many as 150 natural gas vehicle

      Biogas Fermentation Plant

    1. More cycling by the people of Berlin contributes to a better quality of life and environment in the city. Therefore the City of Berlin works hard to promote cycling as an alternative mode of transportation and to improve the conditions for cycling around the city.

      Cycling Berlin

    1. You are looking for a family doctor in Reinickendorf, who specializes in diabetes? Or do you want to find out about the consultation hours of your dermatologist? In our medical directory, you will find almost all outpatient doctors in Berlin - including information on qualifications. Also use the advanced search with even more keywords. The information is based on the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin by the doctors and psychotherapists themselves announced consultation hours.   You can also have office hours displayed on weekends and / or holidays that differ from regular office hours. Days on which special hours are offered appear with a selection box at the bottom of this page

      Doctor Search - Berlin

    1. Wheelmap.org is an online map for wheelchair accessible places. Everyone can easily find, register and change places on the website or via an iPhone - as with Wikipedia. The platform went online in September 2010. Already after half a year, volunteers have registered over 40,000 places, every day 100 new places are added. Since November 2010, there is also the free iPhone app.A simple traffic light system marks the wheelchair accessibility of the places: Green means unrestricted access. For example, orange marked places do not have a toilet. Locations that are displayed in red can not be entered by wheelchair users. With the help of this traffic light, people with reduced mobility can find suitable places in their environment and even worldwide. Since places are also listed that are not wheelchair accessible, owners of cafés or other public places are made aware of the problem and encouraged to think about wheelchair accessibility in their rooms.

      WheelMap - For Wheelchair Accessible Places

    1. Find the right kindergarten near you. Is the kindergarten around the corner already full and you can not find any more space? Take the nearest one. Or do you have special wishes? No matter if the kindergarten is around the corner or should have small groups. Or if they need longer care because of the job. Find the kindergarten that suits you. Special requests for Montessori, Waldorf, emphasizes music, emphasizes sports or after a foreign language are considered.

      Kindergarten Serach

    1. Thanks to the free environment zone Android app, you can now check where the environmental zone is located. Whether visiting a foreign city or at home - with the Umweltzone App you know exactly which roads you can drive. In addition, you can read what environmental badge you need. The application informs about adopted changes to the course of the environmental zone and about approved plaques, so that you know in time. For background information on topics such as pollutant groups, particulate matter, health, badges for motorcycles and cars, penalties and exemptions, you can check the FAQs. Last but not least, we refer to some websites that deal extensively with the subject of the environmental zone.

      Environmental Zone Locator

    1. This application for Android devices displays the locations of waste glass containers on a map. Currently only data from the district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is published - as soon as further locations are published, they can be applied to the application. The application is free, the source code is freely available.

      Altglascontainer - Waste Glass Container Management

    1. This time Benjamin visited us from Civocracy . The start-up has set itself the task of promoting citizen participation with regard to political decisions. However, it is by no means a matter of replacing politicians, but of convincing them with the help of the platform of ideas. In addition, Civocracy serves as an information tool, because very few citizens are already sufficiently informed about the topics to be negotiated. The platform is already being used in several European cities such as Nice, Lyon or Potsdam. In addition, from 26 to 28 September 2017, an event on "Radicalization and Terrorism" will take place . Interested parties can take part in it via live stream and participate with the help of civocracy in decisions, which are aimed directly at politicians and experts.

      Civocracy - Feedback platform for Citizens

    1. Oliver Lang visited us from Sonnenrepublik . His start-up offers various solutions to use sunlight for power generation. For example in the form of sustainable, mobile solar panels for on the move, industrial sunshades with built-in solar cells as well as W-Lan function or even larger, customized solar panels

      SONNENREPUBLIK - Customizable-Mobile Solar Panels

    1. Nikolaus Starzacher from Discovergy visited us last week . The start-up has developed its own smart meter gateway, which not only measures and displays the power consumption live, but can even recognize some of the appliances used in the household based on specific consumption data. With the help of real-time data, more transparency is created and users can precisely optimize their power consumption. For example, by replacing old appliances which - now recognizable - consume a lot of energy with new ones or choose a different time of day with more favorable electricity prices for the use of a washing machine or dishwasher. The Discovergy user interface works both in the browser and via an app on the smartphone or tablet. There is also the option to subscribe to evaluations or to receive notifications when exceptional consumption is perceived.

      DISCOVERGY - Full transparency and control over energy consumption and production

    1. visited us to produce Instinct 's first organic- grade insect snack . For this they use grilling flour without visible insect constituents, as this reduces the inhibition threshold to eat food of this kind at all. After all, Instinct is not a fun lifestyle product that is bought for the horror of, and perhaps only consumed. The bar should rather be a healthy alternative to normal snacks. Why eat insects? Those who eat insects protect the environment. For the cultivation of one kilogram of barbecues one needs only an area of ​​15 square meters, for the same amount of beef already 250 square meters. Also, the CO2 emissions in the crickets is many times smaller: for one kilogram it is only 0.27 kilos, for beef it is 27 kilos, so 100 times as much. In addition, crickets are healthy: Instinct contains all the essential amino acids and plenty of vitamin B12 - and the snacks are crystal sugar, gluten and lactose free

      Instinct 's first organic- grade insect snack

    1. This campaign helps people experience what multimodal mobility is like when you don't have your own car. It is aimed at car owners who actually only need their car sporadically. During a four-week trial period, testers were able to try out a wide range of sponsored mobility solutions, all with the goal of making the transition to multimodal mobility easier. Focus Areas The project builds on the initial results of the New Mobility Berlin project which discovered that car owners will only switch to multimodal transportation and give up their own cars if they can first give it a trial run. In order to facilitate the switch, they need to experience the existing multimodal mobility offerings in Berlin. These offerings also need to be expanded locally as mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) adapted to the needs of users.  A sponsored mobility package of Berlin public transport and the city's car sharing companies made it possible for car owners to try out living without a private car. The test also provided important information about user requirements for MaaS.

      Your summer fleet: experience multimodal transport without your own car

  8. Jul 2018
    1. 5

      Step 3:

      Secure the two 103114 pieces into the side panels, using a Flat-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for clarification of corresponding pieces.

      Step 4:

      Slide in the base of the drawer, please note that the edge with the cutout should face the front panel of the drawer, as shown in the graph.



  9. Mar 2018
  10. Feb 2018
    1. y. Not only did Jennifer struggle with keeping students in her class and out of in-school suspension, but she also had to deal with constant interruptions. By December, the students' instructional time had

      I can't imagine being a teacher and trying to create a community in such a broken classroom. I think this would also be hard on the students who were not removed from the original class.

    2. found that these students really struggled with maintaining a positive discursive environment. For example, many of their language practices dom inated discussion groups, such as giving orders, using insults, and disagreeing.

      I think it is so hard for these students to act any differently because even though they are in school during the day, once they leave school they are in rough neighborhoods where they can't escape the bad ways to act. These kids have also grown up around this violence and meanness towards one another. Outside of school many of them may not have examples of how to treat other people fairly.

    3. s part of a writing activity for fifth graders, I asked the stu dents to write a description of their community. Dale responded, "It is a dirty neighborhood, there was a shooting in my backyard. There is a store on the cor ner that got robbed two times." Kelly echoed, "It's dirty with too much drugs. There are bad kids, aban doned buildings; it stinks like fish, people getting killed and stray cats."

      As a teacher who teaches in a community like this it is important to be there for your students. If they are living in such a place like this, creating a safe welcoming environment in the class room is something that can really help change their attitudes about school.

    4. d the re search that collaboration and group work can lead to positive conseque

      Although children can get silly when working in groups i think group work is a great idea. This allows them to take a break from sitting at their desk and working independently, while creating a learning environment. Using guided reading sheets might be the best thing to help children stay on task. Also if a class gets too silly with group work the teacher should warn them that if they cannot work nicely together they will go back to independent work. This may help the children to work better.

    1. ncour age using written conversations to talk about books of interest. This format provides for regular feedback to students and establishes an audit trail for student progress.

      I think its important for children to have a trail of their progress in school. Although not everything can be done on paper, by having some different pieces of school work the student, teacher and parent can all look back and reflect on everything that was learned and how the child grew as a student.

    2. tudents should take responsibility for filling in the blanks in the state-of-the-class chart. From this practice, children develop a sense that responsibility comes along with op portunity. This simple record keeping process provides teachers with a daily audit trail of student activity and requires minimal te

      The idea of students having to fill in their own charts is a great idea. Not only does it instill responsibility like the paragraph suggests, but it also teaches students that they are the ones who determine the outcome of their work. If they were to not fill out the chart they would have nothing to show the teacher and the teacher would have nothing to grade for them.

    3. ni-lessons allow teachers to ful fill local curriculum mandates regarding stu dent performance objectives a

      By teachers using mini lessons the students learning strategies can be much broader than doing a standardized lesson or test. Teachers can incorporate outside things to engage the students more, they can also change the level depending on their students. This will provide a comfortable working and learning space for all students.

  11. Nov 2017
    1. Como resulta evidente, en la tradición textual de la obra hay una notable disparidad en cuanto a autoridad de los documentos. En primer lugar, está el autógrafo, que se presenta en todo su acabado como documento oficial destinado a la venta. Este manuscrito, también peculiar a su manera dentro del corpus autógrafo del escritor, tuvo que relacionarse con los avatares profesionales y personales entre Lope y la famosa actriz Jerónima de Burgos, a quien perteneció el manuscrito y los derechos sobre su explotación, según declara el mismo Lope en una famosa carta al duque de Sessa[43]. En segundo lugar, está el texto publicado en la Parte IX, cuya fiabilidad, garantizada por el mismo Lope, ya se ha referido arriba. El texto publicado de La dama boba presenta una cantidad asombrosa de variantes con respecto al autógrafo, hasta tal punto que, como se verá enseguida, puede incluso hablarse, en varios casos, de una nueva elaboración. El texto de la Parte IX mantiene una relación estrecha con el tercer testimonio de la comedia, el manuscrito Mss/14956 de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, que, como se ha dicho, puede ser el resultado del trabajo ilegal del famoso memorión, Luis Remírez de Arellano

      En esta sección figura la info de los tipos de variantes según la tradición del editor

    1. Feniso ¡Linda malicia!Edición crítica l:1135 p:24rLiseo (¡Linda tonta!)Edición crítica l:934 p:18rFinea ¡Linda ciencia!Edición crítica l:375 p:9rRufino ¡Linda bestia!Edición crítica l:333 p:8v

      Usos de "linda" en la edición crítica

  12. Oct 2017
    1. he is an object of amusement that mediates coercion and asymmetric power relations.

      this objectification is not only a bi-product of war, it just made it easier as they had more access to vulnerable women.

    2. Thus, the very structure of the military makes the status of a “real” man particularly fragile and contradictory because the institution claims a vigor-ous, aggressive, and virile ideal of masculinity while subjecting its soldiers to obedience, submission, and humiliation.

      This passage highlights the issues that arise when categorizing the standard for, the "real" man, or like discussed in lecture the "true" solider. Here the author does a spectacular job at highlighting the irony of the conditioning imposed on soldiers. In lecture it was also demonstrated how such practices as, cross dressing began emerging because of the imposed ideology of the "true" soldier.

  13. Sep 2017
    1. To make his have equal looks, Harrison wears a red rubber ball for a nose, keeps his eyebrows shaved off, and covers his even white teeth with balck caps at snaggletooth random.

  14. Jul 2017
    1. Greece Arrests Russian Suspected of Running $4 Billion Bitcoin Laundering Ring

      ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police arrested a Russian man suspected of running a money laundering operation involving turning $4 billion from illicit business activities into the digital currency bitcoin, they said on Wednesday.

  15. Dec 2016
  16. Nov 2016
    1. Marc is currently general counsel to Hillary for America, the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
    1. Marc E. Elias is the general counsel for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign
  17. Oct 2016
    1. Tal Fortgang is a freshman from New Rochelle, NY.

      In all fairness, Fortgang is considerably younger than any other author whose work I annotated. However, his work is published to be read and evaluated by whomever sees it, and he is still responsible for any stance he chooses to take on an issue.

    2. Opinion Education

      TIME is a well-trusted source across the United States and around the world. However, reading this article makes me wonder how loosely regulated the publishing process is. This article comes off largely as a complaint regarding human interaction, and less of a professional essay on privilege in America.

    3. Behind every success, large or small, there is a story, and it isn’t always told by sex or skin color.

      This excerpt is a piece of Fortgang's claim. On a broader scale, this article's purpose is to address those who attempt to remind Fortgang of his privilege and explain why those people are out of line.

    4. Perhaps my privilege is that those two resilient individuals came to America with no money and no English, obtained citizenship,

      Objectively, this article is full of evidence to support the author's claim, but all of this so-called evidence is personal information. Personal information is impossible to corroborate which leaves the reader to simply trust the author to report honestly. However, in some respects, personal anecdotes can contribute to an author's ethos and pathos. Some audiences may find the content relatable, and agree with Fortgang that privilege is something to embrace and not to be ashamed of. If a reader agrees with Fortgang's assertions, their common frustration will build trust and emotional connection.

    5. When we similarly sacrifice for our descendents by caring for the planet, it’s called “environmentalism,” and is applauded. But when we do it by passing along property and a set of values, it’s called “privilege.”

      Personally, I do not believe that I am sacrificing anything in trying to better our environment, and that makes this comparison fall short. Separately, one thing to make clear in teaching people about privilege is that no one is at fault, and having privilege is not inherently bad. This article is somewhat difficult to argue because Fortgang's understanding or description of privilege is surface level. "Property and a set of values" are arbitrary to the discussion of pervasive, institutional racism.

    6. Assuming they’ve benefitted from “power systems” or other conspiratorial imaginary institutions denies them credit for all they’ve done, things of which you may not even conceive.

      This article serves as a perfect example of what the "other side" believes about white privilege and institutional racism.

    7. Now would you say that we’ve been really privileged? That our success has been gift-wrapped?

      Fortgang has a narrow view of privilege. An audience that disagreed with the author would assert that privilege is not just freedom from oppression, it is entwined in every aspect of society. Privilege is bigger than a family name or "legacy" as Fortgang states. It is layered, and its effects seep into every level of culture, economics, law enforcement, and further.

    8. But I do condemn them for diminishing everything I have personally accomplished, all the hard work I have done in my life, and for ascribing all the fruit I reap not to the seeds I sow but to some invisible patron saint of white maleness who places it out for me before I even arrive.

      Again, a little too over-embellished, this sentence forces readers to piece things together. On another note, this sounds interestingly similar to the hypotheses of Lowery and Unzueta. When faced with evidence of white privilege and the myth of meritocracy, whites will feel their personal hardships have been downplayed and will be threatened by the thought that their accomplishments may have been handed to them because of their race.

    9. The phrase, handed down by my moral superiors, descends recklessly, like an Obama-sanctioned drone, and aims laser-like at my pinkish-peach complexion, my maleness, and the nerve I displayed in offering an opinion rooted in a personal Weltanschauung.

      Beginning the article with this statement will either hook or alienate the audience, depending on their opinions regarding these current issues of political correctness. Either way, from a writing standpoint, the casual yet dramatized tone makes for a strange introduction.

    10. Tal Fortgang

      Upon googling Fortgang's name, the first several results are articles responding and criticizing Fortgang for this very article.

    11. Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

      This title certainly does not beat around the bush.

      Fortgang, Tal. "Why I'll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege." Time. Time, 2 May 2014. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.

    1. Another activist went as far as to undergo the shock treatment and can be seen twitching on a hospital bed as an assistant zaps his body.

      [](https://www.hongkongfp.com/2016/09/20/gay-pride-china-activists-fight-conversion-therapy/ This is a link to an article that is about a man who went through conversion therapy in China and how he is planning to fight for it becoming banned. This helps relate this article to what it is like in another country besides America.

    2. Warning: Scenes some may find upsetting

      Https://www.facebook.com/JournalistAmyWillis. "Gay Men Still Subjected to Electric Shocks to 'cure' Their Sexuality." Metro Gay Men Still Subjected to Electric Shock Therapy to Cure Theirsexuality. N.p., 08 Oct. 2015. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.

      This is the MLA format for this source.

    3. Shen, who is deputy director of one of China’s largest gay rights groups, said often parents who are unwilling to accept their child’s sexuality may forced them to undergo the painful treatments.

      The documentary establishes pathos through talking to Chinese lgbt+ youth, as well as by showing disturbing clips of the conversion therapy process in China. The documentary does not include bias because it gives insight on what the doctors who perform conversion therapy in China believe and provides insight on what lgbt+ youth are subjected to.

    4. Shen, who is deputy director of one of China’s largest gay rights groups, said often parents who are unwilling to accept their child’s sexuality may forced them to undergo the painful treatments.

      The documentary amplifies that conversion therapy is something that Chinese parents are willing to make their lgbt+ youth go through in order to make sure that they will not shame their family. In China, it is less about the religious aspect of homosexuality and more about how lgbt+ youth affect the honor and status of the entire family. The documentary shows that the conversion therapy that happens in China is hurtful to the individuals that are forced into it by their family members to restore honor. The people who would disagree with this documentary, as to why conversion therapy is harmful, would be the families who feel that their lgbt+ youth should feel ashamed that they cannot bring future generations to their families. Personally, I think this documentary will be an excellent source to include in the future because it shows the perspective that China has on lgbt+ youth and also brings a new direction with how another country feels. Usually with the homosexuality argument and the conversion therapy debate, the opposing side is arguing due to their religion, but this debate is more about honor of a family.

    5. Unreported World, China’s Gay Shock Therapy, will air on Friday at 7.30pm on Channel 4.

      The author of this article is Amy Willis; however, she is not the person who created the documentary. She is just reporting on the documentary that the source 'Unreported World' created.

      The article appears on the internet to get the word out there that there is a documentary that will be airing live in order to show that conversion therapy takes place in more than just one country in the world.

    6. Doctors in China were secretly filmed by Channel 4 reporters selling bogus ‘conversion therapy’ treatments for homosexuality for hundreds of pounds.

      The stakeholder in this video article are the lgbt+ individuals in China as well as the viewpoints of the doctors who are subjecting these people to conversion therapy. It is reliable because they interviewed both sets of people, since it was filmed it is known that this is exactly what they said about the topic.

    1. Westerners usually associate the plight of Pakistani women with religious oppression, but the reality is far more complicated. A certain mentality is deeply ingrained in strictly patriarchal societies like Pakistan. Poor and uneducated women must struggle daily for basic rights, recognition, and respect. They must live in a culture that defines them by the male figures in their lives, even though these women are often the breadwinners for their families

      This passage builds the author's ethos. By acknowledging that although religion is associated with women's oppression it is not the only thing that affects their rights, treatment, and accessibility to education.

    2. On the night of his birth, while my whole family was celebrating, I went to my uncle's house to get more bread. I didn't know a young man was there. In the empty home, he took advantage of me; he did things that I didn't understand; he touched my chest. Before I could realize, there was a cloth over my mouth and I was being raped. I was having trouble walking back home; I felt faint and I had a headache. This happens a lot in villages. Young girls are raped, murdered, and buried. No one is able to trace them after their disappearance. If a woman is not chaste, she is unworthy of marriage. All he did is ask for forgiveness and they let him go as it was best to avoid having others find out what had happened. He didn't receive any punishment even though he ruined me. People may have forgotten what he did, but I never forgot. Now, he is married and living his life happily. I blame my own fate; I am just unlucky that this happened to me.

      I will use this an example of what happens to girls. Not only are they raped but they are thought to be unworthy. This is a perfect example of how Pakistan is a patriarchal society. The man didn't receive any punishment or repercussions for his actions while the young girl is dealing with the loss of worth. All of these cases help to build the author's logos and ethos. These are real life events that reflect that there are several different reasons why this is happening and several different factors for why nothing gets done about it.

    3. Zara Jamal

      Zara Jamal is a Canadian writer studying at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.


      Zara Jamal's claim is that their are several different things that contribute to women's oppression and they all combine to make Pakistan what it is today.

    4. According to a 2011 poll of experts by the Thomson Reuters Foundation Poll, Pakistan is the third most dangerous country for women in the world. It cited the more than 1,000 women and girls murdered in "honor killings" every year and reported that 90 percent of Pakistani women suffer from domestic violence.

      This evidence is good for Jamal to establish logos. The fact that Pakistan is ranked the third most dangerous country in this poll gives the audience insight and interest on the issue.

    5. To Be a Woman in Pakistan: Six Stories of Abuse, Shame, and Survival

      Jamal, Zara. "To Be a Woman in Pakistan: Six Stories of Abuse, Shame, and Survival." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 9 Apr. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.

    1. documented health dangers

      Not very reliable since it links us to the author's own website.

    2. By avoiding GMOs, you contribute to the coming tipping point of consumer rejection, forcing them out of our food supply.

      The author's call to action to the people.

    3. GMOs do not, on average, increase yields at all.

      Interesting, since this is one of the main arguments for GMOs. I would like to look further into this for scientific proof for my paper.

    4. Attempts by media to expose problems are also often censored

      Since a lot of studies are conducted by the GMO pioneer companies themselves, such as Monsanto, it really is impossible to get diverse and unbiased information out to the public.

    5. GMOs can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects.

      Such as? The author isn't a doctor and does not present his education, so I do not know where he is claiming to have gathered this information.

    6. M plant can result in massive collateral damage that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiencies.

      The author is losing ethos here as he does not even have an example. These claims would have been super convincing if he had some citations to back them up.

    7. Roundup, for example, is linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer.

      Without a citation, all of the evidence he is presenting from apparently his own knowledge is hard to believe.

    8. Not only does this create environmental harm

      What does it do to our environment?

    9. GMOs increase herbicide use

      Are herbicides bad? Bad for humans, the environment?

    10. . GMO contamination has also caused economic losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often struggle to keep their crops pure

      The only reason why this is bad is because of the possible negative effects of GMOs. If GMOs are safe then this reason would not matter.

    11. The American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association are among many medical groups that condemn the use of GM bovine growth hormone, because the milk from treated cows has more of the hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1)―which is linked to cancer.

      Throughout this whole article the author is trying to convince the people who do not oppose GMOs. The "they" he is addressing is the group of people who are convinced that gm foods are safe.

    12. 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs

      Smith, Jeffrey. "10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs." Institute for Responsible Technology. 14 Mar. 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

      The author's claim is in the title, he wants consumers to avoid GMOs for 10 specific reasons. And obviously this author is very biased as he is advising his readers to avoid GMOs without providing any evidence first.

    13. AAEM

      This appears to be a credible and reliable source https://www.aaemonline.org/

    14. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.

      Would like a citation for this, this is too serious of a claim to not have any proof.

    1. Lonely individuals did not report poorer health be-haviors than nonlonely individuals.

      This is the exact reason why we need to raise awareness in our society ! Nobody knows the effects of loneliness because they cannot see it nor feel it. It is a silent killer. Damaging our health without our recognition. It increases risks without us doing anything intentional. We are told what we will do to our bodies if we drink alcohol or do drugs. Why are we not told what is happening to our bodies from mental health issues such as loneliness? We are told that it is important to maintain good mental health but it is not explained.

    2. . The only effect toemerge was reported recreational drug use, which wasgenerally low but higher among the lonely than thenonlonely

      If we can make it aware to people that loneliness could be a risk factor for adolexcence with drug use than many more people would be willing to raise awareness because drugs are already highly discussed in our society.

    3. We tested these hypotheses in Study 1 in a sampleof college undergraduates (mean age19 years) who,developmentally speaking, were selecting partnersand establishing lifetime health habits and in Study 2in a sample of older adults (mean age65 years)whose physiological resilience could be expected to bediminished relative to our sample in Study 1

      This study could help give more credit to the idea that minor health issues and life habits that occur at a young age influence major and more serious issues at an older age. Increasing the risk for higher mortality rate at an older age if habits of loneliness permit at a young age.

    4. Second, given that cardio-vascular disease remains the major cause of morbidityand mortality in industrialized nations, we tested thehypothesis that lonely individuals would show alteredcardiovascular activation.

      This statement backs up the claim of my other article that I annotated. chrome-extension://bjfhmglciegochdpefhhlphglcehbmek/content/web/viewer.html?file=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fprofile%2FLouise_Hawkley%2Fpublication%2F6521408_Loneliness_in_everyday_life_Cardiovascular_activity_psychosocial_context_and_health_behaviors%2Flinks%2F09e4150ad2965ac331000000.pdf

    5. Although the data are more limited

      Establishes a connection with the audience. Being authentic and recognizing the limited amount of data.

    6. Loneliness and Health: Potential Mechanisms

      Cacioppo, John T., Louise Hawkley, Gary Berntson, and L. Elizabeth Crawford. "Loneliness and Health: Potential Mechanisms." Research Gate, May 2002. Web. 8 Oct. 2016.


      They speak on the authority of high education and years of hard work. They are credible sources and they address it at the beginning of the article.

    8. In the present study, we focused on the psycholog-ical construct of loneliness, which consists of feelingsof social isolation due, in part, to the discrepancybetween an individual’s desired and actual relation-ships

      Once this study is performed it will shape the claim that these authors will put out.

    1. "an incredible waste of money" and argues that "for the cost of putting a few people on a very limited set of locations on Mars we could have dozens of unmanned, robotic missions roving all over Mars."

      Some people suggests we should use robots instead of humans for our treks into space. We could send out more and they cost less, being that they don't need as much maintenance, food supply, or a way to come back to earth.

    2. there are very good reasons to stop spending billions of dollars on manned space missions

      This article suggests that space travel should be put on a temporary halt. It suggests that the space program should try to travel to space in safer, more effective, and cost less. Also, we should focus more on our oceans.

  18. content.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu:2048 content.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu:2048
    1. a sexual-assault-prevention program thathas addressed students atmore than 100 high schoolsin the state. Game Change:The Patriots

      This is the claim in Kraft's article about sexual assault. He establishes his ethos by showing how this program was instituted into over 100 high schools in the state of Massachusetts.

    2. students will have participatedin the peer-traininganti-violence programs.

      This is critical for kids to undergo before their first potential attack or threat to domestic violence.

    3. It wasn’t long ago thatsmoking was tolerated as anormal behavior. Kids grew upthinking it was actually a coolthing to do. With education andlegislation, our society has amuch more informed outlookand perception of smokingnow. I hope we can do thesame to affect a generationalchange and help bring an endto domestic violence

      I agree with this point that because smoking was known to be a common behavior for many teens and kids growing up and through our education and federal laws, the perception of smoking has shifted through out the years. With the help of the Patriots participating in prevention programs and donating $1.5 million to the cause, the topic will be grater known, and hopefully can shift the commonality of sexual assault and bring it to an end.

    4. how to develop healthyrelationships and how tointervene whenever they seesigns of violence or bullying

      Very important and I agree with this statement that its important to detect signs of violence or bullying to prevent further sexual assault.

    5. We at the Patriots invested$1.5 million to work withthe Mentors in ViolencePrevention (MVP) programat the Center for the Studyof Sport in Society atNortheastern University.

      Investing any time and money into this topic helps get the word out there more and educate our society, all beneficial things to cutting down the statistics of sexual assault.

    6. one in four women has beenthe victim of severe physicalviolence by an intimatepartner and that one in threeadolescents in the United Stateshas experienced physical,sexual or emotional abuse in arelationship, you can’t ignoreit.

      Good evidence to back up his claim. Using statistics puts the problem that is prevalent into perspective for the reader. I have heard common statistics universally around searching different articles about this topic, as well as posters in the bathrooms of my college, as well as different surveys, or casual conversations among peers or family members. It is important that this topic does not slip into thin air!

    7. I had no ideahow prevalent those abuseswere in our society and localcommunities.

      It is hard to know how to prevent these things that are so common in our society today. The first step, as stated in his claim, is to educate students, teens, adults, athletes, and anyone else you can name about sexual assault.

    8. , I startedtaking our players to theannual event to help raise theawareness of the brutality thatsome women experience

      Here's what "they" are talking about what the issue is. Kraft, the writer, is ensuring that his players support the awareness of sexual assault by attending the annual event hosted in Massachusetts to represent his team as being aware of it by supporting the movement.

    9. insulated

      I myself, have grown up in an insulated world. I was very blessed to attend a high school with very little crime, but living in a college down, where University of Colorado Boulder was the major university, it was always known that sexual assault was prevalent, even though I never experienced it.

    10. Anti-ViolencePartnership has a missionof preventing violence andsexual assault through trainingand education

      I agree with this claim. The first step to preventing violent crimes such as sexual assault by acknowledging it and educating the students about it before it can become an issue for themselves.

    1. The NIH explains that “these clinical-grade stem cells are different from the more common laboratory-grade cells those (sic) used in most scientific publications because unlike laboratory-grade stem cells, clinical-grade stem cells can be used for clinical applications in humans. The distinctive feature of this cell line is that it was developed under current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), a set of stringent regulations enforced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration which ensures each batch of cells produced will meet quality and safety standards required for potential clinical use.”

      This article was written by Gene Tarne of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. She focuses this article on the clinical uses and potential of iPSCs and their possible therapeutic uses in regenerative medicine. The scientific communities hope is that they will be able to treat diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson's and also treat spinal cord injuries. The iPSCs are obtained through the blood in the umbilical cord. She explains that these cells have potential to treat so many diseases and with much less complications than ESCs. For one, iPSCs do not have the ethical dilemmas that ESCs do. ESCs obviously have many ethical problems that have been debated for years. Tarne talks a little bit about this and the arguments presented in front of congress by stakeholders such as Michael J Fox. This, was of course, before the discovery of iPSCs so the opinions and arguments have changed greatly since then. Nevertheless, the ethical problems with ESCs are a "significant barrier" and iPSCs do not have this problem. In addition, these iPSCs are held to very high standards and regulations. The iPSCs that Tarne talks about are cells designed purely for clinical use and not for lab use. The part I have highlighted clearly states that they are held to a standard of the U.S. Food and Drug Agency that forces them to meet safety and quality requirements. Research in both ESCs and iPSCs is ongoing and because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of them, they have not been put to the test very much in regenerative medicine and other clinical treatments. It is very important that clinical cells be held to high standards and also thoroughly researched before they are used for clinical use because of the possible outcomes that I underlined in AB 3. Overall, Tarne does a good job of remaining objective. She is a clear stakeholder in this debate because she works for Charlotte Lozier Institute and their goal is, "is to promote deeper public understanding of the value of human life, motherhood, and fatherhood, and to identify policies and practices that will protect life and serve both women’s health and family well-being." So Tarne clearly is against ESC research, however, it is not particularly clear in the article which means she remained objective for the most part. She mostly uses ethos to persuade her audience in the article. She does this by making the article understandable for the general public and also by her organization. I think most readers would assume The Charlotte Lozier Intitute is a credible source. Also, this article is very appealing because it was released almost a few months ago. All the other sources I have found are at least a couple years old, so it is refreshing to find a recent article that is up to date.

      Tarne, Gene. "IPSCs: A New Gold Standard in Regenerative Medicine?" Charlotte Lozier Institute. Charlotte Lozier Institute, 28 July 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

      Outside Sources: "About Us." Charlotte Lozier Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

    1. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could not be more different.

      The author Victor Williams writes for The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. The main focus of the article is the Electoral College, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. The author is trying to prove that both candidates are very different. Williams uses facts about Trump and Clinton to support his claim. He also has facts and statistics about the Electoral college to support him. The author states that the only thing Clinton and Trump have in common is their high unfavorable poll ratings. They both are seen as unfavorable. This could be a huge reason why they attack each other during debates. They both are seen as bad candidates and there needs to be someone who looks worse. One of the opponents must look better than the other, so there can be a winner. This is an article written for the Columbus School of Law, this is very credible and would have to be to make it on their scholarly articles section of they webpage. In my opinion this article is very bias towards Clinton. It seems like the entire article is trying to make Trump look bad. The author seems to leave out details about Trump that would make him look good in this article. The article starts out by talking about Clinton’s achievements then immediately goes to criticizing Trump, calling him names like “bombastic billionaire". This would appeal to the Democratic Party because it is making Clinton look good and Trump look bad, so that people who read this will want to vote for Clinton rather than Trump. People that would disagree with this article would people the people voting for Trump because they do not want the public to think badly about Trump.

  19. Aug 2016
  20. content.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu:2048 content.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu:2048
    1. question of how one should understand the normal restrictions, rules and burdens above which the privileged are placed.

      Here he is providing clarity about why privilege is so significant and how it interconnects with societal norms that are comfortable and accessible "to an exclusive subset of a given population" i.e. heterosexuals or white people.

    2. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack’,

      I am glad that he referenced Peggy Mcintosh because I referenced this particular work of hers as well for my essay. She does a great job of making it a point to speak from personal experience.

    3. The understanding of privilege that is the focus of this essay is thus like the classical definition in that it posits privileges as tied to birth, but appeals to the modern/liberal notion in claiming that such unearned privileges are illegitimate.

      Here he establishes his claim in that privilege is something that a person is typically born into, in other words, something that was earned. I am still unsure of what he means by unearned privileges that are illegitimate. Perhaps he means that they are not legally recognized.

    4. Kruks 2012: p. 94

      Much of his evidence comes from the research of others on the same topic and they are all credible sources. He uses many of them to get his point across.

    5. Rather, the problem with privilege was that it attached to birth status, rather than to individual merit.

      True of all privileges, they are not earned but something that we are merely born into.

    6. partly constitutive of what it meant to be patrician.

      This brings up a good point about privilege and identity being interconnected.

    7. he Latin etymology of the term privilege points toward the concept of a ‘private law’ that situates one outside of the laws that bind others (Bailey 1998: p. 111; Gordon 2004: p. 174; Kruks 2005: p. 180). In this original sense, a privilege is a benefit or advantage that accrues to an exclusive (usually hereditary) elite, such that the benefits and advantages are part and parcel of their status as elites.

      This is the beginning of Monahan establishing credibility for himself. He wants readers to understand the full scope of privilege by starting from the origins of the word as it pertains to modern conceptualization. I also find this interesting myself and would not have thought to look up the origins of the word as supportive evidence as language had evolved so heavily.

    8. There is male privilege, white privilege, class privilege, heterosexual privilege and ability privilege, all of which are understood in relation to some corresponding form of oppression in the form of sexism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism and so forth

      This is important to note that privilege is not confined to a single identity and can be applied to each individual in a different form.

    9. South African Journal of Philosophy 2014, 33(1): 73–83Printed in South Africa — All rights reservedCopyright © South African Journal of PhilosophySOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHYISSN 0258-0136 EISSN 2073-4867http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02580136.2014.892681South African Journal of Philosophy is co-published by Taylor & Francis and NISC (Pty) LtdThe concept of privilege: a critical appraisal

      Monahan, Michael J. "The Concept of Privilege: A Critical Appraisal." South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 73-83. 2014. Web. 8 Aug 2016. Michael Monahan has received his degree in Philosophy and works for the department of philosophy for Marquette University.

  21. Jul 2016
    1. In summary, NASA's large expenditures of over $100 million annually for basic research alone and the stimulus provided by space exploration have dramatically transformed astronomy. It has become a more open science with more numerous facilities, research opportunities, and scientists. Younger astronomers with more diverse educational backgrounds have been attracted from other scientific fields to work in several new specialties that have developed. More complex management and funding arrangements and large project efforts demonstrate that astronomy has achieved big science status.

      Article is ended very similarly to the current Juno article I included earlier. NASA helps create a demand for scientists of diverse backgrounds in order to further advance capabilities. By doing so, more jobs are made possible, which we sorely need. This is also beneficial because it shows a specific reason that has stayed the same throughout the decades. This gives credence that benefits from the mid 1900's are the same as today. This allows us to safely argue that the benefits presented in this old article are still prevalent to today.

    2. In 1966 the relative importance of NASA purchases began to decline because of large increases in defense and commercial purchases. Demand for military aircraft rose as a result of the United States commitment in Vietnam

      This is an argument against NASA that is somewhat prevalent to our current situation. In times of war, other groups, such as the military, do more spending and boost the economy more. Since we are dealing with homeland terrorism and ISIS, it could be argued that a larger military would boost the economy more than NASA would.

    3. NASA has served as the R&D organization with the National Meteorological Satellite Program, exercising the responsibility for designing, building, launching, and testing satellites.

      The article explains that NASA is responsible for the United States' satellites that are in orbit. Reading the surrounding text, it is revealed that this means things such as our meteorological satellites, which help us predict the weather. This is an incredibly important thing we use in our daily lives, especially with disaster prevention. It is all thanks to NASA. This is another piece of evidence that can be used to show the importance of NASA, and how it goes beyond the space exploration that most Americans know them for.

    4. Second, federal space and defense programs influenced the computer and semiconductor industries by generating huge markets for such products.

      As NASA expanded its capabilities, it began to reach for further goals, which demand higher technology. They would therefore need to purchase the highest end products available, which would also help to stimulate the economy.

    5. The birth and rapid expansion of the U.S. semiconductor and computer industries during the late 1940s and 1950s were greatly aided by government space and defense programs.

      Very specific example of where NASA allowed considerable growth for the economy. It helped create a booming industry that allowed the eventual creation of a large portion of the technology that we use today, such as our phones, computers, televisions, etc.

    6. MRI concluded that the $25 billion (1958) spent on civilian space R&D during the 1959-69 period returned $52 billion through 1970 and will continue to stimulate benefits through 1987, for a total gain of $181 billion.

      This appears to be an older paper as well. Based off its content, it appears that it was published around the 70's or 80's. However, the information given is still factual and can be used to support current times. The Midwest Research Institute studied the effects that NASA seemed to have on the economy. As seen, the MRI indicated that NASA had turned a massive profit for the economy. Technological advancement groups create products or develop techniques that can advance civilization. When this happens, our capabilities increase. NASA has demonstrated that it created this type of advancement. For every dollar that they had been given, they were able to create advancement that allowed twice as much money to benefit the economy within a decade.

    7. The Economic Impacts of the U.S. Space Program

      Schnee, Jerome. "The Economic Impacts of the U.S. Space Program." NASA. Web. 10 July. 2016.

      This is a detailed account as to how NASA and their projects have impacted the United States. It is a highly credible source, written by a government agency, and published by NASA itself. Jerome is degree backed through Rutgers University, and the article he has written is credible, as shown by the plethora of bibliography entries on the article itself. The only possible case against credibility is the lack of a publication date. However, since this appears to be a database entry, it is understandable why there is not a publication date. As for the audience, this article is most likely for those concerned with budgeting NASA, as well as government transparency.

  22. May 2016
    1. But true it is. From France there comes a power Into this scattered kingdom

      I believe that the understatement of the French invasion of England in the folio is a flaw. To understand the direction of the plot, the statement that France is mobilizing against the armies of Goneril and Regan is important for when one reads the battle scenes. Though the folio mentions French spies, neglecting to mention the mobilization of France makes the dissent against Goneril and Regan appear more ambiguous.

    2. No, he's a yeoman that has a gentleman to his son, for he's a mad yeoman that sees his son a gentleman before him.

      In the folio, the Fool more directly answers his own question regarding "whether a madman be a gentleman or a yeoman," and it is significant that the Fool negates and corrects Lear's answer of "A king, a king" with "No." When the Fool corrects Lear's 'wrong' answer, it could bias the reader's understanding of Lear's mental state to think of Lear as mad and wrong.

    3. I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness.

      I find it interesting that in the quarto, Lear says, "I task not you, you elements, with unkindness," while in the folio, Lear says, "I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness." Using "task" implies that the elements are given an obligation to Lear (imposed by Lear), while "tax" implies that the elements most certainly owe Lear (and are obligated by a greater force to comply, such as a legal one, compared to the self-imposed obligation to Lear implied by the word "task").

    4. all germens spill at once That makes ingrateful man.

      The fact that the line "That makes ingrateful man" stands on its own line in the folio version of the play makes the line that much more powerful when Lear ends the first part of one of his great speeches in the heath. The image conjured up by "all germens spill at once" is very strong, because the spilling of seed in this place of nothingness reminds us of the sub-theme of infertility in the play. The result of this spilling of seed--"That makes ingrateful man"--seems much more significant when it stands on a line of its own in the folio. The spilling of fertile seed into nothingness can only bring forth ingrateful [sic] offspring or make the parent figure ingrateful [sic] as well. The image is stronger when it stands on its own line to end this section of Lear's rambling speech.

    5. What's here

      It is significant that Kent asks "What's here" in the quarto edition compared to "Who's there" in the folio. The "who" indicates that Kent is inquiring about the identity and whereabouts of a person, while the "what" indicates that the unknown presence in the scene could be more ambiguous--such as a natural force or something that potentially has an inhuman quality. A human stripped down to its base nature, like Lear or Poor Tom in the scenes containing their madness and nakedness, could also be considered a "what." Therefore, I think it is powerful that, in the quarto, Kent presents this possibility of a stage presence with an ambiguous quality existing in the scene, because it fits in with Shakespeare's thematic use of chaos and perverted human nature in the play.

    6. Tears his white hair, Which the impetuous blasts with eyeless rage Catch in their fury and make nothing of; Strives in his little world of man to outscorn The to-and-fro-conflicting wind and rain. This night, wherein the cub-drawn bear would couch, The lion, and the belly-pinched wolf Keep their fur dry, unbonneted he runs, And bids what will take all.

      This section of the gentleman’s answer to Kent’s question regarding the whereabouts of King Lear only exists in the quarto. These eight and a half lines constitute one of the largest differences between the quarto and folio versions of Act III. The gentleman gives us a preview of Lear’s madness in the heath—telling us how the storm strikes Lear and how he attempts to fight back against it—and then relates the scene to dangerous predatory animals that would usually hunt in the night and in the elements. He essentially says that even such fierce creatures are taking cover from the storm, yet Lear still runs in it, rages against it, and thinks the storm will listen and react to his words. The shorter response of the gentleman in the folio neglects to provide us with this in-depth preview of Lear’s actions in the storm.

    7. Contending with the fretful elements; Bids the wind blow the earth into the sea, Or swell the curlèd waters 'bove the main That things might change or cease.

      In the folio, the gentleman answers Kent’s question about Lear’s whereabouts in a simpler manner. He just essentially discusses how Lear fights against the storm and entreats it to behave in a certain way. The four succinct lines set up the following scene (III.2) in which Lear both encourages and rages against the storm. These lines are also in the quarto, but in the folio, the word “element” in the quarto becomes plural as “elements,” and this small, one-letter change to make the word plural causes the storm to seem even bigger, stronger, and harsher. Without the next eight and a half lines that are only included in the quarto, the audience does not get an in-depth preview of Lear’s chaotic raging, and so the next scene, featuring Lear, is slightly more of a shock for the audience.

    8. Tears his white hair, Which the impetuous blasts with eyeless rage Catch in their fury and make nothing of

      These first few lines in the gentleman's reply that are not in the folio are especially powerful in incorporating major themes that continue throughout the play. The reference to Lear's "white hair" shows the theme of age in the play that is often connected to Lear's madness, and the "impetuous blasts" foreshadow the apocalyptic language and scenes that personify Lear's madness as the great chaos of the storm. The adjective "Eyeless" to describe "rage" brings in the theme of seeing and not seeing--as well as of deception. The "eyeless rage" also just literally shows that the storm has no human or animalistic features and so obviously cannot respond to Lear's entreating. The use of the word "nothing" continues the theme of nothingness throughout the play, and the storm makes Lear's hair into nothing--just as almost everything in the play is reduced to nothing. Unfortunately, the folio version does not contain these lines and thus does not have these immense connections to the play's major themes.

    9. Here's a night pities neither wise man nor fool

      It is interesting that, in the quarto version, the fool says "Here's a night pities neither wise man nor fool," while, in the folio version, the fool's sentence becomes plural: "Here's a night pities neither wise men, nor fools." When the sentence says "wise man nor fool," it seems that the fool implies that, of Lear and himself, one is a wise man and one is a fool--even though which character is the wise man or fool is not specified. When the sentence says "wise men, nor fools," it seems that the fool implies that, of Lear and himself, one could be wise, one a fool, or both characters could be wise men or fools. The situation seems a bit more vague. The answer to this question of characterization as wise or foolish is never explicitly answered in the quarto and folio versions of the play.

    10. smite

      I think the difference between "smite" in the quarto and "Strike" in the folio is significant because "smite" has a much more severe connotation than "Strike." The quarto version of "smite" fits in better with the apocalyptic language used by the characters in the heath and with Lear's mental apocalypse in Act III--where Lear's madness is even personified in the absolute chaos around him. "Smite" also incorporates a biblical connotation that fits in with the hellish chaos of the storm when Lear is on the heath.

    11. thou, all-shaking thunder

      Though simply a difference of line placement and a single comma, it is still significant that, in the quarto, a comma comes after "thou." The fact that there is a comma before and after "all-shaking thunder" in the quarto makes it an appositive phrase, and clarifies that Lear is directly addressing the thunder--an entity that has no ability to listen and react to him--thus more strongly showing Lear's mental degradation. The folio version does not use an appositive phrase, so the direct address of the thunder is not as clear.

    12. True, my good boy

      It is interesting that Lear calls the fool "my good boy" in the quarto, while he simply calls the fool "boy" in the folio. Calling him "my good boy" in the quarto denotes ownership, affection, and familiarity that it is not explicitly expressed in the folio version of this line.

    13. In such a night To shut me out?

      The folio differs in this sentence by Lear stressing the gravity of the storm and that his daughters abandoned him by reminding the audience that his daughters "shut me out" in "such a night as this." The quarto does not go through the extra trouble of once again reminding us how Lear's daughters shut him out.

    14. This is a brave night to cool a courtesan. I'll speak a prophecy ere I go. When priests are more in word than matter, When brewers mar their malt with water, When nobles are their tailors' tutors, No heretics burned but wenches' suitors; When every case in law is right, No squire in debt, nor no poor knight; When slanders do not live in tongues, Nor cut-purses come not to throngs; When usurers tell their gold i'th'field, And bawds and whores do churches build; Then shall the realm of Albion Come to great confusion. Then comes the time, who lives to see't, That going shall be used with feet. This prophecy Merlin shall make, for I live before his time.

      The Fool's prophecy that ends Act III.2 in the folio version of the play is one of the main, most striking differences between the quarto and folio in Act III. The Routledge Parallel Text Edition of King Lear attributes much of the prophecy to a Chaucerian parody where the land of Albion (England) shall come to great confusion and chaos, and the footnote interpretation of the Fool's words states that, intellectually despairing, he means "that both the world as it is and the world as it ideally should be are equally confusing and meaningless" (p. 204). The Fool's metatheatrical performance here in the folio directly addresses the audience by breaking the fourth wall, and indicates that the Fool is significant beyond the realm of the play. The Fool expresses that he even predates Merlin--an English legendary figure which no other character in the play is aware of. In addition, bringing in this idea of life becoming meaningless and chaotic in the realm of Albion would play to the contemporary audience's fears about the kingdom(s) and the succession during the reign of King James and continue the theme of political chaos brought about by Lear dividing the kingdom--an action that would horrify the paranoid contemporary English audience. I believe that this prophecy is an exceptionally important and powerful speech during the play, and it is unfortunate that it only appears in the quarto.

    15. I'll pray, and then I'll sleep.

      It is interesting that Lear's line regarding prayer only appears in the folio version. At first I thought that in a pre-Christian play one might not expect Lear to announce that he would go off to pray, but then I remembered that pagans and other pre-Christian peoples still prayed to certain deities or figures, and Lear has previously addressed Nature and other storm forces as if praying. However, he has not retired to go pray before. This line, only appearing in the folio version, could be interpreted in multiple ways: it could simply be a filler line, or it could show that Lear has so strongly internalized the betrayals and harm done to him that he has resorted to prayer as a comfort with which to deal with his hurt emotions or as a cry for help in his degraded state of nothingness.

    1. I really couldn't believe that Serena didn't find Wozniacki's imitation of her offensive. Stuffing your shirt and pants with towels prancing around on national television mocking someone isn't exactly playful to me. You're still making fun of someone. It was pretty tasteless and ignorant in my opinion. I didn't take it as a joke, making fun of someone isn't funny.

    2. Norma Mejia

      1.What does “playful mocking” mean? I am going to break down the meaning of playful mocking. By using Google, the meaning of mocking is making fun of someone or something in a cruel way. The meaning of playfulness is full of fun, high energy and humorous to the point where it is not serious or hurting anyone’s feelings. By putting it all together, playful mocking means to make fun of someone or something in a humorous way where it is not taken seriously. It is meant to be in a playful way and not in a cruel way.

      1. Why do you think Serena Williams danced at the end of her 2012 Olympics final? Do you believe this was a “tasteless” act? Why or why not? Serena Williams danced at the end of her 2012 Olympics final because she was happy and excited that she had won. You can tell the joy in her face as she was doing the dance. The dance is known as a Crip Walk and it’s a dance that is shown in popular music. It’s the culture of today’s music and it is not seen as anything bad by those who know the dance. Serena didn’t do it to send a message to any gang. She didn’t do it with any bad intentions. She just did it unknowingly because of the excitement she felt. I don’t believe it is a tasteless act because it is a dance that is popular nowadays and it is seen in music videos and in clubs. It was seen as a tasteless act by the people in the tennis court because it is a white and formal environment, they saw it as “immature” and “classless” because in their eyes it is a dance that is related to gang activity.
    3. Norma Mejia

      1.What does “playful mocking” mean? I am going to break down the meaning of playful mocking. By using Google, the meaning of mocking is making fun of someone or something in a cruel way. The meaning of playfulness is full of fun, high energy and humorous to the point where it is not serious or hurting anyone’s feelings. By putting it all together, playful mocking means to make fun of someone or something in a humorous way where it is not taken seriously. It is meant to be in a playful way and not in a cruel way.

      1. Why do you think Serena Williams danced at the end of her 2012 Olympics final? Do you believe this was a “tasteless” act? Why or why not? Serena Williams danced at the end of her 2012 Olympics final because she was happy and excited that she had won. You can tell the joy in her face as she was doing the dance. The dance is known as a Crip Walk and it’s a dance that is shown in popular music. It’s the culture of today’s music and it is not seen as anything bad by those who know the dance. Serena didn’t do it to send a message to any gang. She didn’t do it with any bad intentions. She just did it unknowingly because of the excitement she felt. I don’t believe it is a tasteless act because it is a dance that is popular nowadays and it is seen in music videos and in clubs. It was seen as a tasteless act by the people in the tennis court because it is a white and formal environment, they saw it as “immature” and “classless” because in their eyes it is a dance that is related to gang activity.
  23. Apr 2016
    1. Nick Bilton, “Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent”, 2014

      Pronominer: your, I (4), they, it, he, me, we, our

      Substantiver: kids, subject, company’s, tablet, shelves, technology, home, gasp, silence, household, nerd’s, paradise, walls, touch screens, dining table, tiles, guests, chocolates, pillow

    2. Larry Rosen, “How Much Technology Should You Let Your Child Use?”, 2013

      Pronominer: Our, you (2), your

      Substantiver: brains, mechanism, daydreaming, mind wandering, behaviors, decisions, neuroscientists, mind, types, experiences

  24. Mar 2016
    1. David R. Thompson1& Keith C. Hamer

      Throughout the journal the authors do a good job of remaining objective while presenting credible and relevant information to support their claim. They present the view of the stakeholder position of environmentalists and researchers.

    2. instance mean surface air temperature ispredicted to increase by 2–6C during summer andby 8–12C during winter in the Barents Sea regionof northern Europe


      The link above is an article that discusses acidification and global warming. Although the two are slightly different they are both similar in the way that they are caused by the emission of CO2. Plastic products are known to release CO2 into marine environments. This scholarly journal also discuses the carbon cycle and how plastics are responsible for some of the excess CO2 being released (http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu:2048/science/article/pii/S092181810800012X). Plastic also releases CO2 into the atmosphere. This is a major cause of global warming as well. Because of the CO2 emitted by plastic in both marine ecosystems and into the atmosphere, the Thompson and Hamer discuss how it is also a main stressor present in seabirds and how it is negatively affecting these organisms.

    3. in a study of plastics in seabirds from the tropicalPacific over an eight year period,

      This also increases the authors' credibilty. Here they discuss an experiment that took place over an eight year period of which seabirds in the tropical Pacific stomachs' were examined to see exactly what kinds of plastics were being digested and how the birds were being affected by it.

    4. (Laist, 1987),

      The authors increase their credibility (ethos) by citing information from other scholarly articles and researchers. This also allows the authors to further support their claim with relevant and reliable information suggesting that plastics are a main stressor to the seabirds.

    5. Stress in seabirds: causes, consequences and diagnostic value

      Thompson, David R., and Keith C. Hamer. "Stress In Seabirds: Causes, Consequences And Diagnostic Value." Journal Of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress & Recovery 7.1 (2000): 91. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

      This is a scholarly article written by two credible authors, one from the University of Durham and one from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. The title indicates that the article will be discussing the causes, consequences and diagnostic values of stress present in seabird. I believe that the claim of this scholarly journal is that, seabird are a very important part of the marine ecosystem, however the amount of stress present in these birds is increasing due to various stressors that are being introduced into their environment.

      The authors argue that a big misconception about ocean pollution is that is only affects the organisms that live beneath the surface. They state that while that statement is somewhat true, ocean pollution also affects the organisms that feed off of other species such as fish.

    1. Meanwhile, the support for Kesha has created a PR nightmare for Sony, which maintains that it cannot interfere with Kesha and Luke's contract.

      In the other popular article, the author said Sony could put an end to this. I responded by saying I was confused as to why Sony would want the bad publicity and this sentence backs that up.

    2. Former Runaways bassist Jackie Fuchs, who alleged in July 2015 that she was drugged and raped by then-manager Kim Fowley in 1975

      I am curious to know how this case ended.

    1. A Message to Our Customers

      Apple.com is not regarded as a popular, reliable source, except for in this case. Because this letter to Apple customers came directly from Tim Cook himself, this makes this the strongest source regarding Apple's stance on the case.

    2. The implications of the government’s demands are chilling. If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to capture their data. The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your messages, access your health records or financial data, track your location, or even access your phone’s microphone or camera without your knowledge.

      Cook is explaining what exactly an encryption by Apple would mean to millions of Americans, and even international Apple customers. This violates laws of privacy, and would mean increased surveillance and government understanding of our whereabouts at all times. This is important because Cook is educating his audience, particularly Americans, as to why they're publicly denying assistance with a terrorism. Cook is seeing the bigger picture here, and is asking his fellow Americans to do the same.

      I can see myself using this source in the future to include Apple's side of why they're not including themselves within the case, directly from the CEO. Cook provides evidence for his claim, and it allows for sympathy from his audience.

    3. A Message to Our Customers The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand.  This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake.

      Cook, Tim. "Customer Letter - Apple." Apple.com. Apple, 16 Feb. 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.

      Tim Cook is an American Business Executive, and the CEO of Apple Inc. Cook also serves on the Board of Directors at Nike, and the National Football Foundation. In 2014, Cook became the first Chief Executive of a Fortune 500 company who was publicly gay.


    4. Compromising the security of our personal information can ultimately put our personal safety at risk. That is why encryption has become so important to all of us.

      The author's claim argues that by allowing the government access to our personal information, yes it may be able to solve the San Bernardino case, but the personal privacy implications are not worth the risk.

    5. Specifically, the FBI wants us to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, circumventing several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered during the investigation. In the wrong hands, this software — which does not exist today — would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession. The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor. And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control.

      This is where Cook addresses the second "they": the FBI. He explains the implications of what the FBI is demanding, and how they can affect all customers, especially Americans.

    6. We were shocked and outraged by the deadly act of terrorism in San Bernardino last December. We mourn the loss of life and want justice for all those whose lives were affected. The FBI asked us for help in the days following the attack, and we have worked hard to support the government’s efforts to solve this horrible crime. We have no sympathy for terrorists.

      Here, Cook is using pathos to clarify that, despite his stance on the encryption piece, they still sympathize with the victims of the San Bernardino case, and their families. This is where Cook addresses one of the "they's," being those who were directly affected by the case, or those who believe Apple should comply in order to get justice.

    1. But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

      Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    2. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    1. And when that happens, if scientists are on the right track, the missing heat will reappear and temperatures will spike once again.

      If the scientist's claims are correct, when would they predict the next switch in climate conditions to take place? Also, can they predict the severity of the next cycle?

    2. A key breakthrough came last year from Shang-Ping Xie and Yu Kosaka at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California. The duo took a different tack, by programming a model with actual sea surface temperatures from recent decades in the eastern equatorial Pacific, and then seeing what happened to the rest of the globe8. Their model not only recreated the hiatus in global temperatures, but also reproduced some of the seasonal and regional climate trends that have marked the hiatus, including warming in many areas and cooler northern winters.

      This adds credibility. It validates the claim, while also showing how the experiment is important and how it came to its conclusions.

    3. This variation in ocean temperature, known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), may be a crucial piece of the hiatus puzzle.

      This is a specific pieces of information that confirms the reporters claim.

    4. But even those scientists who remain confident in the underlying models acknowledge that there is increasing pressure to work out just what is happening today.

      Good point. It important to show that the counter argument is being acknowledged.

    5. The simplest explanation for both the hiatus and the discrepancy in the models is natural variability.

      This is the counter argument. As stated in the article, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) hypothesized that from 1998-2012, the temperature should rise at a rate of 0.21 degrees Celsius per decade. Instead, the temperature only rose .04 degrees Celsius during that time period. Therefore, differing perspectives are claiming that instead of having a consistent global warming increase, the world goes through periods of climatic fluctuations. Furthermore, because of this evidence, scientists conclude that global warming effects are being overestimated and overstated.