- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
In order to give the reader some chance of havinga good Collection of Headings, and less chance ofomitting the important Headings, I have offered (e.g.on pp. 83, 92) a few General Lists, which are not quitecomplete but yet approach to completeness ; two ofthese Lists will be found sufficient for most purposes.One of these is called the List of Period- Headings,such as Geography, Religion, Education, Commerce,War, etc. (see p. 83); the other is called the List ofGeneral Headings, and includes Instances, Causes andHindrances, Effects, Aims, etc. : this latter List will befound on p. 92.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität veröffentlichte Living Planet Index zeigt das Ausmaß des Biodiversitätsverlusts in den vergangenen 50 Jahren, auch wenn an den dabei angewendeten statistischen Verfahren starke Zweifel bestehen. Die Wirbeltier-Populationen haben nach diesem Index um 73% abgenommen, am stärksten in Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Die wichtigste Ursache ist die veränderte Landnutzung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/10/collapsing-wildlife-populations-points-no-return-living-planet-report-wwf-zsl-warns
- Matthew Gould
- COP16 biodiversity
- IUCN’s Red List
- Mathematical biases in the calculation of the Living Planet Index lead to overestimation of vertebrate population decline
- fragmentation of natural habitats
- biodiversity loss
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Susana Muhamad
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
- Mike Barrett
- Hannah Wauchope
- Living Planet Index
- Sep 2024
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I've explored these projects: Reform Mutations Interactor dry-rb
- Dec 2023
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The 10 Best
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Similar Libraries in Ruby
- Oct 2022
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opts = method(__method__).parameters.map(&:last).map { |p| [p, eval(p.to_s)] }.to_h SomeOtherObject.some_other_method(opts)
that's right, we don't want to do params = { ... } because then we're hardcoding the implementation and it becomes very coupled. The benefit of doing it like in my examples is that you can change the method signature and still automatically capture all keyword parameters.
- Aug 2021
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
The title of the article immediately made me think of the world we are living in now. For example it is becoming more and more evident that the country has mixed opinions on the vaccine. The government, state agencies and other public entities are requiring proof of a vaccine to even enter the premises. Some companies are offering incentives across the country to incentivize the vaccine by offering free products and discounts. To an extent from a medical perspective you want everyone as healthy as possible, but from a freedom perspective it is on the verge of violating an individual's freedom of choice through forced compliance.
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const list = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const; // TS3.4 syntax type NeededUnionType = typeof list[number]; // 'a'|'b'|'c';
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- May 2021
docs.digitalocean.com docs.digitalocean.com
Use cases: Volumes are most useful when you need more storage space but don’t need the additional processing power or memory that a larger Droplet would provide, like: As the document root or media upload directory for a web server To house database files for a database server As a target location for backups As expanded storage for personal file hosting platforms like ownCloud As components for building more advanced storage solutions, like RAID arrays
- Apr 2021
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serverfault.com serverfault.com
perl -ne 'chomp(); if (-e $_) {print "$_\n"}'
xargs -i sh -c 'test -f {} && echo {}'
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Gilles has written an excelent answer here (see unix.stackexchange.com/a/105655/49721) explaining why "A space-separated list of file names doesn't really work: what if one of the file names contained spaces?"
If it's a list of actual pathnames, just replacing spaces by newlines may obviously mangle pathnames that contain embedded spaces, such as /User/myself/VirtualBox VMs/.
For path names with newlines it is better to quote each pathname.
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Dec 2020
todoist.com todoist.com
You’re in good companyTrusted by leaders at some of the world’s most inspired organizations
How can they disclose this? Is it based on email address? Do they have permission?
- Nov 2020
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Who’s Using Snowpack?
www.styled-components.com www.styled-components.com
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Note that you can also use dynamic partials, that conditionally select the partial to render based on the value in the JSON.
- Oct 2020
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Over 4 million people trust CloudApp
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
we update the validation schema on the fly (we had a similar case with a validation that needs to be included whenever some fetch operation was completed)
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
export const validationSchema = { field: { account: [Validators.required.validator, iban.validator, ibanBlackList], name: [Validators.required.validator], integerAmount: [
Able to update this schema on the fly, with:
React.useEffect(() => { getDisabledCountryIBANCollection().then(countries => { const newValidationSchema = { ...validationSchema, field: { ...validationSchema.field, account: [ ...validationSchema.field.account, { validator: countryBlackList, customArgs: { countries, }, }, ], }, }; formValidation.updateValidationSchema(newValidationSchema); }); }, []);
www.basefactor.com www.basefactor.com
What would happen if we get the list from a rest api when the form component is mounted? That's an interesting topic, you can add a rule once a component has been mounted and update the associated validation schema.
Ok, I have seen that there are lot of built-in and third party validations, but sooner or later I will face a validation rule not covered by this buffet. Can I build a custom one? Of course you can!
medium.com medium.com
Here are few, real-life commits of refactorings that make use of this solution:
final-form.org final-form.org
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
- workarounds
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- maintenance burden
- explicit interfaces
- burden
- Svelte: how to affect child component styles
- forced to fork/copy and paste library code because it didn't provide enough customizability/extensibility / didn't foresee some specific prop/behavior that needed to be overridable/configurable (explicit interface)
- ugly/kludgey
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- being explicit
- forking to add a desired missing feature/change
github.com github.com
The point of the feature is to not rely on the third-party author of the child component to add a prop for every action under the sun. Rather, they could just mark a recipient for actions on the component (assuming there is a viable target element), and then consumers of the library could extend the component using whatever actions they desire.
- extensibility
- pass-through arguments/props/options
- flexibility
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- Svelte: action (use:)
github.com github.com
Your LazyLoad image is now inextensible. What if you want to add a class? Perhaps the author of LazyLoad thought of that and sets className onto the <img>. But will the author consider everything? Perhaps if we get {...state} attributes.
You'll have to create a new component that brings in the functionality of both. TooltipButton, TooltipLink, Link, and TooltipRoutedLink. We're starting to get a lot of components to handle a bit of added functionality.
For the tooltip example, if you had a whole bunch of tooltips on different elements, it would be annoying to have different event listeners and "should it be shown" variables for each one.
Perhaps at that point we're better off settling on a way to pass components through as parameters? <!-- App.html --> <Outer contents={Inner}/> <!-- Outer.html --> <div> <div>Something</div> <[contents] foo='bar'/> </div>
I would hope for it to come with React-like behavior where I could pass in a string (like div or a) and have it show up as a normal div/a element when the child component used it.
github.com github.com
Use case: Wrapper components that need to render an element (e.g. because they attach event listeners). You'd probably use a <div> there by default but there may be places where this is not desirable for semantic reasons (e.g. in lists).
const components = { Label, Tree, Menu };
github.com github.com
The lack of spread continues to be a big pain for me, adding lots of difficult-to-maintain cruft in my components. Having to maintain a list of all possible attributes that I might ever need to pass through a component is causing me a lot of friction in my most composable components.
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
Yup, which was released six years ago, is obviously a more popular choice at this time. Zod is smaller in size, probably because it doesn’t have as many APIs as Yup, but it’s sure to grow as more features are developed.
- Aug 2020
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- Jul 2020
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I have found many uses for this method: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
- May 2020
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A few of our 17,000+ customers
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Sites Built with React-Static
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Explicit Form (where the purpose of the sign-up mechanism is unequivocal). So for example, in a scenario where your site has a pop-up window that invites users to sign up to your newsletter using a clear phrase such as: “Subscribe to our newsletter for access to discount vouchers and product updates!“, the affirmative action that the user performs by typing in their email address would be considered valid consent.
Answers the question I had above: https://hyp.is/tpgdQo_4EeqPcm-PI0G2jA/www.iubenda.com/en/help/5640-email-newsletter-compliance-guide
- Apr 2020
github.com github.com
The gem provides a command line utility for checking passwords.
github.com github.com
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Prefer over this: https://github.com/michaelbanfield/devise-pwned_password
Google figures that since it has a big (encrypted) database of all your passwords, it might as well compare them against a 4-billion-strong public list of compromised usernames and passwords that have been exposed in innumerable security breaches over the years. Any time Google hits a match, it notifies you that a specific set of credentials is public and unsafe and that you should probably change the password.
www.engadget.com www.engadget.com
- Mar 2020
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- Feb 2020
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Ack - Better than grep. Without Ack, Ag would not exist. ack.vim Exuberant Ctags - Faster than Ag, but it builds an index beforehand. Good for really big codebases. Git-grep - As fast as Ag but only works on git repos. ripgrep Sack - A utility that wraps Ack and Ag. It removes a lot of repetition from searching and opening matching files.
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Similar projects Here is a list of other projects found in the same design space.
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Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs 4.0 Thank you for your rating! Why not leave a message? Any additional feedback or questions are welcome below. Your Name Your Email Address Phone Number Message the Author Cancel By Shiv | Contact Author less than a minute ago Marketing tools are like a helping hand for many entrepreneurs. As time is money using online marketing tools make your job easy and fast and also saves money. Marketing tools are like a helping hand that makes your job so easy. These tools are designed in such a way that it saves you time, effort and money. Apart from finding customers, one of the most difficult problems faced by entrepreneurs is to save time and manage cash flow. Using tools for marketing your business ensures you meet your goal on time. Here are the top 10 most important online marketing tools for entrepreneurs- Hubspot- Inbound Marketing Tool If you want to buy one tool to grow your business exponentially, this is the tool you should buy. Hubspot offers an inbound marketing tool that promises you with attracting leads, converting them and closing the deal. This tool acts as a funnel for your business that narrows downs your audience into your customers and finally generates revenue out of them. You can get started using the Hubspot tool with just $113 per month. You can also get online tutorials on how to use Hubspot tools online or you can always call or email their support team to help you out. Freelancing Graphic Design Platform by EveryDesigns Marketing is impossible without good designs. In marketing, we have a lot of promotional content that uses heavy design work to attract customers. We, humans, are visual animals and it is easier to influence us visually rather than any other means. You can use the EveryDesigns platform to get designs for your business. It is a one-stop destination for your business to get any graphic design services. The innovation that they offer in their services is by organizing a contest for your designs where multiple designers work from around the world. You choose the best design submitted by designers and pay for only that design. You get multiple design options to choose from, along with a 100% money-back guarantee. MailChimp- Email Marketing MailChimp is the best tool when it comes to email marketing. As an entrepreneur, you know how important email marketing is. If you strategize your email marketing outreach, you can attract very valuable customers to your business website. The best part is that it provides some of its features for free, which is enough for a startup or small business to get started and if you want to buy the paid version, then it is as low as $10 per month. Zoom- Conference Meeting Tool Zoom is a web as well as an app-based conference meeting organization tool that helps you in connecting with different team members throughout the world. You can also use this tool to organize a webinar and post it on youtube by recording it. You can pretty much do anything, it is a better version of skype where you can whiteboard as well. The basic version can be used for free and the paid version with pro features starets at $20 for each member. Klusster- Publication Community Kluster is a tool used by digital marketers to spread content and attract customers to their website. Kluster offers a platform to publish content written by you and promote business. As an entrepreneur, you should understand the importance of the backlink for your website. Klusster is one such platform providing quality publications for businesses. The best part it's free. Grammarly-Content Optimization Tool As a marketer or entrepreneur, you know the power of content marketing. It is the most powerful way of branding your business. Creating content can be tough but, the most important thing is creating grammatically correct content. That’s where Grammarly comes and saves the day. It automatically suggests your corrections for every mistake you made. The basic version is free and the paid version with advanced features is $30. You can really see the difference in your writing after using Grammarly. Zoho Social-Social Media Marketing Tool Social media is a platform that has numerous potential and if you are not using social media then you are missing out on a huge opportunity. There are around 4.3 billion social media users and the primary rule of business is where there are people, there is business. Zoho Social is a social media management tool that helps you in promoting your business on multiple social media channels. You can use different channels like Facebook, Twitter Instagram, etc. and post your content, images using one app. UberSuggest- Digital Marketing Tool UberSuggest is a free digital marketing tool provided by Neil Patel Digital. This tool is best for a digital marketer who does not want to spend a big amount of money on buying digital marketing tools. This tool is very easy to use and offers many features that are enough for you to get started with your website’s SEO. Yoast SEO- WordPress Plugin for SEO Yoast SEO is a plugin that you can install on your WordPress site. This tool is a well-researched tool that recommends you SEO corrections that you should make in order to rank your website for specific keywords. It is the best on-page SEO management tool and comes with a one-time price tag of $89 for one website. You can also subscribe to their service starting from $19 per month where you get all the premium features with multiple plugins in one. If you do not want to buy Yoast SEO Plugin then you can also use the free version of the plugin but it is recommended that you should use the premium version if you want to stay ahead off of your competitors. Google- Search Engine & Other Tools You heard it right. Google is a tool that everyone uses and earlier in this post, I’ve said where there are people there is business, therefore, you should also use it. Google's market share when it comes to search engines is 80-90%. As an entrepreneur, you should aim for ranking your website higher in the high volume search keywords. To do that, you would need your website to be optimized according to the Google guidelines and recommendations. Google Offers multiple tools like search console, analytics, tag manager, etc to manage and optimize your website. You should use these tools to make your website better. Conclusion You can use these tools to have leverage over your competitors and quickly increase sales for your business. You are an entrepreneur and time is money for you, therefore, you should use these tools to save time and money. Comment below, what tool are you using to manage your business along with pricing and if you are using any of the above-mentioned tools, tell us your experience. Tags marketing tools / List of best marketing tools
Marketing tools are like a helping hand for many entrepreneurs. As time is money using online marketing tools make your job easy and fast and also saves money. Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs
- Dec 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A 2009 study of Wikipedia found that most weasel words in it could be divided into three main categories:[13] Numerically vague expressions (for example, "some people", "experts", "many", "evidence suggests") Use of the passive voice to avoid specifying an authority (for example, "it is said") Adverbs that weaken (for example, "often", "probably")
In React, there are different aspects of UI Testing. We categorize them as follows along with their tooling:
github.com github.com
Here are some example libraries that have been bootstrapped with create-react-library
- Aug 2019
github.com github.com
storybook.js.org storybook.js.org
- Mar 2019
www.fresnostate.edu www.fresnostate.edu
This is one of many pages that lists verbs at various levels of Bloom's old taxonomy (verb lists for the new version are easy to find as well). This one has green bars across the page so may not be best for those who are trying to preserve ink though it is easy and attractive to use if referring to it on the screen. Rating 4/5