10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. When patients are asked how their sleep problems started, they’ll typically mention some “stressful event or a big change in their life as a thing that sort of got them off track,” Martin said.

      This happens to me when before a big flight. big test. or even a big night. I cant sleep a wink.

  2. Feb 2021
    1. They’re also filling the lungs of California’s children with smoke, with potentially grave effects over the course of their lives

      Looking at what I study with one of my majors in Communication Sciences and Disorders, I recognize and understand the struggles that they may have in the future with breathing as well as speaking due to the wildfires.

  3. May 2020
  4. Mar 2020
    1. looking up topics that we were interested in.

      topic selection This is similar strategy to what I saw in IF interview. "Looking up" topics - in this case unrelated to each other - to see what kind of information is out there. This student was definitely looking at topics that were of personal interest to him.

  5. Sep 2018
    1. A bit of a personal connection here, but I participate in activities such as these! I recently started my own fanart blog and the feedback I've received boosted my confidence in my art! It also pushed me to improve my technique and learn new styles!

      There's a huge difference between drawing art for a blog and for education. When you're drawing for your blog, it's up to you to push yourself to learn and whatnot. In a way, it's easier to do because you get to choose what you learn, but it's also a nonlinear type of learning. While a professor will typically push you on a linear path on what skills to learn.

  6. Mar 2017
    1. I want to us to have all sorts of biographies, all sorts of photos of unknown urchins with whom we may connect.

      personal research local

      difficulty of frame - of readability - of length

    1. The person is often only aware of feeling of constraint. We pick away at those constraints little by little. Meaningful time spent with one person has a viral effect on other students who are witnesses to the uniquely meaninful dialogue. Such moments of connection become virtuous, viral messages.

      meaningful connection

      constraint meaningless




    2. We attempt to make meaningful connection with each person.

      meaningful connection