73 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. we—are the beginningour work is today:A mugA floor brushBootsA catalogAnd when one person in his laboratory set upA squar

      I see this quote as a direct declaration of war against technology as a whole. Going back to analog roots of brushes, well-worn boots, and a magazine. All things needed in order to set up the grid behind art, a guideline of human creativity.

    2. We say that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty:the beauty of speed.

      I feel this rule of the manifesto of futurism still holds up to this day. News, ads, and tabloids come at us faster than ever. There is always something to turn our eyes to and whenever the 15 minutes of fame and attention are up, we move on to the next thing. It is a constant, overstimulating cycle of content.

    3. We, however, are satisfied if in our bookthe lyric and epic evolution of our times is given shape.

      Each era has their own version of what the world should follow and believe. It is an constant evolving movement.

    4. We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, thedestructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, andscorn for woman

      Pro-violence, very problematic

    5. previously—Engineers relaxed with artnow—Artists relax with technology1 For a detailed discussion ofRodchenko’s belief in theideal Soviet citizen, see VictorMargolin, The Struggle forUtopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky,Moholy-Nagy, 1917–1946(Chicago: university of ChicagoPress, 1998).

      progressive way of thinking

    6. mid-twentieth century, Josef Müller-Brockmann and Paul Randconnected design methodologies to the world of business
    7. El Lissitzky, whose posters, books, and exhibitions are amongthe most influential works of twentieth-century design, had a huge impact
    8. scholar and designer Helen Armstrong,


      She was "emerging" in 2006 when this was written, nearly 20 years ago. She's still a working professor with interesting projects.

    1. Graphic designers produce representations of society, and they help create access to information and ideas. But who gets to be represented, and who gets access?

      Beyond this question lies another to me. Who is art for? Do artists/graphic designers have a greater responsibility to the people that engage with their art?

    2. Graphic designers produce representations of society, and they help create access to information and ideas. But who gets to be represented, and who gets access?

      It is essential to question what we see as authority just because it looks official. The internet has opened information and platform access to many more people. What that looks like in the future is literally up to us. We can have a great effect as visual artists and strategic thinkers on how culture grows. What will "inclusive" mean 20 years from now. Will we still be fighting the same fights?

  2. Oct 2023
    1. zeppelin

      a large German dirigible airship of the early 20th century, long and cylindrical in shape and with a rigid framework. Zeppelins were used during World War I for reconnaissance and bombing, and after the war as passenger transports until the 1930s.

    2. upheaval

      a violent or sudden change or disruption to something

    3. unabashedly

      without embarrassment or shame.

  3. Sep 2023
    1. 1. we processedthe human being2. we organizetechnology1. we discovered2. propagate3. clean out4. mergepreviously—Engineers relaxed with artnow—Artists relax with technology

      The manifestos focus on technology, efficiency and collective purpose over individualism have echoes today.

    2. We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, will fightmoralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice

      The Futurist manifesto is all about collective action and getting aggressive instead of just sitting around thinking. Marinetti aimed to hype up crowds and shake things up.

    3. aleKsanDr roDchenKo Was The son oF a propMan anD a launDress. aT TheBeGinninG oF The sovieT revoluTion, he TransForMeD hiMselF FroM a painTerinTo soMeThinG enTirely neW.

      The rise of communism and the soviet revolution influenced Rodchenko embrace to constructivism.

  4. Jun 2023
    1. Indeed the mainstream embraces almost anything edgy; although once the label is applied it is no longer on the edge.

      Once a movement becomes mainstream it's no longer sortout by the masses.

    2. emergence of other confrontational art and design movements, including Punk and Grunge, sought to unhinge dominant methods and mannerisms, but were ultimately absorbed into the mass culture.

      This is an example of underground turned mainstream.

    3. Despite its anti-establishment symbolism, Cubistic, Futuristic and Expressionistic veneers, he argued, would capture consumers’ attention better than a hundred slogans.

      The rawness of the avant-garde's talent connects to the public better than a structured sortout slogan. It speaks the language of the public.

    4. Yet when an intrepid commercial artist attempted to push the boundaries of design, they had to be cognizant of what industrial designer Raymond Loewy called MAYA (Most Advanced Yet Acceptable).

      Basically the underground talent is too raw to be publicized on its own so it needs to be watered down to be acceptable to become mainstream.

  5. Feb 2023
    1. Every visual creative work is a manifestation of the character of thedesigner.

      This emphasizes the importance of the designer understanding how their work ties into how people determine their level as designers.

    2. The resulting International Style leapt from Europe to the United States, spreading valuesof neutrality, objectivity, and rationality expressed through tightly gridded layouts andrestricted typography.

      The values that this style presented were impactful enough to reach the U.S thus foreshadowing it's importance.

    3. turned revolutIonary avant-garde Ideals Into forMal Method–ologIes, detachIng desIgn froM a dIsruptIve aesthetIc agenda.

      This can relate to their approaches to design and how they may relate to our approaches.

    4. A movementcalled the New Typography emergedfrom the Bauhaus

      This will be important to keep in mind for later in the reading.

  6. Oct 2022
    1. Conversely, even before the mainstream began leeching off alternative cultures, the underground satirically appropriated from the mainstream.

      The mainstream is seen as the standard while the underground is seen as a copy or replica.

    2. Invariably, early expressions of sub- or alternative cultures are the most fertile sampling grounds

      Sometimes art and ideas can be considered as less than what already is accepted, as a result of things becoming more simplified and easier, resulting these neglected or irrelevant ideas one day becoming crucial to the future.

    3. Commercial culture depends on the theft of intellectual property for its livelihood.

      This was a great statement because it sparks curiosity in how the world around us is greatly influenced by the past and this which can result in what can be considered "Theft" and copyright infringement when considering how simple it has become to succeed commercially.

  7. Sep 2022
    1. Above all, a fresh and original intellectual approach is needed, avoid-ing all standard solutions.

      This relates to the increasing difficulty of being originial with the rapid advances in productivity today.

    2. A striving for order can, and must, also be expressed inasymmetrical form.

      This relates to sticking to past foundations that are somewhat indispensable.

    3. Thetypographer must take the greatest care to study how his work is read andought to be read.

      Today, this is foundational since there are constantly advances in works of typography making documentation and research important to giving future credit.

    4. Evenin good central-axis composition the contents are subordinated to “beautifulline arrangement.”

      Clarity becomes less important due the focus on the composition being centralized as it relates to improving the visual appeal of the artistic, "arrangement."

    5. the rigidity of central-axis setting hardly allows work tobe carried out with the degree of logic we now demand.

      The central axis in art relates to a somewhat balanced distribution of space on an art piece.

      “ARTTALK Chapter 10 Balance - Ppt Google Img.” SlidePlayer, https://slideplayer.com/slide/10709291/.

    6. This utmost clarity is necessarytoday because of the manifold claims for our attention made by the extraor-dinary amount of print, which demands the greatest economy of expression.

      This emphasizes that having clear communication is made crucially important due to the difficulty of communicating to those who are surrounded by countless other "prints."

  8. Feb 2022
  9. openlab.citytech.cuny.edu openlab.citytech.cuny.edu
    1. But it isn’t. This is because over such a long period a message can easily be distorted or altered without this being in any way intended. (This distortion or alteration in the meaning or method of transmission of a message, whether intended or not, is called “noise.”) Languages, both written and spoken, always change. The meanings of symbols are often lost in the passage of time. In fact, most messages are bound so closely to a particular period and place that even a short time later they cannot be understood. Therefore, ensuring that a message created now can be decoded by future generations is highly problematic.

      Can symbol that represents one thing change over a long period of time to mean something different?

    2. ea. It is only because there is already a well-established connection in our minds between the appearance of an apple and the idea of temptation that this fruit is used in the picture. It is this connection that makes the picture successful in terms of communicatio

      Why was the apple chosen as the representation of temptation?

    3. semiotician,

      A Theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with there function in both artificially constructed and natural languages.

    1. That is, the first thing he asked of this particular object was not “How should it look?” but “What must it do?” and to that extent all good typography is modernist.

      Typography is not about how it should look but rather how it can convey the message.

    2. because everything about it is calculated to reveal rather than to hide the beautiful thing that it was meant to contain.

      I like this statement because when it comes to typography it is meant to reveal the beauty behind the design.

    3. that the most important thing about printing is that it conveys thought, ideas, images, from one mind to other minds.

      It's true that if you can transfer your thought and ideas in your design, your audience would be able to understand your message.

    4. maudlin experiments

      self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness.

    5. impudent

      Not showing due respect for another person or being impertinent

    6. When a goblet has a base that looks too small for security, it does not matter how cleverly it is weighted; you feel nervous lest it should tip over. There are ways of setting lines of type that may work well enough, and yet keep the reader subconsciously worried by the fear of “doubling” lines, reading three words as one, and so forth.

      The writer seems to to talking about the reader of a design becoming overwelmed by the text in a design when they look at it if there is to much causing the message of the design to be lost or not focused on in the design.

    7. Digital technology puts creation, production, and distribution into the hands of the designer, enabling such bold assertions of artistic presence. These acts of graphic authorship fit within a broader evolving model of collective author-ship that is fundamentally changing the producer-consumer relationship.

      What role does technology play in shaping design?

      Because of the technological advances that we have made, technology has helped designers to re-imagine the impossible.

      Technology has helped us to create the impossible.

    8. Today some graphic designers continue to champion ideals of neutrality and objectivity that were essential to the early formation of their field. Such designers see the client’s message as the central component of their work. They strive to communicate this message clearly, although now their post-postmodern eyes are open to the impossibility of neutrality and objectivity.

      What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?

      I think that creativity is key for distinguishing the difference between design and other occupation.

      As a designer you have to be neutral and creative in getting your clients message across.

    9. Looking back across the history of design through the minds of these influential designers, one can identify pervasive themes like those discussed in this introduction. Issues like authorship, universality, and social responsi-bility, so key to avant-garde ideology, remain crucial to contemporary critical and theoretical discussions of the field.

      According to this author, what role should design play in society?

      I think that the author was talking about how the design community should be the new avant-garde.

      I think that designers should be at the forefront of the design community.

  10. Dec 2021
    1. These designers value expression over style

      It's about expressing oneself or creates distortion rather than valuing or achieving a certain look that they should convey.

    2. syntactical

      in a way that relates to the grammatical arrangement of words

      in a sentence: a syntactically complicated language


    3. Shattering the constraints of minimalism was exhilarating and far more fun than the antiseptic discipline of the classical Swiss school.

      That's understandable because doing the same type of style over and over again can be boring sometimes.

  11. Oct 2021
    1. dichotomous

      1: dividing into two parts

      2: relating to, involving, or proceeding from dichotomy the plant's dichotomous branching a dichotomous approach can't be split into dichotomous categories

      merriam webster

    2. Yet most companies neglect design as a strategy tool. What they don’t realize is that design can enhance products, environments, communi-cations, and corporate identity.”

      This is true because a Designer can communicate one's ideas in a clear and sensible way. Companies need design in order to get as many people to associate themselves with them.

    3. maelstrom

      1: a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius tried to shoot the canoe across a stretch of treacherous maelstrom — Harper's

      2: something resembling a maelstrom in turbulence the maelstrom enveloping the country a maelstrom of emotions

      merriam webster

    4. raison d’être

      Reason or justification for existence.


    5. The typographer must take the greatest care to study how his work is read and ought to be read.

      Absolutely, depending on the work and the intention behind it. You wouldn't want your audience to be confused about the readability of your work.

    1. “Hurry up and do it before someone else does!” she told him. And so he did.

      At least he did it quickly as possible because it's a known fact that people can have similar ideas as you.


    1. ephemera

      Definition of ephemera 1: something of no lasting significance —usually used in plural

      2 ephemera plural : paper items (such as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles

      merriam webster

    2. A handful of African-American designers seemed exempt from Modernism’s influence, which may be because they didn’t work in advertising or commerce.

      This is not surprising at all. Funny thing is just as he mentioned that...it made me realize there's barely any black designers being known, especially around that time.

  12. Sep 2021
  13. Jul 2020
  14. Oct 2017
    1. Howard Rheingold

      Howard Rheingold is a psychologist/neurologist incredibly invested in the effect today's digital net world has had on society. He has written a large amount of article, launched a magazine, and delivered a TEDtalk on his findings. His about website is http://rheingold.com/about/

    2. We must teach our children to be "bitextual" or "multitextual," able to read and ana-lyze texts flexibly in different ways, with more deliberate instruction at every stage of development on the inferential, demanding aspects of any text .... My major conclusion from an examination of the developing reader is a cautionary one. I fear that many of our children are in danger of becoming just what Socrates warned us against-a society of decoders of information, whose false sense of knowing distracts them from a deeper development of their intellectual potential. It does not need to be so, if we teach them well, a charge that is equally applicable to our children with dyslexia.

      People might start feeling so smart and "all knowing" that they will shut out anything they personally don't intellectually identify with. The main problem in today's society is that others don't think they should know anything else about other people's experiences and ideas and they'll label these types of informations as unnecessary. Basically, they will make up their mind that they are right anyway so they shut out anything that will probably enhance their culturization and most likely change their minds on a certain topics. It's easy enough for people to surround themselves in a community that will agree with their views and thus they will no longer mentally grow because they only expose themselves to their own side. this is the type of distraction that Wolf claims hinders "intellectual potential".

    3. Democratization enables vulgarization. As cultural practices become more common, they also become more coarse and misinterpreted. In the early twentieth century, the young print journalist Walter Lippmann claimed that U.S. citizens are too gullible and ill informed to govern a modern, complex society. In response, philosopher-activist John Dewey responded that in a democracy, the answer was not, as Lippmann sug-gested, to confine governance to an elite but rather to make the entire pop-ulation less gullible through better public education and better informed through better journalism.6

      This hits the nail on the head in reference to one of my previous annotations on the fact that the only reason Russia felt bold enough to invest time to create fake American profiles was because they felt the American people were gullible enough to fall for their propaganda. It is up to the people to educate themselves into not falling for this series of media directed attention.

    4. our brain had at its disposal three ingenious design principles: the capacity to make new connections among older structures; the capacity to form areas of exquisitely precise specializa-tion for recognizing patterns of information; and the ability to learn to recruit and connect information from these areas automatically.

      It's interesting for me personally to read about how the brain basically rewired itself when we started developing our own system of reading and writing. Neurons connected themselves in different ways to accommodate our new method of communication. Most likely, our hippocampus enlarged to support this new feed of info. It makes me wonder how exactly the mechanisms in our brain changed to make space for this enhancement, like did we lose some sort of heightened senses such as sight and hearing to make room for our reading abilities? Are our brains changing once again since the advancement of the internet? For example, will we become near sighted to increase our short attention span since we spend such a long time reading information and needing to pay attention more today than ever before?

    5. self-control along with the skillful use of attention, participation, crap detection, collaboration, and network awareness through social media ought to be taught to future netizens as early as possible.

      It is vital that from now on people grow a sensitive sense of detection of false information. In this day and age it is easy to become engrossed in the multitude of data being spread. People need to reverse look up anything they are not sure of, and have a general idea of which sources can be trusted and which cannot. Otherwise, it is easy to fall victim and be guilty of spreading misinformation. Ultimately, it was this lack of skepticism that enabled Russia to spread its agenda undetected throughout facebook.They stole a Brazilian man's pictures and made up false addresses and education in order to do this, when a simple search of this fake profile would have been easily exposed.

    6. I conclude that teaching people how to practice more mindful mediated communication seems the most feasible remedy. I like Jackson's query in an excellent Boston.com article about attention training: "If focus skills can be groomed, as research has begun to hint, the important next question is whether, and how, attention should be integrated into education.

      The key to understanding the world around us is face to face communication that is "mindful" and "mediated". Personally, I believe that people lose their sense of empathy online because they don't have a physical face in front of them talking about their experiences. Usually, all you truly see online are either data or opinions, and it becomes incredibly easy to side with one issue because one absorbs information with no consideration on how different types of people are involved. According to the article "is the internet killing empathy?" it is stated that

      Their brains have become "wired" to use their tech gadgets effectively in order to multi-task -- staying connected with friends, texting and searching online endlessly, often exposing their brains to shocking and sensational images and videos. Many people are desensitizing their neural circuits to the horrors they see, while not getting much, if any, off-line training in empathic skills. And the effects may even reach young people.


      The effects of widespread media and propaganda most likely will make it easier for the consumers to become self centered and desensitized to others and thus fall for the Russian social media plants which caters to these types of mentalities.

    7. A search engine," he writes, "often draws our attention to a particular snippet of text, a few words or sentences that have strong relevance to whatever we're searching for at the moment, while providing little incentive for taking in the work as a whole."

      Although Google is made out to be a great search engine for whatever people want to look up when they need to be distracted, Google still doesn't use a database containing everything that's on the internet. in "Mystery of Russian Fake on Facebook Solved, by a Brazilian", it is mentioned that

      Before publishing the photos, The Times tried to find their source using Google’s image search function, but nothing turned up. This suggested that they might belong to a Brazilian Facebook user because Facebook blocks image searches of its profiles. The company declined to say whether it had searched internally and found the photos before Mr. Costacurta came forward.

      This shows that even when our attention could be completely focused on finding as much information as we can for one subject, in the end our dedicated attention may have been in vain overall.

    8. Only you can know your goals, and only you can determine which stimuli are relevant at any moment.

      Because almost the entirety of the country already had predetermined that the most relevant issue in 2016 was the presidential election, it became all the more easier for Russia to create fake profiles in the heightened scrutiny that both of the candidates were under, and repeatedly post about politics and their "opinions", and influence people who's goals were to figure out who to vote for.

    9. Humans pay a lot of attention to other humans-hence the success and seductive distractions of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The discovery of "mirror neurons" in primates strongly implies that paying attention to others is one of the few human cognitive capabilities that may be neurally "hardwired." Mirror neurons fire when you do something, but they also fire in the same way when you watch someone else doing the same thing. The scientists who discovered mirror neurons believe they are fundamental to social behavior: "If we want to survive, we must under-stand the actions of others. Furthermore, without action understanding, social organization is impossible. In the case of humans, there is another faculty that depends on the observation of others' actions: imitation learn-ing. Unlike most species, we are able to learn by imitation, and this faculty is at the basis of human culture.

      This is quite possibly the main reason the Russian government was creating fake profiles in the first place. They wanted to spread propaganda about Hillary Clinton and her emails in order to sway the public vote to Trump. It has already been proven that Russia had a hand in hacking the 2016 elections, but it appears that they wanted to go a step further with this propaganda. Because they had a lot of plants in the social media community highlighting the problems with Hillary, due to mirror neurons, it most likely caused the people who saw these posts to attribute a "regular American person" to thinking that Hillary was bad, thus swaying their thinking to gear more toward Trump.

    10. Oversimplification num-ber one: attention, memory, and executive control are the fundamental com-ponents of thinking-and the executive control process is the particular power you can tap to control your use of social media.

      Attention to detail, one of the vital necessities of media navigation, was needed for the people who were being exposed to things such as fake profiles, like that Russian propagandist that was posing as a regular man on facebook that spread certain types of information for whoever followed him to see. If they were not paying close enough attention to whoever was behind the propaganda being exposing them to these ideas, then they will fall victims to the pushed ideas.

    11. The supplemental reading I chose was the article "Mystery of Russian Fake Facebook Solved, by a Brazilian" This article examined the fake profile the Russian government made during the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.The reason for this was to perpetuate the email scandals that Hillary was involved in to sway public opinion toward Trump. one specific fake profile, Melvin Redick, had pictures stolen from a Brazilian man from 2014 that was only identified when the pictures were made public in an effort to find out who the man really was. It was also discovered that the addresses, jobs and schools claimed to have been attended never had heard of the person in the profile, raising quite a few red flags to the investigators. In all, when the true man of the photographs was contacted, he was unnerved at the fact that his pictures had been taken from him due to the fact that he had had his facebook profile on private, not to mention that when reverse looking up his pictures on Google, it leads to zero results because Google blocks Brazilian Facebooks. It just goes to show that no matter what type of privacy precaution one can take, hackers are still able to take pictures without permission and use them to their own gain. This also personally makes me realize how undeniably corrupt governments can be in order to influence elections not even in their own country.

    12. There are two main issues that need to be addressed when talking about this Russian, and by extant all, propaganda endeavors: internet privacy and gullibility. Everything can and will be seen on the internet, no matter how many precautions one will take, that's why it's important to limit the amount of media you post publicly. Governments will have access to your information and could use it to push their own agendas.Tying more closely with the main text, Net Smart by Howard Rheingold, is the gullibility issue. It's brought up that paying attention in the age of the internet has become incredibly difficult for today's society. Because people aren't paying attention to the world around them, and to an extent the world on their phones, they are missing the crucial details in life. People are letting this excess flow of information take over their lives and influence their opinions and ideas. This is the main reason why Russian propagandists posed as regular American people in the first place; they knew the Americans scrolling through the posts of this fake profile will inadvertently subconsciously take into account the posts that the fake profile feeds to them. One needs to become aware of what they are reading online, why is was posted, and by who. By researching, becoming skeptical of online presences, and overall being aware of their thoughts while reading texts online, one will be more prepared to deflect propaganda planted into their social media feed.

  15. Sep 2017
  16. spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net
    1. The significance of basic materials created within a certain cultural structure is vital to the advancement of the traditions and ideals of the cultures. In both "Mohegan Wood-Splint Basket" and "Mark Their Words: Medieval Bookmarks" two incredibly overlooked yet culturally significant material usage objects are observed. It's the simplest of items, the ones that are rooted in the daily routine of the people, that have the most stories to tell.

      The woven baskets (and other materialistic cultural items such as bookmarks) should not be considered and analyzed as texts according to the Mohegan Wood-splint Basket chapter, and therefore not be treated as such. In general, doing so would result in missing some of the most critical components of the reason they exist or what they truly symbolize. There is no true author, there is no audience, and there are no literary devices to analyze.

      Rather than analyzing the literal contexts of the materials, one has to make meaning of each three dimensional detail and why it is there. For example, in the case of the Mohegan basket, the lining contains scraps of newspaper from 1817, which gives an accurate time period of when it was made. The same can be said about the found item type of bookmark during Medieval times. For example, a leaf used as a bookmark can tell you that the person had been reading outside, and you can even go as far as to find out what type of tree the leaf was from, and draw conclusions based upon that.

      There may exist some opinions that stake the claim that typical items that were used in the general lives of individuals are not as important as written primary source documents. Although it is true that written documents are more likely to contain confirmed specific details, they sadly cannot provide a true visual perception of the writer's life. Materials are far more tangible and physical to provide a deeper look and the historical aspects of a culture that cannot be represented on text.

      Culture analysis does not have to solely focus on written media. Looking past the surface of materialistic culture is also as vital to the development of ideas of how a certain community lived in the past.