- Apr 2024
www.handelsblatt.com www.handelsblatt.com
Durch den Inflation reduction Act sind in den USA die Investitionen in emissionsarme Technologien auf 240 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, wären sie in Europa -allerdings auf höherem niveau-stagnieren. Durch den Inflation reduction Act wird auch internationales Kapital in die USA gezogen. Besonders viele Investitionen fließen in die Elektromobilität, darunter in elektrische SUVs. Das Handelsblatt hat eine Studie zur Wirkung von Subventionen in der Klimapolitik in den USA und Europa beauftragt.
- actor: SMA Solar
- expert: Oliver Hildebrand
- actor: Meyer Burger
- program: Inflation Reduction Act
- 2024-04-03
- actor: Biden Administration
- actor: Lanxess AG
- actor: Nexwafe
- actor: Volkswagen
- country: USA
- institution: Rhodium Group
- actor: Ørsted
- actor: RWE
- actor: Klöckner & Co
- expert: Jack Conness
- actor: Siemens Energy
- actor: BASF
- Mar 2024
- Jan 2024
Die taz plädiert dafür, die Förderung von Wertschöpfung in Deutschland bei der Solarenergie nicht mehr über das Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz abzuwickeln, da die dazu notwendigen bürokratischen Verfahren zu kompliziert sind. https://taz.de/Stand-der-Solarenergie/!5984121/
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
16:00 "our grass is a solar panel"<br /> hell yeah. fuck these "made in china" hightech bullshit solar panels.<br /> future energy is based on wood gas, and synthetic diesel made from wood gas.<br /> but the depopulation agenda has priority...
- Sep 2022
truthout.org truthout.org
Renewable energy critics argue that wind and solar are not reliable sources because of their variability. Others argue that wind farms encroach on pristine environment and destroy a country’s natural habitat, as is the case with the installation of thousands of wind turbines on scores of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. How would you respond to such concerns, and are there ways around them?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
if we want to deliver a thousand terawatt hours a year using these systems you could use 142 00:29:07 coal-fired power stations or 30 000 solar pv arrays or 12 309 wind turbine arrays of average size 00:29:18 where each array is like 10 win windows this is this is where we're getting the extra numbers from so each of these sites will have to be built and constructed and maintained and then when they wear out they need to 00:29:30 be decommissioned so renewables have a much lower energy return on energy invested ratio than fossil fuels and they and the the truth is they may not be strong enough to power the next industrial era 00:29:45 so gas and hydro power generation has to balance with demand supply and demand has to balance otherwise the grid will age
!- for : EROI, energy density - lower energy density = more plants
- Oct 2021
www.surfdome.com www.surfdome.com
Biolite Firepit+ Cooking System
- May 2020
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Rathi, A. (2020, April 30). Renewables Are the Only Winners in Historic Decline in Energy Demand. Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-30/renewables-are-the-only-winners-in-historic-decline-in-energy-demand
- energy demand
- emissions
- solar
- policy
- renewable energy
- coal
- is:news
- economic shutdown
- lockdown
- COVID-19
- gas
- carbon dioxide
- wind
- lang:en
- oil
- spread
- Mar 2019
www.climaterealityproject.org www.climaterealityproject.org
It’s clear that we need to make the switch to clean, reliable sources of renewable energy like solar and wind. Unlike fossil fuels, renewables don’t add greenhouse gases to our atmosphere.
We need to change to renewable energy
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
The local electricity linesmen, electricity inspectors, and other nodal officials in the electricity department also have key roles to play. Building their capacities to disseminate such information and handle consumer queries and concerns, and providing basic training in billing and metering for solar power can go a long way in improving consumers’ experience.
Why will Discom want to disseminate the information when:
- They themselves don't understand how the system works
- They feel that rooftop solar will cut into their revenues? Here, instead of a top-down approach or bottom-up approach, RE generators and regulators need to have a 2 pronged synchronous approach to educate people about the technologies.
- Nov 2015
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
LOPINOD is also being used to fund the development of a Low Carbon Plan. This plan will focus on the full spectrum of renewables including wind, solar, marine source heat pumps and tidal. It is hoped that we will become a hub for all green energy going forward, building on our existing involvement in the wind farm industry.
Beachhead for solar, tidal, marine source heat pumps as well as wind energy