27 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. I could grow to like him, though. From rounded chin to rounded heel.Then, within days, I would learn to hate him.

      Does this foreshadow the duality and complexity of their relationship? Because there is a period of time when Elio is in an internal conflict with his desire and lack of desire for Oliver.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. The water wasinsufficiently cold, not fizzy enough, leaving behind an unslaked likeness ofthirst

      Does this also foreshadow or symbolize his desire for Oliver?



  3. Mar 2024
    1. Therefore be merry, Cassio,For thy solicitor shall rather dieThan give thy cause away.

      Desdemona is foreshadowing her own death

    2. My soul hath her content so absoluteThat not another comfort like to thisSucceeds in unknown fate

      foreshadowing that truly the tempest will not allow his soul to see happiness like this again.

    3. If after every tempest come such calms,May the winds blow till they have wakened death,And let the laboring bark climb hills of seasOlympus-high, and duck again as lowAs hell’s from heaven!

      It is almost like he is welcoming the Tempest, because he feels as if nothing can ruin it now, with Desdemona -- this is a literal inviting of Iago to come ruin it. It is to show that his defencelessness and overconfidence invites the inner beast within to come rupture it.



  4. Jan 2023
    1. He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram

      Even after a second telegram "ensuring" that Mr. Mallard was dead, he turns up alive in the end.

    2. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease--of the joy that kills.

      Firstly, the joy that kills is ironic as joy is never associated with death. The ending also ties back to the first sentence where the author established that she had a heart condition. This was most likely purposeful foreshadowing done by the author.

    3. She would have no one follow her.

      Knowing she had a heart condition, why would no one follow her to make sure she is alright? This could imply some foreshadowing of how the character feels.

  5. Sep 2022
    1. Beowulf spake then, Boast-words uttered—the latest occasion:

      More foretelling of Beowulf's impending doom

    2. Then the battle-brave atheling sat on the naze-edge, While the gold-friend of Geatmen gracious saluted His fireside-companions: woe was his spirit, 30 Death-boding, wav’ring; Weird very near him, Who must seize the old hero, his soul-treasure look for, Dragging aloof his life from his body: Not flesh-hidden long was the folk-leader’s spirit.

      Deep sense of foreboding: Beowulf is doomed to die.

    3. Oh, Beowulf dear, 15 Best of the heroes, from bale-strife defend thee, And choose thee the better, counsels eternal; Beware of arrogance, world-famous champion!
    4. With sorrow one paid for His evening repose, as often betid them While Grendel was holding the gold-bedecked palace
    5. Doomed unto death, down to his slumber A doomed thane is there with them. 50 Bowed then a beer-thane.
    6. Weird they knew not, destiny cruel,
    7. Heorot then inside Hrothgar’s nephew, Hrothulf, is present. Was filled with friendly ones; falsehood and treachery The Folk-Scyldings now nowise did practise

      Foreshadowing Heorot's demise

  6. Aug 2022
  7. earlybritishlit.pressbooks.com earlybritishlit.pressbooks.com
    1. In due time it happened Early ’mong men, that ’twas finished entirely, 25 The greatest of hall-buildings; Heorot he named it Who wide-reaching word-sway wielded ’mong earlmen. The hall is completed, called Heorot. His promise he brake not, rings he lavished, Treasure at banquet. Towered the hall up High and horn-crested, huge between antlers: 30 It battle-waves bided, the blasting fire-demon; Ere long then from hottest hatred must sword-wrath Arise for a woman’s husband and father.

      from Heaney (1999): "And soon it stood there / finished and ready, in full view, / the hall of halls. Heorot was the name / he had settled on it, whose utterance was law. / Nor did he renege, but doled out rings / and torques at the table. / The hall towered, / its gables wide and high and awaiting / a barbarous burning. That doom abided, / but in time it would come: the killer instinct / unleashed among in-laws, the blood lust rampant" (lns 76-85).

      from Headley (2020): "So it rose: a greater hall than any other! / Hrothgar filled it, blood-brother by blood-brother, / and named it Heorot. his words were heard and heralded, / and yes, yes, bro! The man was more than just talk: / he gave good gifts. His war-wedded wore kings' rings, / and drank their leader's mead. Nightly, he / feted his fight-family with fortunes. The hall loomed, golden towers antler-tipped; it was asking for burning, but that hadn't happened yet. / You know how it is: every castle wants invading, and every family / has enemies born within it. Old grudges / recrudesce." (lns 75-84)

  8. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. frightened, enquiring companions, than of very useful assistants

      Foreshadowing perhaps Louisa's fall, Henrietta and Mary going into hysterics and, Anne being the only useful person

  9. Mar 2022
    1. Research shows that we all engage in such “gestural foreshadowing,” in whichour hands anticipate what we’re about to say.

      Research by Christian Heath indicates that in interpersonal communication that speakers gesture meaning before they form the related words and listeners begin nodding at the gestures before they hear the spoken words.

  10. Sep 2020
    1. It was now the time of the turn of the tide: and even as I stood there waiting, the broad brown face of the quicksand began to dimple and quiver–the only moving thing in all the horrid place.

      Something that was still begins to "turn", possibly hinting at events turning for the worse. This specific sentence is highlighted by the alliteration of the hard t sound in "time", "turn", and "tide". Furthermore, the peculiar repetitive form in "the of the of the _" emphasizes the intention behind this phrase.

      Collins is clearly hinting to the reader of shifting forces behind the scenes. The "big brown face" could allude to the Indians and the curse of the Diamond.

    1. In May and June there was no rain and the crops withered, curled up, then died under the thirsty sun. One morning in July a hurricane came out of the east, tipping over the oaks in the yard and splitting the limbs of the elm trees. That afternoon it roared back out of the west, blew the fallen oaks around, snapping their roots and tearing them out of the earth like a hawk at the entrails18 of a chicken. Cotton bolls were wrenched from the stalks and lay like green walnuts in the valleys between the rows, while the cornfield leaned over uniformly so that the tassels touched the ground.

      Usually when crops die and storms come it is a bad sign.

  11. Oct 2019
    1. Turn it on like you always do. Be quick and efficient and impatient, which is the way you have always been. Start the water in the tub and scrub the kitchen floor while it is filling up. When the floor is done and the mop wrung out and hung in back to dry, the water is good, just the right depth. Like a clock you are. Not a second wasted.

      Foreshadowing the caos of suicide when the house and floor is flooding. She was the the one to clean it at one point now mama is the one causing the mess.

  12. Sep 2018
    1. Beowulf

      This editor chose to keep the manuscript reading "Beowulf"; the editors of Klaeber 4 emended to "Beow." In their Commentary on line 18f (page 113), they note that "Beow" fits the meter in "Beowulf"'s second appearance at 53, and that traditional genealogies provide the name "Beow." However, I prefer the choice (as does Liuzza in his translation): whether poet or scribe, someone has made the name match that of the poem's protagonist. An earlier hero foreshadows a later.

  13. Sep 2017
    1. With this excellent resolve for the future, Goodman Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on his present evil purpose

      I consider it foreshadowing because it literally has "this resolve for the future" in it. I believe that Brown is about to journey to go and take part in very bad actions considering he needed to "justify" his "present evil purpose".

  14. Jun 2017
    1. Caesar should be a beast without a heart, If he should stay at home today for fear. No, Caesar shall not: danger knows full well That Caesar is more dangerous than he: We are two lions litter’d in one day, And I the elder and more terrible; And Caesar shall go forth.

      Caesar, awoken by his wife Calpurnia’s nightmares, sends a servant to bid the priests to offer a sacrifice and tell him the results, which reveals an impossibly ominous future. Calpurnia enters and insists that Caesar remains home, but he rebuffs her, refusing to appear as a coward. But having witnesses the omens of the previous night (dead men walked, ghosts wandered the city, a lioness gave birth in the street, and lightning shattered the skies), she begs him to remain. Yet Caesar claims nothing can change the plans of the gods and deems the signs to apply to the world in general and refuses to believe that they bode ill for him personally.

      Caesar is an illeist (refers to himself in third person) as if his very name deserves recognition in his own speech. He constantly suggests he is greater than man and even “danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he” as if overshadowing death. He claims he is “without a heart”, unbound by the limitations of life or the fear of death. He self claims a God title where danger is but a child to him. The scene reveals Caesar’s unending pride and overconfidence, as he remains ignorant to the evident extent of menace.

    1. Go you down that way towards the Capitol; This way will I. Disrobe the images, If you do find them deck’d with ceremonies.

      Although he is not tangibly introduced until the next scene, the audience is already presented with a fairly clear characterisation of Julius Caesar. However, Caesar's exact nature is determined through two juxtaposing attitudes towards the Empire.

      The Roman common-folk praise the defeat of Pompey, in fact making a "holiday to see Caesar and to rejoice in his triumph." On the contrary, the noble classes express a more pessimistic attitude; Flavius cautions that the new leader will "soar above the view of men, and keep us all in servile fearfulness."

      The tribunes believe that Caesar's power is too great for one man, and that his rise as Emperor will lead to the downfall of Rome. It is also a valid argument to say that they envy Caesar's might, especially since Flavius and Murellus are to lose an element of their own authority.

      After commanding the people to weep for the coming events, Flavius and Murellus leave to "disrobe the images" of Caesar. This metaphor refers to removing the decorations off Caesar's statues, a crime which they are later punished for. The desperation of such an act is an indication of how strongly Caesar is feared and detested by the noblemen.

      This scene leaves the audience with a preconceived image of Caesar as ambitious, influential and excessively powerful. The loathing of Flavius and Murellus towards the new Emperor foreshadow the upcoming conspiracy and the ultimate demise of Caesar.

  15. Sep 2015
    1. Unimaginable, really, that less than two months from now one of his colleagues from abroad, a woman with delicate, birdlike features, will appear at the door to my office and identify herself as a friend of Bob’s. When she asks, I take her down the hall to the room with the long table and then to his empty office. I do this without saying anything, because there’s nothing to say, and she takes it all in with small, serious nods until the moment she sees his blackboard covered with scribbles and arrows and equations. At that point her face loosens and she starts to cry in long ragged sobs. An hour later I go back and the office is empty. When I erase the blackboard finally, I can see where she laid her hands carefully, where the numbers are ghostly and blurred.

      This foreshadows the shooting and gives us this solemn feeling.

  16. Feb 2014
    1. However, the Pythian priestess declared that the Heraclidae would have vengeance on Gyges' posterity in the fifth generation; an utterance to which the Lydians and their kings paid no regard until it was fulfilled

      Hdt. 1.13 The oracle told Gyges that the Heraclidae would have vengeance in the fifth generation and they ignored this until it came true.