44 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. lower-class social origins

      about the professionalisation of medicalisation and science (like Bignon) lower class healers

    2. “I anticipated some time ago that in [the] event of our securing Federal control of the sale and distribution of morphine and cocaine, the fiends would turn to Indian hemp, and for that reason incorporated that drug in the proposed act for the control of the interstate traffic in narcotics.”

      when other drugs were prohibited so they had to turn to this

    3. Cannabis is rather an unimportant drug and that we have given undue attention to the whole subject of Cannabis
    4. arbitrary cultural taboo
    5. weed is commonly used among the old Mexican soldiers it is probable that El Paso became infected from that source.
    6. cholars predict that marijuana smuggling from the US to Mexico will continue if Mexico's laws remain stricter than those in the US.
    7. Traditional folk medical practices in Mexico may have also played a role in the demand for marijuana.
    8. n the US, cannabis was initially seen as a potentially effective medicine, psychiatric tool, and stimulant for extraordinary visions and experiences.
    9. The drug's reputation as a "killer weed" was likely influenced by Mexican ideas about marijuana, which associated it with violence, madness, and crime.
    10. anti-marijuana laws followed this pattern, state by state, as a result of anti-Mexican sentiment.
    11. stereotype of the marijuana user in Mexico was that of a dangerous, unpredictable madman,
    12. "Mexican hypothesis" suggests that Mexican migrant workers brought marijuana to the US in the early 20th century, leading to its prohibition due to racial prejudice

      bought by foreigners and immagrants

    1. In Mexico, the war on drugs was closely tied to US-Mexican relations, with the US exerting significant influence over Mexican drug policy. The Mexican government's efforts to prohibit drugs were often unsuccessful, and the country's drug trade continued to thrive

      mexico-US connection. but it also seemed like they didn't really like drugs before?

    2. 1940 Reglamento Federal de Toxicomanías in Mexico were key milestones in this process.
    3. For example, in Mexico, the association between the Chinese and opium led to xenophobic attitudes towards drug use.
    4. Mexico, with its own history of demonizing intoxicants and imposing laws to curb their distribution and abuse, was already in compliance with the Hague Convention's mandates and had created domestic laws that were harsher and more far-reaching than what was required by international law.

      already prohibited or heavily disliked, even alcohol

    5. The United States, driven by domestic and foreign policy considerations, led the movement to codify international standards. The US experience in the Philippines and the lessons learned from the Chinese opium story led to the conclusion that only a system that restricted both supply and demand could be effective. The Hague Convention's Article 13 allowed the US to exert pressure on Latin American countries to adhere to international drug control standards, which ironically became a tool of imperialism.
    6. Marijuana, on the other hand, was thoroughly demonized and eventually prohibited in 1920 as a drug that threatened to "degenerate the race."
    7. dawn of independence in 1821, Mexico already had a long tradition of anti-drug rhetoric and regulatory mechanisms designed to curb "drug abuse." The situation continued to evolve, with the impermanence and flux of modernity inspiring both widespread concern about the harms of intoxicants and widespread use of them.
    8. In Mexico, the creation of pariah drugs was a long-term process that involved various factors, including colonial conflicts, social prejudice, nationalism, economic interests, state-building, geopolitics, transnational intellectual currents, professional interests, and concerns about drug use and abuse.
    1. This led to the emergence of a larger hemispheric network that linked Andean coca peasants to chemists, smugglers, and users in the United States and elsewhere. By the 1960s, agents of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics reported on recipes for coca paste, cocaine sulfates, and crude cocaine, which were refined in labs in Havana and later Colombia.
  2. Oct 2024
    1. Marley’s career illustrates the way reggae was repackaged to suit a rock market whose patrons had used marijuana and were curious about the music that sanctified it. Fusion with other genres was an inevitable consequence of the music’s globalization and incorporation into the multinational entertainment industry.

      Why was marijuana so popular and mainstream in the past???

    2. During this period of reggae’s development, a connection grew between the music and the Rastafarian movement, which encourages the relocation of the African diaspora to Africa, deifies the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie I (whose precoronation name was Ras [Prince] Tafari), and endorses the sacramental use of ganja (marijuana). Rastafari (Rastafarianism) advocates equal rights and justice and draws on the mystical consciousness of kumina, an earlier Jamaican religious tradition that ritualized communication with ancestors.

      Diaspora: the jews living outside Israel (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diaspora)

      Interesting musical roots for Reggae... Wonder if this is still present?

      Mystical roots.

      (Note, I give this the fiction tag because I might want to look into this mystical religion for fiction writing as inspiration)

      Logical that marijuana (a drug) is correlated with the mystical concept of communicating with diseased spirits for marijuana makes you hallucinate (or perhaps it's demonic in nature?)

  3. Jun 2021
    1. Everything was good, but I got caught with... What was it called? Something in my ear. A blunt in my ear. And it was in a hotel.Mike: It was a hotel casino. And the security stopped me and they told me, “What was that?” And since it was marijuana was illegal they told me I had to go to jail. So I went to jail. I stayed a day—

      Time in the US, Arrests, Felonies, Drug offenses

    2. It was a hotel casino. And the security stopped me and they told me, “What was that?” And since it was marijuana was illegal they told me I had to go to jail. So I went to jail. I stayed a day—

      Leaving the US - reason for exit - drug possession

    3. Mike: I had it in my ear when I was coming out of the—there was a hotel and the casino and in the middle they joined and in that middle part there is security. So I was walking out going to the casino and they seen it in my ear and they're like, "What is that?" And I was like, "Aw damn, I'm done." I knew it so I was like, "Dude, I'm done."

      Time in the US, Arrests, Felonies, Drug Offenses

    4. Something in my ear. A blunt in my ear. And it was in a hotel.Mike: It was a hotel casino. And the security stopped me and they told me, “What was that?” And since it was marijuana was illegal they told me I had to go to jail. So I went to jail. I stayed a day—

      Time in the US, Arrests, Felonies, Drug Offenses

  4. May 2020
    1. Hippocampal size of nonusers reflects a direct relationship to memory function; the smaller the hippocampus, the poorer the memory function. Individuals who use marijuana and tobacco show an inverse relationship, i.e., the smaller the hippocampus size, the greater memory the function. Furthermore the number of nicotine cigarettes smoked per day in the marijuana and nicotine using group appears to be related to the severity of hippocampal shrinkage. The greater the number of cigarettes smoked per day, the smaller the hippocampal volume and the greater the memory performance. There were no significant associations between hippocampal size and memory performance in individuals who only use tobacco or only use marijuana.

      They mention abstainers below. It appears that they are saying that there is memory improvement compared to complete non-smokers. Will need to check actual study. Note that my interest in nicotine is confounded by the use of tobacco.

      Edit: eyeballing the graphs, it appears that the tobacco group did the best, while the marijuana plus tobacco group did the worst. Given the small sample size and high variability, these are not statistically significant. Nonetheless, that suggests that marijuana never benefits memory. Edit: eyeballing the graphs, it appears the tobacco group did the best, while the marijuana plus tobacco group performed worst. Given the small sample size and high variability, these results are not statistically significant. Nonetheless, it suggests that marijuana is never a benefit to memory.

  5. May 2019
    1. Just over half of the state’s tribes operate casinos, but only 16 are full Vegas-style resorts. And 47 of the state’s 109 tribes have no casinos at all, with some reservations still struggling to provide running water and electricity. “Not all tribes are rich from gaming,” Vialpando said.

      Wow, this is some important context... the industry is unequally distributed and doesn't help the less fortunate tribes!

    2. Two centuries of slaughter, land theft and discrimination have left California’s Native Americans with lower median incomes and education levels coupled with higher rates of poverty and unemployment than the general population.

      The 'plight' rhetoric.

    3. might give Native Americans an unfair advantage in the market.

      Same rationalization as in some of the readings!

    4. “It’s a long pattern in this state,” Vialpando said. “There’s a history of marginalizing tribes. There’s a history of not wanting to engage with tribes.”

      In this context, the Tribes being unfairly barred from this new market is not so surprising, but how is this implemented, and by whom?

    5. The Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel opened the Mountain Source cannabis store about two weeks ago, in the front part of a failed casino that tribal leaders abandoned in 2014.

      Casino failed, locals had to adapt.

    6. a building that once let visitors try their hand at slot machines and poker tables is now a shop that sells cannabis flower and marijuana-infused truffles.

      Gambling -> Marijuana

    7. are being shut out In a state where weed is legal, groups hope for equal footing.

      This is interesting, and highly unexpected! Tribes not allowed to grow, but the rest of the state IS!

    8. new gambling fo

      Example of gambling linked to marijuana as a concept of tribal different legal restrictions to federal law.

  6. Nov 2017
    1. New York is one of 29 states (plus the District of Columbia) that have legalized medical marijuana––a trend that 94 percent of Americans support, according to an August Quinnipiac poll. But on December 8, all of that could begin to change.

      Congress has until that day to decide whether to include the Rohrabacher-Farr Act (also known as Rohrabacher-Blumenauer) in a bill that will fund the government through the next fiscal year. Right now, that law, made up of just 85 words, blocks the Department of Justice from using any money to prosecute medical marijuana in states where it's legal.

      . . .

      “I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund particular prosecutions, particularly in the midst of an historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime," Sessions wrote in his letter.

  7. Jul 2016
    1. Not all people have the same feeling when they get high. Now I have studied more about marijuana and the effect marijuana causes in the human body. I believe that marijuana is not all that bad because marijuana is a herb that cures people and different things.

      Not all the people will have the same reasoning to the drugs they taking some people will get happy some of them will get mad. This matters because not all people want somebody that take drugs next to them and be acting like a full. Something that I heard about drugs is that you may sick if you stop taking it.

    2. Some people say a lot about the issue of marijuana like it’s a drug it kills people and it bad for humans. From what I heard marijuana isn’t really a drug is a herb grown on earth that cures people.

      People are talking about people that are taking drugs family members are feeling bad for her because she taking drugs. Some people think this don't matter but i think it matter because people are making their life more bad by them keep on smoking. This connects to me because my hall family was mad at me when i first started smoking.

    3. I remember when I was 13 my dad spoke to me one  time about it. I did not learn more because at  that time I did not have someone to look up to for a couple of months to talk about Teens smoking weed.

      sometimes the parents will speak to their kids about drugs so they won't go and use it when they have the age to buy marijuana,alcohol,drugs. This will matter to the parents because they don't want their kids taking drugs at a young age. This connects to my life because I was only 14 when i first started smoking.

    4. One thing I know for sure about “Marijuana ” is that marijuana makes  teens have different feelings and motivations when smoking weed.

      most of the teens get different reasons about marijuana some of them will go to sleep will start laughing. This matters because there is teens that go to school and is not okay for them to go to sleep in class. How does this connect to me it connects to me because when i used to smoke and come to sleep i will come to sleep.

    1. The study reveals—“boredom,” “experimentation,” and “insight”—are reasons for use related to increased and decreased risk of use of other drugs.

      This study shows that teens use drugs for three reasons: BOREDOM: meaning people use drugs because they are bored. EXPERIMENTATION: people use drugs to experiment about it. INSIGHT: it makes teens understand more.

      I think this is important because when teens are bored some teens use drugs. I agree and this connects to me because marijuana does make me want to experiment more and actually make me understand or have a argument in things i do. although when boredom strikes it helps motivates more.

  8. Nov 2014
    1. Marijuana kills cancer cells in proportion to its dose and duration of treatment, researchers found, and whole plant cannabis rich in THC was more efficacious than pure, lab-grade THC alone.

      We clearly have a lot to learn about cannabinoids and terpenes. There are maybe medical breakthroughs to be made here, breakthroughs that have been delayed for decades by reactionary, draconian drug laws.