- Jan 2025
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us?
for - quote - to make significant, to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us? - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke
quote - to make significant, to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us? - John Vervaeke - (see below) - And we do this, I would argue, - for the very good reason that - to make significant, - to reflect upon, - to celebrate and enact Religio - is to fundamentally - enhance our agency, - the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. - And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us?
- Jun 2023
- Jun 2021
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.orgProxy1
With the help of the Reflect class we can give some accessors the original behavior and redefine others:
- Feb 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Thompson, B., Baker, N., & Watson, T. (2020). Coronapod: The big COVID research papers of 2020. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03609-2
- Oct 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The solution to imposter syndrome is to see that you are one. When I first wrote about how useful it is to remember that everyone is totally just winging it, all the time, we hadn’t yet entered the current era of leaderly incompetence (Brexit, Trump, coronavirus). Now, it’s harder to ignore. But the lesson to be drawn isn’t that we’re doomed to chaos. It’s that you – unconfident, self-conscious, all-too-aware-of-your-flaws – potentially have as much to contribute to your field, or the world, as anyone else.
- Dec 2019
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
To Trust the System
Wow. This seems contradictory, but in a good way?
Trust in the system (of openness) because it will help you expand your horizons.
Openness in reflecting on roles and recognition, and connecting on recognition.
To Collaborate With My Peers
This is a very rich section: openness in developing skills, connecting materials, skills, roles, feedback and evaluation to other learners, and including other learners in the experience.
Open education comes down to one word: accountability.
Openness on surfacing and reflecting on roles and design.
To Take Control of My Education
Openness on reflecting about design.
To Keep An Open Mind
Openness on reflecting about materials.
- Aug 2015
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
We need to think of 21st Century Skills as practices of pedagogy rather than of performance
Though the next question would be is pedagogy itself a performance?