28 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. Probing also has three steps: ask a question listen to the answer ask another question about the previous answer

      Asking open-ended questions are better at getting the student to open up.

    1. I think there's a disconnect among the key players--students, faculty, student services, admissions, and upper management. For the faculty to know why students aren't coming to class, doing homework, and failing courses, we need feedback reports . Currently, a faculty member would have to search through portal database notes and "at risk" spreadsheets to figure out why a student isn't doing well. There's too much proactive searching required for an instructor to determine why students are not succeeeding.

    1. Although “group” and “team” are often used interchangeably, the process of interaction between the two is different. Beebe & Mottet (2010) suggest that we think of groups and teams as existing on a continuum. On one end, a small group consists of three to fifteen people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and exert influence on each other (Beebe & Masterson, 2009). On the other end, a team is a coordinated group of people organized to work together to achieve a specific, common goal (Beebe & Masterson, 2009).

      A team has members with specific roles to play--quarterback in football, software design engineer in a business setting, whereas groups don't necessarily have people with specialities.

    1. Nonverbal Aspects of Delivery

      75% of communication is nonverbal. Therefore, how you use your body and your voice are as important as what you say, the content of the speech.

    1. The volume produced by the vocal instrument is projection. Supporting the voice volume with good breathing and energy can be practiced, and helping a speaker develop the correct volume is a main task of a vocal trainer, teacher or coach.

      Distinguish high volume with "yelling."

    2. Many speakers have developed the habit of ending each sentence as though it is a question. It may be becoming increasingly common. In the wake of the Valley Girl syndrome of the 1980’s, a bad inflection habit has entered the speech pattern: Some speakers end a declarative sentence with the inflection of a question.

      This has become a major problem among millenials and GEN Z generations. It becomes habit forming and reduces the credibility and understandability of speakers.

    3. An accent refers to the degree of prominence of the way syllables are spoken in words, as when someone from Australia says “undah” whereas we say “under.” A regionalism is a type of expression, as when someone says “The dog wants walked,” instead of “the dog wants to go for a walk.” Dialect is a variety of language where one is distinguished from others by grammar and vocabulary. In Pennsylvania you might hear people say that they are going to “red up the room,” which means “to clean the room.”

      Using certain accents, regionalisms, and dialects can prove effective depending on the type of speech one is giving.

  2. Oct 2019
    1. The basic structure of a speech is not linear but circular. Speeches should not take you on a straight line from A to Z. Speeches should take you in a circle from A to Z.

      In previous semesters, students tend to end their speeches abruptly without tying up the loose ends. Typical: "That's it." Students need to boil down their speech's one main idea, per Chris Anderson of TED. The last few words make speeches memorable or forgotten.

    1. Analogies compare something that your audience knows and understands with something new and different.

      See Brian Clark's distinction between metaphors, similes and analogies.

    2. According to the Center for Disease Control, in the United States 26.6 million adults have heart disease. This would be about 12% of adults, or three people in this room.

      Always try to relate statistics in terms that the audience will understand. Otherwise, statistics by themselves become bland and miss the intended effect.

    1. …it is not only necessary to consider how to make the speech itself demonstrative and convincing, but also that the speaker should show himself to be of a certain character…and that his hearers should think that he is disposed in a certain way toward them; and further, that they themselves should be disposed in a certain way towards him.[1]

      Credibility or "ethos," per Aristotle.

    1. The problem- solution style is especially useful when the speaker wants to convince the audience that they should take action in solving some problem

      Used more frequently in persuasive than informative speeches.

    1. All of your main points are contained in the body, and normally this section is prepared well before you ever write the introduction or conclusion. The body of your speech will consume the largest amount of time to present; and it is the opportunity for you to elaborate on facts, evidence, examples, and opinions that support your thesis statement and do the work you have outlined in the specific purpose statement.

      Researching the topic is necessary before writing the body of the speech since you may be unaware of the most critical points.

    1. all speeches are brought into existence as a result of circumstances, the multiplicity of activities going on at any one given moment in a particular place.

      This is what makes speeches unique and compelling. The speaker's worldview allows him to scan the landscape of his reality, decide which issues or subjects are present, choose one that interests him, and prepare the speech.

  3. Sep 2019
    1. Shonda

      We must check online content for its accuracy and where it originated. The Internet is filled with inaccuracies and biased opinions. A public speaker must validate that the information used in a speech is true and be aware of opposing views that may invalidate a chosen source.

    1. Communication effectiveness is determined by the level of shared interpretation of the message reached through listener response and feedback. When done successfully, the loop is complete, and both sender and receiver feel connected

      Reciprocated links between people.

    1. Listening is one of the first skills infants gain, using it to acquire language and learn to communicate with their parents. Bommelje suggests listening is the activity we do most in life, second only to breathing

      Listening or hearing is also the last sense to go before we die.

    2. Hearing is something most everyone does without even trying. It is a physiological response to sound waves moving through the air at up to 760 miles per hour

      Imagine the difficulty humans face just distinguishing one sound from another out of the myriad sounds constantly attacking our ears.

    1. The ancient Greeks described charisma as a “gift of grace,” an apt descriptor if you believe likability is a God-given trait that comes naturally to some but not others.

      The ancient Greeks knew the power of persuasion and influence based on the ethos of great communicators.

    1. Objectives, Outline and Introduction for chapter on listening in the textbook

    2. explain the difference between listening and hearing understand the value of listening identify the three attributes of active listeners recognize barriers to effective listening employ strategies to engage listeners provide constructive 
feedback as a listener

      Main learning objectives of Listening Effectively in Principles of Public Speaking

    3. What makes public speaking truly effective is when the audience hears and listens

      Hears, listens, and ENGAGES with the speaker.

  4. Jan 2019
    1. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button

      This is a test of Hypothesis, a note created using the tool in public view. It's somewhat like Google Docs. Here's a link to SAE Expression College. Below is a list of things to read in this test article:

      • HIghlight some text, then click the highlighting tool.
      • Highlight text, then use the comment tool. (Hmm..had to click the list button in this line again????

      This is bold text. * Here's italicized.* Definitely not WYSIWYG as in a word processor. Could be improved.

      In preview mode, my bold and italicized text don't show up correctly????