- May 2017
thinkprogress.org thinkprogress.org
Americans for Balanced Energy Choices
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www.prnewswire.com www.prnewswire.com
Americans for Balanced Energy Choices
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www.desmogblog.com www.desmogblog.com
Americans for Balanced Energy Choices
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news.monsanto.com news.monsanto.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.sourcewatch.org www.sourcewatch.org
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.agprofessional.com www.agprofessional.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.workers.org www.workers.org
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.allaboutfeed.net www.allaboutfeed.net
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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energy.agwired.com energy.agwired.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.redorbit.com www.redorbit.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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grist.org grist.org
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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www.thepoultrysite.com www.thepoultrysite.com
Alliance for Abundant Food and Energy
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- Mar 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
five times as much energy
Here, Maurice Strong states what was a shocking fact. The world was rapidly using more and more energy every year and it seemed that development of Arctic oil was the only answer to the growing demand. In 1976 the United States used 15.5 quadrillion Btu (Ramsey). That is more than many developed nations use today, however, in that time we were the leading consumers of energy. In contrast to those numbers, in 2014, China alone used 119.5 quadrillion Btu and the United States trailed, consuming 98.3 quadrillion Btu. For the United States, that is over six times as much energy as we were using 1976. A Btu or “British thermal unit is a measure of the heat content of fuels. It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at the temperature that water has its greatest density (approximately 39 degrees F)” (Ramsey). These numbers have drastically increased worldwide and a pipeline through North American is still part of the equation and is largely controversial. As the world becomes more consumer oriented, we need more energy and if we are able to safely and cleanly transport it, we will still depend on oil.
To view an interactive map of consumption by country go to: https://www.eia.gov/beta/international/data/browser/#/?pa=000000001&c=ruvvvvvfvtvnvv1urvvvvfvvvvvvfvvvou20evvvvvvvvvnvvuvo&ct=0&vs=INTL.44-2-AFG-QBTU.A&vo=0&v=H&start=1980&end=2014
Ramsey, William J. U.S. ENERGY FLOW IN 1976 . Report no. 17443. United States Energy Research & Development Administration. 1977.
- Feb 2017
data.worldbank.org data.worldbank.org
91.2 % of the Peruvian population now has access to electricty, up from 69.0% in 1990
- Jan 2017
micasmp.hypotheses.org micasmp.hypotheses.org
Paraphrasing Craig Muldrew’s findings, James B. argues that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries beer was more important as a source of energy (via calories both from grain and alcohol) than as an alternative to water (p 66
- Oct 2016
www.iea.org www.iea.org
The International Energy Agency said today that it was significantly increasing its five-year growth forecast for renewables thanks to strong policy support in key countries and sharp cost reductions. Renewables have surpassed coal last year to become the largest source of installed power capacity in the world.
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 187 On hyper authorship
"hyper authorship” is an indicator of "collective cognition" in which the specific contributions of individuals no longer can be identified. Physics has among the highest rates of coauthorship in the sciences and the highest rates of self archiving documents via a repository. Whether the relationship between research collaborators (as indicated by the rates of coauthorship) and sharing publications (as reflected in self archiving) holds in other fields is a question worth exploring empirically.
- Jun 2016
scientistseessquirrel.wordpress.com scientistseessquirrel.wordpress.com
***By which I mean, it’s even in Wikipedia
Doesn't give reference on how the physicist detector models are known in wikipedia
Actually, I didn’t need Holmesian deductions to conclude that Aad et al. aren’t using a conventional definition of authorship. It’s widely known*** that at least two groups in experimental particle physics operate under the policy that every scientist or engineer working on a particular detector is an author on every paper arising from that detector’s data. (Two such detectors at the Large Hadron Collider were used in the Aad et al paper, so the author list is the union of the “ATLAS collaboration” and the “CMS collaboration”.) The result of this authorship policy, of course, is lots of “authorships” for everyone: for the easily searchable George Aad, for instance, over 400 since 2008.
Physicists authorship models
Local file Local file
iomedical collaborations are moreheterogeneous and socially diffuse in character and do notappear to have the same degree of multilayered, internalreview as HEP research collaborations. T
biomedicine is a less homogeneous group and so less internal trust
TheHEP research community is thus characterized by highlevels of internal scrutiny, mutual trust—witness, for in-stance, the institutionalized practice of relying upon, andciting, preprints—and peer tracking, such that it is notsusceptible to systematic fraud. Contrary
physicists live in a very trustful, observant, world; also they do a lot of internal, pre-referee, review
The answer probably has to do with the relative intensityof socialization and oral communication (Traweek, 1992,pp. 120 –123), along with the character of the organizationalstructures and value systems, which define collaborations inlarge-scale, high-energy physics and biomedical research.
Why is there less soul-searching about hyper-authorship in HEP? disciplinary differences
owever, multipleauthorship and hyperauthorship are not problematized byphysicists as they are by the biomedical community.
Multiple authorship is not problematised in the HEP community as it has in biomedicine.
Great overview of what is going to happen in article:
- History of authorship
- Survey of state of biomedicine
- "extent to which deviant publishing practices in biomedical publishing are a function of sociocognitive and structural characteris-tics of the discipline by comparing biomedicine with high energy physics, the only other field which appears to exhibit comparable hyperauthorship tendencies"
- Assess extent to which biomedical trends may foreshadow trends in other fields.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
I AM the Innermost, the Spirit, the animating Cause of your being, of all life, of all living things,both visible and invisible. There is nothing dead, for I, the Impersonal ONE, AM all that there is.I AM Infinite and wholly unconfined; the Universe is My Body, all the Intelligence there isemanates from My Mind, all the Love there is flows from My Heart, all the Power there is, is butMy Will in action.The threefold Force, manifesting as all Wisdom, all Love, all Power, or if you will, as Light,Heat, and Energy “ that which holds together all forms and is back of and in all expressions andphases of life, -- is but the manifestation of My Self in the act or state of Being.Nothing can Be without manifesting and expressing some phase of Me, Who AM not only theBuilder of all forms, but the Dweller in each. In the heart of each I dwell; in the heart of thehuman, in the heart of the animal, in the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heartof each I live and move and have My Being, and from out the heart of each I send forth thatphase of Me I desire to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, a flower, ananimal, a man
God is the substance of all LIfe............
- Feb 2016
The commission, established in 2014, is the power authority’s first independent regulator; previously the public-owned monopoly regulated itself.
This model backed many of the privatizations in Latin America. But the same regulators were working with new private companies in the market.
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were.
Further description of Substance that which is the substance of Being.
Read this part for details.
twitter.com twitter.com
IPCC: Solar & biomass produce 3.5 - 21 times more carbon emissions (eq.) per kilowatt-hour than nuclear & wind.
Is this right? If so, that's disappointing for solar. But it shows wind as lower CO2 than nuclear. (And the chart doesn't show fossil fuels. Is solar favorable compared to them?)
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
I want to begin tonight by bringing out a point about design. We have talked about energy patterns, but it is time for a clarification of that term. You see, a pattern can also be called a design. However, we are going to use the term “design” when referring to pattern by using its second major definition as well, which is “intent,” “purpose,” or “direction.“ Energy patterns are not simply organizations of energy that have a recognizable or definable or describable pattern. Energy patterns are the Universal Substance existing in an organized manner, but it is not static. And so, in adding to the shades of meaning regarding the word, “pattern,” the word “design” becomes essential. Since all Substance is the Substance of Being, then that Substance, having infinite form, has infinite pattern. That infinite pattern is a design—meaning that this infinite pattern is not static, but embodies and expresses the intent or purpose which it is conveying by being patterned. All life, whether a rock, a body of a living animal, or a human being, is actively expressing the Universal Life Force. To three-dimensional sight, it may appear to be a static lump of stuff,
christmind.info christmind.info
Your corona is located in the position of the Third Eye. It is an energy field or pattern and it serves both as a radiator and a receptor. By stabilizing it with this blue luminescence it will allow this session and future sessions to proceed more easier for you to see visual images. These images will help you to understand more completely than you have in the past what I am saying to you.
christmind.info christmind.info
Now, when I said that Substance is Energy, I did not mean that It was energy in the sense that your scientists measure and call electrical or atomic energy. it is Energy in the sense that It is Light. Even so, It is not Light in the sense of It being that energy which emanates from your sun. In terms of the manner in which It is experienced Fourth-dimensionally, it is very similar. It radiates, glows, or fluoresces, yet these are very poor words to describe it. Light, as it is experienced objectively, is seen only as it reflects off of an object. At night, when you look out into the objective universe and there is nothing in the sky to reflect light, the sky appears to be black, except where light is either reflected or generated as planets and stars. Fourth-dimensionally speaking, the Substance which is Light is illumined, apparently, from within. It is not a reflected light. The apparent space between specific manifestations of Mind will not be found to be dark, because the Fourth-dimensional equivalent of what appears to be empty space in the three-dimensional frame of reference, is filled with the omnipresent Substance of Being. Therefore, you will find that even “empty space” is filled with that living Illumination of the Universal Substance which is Light. Further, it must be understood that this Substance which is Light is Love, living Love. You have experienced this already in illumination, and so I know you understand what I am saying.
Holy, do I every perceive it different than this, Batman!!
This sounds similar to descriptions of the "other side" given by NDE'ers.
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
The port’s nascent concentration of expertise creates opportunity to provide cost effective through-life engineering and logistics support in Thanet.
Surprising that they make no reference to Richborough Energy Park and the transmission to the grid from there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richborough_Energy_Park Then there is the National Grid's Richborough Connection Project http://www.richboroughconnection.co.uk/
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
LOPINOD is also being used to fund the development of a Low Carbon Plan. This plan will focus on the full spectrum of renewables including wind, solar, marine source heat pumps and tidal. It is hoped that we will become a hub for all green energy going forward, building on our existing involvement in the wind farm industry.
Beachhead for solar, tidal, marine source heat pumps as well as wind energy
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Energy patterns are the Universal Substance existing in an organized manner, but it is not static.
I always thought of energy patterns as being static - but, if I think of a tree as being a pattern of energy and, from my perspective, the tree does change - it loses its leaves in the Fall and grows them back in the Spring. That's not static at all.
Later in the book he equates energy to Light
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.
Lot's here in this one paragraph.
All energy is Light, it is a subset of Light. Light is ever present and constitutes every aspect of Being. Light is Love.
That means every aspect of Being is Love - and all things are Love.
Light differentiates itself, according to Intelligence, as all that is.
- Sep 2015
www.appropedia.org www.appropedia.org
Excited to see hypothesis on Appropedia! We have over 300 thousand edits on thousands of pages. So terrible. For instance, this front page is fairly ugly.
- Jul 2015
www.dariopiga.com www.dariopiga.com
Forexample, in a 2–MW wind turbine, the weight of the rotorand the tower is typically about 250 tons [10]. As reportedbelow, a kite generator of the same rated power can beobtained using a 500–m2kite and cables 1000–m long, witha total weight of about 2 tons only.
Is this a reasonable claim?
- Jun 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
The searches capture only two terms —“ sensation ” and “ senses ”— chosen in hopes of netting published work that considers sensation and the senses as such .
I wonder what other terms we could trace in the history of rhetoric to see histories of sensation in the field. It seems like "energy" might be another one that Hawhee has traced through animal rhetorics: "Toward a Bestial Rhetoric." What terms consider sensation without naming it as such?
- May 2015
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Interesting table...but they miss the energy cost of the networking equipment. See [http://www.ncsa.uicu.edu]
- Feb 2015
biocharfarms.org biocharfarms.orgBiochar1
Algae may also be an interesting option and could be fed with CO2 coming off of the flue gas stream.
Biochar could possibly be part of a biofuel producing algae ecosystem...