- Nov 2017
halfanhour.blogspot.com halfanhour.blogspot.com
Docker eventually sold out to (I believe) Bell and the professors did just fine.
How times have changed.
- Sep 2017
www.clippingpathindia.com www.clippingpathindia.com
Being from a family of retailers, one of the first things I learned was that the customer is always right. I didn’t understand the importance of that sentiment back then. But looking back, it’s probably the most important lesson I have ever learned.
We have manually analyzed our customer reviews, in-depth interviews and on-site analytics to understand what are the customers need and how to give that to them.
- Jul 2017
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
Other Java Tutorials and Learning Sites
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Currently we have an extension for the Firefox web browser and extensions for Safari and Internet Explorer are in the works.
MyStickies is another annotation service
- Jun 2017
Bill Fitzgerald provides some useful tips recently in a webinar in regards to Terms of Service. He suggested searching for the following words associated with consent forms: third party, affiliations, change, update and modify.
salesleadspittsburgh.com salesleadspittsburgh.com
Where do you rank on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing? If you’re buried behind your competition in the search engine results you could be losing revenue.
Search Engine Optimization Pittsburgh - Salesleadspittsburgh.com
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Alyeska oil pipeline
The oil discovered in the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the North Slope region of Alaska in 1968 was the “largest oil field discovered in North America.” In 1969, a Trans-Alaska pipeline to transport oil from the North Slope was proposed by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was comprised of three major oil corporations. Despite many other ideas and suggestions to transport this oil, the oil industry reached a consensus in favor of the pipeline proposal of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (Busenberg, 2013). Construction of the Alyeska oil pipeline, also known as the Alaska pipeline or trans-Alaska pipeline, began in 1975. This pipeline was built by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, a group that was made up of seven different oil companies. In certain regions, the pipeline is buried underground, but where there is permafrost, the pipeline is constructed above the ground. The pipeline crosses over 800 river and streams and passes through three mountain ranges. The first oil was delivered from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez on June 20, 1977. This oil had to travel through the 789 mile long pipeline to reach its destination (Alaska Public Lands Information Centers, n.d.). See below for a link to “Pipeline! The story of the building of the trans-Alaska pipeline” video posted on YouTube by the Alaska National Parks service.
Alaska Public Lands Information Centers. (n.d.). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Retrieved from Alaska Public Lands Information Centers: https://www.alaskacenters.gov/the-alyeska-pipeline.cfm
Busenberg, G. J. (2013). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. In G. J. Busenburg, Oil and Wilderness in Alaska (pp. 11-43). Georgetown University Press.
trans-Alaska pipeline
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline Project began construction on March 27, 1975. The pipeline was constructed in response to the discovery of oil under the Purdhoe Bay (Alaska Public Lands Information Centers). The project was controversial because environmentalists worried about earthquakes and the effects on elk migrations (Wells). The pipeline is almost 800 miles long and includes pumping stations that connected other pipelines. The pipeline was constructed by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, which was created by seven oil companies (Wells, Alaska Public Lands Information Centers). The pipeline is mostly below ground, except in areas of permafrost. The sections of pipe that were built above ground were built in a zigzag pattern to account for expansion due to temperature changes (Wells). In unseasonably warm areas, the pipeline is supported by two thicker “heat pipes.” The pipeline was completed on May 31, 1977 (Alaska Public Lands Information Centers). The pipeline first contained oil on June 20, 1977. The pipeline carries about 1.8 million barrels of oil per day. In March of 1989, an oil tanker leaked over 260,000 barrels of oil into the Prince William Sound. This was the second largest oil spill in the United States. The spill covered 1300 miles of land and 11,000 miles of ocean. Images of the pipeline can be seen below. http://aoghs.org/transportation/trans-alaska-pipeline/
"Trans-Alaska Pipeline History." American Oil & Gas Historical Society. June 21, 2016. Accessed May 05, 2017. http://aoghs.org/transportation/trans-alaska-pipeline/.
"The Trans-Alaska Pipeline." The Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Accessed May 05, 2017. https://www.alaskacenters.gov/the-alyeska-pipeline.cfm.
- Apr 2017
www.clippingpathindia.com www.clippingpathindia.com
Clipping Path India - the offshore photo editing service provider.
- Mar 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Canadian Wildlife Service
The Canadian Wildlife Service organization was originally founded under the name of the Dominion Wildlife Service in November 1947. There were about thirty staff members of the organization at this time. In 1950, the organization’s name was changed to its current title of the Canadian Wildlife Service. The three main focuses of the Canadian Wildlife Service have been and continue to be the management of migratory birds, the management of game and furbearing mammals, and the enforcement of international treaties to ensure conservation of species. In order to accomplish these tasks, the Canadian Wildlife Service has conducted extensive research regarding population, population ecology, survival factors, migration patterns, limnological studies, environmental toxicology, and endangered species evaluation and protection of several species of the Arctic. Examples of these species include elk, moose, bison, caribou, muskoxen, polar bears, wolves, arctic foxes, geese, ducks, songbirds, seabirds, trumpeter swans, whooping cranes, and peregrine falcons. Additionally, the Canadian Wildlife Service has been tasked with the management of National Parks and the creation of public education programs (Burnett et al. 1999).
During the 1970s, the Canadian Wildlife Service researched and reported on the reproductive success of the black-crowned night heron on Pigeon Island of Lake Ontario (Price 1978), biology of the Kaminuriak population of barren-ground caribou (Arctic 1977), hunting of and attacks by polar bears along the Manitoba coast of Hudson Bay (Jonkel et al. 1976), biology and management of bears (Bears: Their Biology and Management 1976), and many other environmental and biological concerns regarding the wildlife of the Arctic.
Additional information and the current contact information of the Canadian Wildlife Service can be found at: https://www.ec.gc.ca/paom-itmb/default.asp?lang=En&n=5f569149-1.
"Books Received." Arctic 30, no. 1 (1977): 67-68.<br> http://www.jstor.org/stable/40508780.
Burnett, J. A., and Canadian Wildlife Service. 1999. A Passion for Wildlife: A History of the Canadian Wildlife Service, 1947-1997 and Selected Publications from Work by the Canadian Wildlife Service. Canadian field-naturalist, v. 113, no. 1; Canadian field-naturalist, v. 113, no. 1.
Jonkel, Charles, Ian Stirling, and Richard Robertson. "The Popular Bears of Cape Churchill." Bears: Their Biology and Management 3 (1976): 301-02. doi:10.2307/3872777.
"Preface." Bears: Their Biology and Management 3 (1976): 7. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3872749.
Price, Iola. "Black-Crowned Night Heron Reproductive Success on Pigeon Island, Lake Ontario 1972- 1977 (Abstract Only)." Proceedings of the Colonial Waterbird Group 1 (1978): 166. doi:10.2307/1520916.
- Feb 2017
www.universityaffairs.ca www.universityaffairs.ca
Here, incubation becomes a method to develop a mindset for engaging with the world.
Open pedagogy? No. Public Pedagogy maybe. Is public pedagogy a thing?
- Jan 2017
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
- Nov 2016
webbyawards.com webbyawards.com
Though the idea of a “digital stamp” had been bandied about before, there was never any one person appointed to make it happen. For that, they’d need the skills of one Digital Service member in the Rosslyn room: Stephanie Grosser, self-proclaimed “bureaucracy ninja.”
Grosser isn’t a coder, but in this case, the actual coding wasn’t the primary obstacle: It was getting the bureaucratic green light that—legally, security-wise, privacy-wise—each manual mark an officer makes in a file that’s at least 17 pages long could have a digital equivalent.
- Sep 2016
www.danah.org www.danah.org
Friendster, in particular, was designed as a matchmaking service.
Another example is Tinder.
- Aug 2016
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I'm not sure exactly where this would fit in, but some way to reporting total service hours (per week or other time period) would be useful, esp as we start gauging traffic, volume, usage against number of service hours. In our reporting for the Univ of California, we have to report on services hours for all public service points.
Likewise, it may be helpful to have a standard way to report staffing levels re: coverage of public service points? or in department? or who work on public services?
- May 2016
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
[Service] ExecStart=[node binary] /home/srv-node-sample/[main file] Restart=always StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=node-sample User=srv-node-sample Group=srv-node-sample Environment=NODE_ENV=production [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
www.turnitin.com www.turnitin.com
including the use of passwords to gain access to your personal information.
Why is this noteworthy?
we make it available on our homepage and at every point where we request your personal information
Why is this noteworthy?
- Feb 2016
www.reptic.qc.ca www.reptic.qc.ca
Le matériel du CCDMD est au coeur du programme de TEE au cégep de Granby et dans tout le réseau collégial du Québec.
- Dec 2015
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
wring out every ounce of performance
Now think of it with a learner in mind.
- Nov 2015
onlinecensorship.org onlinecensorship.org
How to appeal if your content is taken down on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, or Flickr. https://www.twitter.com/censored
- Sep 2015
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
The dispersal of these people in Brady's is not random, and where people choose to sit or stand in Brady's is closely related to their sex and status in the Brady social hierarchy.
Clearly, Brady's Bar is only for a select group of people who enjoy being in that atmosphere that focuses on "social hierarchy".. If we're still forming perceptions and making judgments on how we serve customers (and treat co-workers) based off of gender and status.. are we really doing our jobs as socially responsible citizens to improve our society for everyone's benefit?
- Aug 2015
www.adlnet.gov www.adlnet.gov
The Training and Learning Architecture (TLA) encompasses a set of standardized Web service specifications and Open Source Software (OSS) designed to create a rich environment for connected training and learning.