- Aug 2022
Atari, M., Reimer, N. K., Graham, J., Hoover, J., Kennedy, B., Davani, A. M., Karimi-Malekabadi, F., Birjandi, S., & Dehghani, M. (2021). Pathogens Are Linked to Human Moral Systems Across Time and Space. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tnyh9
- Pathogen Avoidance
- care
- culture
- moral behavior
- moral foundation theory
- cultural psychology
- social and personality psycholgy
- research
- pathogen
- moral code
- COVID-19
- cultural difference
- evolution
- adaptive moral system
- behavioral science
- social and behavioral science
- computational linguistics
- morality
- infectious diseases
- is:preprint
- linguistics
- US
- psychiatry
- loyalty
- purity
- cross-cultural psychology
- lang:en
- Sep 2021
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
She handed one to me without milk,
It‘s not typical to drink tea with milk in the USA
In England, the narrator stays in his own cultural context as much as possible. There is almost no British influence or interest in English culture shown by him.
- Jul 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Im, H., Wang, P., & Chen, C. (2021). The Partisan Mask: Political Orientation, Collectivism, and Religiosity Predict Mask Use During COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9s58f
- Sep 2020
Obradovich, N., Özak, Ö., Martín, I., Ortuño-Ortín, I., Awad, E., Cebrián, M., Cuevas, R., Desmet, K., Rahwan, I., & Cuevas, Á. (2020). Expanding the measurement of culture with a sample of two billion humans [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/qkf42
- Jun 2020
www.ethicalsystems.org www.ethicalsystems.org
How Culture Explains Our Weak Response to the Coronavirus. (2020, June 14). Ethical Systems. https://www.ethicalsystems.org/how-culture-explains-our-weak-response-to-the-coronavirus/
- Jun 2016
Local file Local file
is wiseto avoid generalizations and to concentrate instead on show-ing how interactions between coworkers, specifically theorchestration of information exchange and coauthorship, aregrounded in local culture.
"it is wise to avoid generalizations and to concentrate instead on showing how interactions between coworkers, specifically the orchestration of information exchange and coauthorship, are grounded in local culture."
iomedical collaborations are moreheterogeneous and socially diffuse in character and do notappear to have the same degree of multilayered, internalreview as HEP research collaborations. T
biomedicine is a less homogeneous group and so less internal trust
TheHEP research community is thus characterized by highlevels of internal scrutiny, mutual trust—witness, for in-stance, the institutionalized practice of relying upon, andciting, preprints—and peer tracking, such that it is notsusceptible to systematic fraud. Contrary
physicists live in a very trustful, observant, world; also they do a lot of internal, pre-referee, review
The answer probably has to do with the relative intensityof socialization and oral communication (Traweek, 1992,pp. 120 –123), along with the character of the organizationalstructures and value systems, which define collaborations inlarge-scale, high-energy physics and biomedical research.
Why is there less soul-searching about hyper-authorship in HEP? disciplinary differences