13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Zippo Lighter Fluid (Naphtha)

      While Zippo lighter fluid (Naphtha) is a bit more expensive per ounce than other solvents (mineral spirits, lacquer thinner, et al), it does usually come packaged in a dispensing container that may make it easier to dispense in a directed method into the internals of typewriters for cleaning them out.

      The other benefit is that some may have it on hand for general household use without needing to make a separate trip to the hardware store.

      via, but not really directly suggested by https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1g9ntnj/lubricant_reccomendations/

    1. Cakedinkmayberemovedwithtypeputty,alcohol,carbontetrachloride,oroneoftheproprietarydry-cleaningfluids,appliedwithabrush.Pressthetypeputtyontothetype,peelitoff,andthecakedinkcomeswithit.Ifyouusealiquid,firstliftthetypeandputpaperunderitto prevent dirt from dripping into the machine. When using type-cleaning fluid, be sure toWipe the type dry with a cloth before using the place paper under type to prevent dirt frommachine again.

      dry cleaning solvents in 1941 were likely Varsol or Stoddard's Formula.

      compare to trichloroethane<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/EyBIAFXAEe-AcP-Atlj_aQ

      Note discontinuation of carbon tetrachloride<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/bfdi_I90Ee-OQLN0HpsE7Q

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tetrachloride

      Carbon tetrachloride or carbon tet is a non-flammable, dense, colorless liquid which was often used as a cleaning agent in the mid 1900s, but was phased out due to safety and environmental concerns. High exposure can affect the central nervous system and cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Prolonged exposure can be fatal.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. delivery-dan 2 points3 points4 points 6 hours ago (1 child)Mineral spirits with just a touch of transmission fluid. Used to own typewriter repair shop large parts washer with mineral spirits with transfluid strip off case and submerged in fluid ti clean then air blower to dry and reassemble. Wd 40 marvel mystery oil will only be temp fit and become worse over time.

      Some advice on cleaning typewriters from someone who previously had a typewriter shop.

      Recommendation: mineral spirits with a touch of transmission fluid.

  3. Aug 2024
  4. May 2021
    1. we must shed our outdated concept of a document. We need to think in terms of flexible jumping and viewing options. The objects assembled into a document should be dealt with explicitly as representaions of kernel concepts in the authors' minds, and explicit structuring options have to be utilized to provide a much enhanced mapping of the source concept structures.

      This seems like the original concept that Microsoft's Fluid document framework is based on. And Apple's earlier OpenDoc project.

  5. Sep 2020
  6. Aug 2020
    1. Martino, C., Kellman, B. P., Sandoval, D. R., Clausen, T. M., Marotz, C. A., Song, S. J., Wandro, S., Zaramela, L. S., Benítez, R. A. S., Zhu, Q., Armingol, E., Vázquez-Baeza, Y., McDonald, D., Sorrentino, J. T., Taylor, B., Belda-Ferre, P., Liang, C., Zhang, Y., Schifanella, L., … Knight, R. (2020). Bacterial modification of the host glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate modulates SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. BioRxiv, 2020.08.17.238444. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.17.238444

  7. Jul 2020
  8. Nov 2018
    1. Venir à l'hôpital

      Sur cette partie basse, pour moi il faut garder la même subdivision en 4 colonnes. C'est à dire op-hospital-access sur une colonne comme op-link-block op-doctor-search La carte sur 2 colonnes Et le formulaire de contact sur une colonne.

  9. Oct 2018
    1. if you replace the idea that life is a narrative with the idea that life is a vision

      It's an interesting thought to replace the idea of life as a narrative vs a vision, it kind of goes along with the idea of technology being concrete of fluid. A narrative is something more concrete and a vision seems for fluid because a narrative is bound by the progression of time and in a vision things can happen simultaneously.