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  1. Last 7 days
    1. connect, contrast, and evaluate the predominant theories of motivation.<br /> explain methodologies<br /> Synthesize a variety of theories and empirical studies.

      Discussion, research presentation, empirical research presentation, contemporary trends, research project paper, research project presentation - Post to substack, marguerite, and a few other people.

      Make a 10 minute summary presentation about a research article.

      Contemporary Trends - search and summarize five or more journal articles published in Journal of Educational Psychology. Educational psychologist, Contemporary educational psychology, british journal of educational psychology, and learning and individual differences. Ask Rachel Anth for this.

      Research project paper and presentation - write a scholarly paper with approximately 10 pages to explore an aspect of the course in greater detail.

  2. Jun 2024
  3. Jun 2023
  4. Apr 2022
  5. Dec 2021

      The Good-Morrow is an aubade, a love poem sung at dawn that greets the morning by recalling the pleasant night spent with the lover and the togetherness they shared while also lamenting as they realize that they should soon be parted.

      In The Good-Morrow the greeting aspect of aubade is particularly emphasized, celebrating the astonishing power of love that transcended them from individuals who dwelled on the unsophisticated pleasure to wholesome, perfectly balanced souls that are awakened in a new world.

      To read other examples of John Donne's aubade, see The Sunrising.

      Source: https://poets.org/glossary/aubade

    2. troth


      It can also be interpreted as a marital oath, implying that the previous night they spent together is not an ordinary one but a wedding night. The plausible addressee of this poem is Donne's wife , Anne More.

  6. Aug 2021
  7. Jul 2021
  8. Jun 2021
  9. Dec 2020
    1. Managing cookies in your browserMost browsers allow you to control how cookies get used as you’re browsing.Some browsers automatically limit or delete cookies. Also, in some browsers, you can set up rules to manage cookies on a site-by-site basis, allowing you to permit cookies only from sites that you trust.In Google Chrome, the Settings contain an option to Clear Browsing Data. You can use this option to delete cookies and other browsing data. See our instructions for managing cookies in Chrome.Google Chrome also supports private browsing with its Incognito mode. You can browse in Incognito mode when you don’t want your site visits or downloads to remain in your browsing and download histories. Once you close all your Incognito browsing windows, Chrome won’t save your browsing history, cookies, and other data.Losing the information stored in cookies may make sites less functional but shouldn’t prevent them from working.
  10. Jun 2020
    1. How do I change my cookie settings? Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.
  11. May 2020
    1. Most web browsers are set by default to protect your privacy unless you opt for tracking yourself. For example, Internet Explorer automatically enables its “Do Not Track” option and Google Chrome blocks any 3rd-party cookies by default.
  12. Apr 2020
    1. So in the case of Chrome, the developers have essentially said "we will leave this to the user to decide in their preferences whether they want autocomplete to work or not. If you don't want it, don't enable it in your browser". However, it appears that this is a little over-zealous on their part for my liking, but it is the way it is.
    1. The user's computer stores and transmits cookies. Therefore, you as a user also have full control over the use of cookies. You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the settings in your browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be erased at any time. This can also be done automatically. Please consult the documentation of your browser. Links to the cookie management documentations of some popular browsers:
  13. Mar 2020
    1. one interesting thing to note is that they write in their cookie policy all information needed for the user to allow or block cookies via the web browser settings
    2. this website claims the cookie stuff will be a responsibility of the browser, not the website, which would make live easier for web devs.
    1. Our solution goes a bit further than this by pointing to the browser options, third-party tools and by linking to the third party providers, who are ultimately responsible for managing the opt-out for their own tracking tools.
    2. the Cookie Law does not require that you provide users with the means to toggle cookie preferences directly on your site/app
    3. This means or mechanism does not have to be hosted directly by you. In most cases under member state law, browser settings are considered to be an acceptable means of withdrawing consent.
    1. provide users with information regarding how to update their browser settings. Many sites provide detailed information for most browsers. You could either link to one of these sites, or create a similar guide of your own. Your guide can either appear in a pop up after a user declines consent, or it can be part of your Privacy Policy, Cookie Information page, or its own separate page.
  14. Nov 2019
  15. Aug 2018
    1. “If you’re going to allow users to turn off something called ‘Location History,’ then all the places where you maintain location history should be turned off,” Mayer said. “That seems like a pretty straightforward position to have.” Google says it is being perfectly clear. “There are a number of different ways that Google may use location to improve people’s experience, including: Location History, Web and App Activity, and through device-level Location Services,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement to the AP. “We provide clear descriptions of these tools, and robust controls so people can turn them on or off, and delete their histories at any time.”
  16. Jun 2017
    1. For some reason, no one ever seems to thing of this... but it has always worked for me... Have you tried unchecking Use hardware acceleration when available at the bottom of chrome://settings/ (advanced area)?

      This worked for me when Chrome was freezing every time I loaded a page. I was seriously worried I had a rootkit or key logger that I couldn't detect!

  17. Apr 2017
    1. People dropped their normal occupations and loitered around the statue, wondering how they could have tolerated it for so many years. The gentleman seemed to smile derisively at the nation now, with his arms locked behind and his sword dangling from his belt. There could be no doubt that he must have been the worst tyrant imaginable: the true picture—with breeches and wig and white waistcoat and that hard, determined look—of all that has been hatefully familiar in the British period of Indian history. They shuddered when they thought of the fate of their ancestors who had to bear the tyrannies of this man.

      This reflects the emerging post-colonial consciousness of India.

  18. Mar 2017
    1. Leela ran in and told her mother, ‘Sidda knows the moon.’ At dusk he carried her in and she held a class for him. She had a box filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils. It gave her great joy to play the teacher to Sidda. She made him squat on the floor with a pencil between his fingers and a catalogue in front of him. She had another pencil and a catalogue and commanded, ‘Now write.’ And he had to try and copy whatever she wrote in the pages of her catalogue. She knew two or three letters of the alphabet and could draw a kind of cat and crow. But none of these could Sidda copy even remotely. She said, examining his effort, ‘Is this how I have drawn the crow? Is this how I have drawn the B?’ She pitied him and redoubled her efforts to teach him. But that good fellow, though an adept at controlling the moon, was utterly incapable of plying the pencil. Consequently, it looked as though Leela would keep him there pinned to his seat till his stiff, inflexible wrist cracked. He sought relief by saying, ‘I think your mother is calling you in to dinner.’ Leela would drop the pencil and run out of the room, and the school hour would end.

      Sidda is placed in another setting, that of the classroom. What is the role of this setting?

  19. Jan 2017
    1. Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of palmyra writing. His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position—placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways: a surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and, above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnuts, who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it Bombay Ice-Cream one day, and on the next Delhi Almond, and on the third Raja’s Delicacy, and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too. The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby. Half the enchantment of the place was due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps and one or two, like the astrologer’s, managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone: that was more a matter of study, practice and shrewd guesswork. All the same, it was as much an honest man’s labour as any other, and he deserved the wages he carried home at the end of a day.He had left his village without any previous thought or plan. If he had continued there he would have carried on the work of his forefathers—namely, tilling the land, living, marrying and ripening in his cornfield and ancestral home. But that was not to be. He had to leave home without telling anyone, and he could not rest till he left it behind a couple of hundred miles. To a villager it is a great deal, as if an ocean flowed between.He had a working analysis of mankind’s troubles: marriage, money and the tangles of human ties. Long practice had sharpened his perception. Within five minutes he understood what was wrong. He charged three pies per question and never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes, which provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices. When he told the person before him, gazing at his palm, ‘In many ways you are not getting the fullest results for your efforts, ’ nine out of ten were disposed to agree with him. Or he questioned: ‘Is there any woman in your family, maybe even a distant relative, who is not well disposed towards you?’ Or he gave an analysis of character: ‘Most of your troubles are due to your nature. How can you be otherwise with Saturn where he is? You have an impetuous nature and a rough exterior.’ This endeared him to their hearts immediately, for even the mildest of us loves to think that he has a forbidding exterior.

      Using Durkheim's concepts of the "sacred" and the "profane", what do these paragraphs reveal about what Narayan is saying about India?

      Or in short, how are the paragraphs like the image below?