40 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Walk It Out

      for - sleep hygiene - 4 - walk it out

      advice - sleep hygiene - 4 - walk it out - try not to spend too much time in bed awake, - as your brain learns to associate the bed with waking - if you wake up in the night, walk it out for about half an hour

  2. Aug 2022
  3. May 2022
    1. Libertarianism is notionally grounded in the idea of self-determination and personal responsibility, but in practice, powerful libertarians routinely trade off (others') freedom for (their own) tax savings.

      An intriguing thesis.

      Too often we trade away others' freedom(s) for small benefits to ourselves. This pattern has got to stop. The system should be closed in such a manner that the small trade-offs are balanced out across all of society.

      Cory Doctorow also highlights the recent Texas abortion law which targets abortion providers. Rich Republicans who have backed this law will still have the power and flexibility to drive or fly to another state for their abortions when desired. There are no consequences for them because they're not in a closed system. If abortions were illegal everywhere and anyone getting one were to be prosecuted regardless of where they got their abortion, then the system would be more "closed" and without loopholes they could use. As a result, laws like this would never be passed because they would apply equally to those who were making them. Legislators and judges should think more about walking a mile (or a lifetime) in another person's shoes more often.

      For lack of a better term let's use the idea of "political calculus" to describe this. Calculus is the mathematical study of small changes. So a small change to an individual isn't a big thing, but in the aggregate it can have profound and destructive effects on large swaths of the people.

      In large part, this is how institutionalized and structural racism flourishes. We take small bites of powerless individuals which in aggregate causes far more harm.

      This is all closely related to the idea of "privatizing profits and socializing losses".

  4. Jul 2021
    1. For every mile we don't drive, our air gets a little bit cleaner. There are many ways to drive less- walking, biking, taking transit, telecommuting, carpooling, and more. Driving less can also save you money and improve your emotional and physical health. Working from home has been gaining popularity and may offer other benefits such as improved productivity. 

      For every mile we don't drive, our air gets a little bit cleaner. There are many ways to drive less- walking, biking, taking transit, telecommuting, carpooling, and more. Driving less can also save you money and improve your emotional and physical health. Working from home has been gaining popularity and may offer other benefits such as improved productivity.

  5. May 2021
  6. Jan 2020
    1. to remember how to best fall down;

      Remember how our children learned to walk? Yeah, they didn't learn how to walk, they learned how to fall down.

  7. Aug 2017
    1. Title: Fava (Fava_Love)

      This collection is also useful for including the twitters of film societies and filmmakers.

    2. Title: Christina Battle

      This website résumé for filmmaker Christina Battle showcases her expansive filmography. It represents the diversity of websites within this collection. Compare this expansive and dense website with the focused and light interview with Cameron Macgowan http://calgaryisawesome.com/2013/10/25/profile-cameron-macgowan/

    3. Title: Meet A Local Filmmaker: Cameron Macgowan

      This is an illustrative portrait of one Calgary based filmmaker. It is an intimate article that not only highlights the individual, but also reveals the film-making scene in Calgary. Compare this focused and light piece to the expansive and dense website résumé cbattle.com.

    1. Ottawa Shooting October 2014

      Although it only includes news articles from immediately after the event, the collections of articles gives a look into reactions to the event, and what was known at first. What should also be noted in this collection is the Twitter public list compiled by @globeandmail, which showcases tweets surrounding the shooting, and the memorial process afterwards.

    1. Title: Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: First Nations Contributions - Edukit

      Another example of this collection's focus on education. Contains both content for students, and lesson plans for teachers. Gives insight into pedagogy from its extensive lesson plans. Part of a larger series called Aboriginal Youth Identity Series

    2. Title: Nature's Law

      Representative of this collection's information on First Nation People. An insightful archive for focusing on conceptions of law within aboriginal cultures.It is thorough, and made possible by the efforts of experts.Dense with text, which provides lots of information, but comes at the cost of being less accessible.

    3. Title: World War II: The Homefront in Alberta

      Education on Alberta's heritage during the war. Includes excepts from home front documents (such as newsletters to children).

    1. Long-suffering advocate for compensation

      Not only news media, but personal stories being published and saved. Individuals tend to be left out of many narratives around Indigenous rights in Canada, and Residential Schools.

    2. '60s scoop

      Many different facets of Truth and Reconciliation. This collection shows that it's not just about Residential Schools - though they are the most widely known aspect of it.

    3. Manitoba's ongoing involvement with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

      This will be an interesting archive to watch. It's an event, but an ongoing event. Historians can track the effects of the Truth and Reconciliation commission and use this archive as a case study for one part of Canada.

    1. 2017

      Also archiving the fall out of this event. Changes that were made. Addressing public concerns and update the public on the outcomes of those efforts.

    2. Response to Maclean's article

      Archiving material related to a specific event. What makes an event important enough to archive? Since these records were created while the event was occurring, how is it determined that an event should be actively archived?

    1. No Captures were found for this URL

      Seems an interesting thing to have, but no captures? Why? Is it a matter of crawling difficulties or something else?

    1. Mar 6, 2015

      None of the collections have been archived more than twice. While there is potential for this collection, its uses are limited to events before the archived date.

    2. Archived since: Jun, 2014

      Archiving change over time from a non-mainstream source. Offers different points of view about events that could be useful to flesh out arguments.

    3. Jun 16, 2014

      Earliest date archived, and only archived once.

  8. Jul 2017
    1. Volunteerism in Alberta: 100 years of Celebrating Community

      Another example of this collection's focus on Alberta's heritage. This archive's topic of volunteers provides an insightful look at social and local history.

    2. Alberta, Naturally!

      Not only is it useful for showing Alberta's natural history, but it is also a great example of a website being used for educational purposes. Although the site includes multimedia files, many can't be accessed or played.

    3. Alberta Inventors and Inventions: A Century of Patents

      A unique collection that showcases Alberta's history through an exhaustive list of patents. Definitely useful for many areas of history: local, social, cultural, technological.

    4. CKUA Sound Archives

      Rich source on history of Alberta radio and culture. The files of audio clips are dead, but the information on the website is still plentiful.

    1. 54 Total Results

      Many of the pages include social media sites used to spread news, opinions, and plans. It makes this event an example of how social media - such as youtube, twitter, and facebook - can spread the word about important issues from sources other than news reporters and gives a voice directly to actors involved in the dispute rather than information mediated through a secondary source.

    2. 2014

      Because this is a single even, captures occur much more frequently. This demonstrates that this even was considered important enough to capture and archive as it was happening.

    3. B.C. Teachers' Labour Dispute (2014)

      A much smaller and contained collection than some others because it refers to a specific event rather than documenting/archiving changes in particular organization or institution over time.

    1. Cree Language and Culture Twelve-Year Program Kindergarten to Grade 12

      Also includes programs that start at various levels of education, from a full 12 year program starting at the very earliest levels of education to a 3 year program for senior levels of education.

    2. Cree Language and Culture 10-3Y, 20-3Y, 30-3Y

      Education developed not only in the Western model, but including the wisdom, experience, and education models of Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

    3. Chinese Language Arts 10-20-30

      Bilingual programs not only in both official Canadian languages (as evidenced by the number of French curriculum guides), but in other languages that make up a large portion of Canada's multi-cultural population.

    4. Biology 20-30

      First page in English to have an update. However, this one was only update once.

    5. Beaux-arts

      First site that shows any updates, and was updated frequently in the archived years.

    6. Bee Keeper Production Technician

      Interesting to note that secondary school curriculum contains courses that are both theoretical and passive as well as practical, active education opportunities.

    7. Aboriginal Studies 10-20-30

      Primarily, the course guide can provide historians with insights not only into the importance of Aboriginal Studies in Alberta, but also into the history that led to the creation of the education program as well as the major themes considered most important to be learned and passed on.

      While there are a great number of captures, there hasn't been an update to the page since its first capture in 2010, which, with the contemporary climate around Indigenous history in Canada and Indigenous rights, suggests that while this is an important topic, it's main themes and concerns may not be providing students with the proper depth of contemporary understanding of the issue.

    8. Alberta Education

      The preservation not only of education curriculum, but a record of how that curriculum changed in a five year period (between 2010-2015 are the current archive dates) could allow historians to examine how priorities have changed, what is considered important to teach the next generation and the expectations held by teachers and government organizations for the children they are educating.

    1. Collection of defunct pages

      While all of the pages were captured during the same three day period in 2015, there is still this record of webpages that were created, though they are no longer in use. This creates an archival record of what was considered important not only to publish in the first place, but was also acknowledged as important to preserve.

  9. May 2015