- Jun 2024
for - AI - inside industry predictions to 2034 - Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034
document description - Situational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - author - Leopold Aschenbrenner
summary - Leopold Aschenbrenner is an ex-employee of OpenAI and reveals the insider information of the disruptive plans for AI in the next decade, that pose an existential threat to create a truly dystopian world if we continue going down our BAU trajectory. - The A.I. arms race can end in disaster. The mason threat of A.I. is that humans are fallible and even one bad actor with access to support intelligent A.I. can post an existential threat to everyone - A.I. threat is amplifier by allowing itt to control important processes - and when it is exploited by the military industrial complex, the threat escalates significantly
- to - YouTube - 4 hour in-depth interview with Leopold Aschenbrenner on the disruptive and existential impacts of A.I. super-intelligence
- Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034
- article - SItuational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - Leopold Aschenbrenner
- to - YouTube - 4 hour in-depth interview with Leopold Aschenbrenner on the disruptive and existential impacts of A.I. super-intelligence
- AI - inside industry predictions to 2034
thepoliticalnatureofthebook.postdigitalcultures.org thepoliticalnatureofthebook.postdigitalcultures.org
Comment by KamilaKuc: For the changing guises and forms of a book, see The Book Is Alive blog, which displays book 'as an evolving, open and visual medium' that is curated and alive, thus its shape and content can change.
- Mar 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Durch die globale Erhitzung wird in Europa das Gebiet, in dem Fichten angebaut werden können, um 50% abnehmen abnehmen. Ein neuer Bericht der internationalen Union der Organisationen zur Erforschung der Wälder zeigt, dass auch andere Baumarten, die als mögliche Alternativen galten, unter den veränderten klimatischen Bedingungen nur schwer überleben. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000211551/was-tun-wenn-uns-die-fichte-als-superbaum-wegstirbt
- Dec 2022
Local file Local file
Löhr (2023) - Do socially disruptive technologies really change our concepts or just our conceptions? - https://is.gd/eaatZq - urn:x-pdf:ae4f6a169b2f28f10527a115f732a84f
- Jul 2022
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
While, as we propose, the symbolically constructed personware, seeking to reassert and reinforceitself, selects objects already recognized, thoughts already conceived and sentences already pronounced,the living human being can breathe and utter a voice that is new [5 ]. A human being can thus ‘take over’language. It can ‘take over’ thoughts—by thinking beyond the image of thought ([13 ]: chap.2).
!- Insight : thought sans image * the symbolically constructed personware continually validates itself * The living, spontaneous, present human INTERbeing can generate something new * "Thinking beyond the image of thought" may mean penetrating the existing automatized associations of thoughts with one that is quite novel and does not necessarily fit in, so is disruptive and can bring about a paradigm shift.
- Oct 2021
globalnews.ca globalnews.ca
COMMENTARY: The U.S. anti-vax movement is contaminating Canada - National | Globalnews.ca. (n.d.). Global News. Retrieved 10 October 2021, from https://globalnews.ca/news/8187962/the-u-s-anti-vax-movement-is-contaminating-canada/
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
instances of broad, culture-shifting experimentation along these lines in higher education can be counted on one hand
Let’s count them! And there’s something interesting about this contrast between experimentation and disruption. The latter may be about shifting profit centres. The former may be about learning.
- Oct 2017
substance-en.etsmtl.ca substance-en.etsmtl.ca
community participation being the key to innovation
fall2017.rswsandbox.net fall2017.rswsandbox.net
The fact is that this invention will produce for-getfulness in the souls of those who have learned it. They will not need to exercise their memories, being able to rely on what is written, calling things to mind no longer from within themselves by their own unaided powers, but under the stimu-lus of external marks that are alien to themselves.
Again, the theme of people fearing the potential consequences of disruptive media that has become absolutely essential to the flow of modern day life. This quote from Plato demonstrates that even the wisest among us sometimes can't see past their own nose. Yes, Plato correctly predicted that writing and literacy would lead to a decrease in memorization and a de-emphasis on the intellectual oral tradition. But if not for disruptive media, we would all be lounging in the Athenian agora like Plato, believing the sun revolved around the Earth.
Often times, the zenith of disruptive media brings with it exaggerated hysteria over the potential ill-effects of what it will do to our current forms of media. But these doomsday predictions never seem to come to pass. The television didn't kill the radio. Email didn't kill face-to-face human interaction, and neither did the telephone. Writing didn't kill knowledge. Many of these Luddites forget human agency, the ability of humans to balance media consumption and manage the emerging new forms of media with classic forms.
Rheingold begins this section called '(Using) the Internet Makes Us Stupid (or Not)' in order to promote restraint and emphasize the forgotten element in all of these negative predictions for disruptive media: choice.
, I'll zoom in on the long debate that sociologists have had about the effects of trains, telephones, or televi-sions on the quality of human social connection in large social groups, or "society" in the aggregate.
One of Rheingold’s central rhetorical devices for building ethos in this introductory chapter is to highlight the now-laughable negative reactions to technology that has become irreplaceable to our daily lives. This article from Vaughn Bell in Slate is useful in amplifying Rheingold’s point, that the new digital forms of media are just the latest in a long tradition of disruptive media sources. Bell writes, “Worries about information overload are as old as information itself, with each generation reimagining the dangerous impacts of technology on mind and brain.”.In it, he mentions a long litany of naysayers against technologies like the printing press, the radio, and the television. Obviously all of these technologies have fostered human progress more than it has hindered it. I think this is the position Rheingold would take as well, that cries that the Internet is making us dumb or that social media is ruining our politics are huge overreactions to small kinks in a technology that’s benefits vastly outweigh its costs.
Is Google Making Us Stupid? - the Atlantic (this is an article that Rheingold references several times) https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/306868/
Did Social Media Ruin Election 2016? - NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/11/08/500686320/did-social-media-ruin-election-2016
- Aug 2016
blogs.reuters.com blogs.reuters.com
The problem, as Taylor explained, is that the rise of e-commerce and social media has lowered the cost of entry for new competitors.
Sounds like a very quick summary of what Ben Thompson was saying two weeks ago. But, in this case, it’s from “the horse’s mouth”.
- Jul 2016
disruptivemedia.org.uk disruptivemedia.org.uk
For the changing guises and forms of a book, see The Book Is Alive blog, which displays book 'as an evolving, open and visual medium' that is curated and alive, thus its shape and content can change.
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
He believed this would foster a new literacy, a literacy that would bring about a revolution akin to the changes brought about by the printing press in the 16th and 17th centuries.
medium.com medium.com
The quotes are important. There are different approaches to innovation. The one described here may be pushed by politicians and administrators, but some would argue that it’s not innovation in the same sense as what either Eric Von Hippel or Michael Schragge might describe.
- Jun 2016
musicfordeckchairs.com musicfordeckchairs.com
Innovation isn’t always about technology, efficiency, speed, scale
According to scholars like MIT’s Eric Von Hippel and Michael Schrage, innovation is about usage. Otherwise, it’s just novelty. But the innovation discourse often repurposes the term to be about R&D.
- Dec 2015
edumorphology.com edumorphology.com
Yes, my intention was to show the most easily replaced in dark and move it to the least easily replaced.
One linear model, represented in something of a spiral… Agreed that the transformative experience is tough to “disrupt”, but the whole “content delivery” emphasis shows that the disruption isn’t so quick.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
As a result, new disruptive innovations emerge that are more modular—or unbundled