- Jan 2025
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
Being able to pay attention to your mother and pick up on how she's communicating with you and make inferences from that so that you start to categorize the world and figure out that this is a bottle presupposes this (RR). And that points to something else: this is Pre-Experiential.
for - relevance realization is pre-experiential - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke
- Nov 2022
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
Experiential Learning Theory as a Guide for Experiential Educators in Higher Education
This article will provide me with an overview of the experiential learning theory and how it can be applied to higher education settings.
-rating 8/10
Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2017). Experiential learning theory as a guide for experiential educators in higher education. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), 7-44.
- Feb 2021
field-journal.com field-journal.com
Research as correspondence, in this sense, is not just what we do but what we undergo. It is a form of experience.
- Oct 2020
Adult learning theories are not just a collection of jargons, concepts, and ideas about how adults learn. These theories help you plan your course during conception, development, and execution, in a way that will facilitate the learning process.
Outlines adult learning "theories": Andragogy, Transformational Learning, and Experiential Learning, and states that they are important to educational designers, but doesn't really connect them to instructional design, let alone e-design. 3/10
- Nov 2019
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Learning Domains
This website provides several examples of domains adults may learn in or engage with. By clicking on each type, you are redirected to a detailed description of the domain. Descriptions include, but are not limited to, definitions, theories and research behind the topic, and real-world examples. You can also find references used in the description, which can be helpful for further exploration. This InstructionalDesign.org website also provides extensive lists of learning concepts (i.e. motivation, personalized learning, storyboard, etc.) and theories (i.e. Adult Learning Theory, Social Learning, Constructivism, etc.). Each learning theory link provides a theoretical definition, applications, examples, key principles, references, and related websites. Rating 10/10.
ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu
Tech Literacy Resources
This website is the "Resources" archive for the IgniteED Labs at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. The IgniteED Labs allow students, staff, and faculty to explore innovative and emerging learning technology such as virtual reality (VR), artifical intelligence (AI), 3-D printing, and robotics. The left side of this site provides several resources on understanding and effectively using various technologies available in the IgniteED labs. Each resources directs you to external websites, such as product tutorials on Youtube, setup guides, and the products' websites. The right column, "Tech Literacy Resources," contains a variety of guides on how students can effectively and strategically use different technologies. Resources include "how-to" user guides, online academic integrity policies, and technology support services. Rating: 9/10
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Pre-service teachers can benefit from the use of simulations that reproduce classroom environments, student behaviors and profiles, and academic outcomes to guide their craft as educators. In this text, simSchool is briefly evaluated by student teachers to determine its usefulness. While the study had significant limitations of volunteer test subjects in a one-time usage of the tool, simSchool still was given some high marks for it's purpose and realistic depiction of student profiles and classroom environment. Finding suggest simulations like simSchool can continue to improve and with long-term use, would be effective at developing skills for educators. Rating: 8/10
www.armyupress.army.mil www.armyupress.army.mil
The article explains the shift in military training to implement practices that align with Kolb's experiential learning theory. More specifically, Pierson discusses how competency-based education can best be used to improve Army training programs.
ATD, a non-profit organization that promotes training and development in the workplace, outlines the three primary learning theories that instructional designers need to know to provide effective corporate training.
reader.elsevier.com reader.elsevier.com
The text documents a year-long research project into experiential learning in teacher professional development. Teachers participated in experiential learning themselves to then begin to implement it into their own classrooms to serve their students. By and large, teachers were receptive, had misconceptions addressed, changed their practices with their colleagues and students to develop more engaging and active classrooms. Essentially, a shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning was achieved in small increments by using experiential learning and reflection to facilitate teacher growth thereby creating new pathways for student learning. Given the nature of the traditional methods predominantly used, this study seems to reflect some elements of transformative learning in which teacher conventions and ideas were challenged and adjusted through heterogenous groups and personal reflection. Rating: 9/10
www.cael.org www.cael.org
The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) provides opportunities for professional development for adult learning instructors and organizations that serve adult learners. CAEL has launched its first live stream of the conference to allow people to attend remotely. While the conference has since passed, this resource could be useful to calendar for the coming year. Included on the is a blog, newsletter sign up, and resources for higher education, employers and workforce development. Rating 8/10
- Nov 2018
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
This article was found on InstructionalDesign.org. This article is about the Characteristics of Adults as Learners model. This model is designed as a guide in adult learning. The website also has sections on concepts, theories, and models.
- Jul 2018
dfmi.dwrl.utexas.edu dfmi.dwrl.utexas.edu
Research-creation, then, operates much like poetry, esp as romantic-era authors understood it.
- Jul 2016
www.diplopiagame.com www.diplopiagame.com
Perceptual Learning - Training the brain to better perceive the information it is getting from the eyes.
This would be the optimal learning experience, for me.
- Jun 2016
www.technovationchallenge.org www.technovationchallenge.org
Volunteer Coaches recruit teams of girls to work with female mentors.
A lot hinges on those mentors. Apparently, they’re not exclusively technical, which might be an important point. The mentoring is a big part of the learning experience, surely. But there’s a certain level of complexity involved when we start discussing mentorships.
- Dec 2015
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
learned from experience
- Aug 2015
www.edudemic.com www.edudemic.com
Hands on
This might be the most explicit link to constructivism and constructionism. Not only is it about “learn by doing”, but it’s about concrete action in the physical world. Can’t help but find it limiting and restrictive to mention “3D Printing” as the main component. After all, FabLabs got started without 3D printers and the Maker movement has a lot of stuff which has little to do with 3D Printing. But it’s hard to argue that 3D Printing haven’t attracted attention, in the past couple of years. Sexier than laser etching? As Makers often point out, there’s a lot in the movement which is really very similar to what was happening in shop class. Though the trend may sound new, it’s partly based on nostalgia. A neat aspect, though, is that much of it can happen through learners’ projects cutting across class boundaries. Sure, we’ve known about project-based learning for a while. You do a project for a class or a series of classes. But how about a personal pathway (cf. “individualism”, above) through which learners add learning experiences around a central project? Learning Circles can make that into something really neat.