43 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jan 2024
    1. STEM now is used as a brand name to describe the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in educational curricula.

      This is interesting.

  3. Dec 2022
    1. Steam emulator for GNU/Linux and Windows that emulates steam online features. Lets you play games that use the steam multiplayer apis on a LAN without steam or an internet connection.

      Interesting project to make it possible to run some Steam games that ordinarily would require Steam to be running to run without Steam.

  4. Nov 2022
    1. Creating video tutorials has been hard when things are so in flux. We've been reluctant to invest time - and especially volunteer time - in producing videos while our hybrid content and delivery strategy is still changing and developing. The past two years have been a time of experimentation and iteration. We're still prototyping!

      Have you thought about opening the project setting and the remixing to educators or even kids? That could create additional momentum.

      A few related resources you might want to check out for inspiration: Science Buddies, Seesaw, Exploratorium

  5. Jun 2022
    1. Mine you at the time Valve was trying to get developers to make Linux ports of the games so targeting Debian made some sense in terms of platform stability, this didn't work out well and developers did no such thing. Valve then moved to making WINE work better through spending dev time adding patches and making the Proton later on top of it.Valve likely moved to an Arch base to get bleeding edge support for new hardware and for performance enhancements that come along with it as they were no longer shackled trying to get developers to make native Linux ports.
  6. Apr 2022
    1. "How can art reflect and inform the public about policy-making agendas?" In it, the students had to collaborate across classrooms to create an art piece that had a message.
  7. Mar 2022
    1. collaborative development and use of OER

      Based in Brazil, Alquimétricos > designs and shares tutorials, educational guides, and STEAM projects instructions and blueprints to fabricate DIY modular didactic toys.

      We are an open, collaborative, cooperative, and international movement aimed to reduce the entry barriers to learning STEAM disciplines by experimenting and playing. The intention is to help lower educational resources access inequality, especially in the Global South.

      Shared during Open Education Week 2022 https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/resources/2022/alquimetricos-lab-open-steam-toys/

  8. Jul 2021
    1. 订阅内容

      • 关注创造力与鉴赏力的儿童手工盒子


      • 每两月寄送一次盒子,根据产品适用年龄段与主题,订阅价格在 20 到 30 美元(约合人民币 129 到 194 元)之间
      • 可单独购买


      • 基于 STEM 教育,覆盖不同兴趣领域,包括科学与手工修理、艺术与设计、地理与文化、自然与动物、烹饪等。
      • 年龄标注上限为 104 岁,鼓励成年人也一起来玩。




  9. Apr 2021
    1. no big deal, the episodes are all for Steams bottom price

      Steam's bottom price = meaning $.49?

    1. Unstoppable CrapsterThis is crap shovelwareRe-skinned exact same other 10 games this sad excuse for a developer been farting out.No sound, no gameplay, no nothing.Can't press two buttons at the same time like jump and move.Plays like sonic the hedgehog just had sex with painbrushWhile having a stroke, heart attack and anal prolapse at the same time.Don't support this developer.Steam get your sh!t together, start filtering out this crap.
  10. Mar 2021
    1. Proton is a new tool released by Valve Software that has been integrated with Steam Play to make playing Windows games on Linux as simple as hitting the Play button within Steam. Underneath the hood, Proton comprises other popular tools like Wine and DXVK among others that a gamer would otherwise have to install and maintain themselves. This greatly eases the burden for users to switch to Linux without having to learn the underlying systems or losing access to a large part of their library of games. Proton is still in its infancy so support is inconsistent, but regularly improving.
  11. Feb 2021
    1. As of today, you can Wishlist OpenTTD on SteamE. Historically, OpenTTD always had a single home from where we distributed the game. We used to be hosted on SourceForge (you know you are old, if you remember that being a thing :D), and slowly moved towards our own self-created distribution methods. These days, we mostly distribute our game via our website. But times are changing, and so is our hair. Over the last few months, we have silently been working to become a bit more visible in the world. Don’t worry, not for reasons you might think: OpenTTD has as many active users as it had in 2007. But more because we no longer think it is the right approach to only distribute via our own website. This became painfully apparent when we noticed other people post OpenTTD on some stores. They are not always updated with new releases, sometimes even slacking behind a few years. And maybe more important to us: we can not guarantee that the uploaded version is unmodified and is the version as we intended. So, instead of fighting it, why not turn around and join them! Why not release our own, verified, builds on those stores! And this is exactly what we have been working on lately. And when I say “we”, a bit ironic to me, I mean the two developers that are around longest (myself and orudge) ;) A while back orudge added OpenTTD to the Microsoft Store. And today, I am happy to announce we will be on SteamE too! Well, we are on Steam, but we haven’t released anything there yet (sorry that I got your hopes up, just to squash them right after :( ). This is partially because of how Steam works, but also because we know we can bring a better experience for Steam with our upcoming release. That brings me to the most exciting news: if everything goes as planned, we will release OpenTTD 1.11 on Steam on the first of April, 2021! And that is not even an April fools’ joke! You can already Wishlist OpenTTD today .. and till we release on Steam, you can find our game via our website ;)
    1. As of today, you can Wishlist OpenTTD on SteamE. Historically, OpenTTD always had a single home from where we distributed the game. We used to be hosted on SourceForge (you know you are old, if you remember that being a thing :D), and slowly moved towards our own self-created distribution methods. These days, we mostly distribute our game via our website. But times are changing, and so is our hair. Over the last few months, we have silently been working to become a bit more visible in the world. Don’t worry, not for reasons you might think: OpenTTD has as many active users as it had in 2007. But more because we no longer think it is the right approach to only distribute via our own website.
    1. 英国公司 Reach Robotics 研发了一款基于 AR 的游戏对战机器人 MekaMon,用户只需要一部手机或平板电脑即可来一场机器人决斗赛。通过手机或平板电脑的屏幕,可以看到一个基于现实场景虚拟出的战场,你操控的机器人能在其中移动、发射炮弹以及激光枪与敌人战斗。

      Reach Robotics 还为 MekaMon 的游戏设计了宏大的故事背景——MekaMon Universe,让玩家操控蜘蛛去解救外星人肆虐的未来世界。

      除了单人 AR 对战游戏,MekaMon 还有多玩家对战和街机模式,只是多人模式不支持 AR,需要连接 Wi-Fi,完全依靠机器蜘蛛的硬件实力、玩家的策略和操作取胜;街机模式顾名思义,就是可以随时随地和小伙伴开战,而且还不需要连网。

      另外,就如同各种打怪就能升级的网游,单人模式中的 MekaMon 在游戏中获得的虚拟物品同样可以使机器人解锁新技能。

      不仅如此,MekaMon 采用了模块化设计,玩家能更换腿部等身体部位,还可以额外增加武器或是盾牌来升级机器人。




    1. Kiwi crate成立于2011年,是一家采用按月订购的网站,针对5-8岁的儿童设计并提供创意手工项目和相关用具。Kiwi crate帮助儿童在娱乐和学习中提供创意灵感和材料,从而激发孩子们的创造力及动手能力,帮助父母以更灵活的方式引导孩子发现、探索、并创造出自己的作品。

      Kiwi crate创始人Sandra谈到“我自己是个喜欢体验手工乐趣的母亲,但生活中父母往往很难想出更多的创意并找到可以动手的材料”,因此她与另两名朋友创办了kiwi crate,让那些没有时间或者不会设计这类创意游戏的父母,也能够为孩子提供这样一种寓教于乐的手工项目,让孩子在体验动手的乐趣之余得到潜移默化的创新教育。

      Kiwi Crate的使命是为下一代的创新者提供工具,帮助他们创造性地解决问题和进行不断地探索。Kiwi crate的成立也是为了鼓励儿童天生的创造力和好奇心,其目的是让每个孩子都可以把自己视为科学家、艺术家、创造者和制造者。

      Kiwi crate:小盒子如何开启儿童的创造之旅?




  12. Mar 2020
    1. Early Learning STEM LessonsUnit 2:Building Structures and Exploring ShapesThis unit was developed by the Bremerton School District in partnership with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and funded through grantsfrom the Boeing Company and EPA Region 10 to support Early Learning STEM Education.The Early Learning STEM units are designed for educators, teachers, and childcare providers touse with children between the ages of 3-5

      building unit for 3-5 year olds

    1. This season marks three years ago that we tried an awesome Pumpkin-Cano Science Experiment! It also lead to an Erupting Apple Volcano! Baking soda science is one of the best science experiments for the beginner or young scientist! You can build so many themes around this basic science activity. This year we are checking out erupting mini pumpkin volcanos fall science activity! 

      Pumpkin-cano or apple-cano science experiment for Fall

    1. This lesson marries Music and STEM creating STEAM for kindergarten! I used the song "5 Little Pumpkins" for a music component by having the kids learn the words and actions that go along with it. Then I tied it to one of our learning centre activities. In this learning centre kids had to build a structure to hold at least 5 little pumpkins. The kids had a lot of fun and came up with many very interesting designs.

      Pumpkin STEAM idea. Sing the song, "5 Little Pumpkins" for the music part (learning the works and actions) and then at a center, have them build a structure to hold at least 5 little pumpkinds.

    1. Among the skills that can be developed and enhanced in preK and kindergarten classes are four that have been identified as critical to the success of 21st century workers: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. These can all be integrated into STEAM-related projects, along with other key skills such as analyzing information.


    1. 1. Problem-Based The first puzzle piece in creating an amazing STEAM unit is to select a problem for students to solve. A problem-based project creates a setting for processing skills, such as collaboration, analyzing, and modeling, to take place. This can also help create a context for learning. Examples of problem-based STEAM scenarios: For Elementary Students: How can we create an outdoor “green” MakerSpace that will connect to our existing playground and be able to withstand our city’s year-round weather conditions?

      To create a STEAM unit, you must first select a problem for students to solve: Step 1

    1. One study found that during unstructured free play, four- and five-year-old children spent almost half of their time engaged in math-related activity. Play often involves math language and thinking, even though math isn’t the focus of their activity. Children talk about things like, “How much is a lot?” and “How little is little?” They often use their body to show size, such as stretching their arms to show how big a pumpkin is or holding fingers close together to show that something was “a little bit sc a r y.”This early play with math ideas and concepts lay the foundation for the development of more complex math and science skills later on

      STEAM and math concepts come from play and kids everyday questions about things.

    2. Math is number and operations, measurement, patterns, geometry and spatial sense. From birth until age five, children explore everyday mathematics, including informal knowledge of “more” and “less,” shape, size, sequencing, volume, and distance. Math is a tool children use every day!

      Math in STEAM

    3. Music is also linked to STEAM skills such as pattern recognition and numeration. Research shows that early experience with creative arts supports cognitive development and increases self-esteem

      Music is also part of the Arts in STEAM

    4. Active and self-guided discovery is core to the arts and to STEAM learning. Children engage in painting, pretend play, music, and drawing. Art is sensory exploration.

      Art in STEAM

    5. Engineering applies science, math, and technology to solving problems. Engineering is using materials, designing, crafting, and building – it helps us understand how and why things work.

      engineering in STEAM

    6. the “T” in technology also stands for any type of man-made object. Technology includes simple tools such as pulleys, wheels, levers, scissors, and ramps. They support children’s cognitive development, because as children play with these tools, they observe and learn from the underlying cause and effect.These simpler technologies allow children to understand how tools help us accomplish tasks.

      Technology is STEAM is any type of man-made object. It doesn't have to be a computer or something tech-y

  13. Jun 2019
    1. Control rods are usually used in control rod assemblies (typically 20 rods for a commercial PWR assembly) and inserted into guide tubes within a fuel element. A control rod is removed from or inserted into the central core of a nuclear reactor in order to increase or decrease the neutron flux, which describes the number of neutrons that split further uranium atoms. This in turn affects the thermal power, the amount of steam produced and hence the electricity generated.
  14. Dec 2018
  15. Jan 2017
    1. The Sun's high circulation was made possible by its use of steam-powered printing presses. Such presses, which had only recently become available, allowed papers to print tens of thousands of copies at a cheap rate, thereby broadening their readership and turning them into a medium of truly mass communication. In addition, the Sun used an innovative means of distribution that further broadened its reach — newsboys who sold issues on the street, shouting out the headlines for everyone to hear. The Sun was the first paper anywhere to use newsboys to sell copies. It had started using them in 1833, less than two years before the moon hoax, so their presence on city streets was still a relatively new part of the urban environment.

      Steam Powered Printing

      The Moon Hoax was a result of new technologies and distribution platforms.

  16. Jan 2016
    1. A firm believer that arts and science teaching should cross over, Drury saw Sonic Pi as a great example of how that could work in the classroom. 


    1. reconciling STEM and Arts: a laptop orchestra seamlessly encompasses Arts and Sciences. This allows us to utilize such an ensemble in a number of educational scenarios.

      Much discussion of interdisciplinarity in Higher Ed. comes from a notion that “real work” is found through some of these disciplines (typically STEM). Now we’re gaining STEAM.