651 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2019
    1. Turn your values into time

      Don't just talk about your values, but invest them into time

    2. Don’t pick your goals, pick your values

      Pick your values instead of goals. Otherwise others will dictate your activities and use your time. Example values:

      • being a contributing member of a team
      • being a loving parent
      • being in an equitable marriage
      • seeking wisdom
    3. “leaves on a stream” method. Imagine yourself beside a stream, on which leaves gently float by. Place each thought and negative feeling in your mind on one leaf and watch them float away

      Use "leaves on a stream" method when facing distraction. Put then on the leaves and let them float away. Apart from it:

      • identify things that prompt the distraction
      • log how you feel at that time
    4. You can’t control how you feel, but you can learn to control how you react to the way you feel.To start, you can change how you think about the bad feelings that can lead to distraction.

      We have lack of control over our feelings, but not over our reaction

    5. The truth is, we overuse video games, social media, and our cell phones not just for the pleasure they provide, but because they free us from psychological discomfort

      Root cause of human behaviour is the desire to escape discomfort

    6. The opposite of “distraction” is “traction.” Traction is any action that moves us towards what we really want. Tractions are actions, done with intent.


    7. distractions aren’t necessarily your fault, they are your responsibility

      Learn to become indistrictable

  2. Jul 2019
    1. “Your most important task as a leader is to teach people how to think and ask the right questions so that the world doesn’t go to hell if you take a day off”.
  3. May 2019
  4. Apr 2019
    1. From urban ancient Greece to agrarian societies, work was either something to be outsourced to others – often slaves – or something to be done as quickly as possible so that the rest of life could happen.
    2. For some of these writers, this future must include a universal basic income (UBI) – currently post-work’s most high-profile and controversial idea – paid by the state to every working-age person, so that they can survive when the great automation comes. For others, the debate about the affordability and morality of a UBI is a distraction from even bigger issues.

      Universal basic income looks like a cool idea for innovators, who would like to use this education for the good of all so they don't have to work for living and take care of basic needs (food, clothing, shelter).

    3. In 1845, Karl Marx wrote that in a communist society workers would be freed from the monotony of a single draining job to “hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner”. In 1884, the socialist William Morris proposed that in “beautiful” factories of the future, surrounded by gardens for relaxation, employees should work only “four hours a day”.

      Capitalistic nature of communist economy gave some counties a boost in economy and given a citizen who would like to work hard a boost in better status. Communist based citizen often has no incentive to work hard OR in other words a citizen who is willing to work hard and have a better life has no value. So capitalistic communist approach gave those innovative citizens to have a better life if they choose to.

    4. And finally, beyond all these dysfunctions, loom the most-discussed, most existential threats to work as we know it: automation, and the state of the environment. Some recent estimates suggest that between a third and a half of all jobs could be taken over by artificial intelligence in the next two decades.
    5. Work is badly distributed. People have too much, or too little, or both in the same month. And away from our unpredictable, all-consuming workplaces, vital human activities are increasingly neglected. Workers lack the time or energy to raise children attentively, or to look after elderly relations. “The crisis of work is also a crisis of home,” declared the social theorists Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek in a paper last year. This neglect will only get worse as the population grows and ages.
    6. Unsurprisingly, work is increasingly regarded as bad for your health: “Stress … an overwhelming ‘to-do’ list … [and] long hours sitting at a desk,” the Cass Business School professor Peter Fleming notes in his new book, The Death of Homo Economicus, are beginning to be seen by medical authorities as akin to smoking.
  5. Jan 2019
    1. Looking at some of those bullet journal masterpieces made me wonder, how much of bullet journaling is just...productivity porn?

      How many times have I thought this myself?

      My bullet journal has to be the most spartan and utilitarian book of lists ever created.

  6. Dec 2018
    1. I adopted a ‘horses for courses’ approach to keep it in check. I used Facebook primarily to keep in touch with family and real-world friends, I used Twitter for tech discussions and networking, I used LinkedIn sparingly, and I dropped any social media that didn’t fulfill a specific function for me.
    1. “What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated.”
    2. If you are one of those people sending hundreds of text messages throughout the day, then you are crazy and throwing your life away.

      Harsh, but probably true. This is definitely not me.

    3. Do you want a book recommendation to go with this section? I’ve got one you’re not going to hear anywhere else. Go buy the sci-fi book Dune and read it in the context of personal development.The lady-witch advisors, the Bene Gesserit, are what happens when you have fine-tuned mastery over habit.The human computing Mentats are what’s possible through extreme brain training.The Gom Jabbar test of humanity? That’s the mind-over-matter possible through meditation. An animal gives in to the illusion of pain; a human can see through that illusion.The Butlerian Jihad where humanity overthrew and then banned all artificial intelligence? That’s what I keep saying here about making your phone a tool, not your boss.

      Certainly a unique take.

  7. Nov 2018
    1. Prezi is a productivity platform that allows for creation, organization, collaboration of presentations. It can be used with either mobile or desktop. Prezi integrates with slack and salesforce. RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  8. Oct 2018
  9. Sep 2018
  10. Aug 2018
    1. Without obtaining feedback from aspects of the entire user community, situations like those noted above are likely to exist. In each case, there were significant losses to the business from what was a bad application design.

      Try getting administration/management in healthcare to acknowledge the lack of productivity caused by poor design. Not. Going. To. Happen.

  11. Oct 2017
    1. The only correlating factor has to be the effectiveness of your actions.

      I like what this article says, but this sentence nails the weakness in the article. There is no strong evidence for the assertion.

  12. Jul 2017
  13. Mar 2017
  14. Feb 2017
    1. You know, people don’t have hours anymore. Like, you don’t have hours at work. You know, people say they work 8 hours a day or 10 hours a day or 12 hours a day. They don’t. They work 15 minutes and 20 minutes and 25 minutes and 6 minutes and maybe 45 minutes if they’re lucky.
    1. Maybe you are the sort of person who finds it hard to motivate yourself to take on such goals. If that’s the case, taking a flexible approach might be best for you. But if you struggle with follow-through — for instance, if you find yourself in situations where there are simply too many other priorities competing for your attention — then adopting a much more rigid approach, one that includes setting specific actions and steps, could be more effective.
    2. once people have set a goal, they are much more likely to complete it when the steps to achievement are set out in a rigid, restrictive way.
  15. Jan 2017
  16. Dec 2016
    1. Nevertheless, we also found out that a later systematic review based on twenty eight very good papers [7] found evidence of the increase in productivity when using the SCRUM method.
  17. Nov 2016
  18. Jun 2016
    1. high productivity (in terms of published output) is indeed correlated with high levels of collaboration [1-4,24,30,51,52,58,60].

      Hi productivity is correlated with high collaboration

    2. A.J. Lotka. 1926, The frequency distribution of scientific productivity, Journal of the Washington Academy of Science 16, 317-323.

      Important bibliography

    3. A pioneering insight into the productivity of sci- entists was provided by Lotka in 1926--an insight since confirmed by numerous others. He showed that the number of authors producing n papers is propor- tional to 1/n 2 [32]. Thus, the number of researchers producing just one paper in a given period of time is two orders of magnitude greater than the number of researchers producing 10 papers in the same time and four orders of magnitude greater that the number producing 100 papers. Lotka's findings have led some investigators to ask if prolific authors tend to collaborate more than less prolific authors.

      Lotka's rule of productivity: 1/n2

    1. Despite opinions to the contrary, these data suggest that there has been no apparent increase in overall productivity per active author over the last decade. Instead, authors are using their authorship potential more wisely by becoming more collaborative in the way they work, which is driving an apparent inflation in each author’s productivity as well as author bylines. Instead, the underlying driver of the volume increase in articles published is simply the introduction of new entrants/authors into the market. That is not surprising, as the total population of researchers globally continues to rise every year, and they become increasingly subject to the principles of "publish or perish": and so the cycle continues.

      No increase in overall productivity of authors.

  19. Mar 2016
    1. Very interesting article on how to best utilize capacity for concentration as a programmer.

  20. Jan 2016
    1. “Visit a web page, then select some text and annotate with comments or tags. You’ll see those annotations when you return to the page, and so will other Hypothesis users.”

      Was one of the Pocket's Top Feature Requests (read it later app) list. Workaround's like Pocketlight lack sharing services with other users. Scrible offers a more in-depth annotation but also lacks on the sharing part and a solid app.

      Hypothesis's the perfect tools we needed.

      Setup :

      And now, my contacts (with hypothesis) and I can discuss over articles!

    1. “Don’t worry about things. Don’t push. Just do your work and you’ll survive. The important thing is to have a ball, to be joyful, to be loving and to be explosive. Out of that comes everything and you grow.”

      Quote from Ray Bradbury

  21. Dec 2015
  22. Feb 2015