- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- moodle
- protocol
- tessy
- Interledger
- film
- gftw
- w3c
- 11ty
- gaming
- micro-donation
- strategies
- pricing
- revenue sharing
- web monetization
- freemium
- open source
- monetization
- education
- web
- wallet
- mozfest
- open web
- micropayment
- pwyw
- payment pointer
- exclusive
- coil
- ngx
- donation
- extension
- business
- mozilla
- fans
- online ledger
- jekyll
- subscriptions
- art
- svelte
- stream
- community
- gatehub
- open-source
- model
- pricing strategies
- Consortium
- privacy
- collective
- premium
- github
- vuepress
- gatsby
- nonprofit
- web standards
- tips
- sponsors
- ko-fi
- plug-in
- tools
- gumroad
- uphold
- gridsome
- open collective
- wordpress
- video
- open
- pipe web
- dev.to
- hugo
- podcast
- Patreon
- pay what you want
- payment
- games
- pay-what-you-want
- gratuity
- microdonation
- mozilla festival
- browser
- revenue
- youtube
- research
- contribution
- Interledger Protocol
- Jan 2014
www.dataone.org www.dataone.org
Journals and sponsors want you to share your data
What is the sharing standard? What are the consequences of not sharing? What is the enforcement mechanism?
There are three primary sharing mechanisms I can think of today: email, usb stick, and dropbox (née ftp).
The dropbox option is supplanting ftp which comes from another era, but still satisfies an important niche for larger data sets and/or higher-volume or anonymous traffic.
Dropbox, email and usb are all easily accessible parts of the day-to-day consumer workflow; they are all trivial to set up without institutional support or, importantly, permission.
An email account is already provisioned by default for everyone or, if the institutional email offerings are not sufficient, a person may easily set up a 3rd-party email account with no permission or hassle.
Data management alternatives to these three options will have slow or no adoption until the barriers to access and use are as low as email; the cost of entry needs to be no more than *a web browser, an email address, and no special permission required".