15 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. A vision statement provides a brief description of a company’s long-term goals. It’s typically ambitious and communicates how the company plans to make a difference in the world. Think of it as a roadmap for making decisions that align with your company’s philosophy and objectives. A good vision statement helps you: Inspire teams and keep them focused Connect with customers in niche markets Make smarter decisions Attract top talent
    2. It doesn’t have a set length. You can craft a one-sentence statement or write a three-page document discussing the company’s future. The goal of a vision statement is to differentiate yourself from competitors and focus efforts on achieving your objectives.
    1. A vision statement articulates where you aspire to be once you achieve your mission. Often, it describes where you want certain people or the world to be as a result of your mission. Vision statements convey a long-term goal, generally a time range of five to 10 years, or beyond. Your mission statement is essentially an action-oriented vision statement, declaring the who, what, and why of your retail business. Your mission statement can be the roadmap for your vision statement.
    2. A mission statement is usually part of your business plan when you start a business. It identifies your company’s purpose and is a way to publicly share why your company exists. Crafting your mission statement helps you unify your business and avoid potential business mistakes by keeping you on track.  Your mission statement should: State what your company does. You don’t need to be fancy, simply state whatever it is your retail business produces or provides. State how your company does what it does. This does not need to be a detailed description of how you operate your business. You can describe how your business works in more general terms and incorporate one or more of your core values. State why your company does what it does. Think about why you started your business in the first place—share your passion for starting your company.
  2. Jul 2022
    1. The way I think about things, consider FB a giant fly-wheel.... You want the external edge to move very quickly and iteratively -- and small dings when you get things wrong don't cost much, but the deeper you go in the stack / towards the infrastructure core (and really the human capital core even below that), you want things to move more slowly and predictably.

      This is an interesting analogy

  3. Apr 2022
    1. Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully

      Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"

      However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?

      According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.

      It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve

  4. Nov 2021
    1. 10 Ideas to Start a SaaS Business in 2021

      Software as a service, or SaaS, is one of the most promising business models in 2021. It’s popular among entrepreneurs, investors, and customers alike. Learn about the most promising ideas you can tap into to build your own SaaS startup and make it successful.

  5. Aug 2021
    1. How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

      SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.

      So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.

      You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.

      Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

    1. 7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceDaniil TorkutDeveloper AdvocateMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceJun 4, 20208 min readUser acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence. Our previous article covered the topic of attracting buyers for a peer to peer marketplace. We have considered 4 simple techniques that will help you solve the chicken and egg problem even before you launch your marketplace. These are a referral system, landing page, free offers, and constraints that can help you attract early buyers. Today we want to discuss the second important aspect - acquisition of sellers. We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform. This detailed guide will help you make your e-commerce website profitable and successful.

      User acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence.

      We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform.

    1. How to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerKate DavydovaMarketplace Growth StrategistMarketplaceMVPHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailApr 9, 202013 min readDo you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right? A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not. Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.

      Do you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right?

      A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not.

      Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.

  6. Jan 2021
    1. We also have an “anti-overtime” rate: past twenty hours a week, people can continue to work at an hourly rate of 50 percent. This allows us to have a high hourly rate for the highest leverage work and also allows people to work more per week if they wish.

      anti-overtime... love it.

  7. Sep 2020
  8. Dec 2019
    1. 7 Best Services that are Essential for Your Startup Growth Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps December 12, 2019 As an entrepreneur, the primary focus of your startup is to grow big and increase brand awareness. For any startup, the initial stages are the most challenging one. Many businesses fail because they cannot withstand this stage. If you want to increase your business growth then you need to do business strategy and planning. Initially, you need help from other businesses for certain services that you cannot do on your own. Here is the list of 7 services that you need for growing your startup. Market Membership In order to increase country growth Government promote businesses and commerce. Financial System is the backbone of a country. Therefore, the Government establishes promotion council for every niche market. These promotion councils have one primary objective and that is to promote businesses and create big market share globally. Some of the benefits that you can experience by subscribing to these council memberships are an increase in business growth, new leads, marketing, discounted promotional booths in trade fares and much more. Office Space Services In order to run your office you need to have an office. The best option that you can have is to rent out a building. But an even better option is Co-working space. Here, many other startups and businesses share the office space and amenities required by any businesses. The rates are decided on per seat bases which are very nominal. IT services- Website, Graphic Design & technical support For any business, being online is now very essential. This is the digital age, where every business is turning online. In order to meet this digital need you need to have some IT support. There are a lot of services that come under this department like website designing, logo design services, etc. For website services, it is best to use word press, as it powers 23% of all websites in the world. This platform is an open source platform and very easy to use. For an affordable solution to your graphic needs like logo design, you can use a good logo designcontest website that provides affordable services. There are a lot of IT services that you might need. So, researching about them on Google will be very helpful. Marketing Services Marketing your businesses is very important part of any business. What’s the purpose of any business if they cannot find you? You can use multiple marketing streams to get customers, but the best marketing channel that every business is using is Digital Marketing. Other marketing methods used by businesses are merchandise marketing using tools like t shirt design online. Accounting Services Hiring an accountant can be very costly. So, the best option is to outsource this service. You can choose any local accountant for this job. Customer Relationship Management As the name suggests, it is another part of business that cannot be overlooked. Establishing a good relationship with your customer is essential for your business to grow. These third party services help you in engaging your customers more. Human Resource Services As a startup you need to hire people to make your job easy and fast. This can be done using effective Human Resource services. HR services can handle the hiring process which saves you time and money. Investing Investment is an essential need for your business. If you cannot find a good investor then your fund can get easily exhausted fast. To run a business in this competitive world you need to have an investor who not only provides you funds but, also helps you in mentoring. The best resource to find investors is using services like Gust.

      This guide will help you in finding the necessary services that your startups needs. These services helps your businesses to grow faster.

  9. May 2019
    1. I published the Level manifesto with great fanfare: The War on Developer Productivity (And How I Intend to Win It).

      Quite a fascinating and interesting way to kick-off such endeavor. This can act as a major source of encouragement for giving one's 100% to the purpose. Of course, avoiding the risks of over-committing without periodic self-examination.

  10. Jan 2019
    1. 以太坊社区及以太坊主要开发团队对以太坊的技术纯净性的追求较高,我们无法用工程化融合的方案来看待以太坊的进度,完美的世界计算机和一个全面的区块链工程化应用解决方案在本质上会有性能的个性差异。但相对于看好以太坊的创业者来说,熊市之中,性能较弱的尴尬涉及到了团队的生存问题,以太坊的信仰和共识可能被环境所打败,开发团队转移其他战场。


      在求变的过程中,总会有两派行动纲领互为对斥的声音站出来相互抨击。例如当人们谈论「本土」和「外域」时,本土原教旨主义者和全球化开放主义者之间的吵闹声总是尖锐刺耳,但恰恰是在这种极端到偏颇的较量之中产生了张力,推动现世朝着互不偏倚的方向演进,避免了演化成所谓的「分叉」(fork)。 <br/><br/> 有趣的是,即使是处在矛盾两端的反义词也可以互相转化,就像「草食男」也可以被视作「性感」一样,清晰的定义为「模糊另面」赋予了合理性。既然如此,那么像商业应用这么中庸且自制的容器也就更没有理由冒天下之大不韪去自立门户。创业者们不应该用工程化融合的方案看待技术,他们应该用这种视角去审视技术背后的人。