10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
  2. Jul 2020
  3. Feb 2020
    1. Overhalfoftheusers(60%)werewatchingthefullvideolecture,whiletheremainders(40%)werewatchingspecificpartsofthevideo

      give students the ability to skip to specific areas. Carefully planning of the video is encouraged.

    2. amplingThemethodologycomprisedaquestionnaireconductedattheendofafullsemestervideoexperience

      sampling process - students at the end of the full semester video experience.

    3. Althoughvideosforlearning/traininghavebeenemployedintheindustryandeducationformanyyears,severalfactorsregardinglearners’engagementwithanduseofvideoshavechanged.Forexample,learnerscaninteractwiththecontentinvariousways,videorepositorieshaveadvanced(e.g.,iTunes,YouTube),andotherinteractiveandsmartvideo-basedsystemshaveappeared(MOOCs,InteractiveTV).

      for the activity, ask learners to pick a source of educational videos that they like, compare and contrast with another source. Or gage the effectiveness of that video based on what they learned.

    1. (Guo et al., 2014).

      include info about the shortness of videos - research further

    2. The first and most important guideline for maximizing stu-dent attention to educational video is to keep it short.
  4. Jun 2016
  5. www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.com
    1. dragged lifelessly behind

      Inhumane Vermin - An Interpretive Dance


      (Aleksandra A, Alexander C, Jaryd F, Alexa Annesse, Olivia K. Period 3)

  6. Nov 2014