31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Nov 2024
    1. In the latenineteenth and early twentieth centuries, cities passed “ugly laws” banning“unsightly beggars” from public places. In the first half of the twentiethcentury, vagrancy and loitering ordinances were used to expel the poor frompark benches and street corners. Today, municipal regulations still allow thepolice to arrest the homeless for being seen in public, criminalizing abjectpoverty.
  3. Jun 2024
  4. May 2024
  5. Apr 2024
    1. Cohen, Rachel M. “What the Supreme Court Case on Tent Encampments Could Mean for Homeless People.” Vox, April 21, 2024. https://www.vox.com/scotus/24123323/grants-pass-scotus-supreme-court-homeless-tent-encampments.

    2. The American Psychiatric Association noted that police are also more likely to use excessive force when they interact with unhoused people with mental illness. Even when “well-intentioned law enforcement responders” respond to calls for help, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the situations often escalate due to “the presence of police vehicles and armed officers that generate anxiety.”
    3. More than one-fifth of people experiencing homelessness currently have a serious mental illness like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, and the US Department of Justice has found that “the prevalence of unmet behavioral health needs” is a key driver in why “people who experience homelessness tend to have frequent (and often repeat) interactions with law enforcement.”
    4. Willison’s research found that 22 percent of mayors from over 120 cities station their homelessness staff within police departments. Even among those cities that station homeless outreach teams elsewhere, most still include formal roles for police. Seventy-six percent of homeless outreach teams formally involve the police, per another study she co-published last year.
    5. “The crux of the issue is we’re thinking about the focus on encampment closure without access to housing,” said Charley Willison, a Cornell professor who has studied the influence of police on cities’ homelessness policies.
    6. “The Ninth Circuit and respondents have tried to downplay the ways in which the ruling ties local leaders’ hands, but their arguments only confirm the decision’s ambiguity and unworkability,” Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote in an amicus brief filed in September.

      I'm surprised to see this stance from Gavin Newsom... though California probably faces a higher level of homelessness than most states as a result of its weather.

      Does it though? What are the rates of homelessness as a percentage of population per state? What do the overall numbers look like for CA as a percentage of the total?

    7. In Grants Pass v. Johnson, the Supreme Court will decide whether it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment to fine, ticket, or jail someone for sleeping outside on public property if they have nowhere else to go. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs would make it easier for communities to clear out homeless people’s tent encampments, even if no available housing or shelter exists.
  6. Aug 2023
    1. Almost 40 percent of transgender youth experience homelessness or housing instability, according to a 2022 report from the Trevor Project, a nonprofit that provides crisis support for young LGBTQ+ people.
  7. Jul 2023
  8. Nov 2022
    1. This is a good example of how undesirable social facts (i.e., that some people will homeless) can undermine the overall health of the society. I added a comment to the article to explain in more detail the systems-level effects.

  9. Oct 2022
  10. Aug 2022
  11. Jul 2022
  12. Jan 2022
  13. Mar 2021
    1. Recognizing the role that federal leadership can play in breaking this cycle, the Council is pursuing steps to reduce criminal justice system involvement among people experiencing homelessness, both by reducing the criminalization of homelessness and the return of people from correctional settings to homelessness. Specific action areas include:

      criminals make up poor people crazy stuff mannnn

    1. Strategies Improve identification of children experiencing homelessness and ensure support for them to enroll in school. Eliminate barriers to enrollment and provide seamless transitions from early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Improve access to and retention in early childhood education programs, elementary and secondary education, and post-secondary education. Review existing federal, state, and local program policies, procedures, and regulations to identify mechanisms that could increase both access to and retention in high-quality programs. These mechanisms should help remove barriers and ensure early childhood-to-adulthood educational access, quality child care, and early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Educate homelessness assistance providers about the laws, and the programs and practices under those laws, designed to increase access to early care and education, such as those carried out under Head Start, the McKinney-Vento Act’s education subtitle, and the independent student provisions of the Higher Education Act.


  14. Sep 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. Nov 2019
  17. Nov 2018
    1. (1)Primary homelessnessPeople without conventional accommodation (livingon thestreets, sleeping in parks, squatting in derelict buildings, orusing cars or railway carriages for temporary shelter).(2 )Secondary homelessness(moving around/temporary accommodation)People who move around frequently fromone form of tempo-rary shelter to another, including: people using emergencyaccommodation; teenagers staying in youth refuges; peopleresiding temporarily with friendsor relatives; and those usingboarding houses onan occasional or intermittent basis.(3 )Tertiary homelessness(boarding house population)People living in singlerooms on a medium to long-term basis.Residents of private boarding houses donot have a separatebedroom and living room; they donot have kitchen and bath-room facilities of their own; their accommodation is not selfcontained; and they do not have security oftenure providedby a lease. Theyare homeless, because their accommodation isinferior to the characteristics identified in the 'communitystandard'.(4)Marginally housedPeople in accommodation situations whichare only slightlybelow the communitynorm. This category would include: acouple living ina single room with their own kitchen andbathroom, but withouta separate room for sleeping; or a fam-ily staying with relatives (doubling up);or a couple renting acaravan without security of tenure

      The 3 levels of homeslessness

  18. Nov 2016
  19. atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net
    1. The Atlanta Business article by Dave Williams details city plans to close the Peachtree-Pine homeless shelter, and convert the space to a police and fire facility. City officials met to vote on the action, but the council was delayed by complaints and protests from members of the community. The article catalogues continued efforts of the city to terminate the shelter’s operation, accused of “‘warehousing’ the homeless.” The shelter has in turn accused Atlanta officials to maintain agenda of negative gentrification. Ultimately, the city continues with its plans to transition the shelter, while seeking low-housing opportunities for individuals and families displaced by its closure.

      The author presents an objective chronicle of the council meeting, and the members’ idiosyncratic perspectives on the shelter. However, I have read numerous articles on the closure of the shelter, and most are devoted to the perspectives of Anita Beaty and other members of the Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless. This Atlanta Business article does not consider the concerns and arguments of this group, or the effects of the closure on the homeless population. The perspectives presented are mostly biased to positively portray the city and its council members, although the article deals with a controversial issue in Atlanta.

  20. Sep 2016
    1. “The tunnel’snot bad. The tunnel’s a good place if you want to find out who you are. But when you find out who you are, you have to move out or the tunnel will eat you up like it ate me up for several years. Like I say, I built everything up around the tunnel. Now I have to learn to build it around myself.”

      I would like to discuss this further in class. I think the idea that the tunnel took over his life could be his way of saying how he relied to much on the tunnel, instead of allowing the tunnel to help him.

    2. Homelessness is not truly the condition of not having a home. Because the homeless indeed have a home they build on the streets or in the tunnels, their condition is more accurately described as the absence of a stable home.

      I think this can be connected to Schindler. Schindler tries to make the argument on how homeless people are not actually homeless because they have space under bridges and in tunnels.

  21. Apr 2015
    1. “Honestly,” said Wiener, “it is perplexing to me why people are so insistent that local communities should not have control. The behavior we see on (our) street is a very localized issue. We should be able to address it.

      Our local communities passed sit-lie, Scott. Not only that, but on the very same ballot was a measure that would increase foot patrols.

      We can't, from one side of our mouths, say that we should have local control, and then from the other side that police don't get discretion in how they address use of public space but instead must enforce a law like sit-lie.

      Our local community got it wrong. If we can get it right at the state level, then fine.

      I don't care at which level it happens, I care that our laws encode compassion.

    2. And it gives police a tool to discourage bad behavior.

      Who decides that this behavior is "bad"?