- Jan 2025
aisel.aisnet.org aisel.aisnet.org
As digital nudges become more widespread, it is essential to consider their potentially harmful conse-quences. Our research, based on 42 semi-structured interviews, found that even with the consent of thenudged individual, nudging them in a digital environment can lead to feelings of stress or guilt. Throughour findings, we developed an in-depth understanding of the impact of digital nudging on user dignityand provided guidelines for designers to consider the potential dignity affronts. The participants in athree-month research study reported responses to digital nudges that could be categorized as dignityaffronts in the form of forfeit, flight, and fight actions. I
These findings raise the question of what constitutes a dark pattern. As discussed in the literature review byMathur, Acar, et al. (2019), there is no clear definition of what constitutes a dark pattern. Some definitionsfocus on the intention of the nudger and state that a dark pattern is an intentionally harmful nudge (Contiand Sobiesk, 2010). Other definitions state that any harmful nudge, regardless of intention, is a darkpattern (Waldman, 2020; Zagal, Björk, and Lewis, 2013). Looking at the findings of this research, thedigital nudges in the app were both helpful and harmful, depending on the participant. This illustrates thatperhaps a digital nudge can become a dark pattern under certain circumstances, even if it is responsiblydesigned.
Digital nudging has become an important research topic for information systems researchers to explore.In general, digital nudging is seen as a positive form of engagement while few study the impact of digitalnudging in a critical manner.
Importantly, our paper shows that a digital nudge can become a dark patternunder certain circumstances, even if it is responsibly designed.
- Apr 2024
www.ramotion.com www.ramotion.com
cognitive skills. Therefore, keeping the designs clean and safe from clutter and distractions is essential. This will help kids get the b
Which sounds work best for my age group/target audience?
- Dec 2023
developers.secure.facebook.com developers.secure.facebook.com
It's also a good idea to run qualitative usability tests to understand how people are reacting to what they see.
- Sep 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Read this and consider usability definition in light of the right note length/atomicity.
- Oct 2022
archive.org archive.org
...the usefulness of a note-taking system has an ultimate limit beyond which it becomes self-defeating. [...] After all, the ultimate purpose of the exercise is not to produce beautiful notes displaying the researcher's technical prowess, but rather usable notes to build the mosaic.<br /> —Jacques Goutor (p33)
- Jun 2022
swisslog.mcoutput.com swisslog.mcoutput.com
If the scanned item does not match
A pic of what this would look like would be so much clearer (photo of screen appearance and nonmatching label on item)
- Jan 2022
support.google.com support.google.com
If there is still a problem, try clearing Captcha again. I acknowledge you wrote that you already did this, but you must open that page using the account that you are setting up in Thunderbird. If you are signed into multiple Google accounts, the page will open with the primary account. To be certain that you have used the correct account, please try again after signing out.
This is a real usability issue.
That page (https://accounts.google.com/b/0/DisplayUnlockCaptcha) doesn't even tell you which account is active or give you any way to switch.
As a guess, I tried changing the number, like this: https://accounts.google.com/b/3/DisplayUnlockCaptcha to the same number as I saw in the URL for the account that I wanted to affect: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/3/#inbox and I think it worked (but again, no way to know for sure which account was affected).
- Aug 2021
github.com github.com
Why not just prettier-ignore? Because I want to keep Prettier here. Still format my code. But just with another config. This already works with prettierrc > overrides. But this proposal is for a better usability and flexibility.
- May 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
As the token is unique and unpredictable, it also enforces proper sequence of events (e.g. screen 1, then 2, then 3) which raises usability problem (e.g. user opens multiple tabs). It can be relaxed by using per session CSRF token instead of per request CSRF token.
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
each of which we could show to be more beautiful, and more usable than the original.
To improve the usability of text fields and to determine which text field variables to alter, our researchers and designers conducted two studies between November 2016 and February 2017, with actual users.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
I don't think this is what really matters at the end, since whatever is the implementation the goal should be to provide a library that people actually like to use.
- Jul 2020
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
There is a usability problem here, it's basically impossible to read the output of Time#inspect in such a case, even though the input was readable.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Matamala-Gomez. M., Brivio E., Chirico. A., Malighetti. C., Realdon. O., Serino. S., Dakanalis. A., Corno. G., Polli. N., Cacciatore. C., Riva. Giuseppe., Mantovani. F (2020) User Experience and usability of a new virtual reality set-up to treat eating disorders: a pilot study. PsyArXiv Preprints. Retrieved from: https://psyarxiv.com/b38ym/
ttu.blackboard.com ttu.blackboard.com
Therefore, it’s not so much that an appealing design makes an interface more effective, but that itmakes humans more effective. Thus, the human and the computer function better as a whole.This relationship between interface attractiveness and improved usability is known as theaesthetics-usability effect.
- Apr 2020
www.troyhunt.com www.troyhunt.com
This has a usability impact. From a purely "secure all the things" standpoint, you should absolutely take the above approach but there will inevitably be organisations that are reluctant to potentially lose the registration as a result of pushing back
- Mar 2019
www.interaction-design.org www.interaction-design.org
Shneiderman's eight golden rules of interface design This is a simple page that lists and briefly explains the eight golden rules of interface design. The rules are quite useful when designing interfaces and the explanation provided here is sufficient to enable the visitor to use the principles. Rating 5/5
www.creativebloq.com www.creativebloq.com
quick and dirty usability testing
This page has an irritating pop-up ad as well as quite a bit of images that surround the text. Nonetheless, it offers tips and techniques for making sure that usability testing gets done at some level and can be done by the average person who may not have time, money, or a lab. Rating 2/5
faculty.washington.edu faculty.washington.edu
Shneiderman's eight golden rules Here is a better presentation than the one I already posted. This is just black and white text and lists the eight rules together with a description of one or two sentences. Printable. Useful. Rating 5/5
- Nov 2018
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Instructional Design Strategies for Intensive Online Courses: An Objectivist-Constructivist Blended Approach
This was an excellent article Chen (2007) in defining and laying out how a blended learning approach of objectivist and constructivist instructional strategies work well in online instruction and the use of an actual online course as a study example.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Performance Factors, Influences, Technology Integration, Teaching Methods, Instructional Innovation, Case Studies, Barriers, Grounded Theory, Interviews, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Characteristics, Technological Literacy, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Usability, Institutional Characteristics, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Qualitative Research
- etc556
- Instructional systems design; Distance education; Online courses; Adult education; Learning ability; Social integration
- instructional technology
- instructional methods
- distance education
- constructivism
- instructiveness effectiveness
- instructional design systems
- etcnau
- online education growth
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Distance Education Trends: Integrating new technologies to foster student interaction and collaboration
This article explores the interaction of student based learner-centered used of technology tools such as wikis, blogs and podcasts as new and emerging technology tools. With distance learning programs becoming more and more popular, software applications such as Writeboard, InstaCol and Imeem may become less of the software of choice. The article looks closely at the influence of technology and outcomes.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Performance Factors, Influences, Technology Integration, Teaching Methods, Instructional Innovation, Case Studies, Barriers, Grounded Theory, Interviews, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Characteristics, Technological Literacy, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Usability, Institutional Characteristics, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Qualitative Research
- etc556
- imeem
- asynchronous
- education programs
- writeboard
- distance education
- instacoll
- etcnau
- synchronous
- Jan 2018
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Among the options available are two for missile alerts, according to the Washington Post. One is labelled “test missile alert”, which will test the notification system is working without actually sending an alert to the public.
Microcopy matters, yo.
- Nov 2017
www.easkme.com www.easkme.com
Tips to Improve your Website's Usability
- Jan 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
I wish there were a way to see comments "in-context" directly next to the sentences they relate to. There's a lot of disconnection between content and commentary having it in the side-bar and not having the text highlights numbered to match the annotation areas. Also is there any way to get an overview of all comments on the page summarized or ranked in some way?
- Nov 2015
uxmyths.com uxmyths.com
Peter Steen Høgenhaug conducted a test to measure how people understand icons of a CMS editor. The result: the widely used 'insert link’ icon was understood only by 35% of the participants, even the classic 'undo’ and 'redo’ icons were only recognized by half of the participants
Amazing result!
The story of the Microsoft Outlook toolbar: until labels were added to the icons, non-expert users didn’t use the toolbar’s buttons at all (with the exception of the ‘Delete’ icon). Then “Different fixes were tried: new icons, rearrangement of the icons, positioning icons under the menus from which the commands came from. In the end, one change caused a total turnaround: labeling the important toolbar buttons. Almost immediately, the toolbars were a big hit and everyone at all skill levels started using them.”
Pretty spectacular result!
- May 2015
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
When considering an overlay, lightbox, or modal window, ask yourself the following questions: Who is the target audience? What action is the user supposed to take? When will the overlay appear, and will it be an interruption? Where will the overlay appear on the page? Why does this need to be in an overlay instead of within a page?
- Feb 2015
jonudell.net jonudell.net
Group name shows on cards
"{user} for {group} on {doc_title}"
and"{user} for {group}"
in the sidebar. -
leave a group
Does "leaving" amount to "unsubscribing"? Such that, leaving a group simply means it won't:
- show up in your sidebar/stream content
- won't send you email for additions in that group
- won't be in your list of groups to publish into
I.e. if I wanted back in, I could find that email with the invite link and re-join (or perhaps there's UI that let's me re-join past groups).