18 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Der neue französische Premierminister Michel Barnier hat in seiner Zeit als Umweltminister wesentlich dazu beigetragen, das Vorsorgeprinzip und die finanzielle Verantwortung der Verschmutzenden für Schäden im Umweltrecht zu verankern. Obwohl er zu Amtsbeginn auch von der „ökologischen Schuld" gesprochen hat, erwarten NGOs und Thinktanks, deren Vertreter:innen die Libération befragt hat, allenfalls vorsichtige umweltpolitische Schritte und eine insgesamt restriktive Ausgabenpolitik von ihm.https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/le-premier-ministre-michel-barnier-est-il-vraiment-decide-a-payer-la-dette-ecologique-de-la-france-20240906_7BYVDVAUSJD2VN6M4V7DAI2N2E/

  2. May 2024
    1. Die Pläne der Kohle-, Öl- und gasproduzierenden Staaten zur Ausweitung der Förderung würden 2030 zu 460% mehr Kohle, 83% mehr Gas und 29% mehr Ölproduktion führen, als mit dem Pariser Abkommen vereinbar ist. Der aktuelle Production Gap Report der Vereinten Nationen konzentriert sich auf die 20 stärksten Verschmutzer-Staaten, deren Pläne fast durchgängig in radikalem Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen stehen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/insanity-petrostates-planning-huge-expansion-of-fossil-fuels-says-un-report

      Report: https://productiongap.org/

  3. Feb 2024
    1. for - climate crisis - interview - Neil degrasse Tyson - Gavin Schmidt - 2023 record heat - NASA explanation

      podcast details - title: How 2023 broke our climate models - host: Neil degrasse Tyson & Paul Mercurio - guest: NASA director, Gavin Schmidt - date: Jan 2024

      summary - Neil degrasse and his cohost Paul Mercurio interview NASA director Gavin Schmidt to discuss the record-breaking global heating in 2023 and 2024. - Neil and Paul cover a lot in this short interview including: - NASA models can't explain the large jump in temperature in 2023 / 2024. Yes, they predicted incremental increases, but not such large jumps. Gavin finds this worrying. - PACE satellite launches this month, to gather important data on the state of aerosols around the planet. This infomration can help characterize more precisely the role aerosols are playing in global heating. - geoengineering with aerosols is not considered a good idea by Gavin, as it essentially means once started, and if it works to cool the planet, we would be dependent on them for centuries. - Gavin stresses the need for a cohesive collective solution, but that it's beyond him how we achieve that given all the denailsim and misinformation that influeces policy out there.

  4. Sep 2023
  5. Aug 2023
  6. Oct 2022
  7. Sep 2022
  8. Jun 2022
  9. Apr 2022
    1. My Nitter and Miniflux combo on YunoHost still going well for [[reading tweets without being on Twitter]]. I use it to keep up with what's going on with organisations local to me, who are still on legacy social media platforms. Could still do with something that works well for RSSifying Facebook.

      Very interesting! Have you noded instructions on how to reproduce?

  10. Oct 2021
    1. I do like the phrase 'digital garden' but I still don't feel comfortable enough to not put it in quotes.

      Interesting! I sometimes wonder if I should just use 'personal wiki' instead. What do you use?

    2. Follow people wherever they are (including the big silos). This is with a [[social reader]]. Write locally, in my [[personal wiki]], first. This is with [[org-roam]]. Publish on my own site, my '[[digital garden]]'. I for sure own the data this way. This is via [[Micropub]] (stream), and [[org-publish]] (garden). Syndicate things elsewhere, wherever the community best fits for my post. But don't feed the big tech beasts. This is via [[Webmentions]], [[brid.gy]]. Interact with people wherever they are, but still via my own site if possible. Some combo of [[social reader]], [[Micropub]], [[brid.gy]]. At present, a combo of [[org-mode]], [[IndieWeb]], [[Fediverse]], [[Agora]] make this possible for me.


  11. Sep 2021
    1. I think Marshall McLuhan knew it all. I really do. Not exactly what it would look like, but his view and Postman’s view that we are creating a digital global nervous system is a way they put it, it was exactly right. A nervous system, it was such the exact right metaphor. And he didn’t — it’s not that they saw it exactly, but I really love those mid-century media critics because they saw something happening clearer than we see it now. And it is a nervous system. I’m a huge Marshall McLuhan stan.

      We are creating physical infrastructure to scale, enhance, and amplify human capabilities to extend our reach beyond the constraints of time and space.

  12. Sep 2020
    1. ARCHIVIST (overlapping) Mm, they were… Well, let’s just say it’s not a complete shock there was something unnatural to them. Didn’t know we had copies in the Institute, though, let alone original cuts. [He laughs.] ARCHIVIST (CONT’D) Records indicate they ended up in… (paper flips) Artefact Storage.
    1. Dexter clearly wasn’t sleeping. He had insisted on using old equipment, and avoided digital almost entirely, to the point where several of the crew were using pieces of kit they’d never even seen before. This meant that a work print had to be made manually for the dailies, something he refused to let anyone else do.

      Noted by jjhunter on RQO.

  13. Aug 2019
    1. Give both men 30 seconds to solo, and Frusciante would blow Young off the stage, just as Duane Allman would blow Frusciante off the stage. Young is something else, though.
  14. Aug 2017
    1. There are many celebrated writers in this world, but few ever reach the rockstar-level status of dark fantasy author Neil Gaiman.

      Love him!

  15. Aug 2016
    1.  As Neil Selwyn (2013) notes, the expansion of technology (and the rise of EdTech) coincides with a growth in libertarian ideals and neoliberal governmental policies, a one-two punch of individual exceptionalism and belief in the power of the outsider.