74 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. although is by no means the only place agriculture has been invented from scratch in probably at least half a dozen places around the world at least

      for - agriculture was invented in at least a dozen places around the world

  2. Apr 2024
  3. Mar 2024
  4. Feb 2024
    1. One of my inquiries was for anecdotes regarding mistakes made between the twins by their near relatives. The replies are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children, they are usually distinguished by ribbons tied round the wrist or neck; nevertheless the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes was usually given by the mother, in a phraseology that is some- [p. 158] what touching by reason of its seriousness.

  5. Sep 2023
    1. "Surrendering" by Ocean Vuong

      1. He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.

      2. He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.

  6. Nov 2022
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Sep 2022
    1. ‘He was by a neighbour found,‘With his sieull all smashed to peices,He did lay upon the ground5O’ then what news was for his som,‘To hear his father Was no more,: ‘To think by raffians he was murdered,& At the oge of sixty-four.|

      Detailed how he was found

    2. oallyoung menpraytakewarning,Highandlowofevery decree,Giveupdrirkingandnight-walking,Blayothoaeandshunbedcompany.Drinkhos"r,tmanyamantorain,‘Someithasevntacrossthesea,Someit.hascausedto die injail,”‘Andsomeuponthegollowstree,London PrintedandPublishedatTAYLOR'S‘SongMart,93,BrickLane,Bethnal Green,"(ienetheRailway Arch.)Haw!‘and the TradeSupplied.

      The night of the murder

  9. Jul 2022
    1. Many of the workers reported that first thing in themorning, or after any interruption in their thought(like a ‘phone call), they have the “where was 1?”problem in a complex and ill-defined space of ideas.The layout of physical materials on their desk givesthem powerful and immediate contextual cues torecover a complex set of threads without difilcultyand delay, “this is my whole context, these are mypersonal piles”

      Following interruptions by colleagues or phone calls at work, people may frequently ask themselves "where was I?" more frequently than "what was I doing?" This colloquialism isn't surprising as our memories for visual items and location are much stronger than actions. Knowledge workers will look around at their environments for contextual clues for what they were doing and find them in piles of paper on their desks, tabs in their computer browser, or even documents (physical or virtual) on their desktops.

    1. As time passed, primates as a whole became more social and evolved to live together in groups, but only humans became truly monogamous. Today, other primate species such as bonobos and chimps mate with multiple individuals in their groups.
  10. May 2022
    1. "I'd want to learn a lot from Professor Zimmerman so that I may obtain as much information as possible and use it in reality. It's not about the work."

    2. "To summarize, I am prepared to conquer all hurdles in my path to achieving the career of my dreams so that I may contribute to my society. I am a firm believer in the concept of dreams coming true."

  11. Apr 2022
  12. Dec 2021
    1. Note also that testators left cloth as bequests during the epidemic. Apparently they were not as concerned with clothes retaining miasma as were anti-plague ordinances of the government.

      I did not know what the word miasma meant, after searching it up I learned that it was a "highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell". I wanted to learn more about what personal hygiene was like and how it changed during the time of the plague. I learned that it was a very unsanitary time and this helped to spread the plague. The doctors were unsure where the plague could spread from some, the community continued on with their everyday routine in little sense of where the disease came from which made the plague spread more.

  13. Oct 2021
    1. The breakdown of water involves a rearrangement of the atoms in water molecules into different molecules,

      Why would hydrogen and oxygen need to be separated for?

  14. Sep 2021
  15. Aug 2021
  16. Apr 2021
    1. COPYRIGHT Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and is currently maintained by Wayne Davison. It has been improved by many developers from around the world. Rsync may be used, modified and redistributed only under the terms of the GNU General Public License, found in the file COPYING in this distribution, or at the Free Software Foundation.

      Only answered:

      • who maintains
      • what the license is
    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
  17. Feb 2021
  18. Jan 2021
  19. Nov 2020
  20. Oct 2020
    1. I really dont need a solution to this problem! I can find many workararounds

      Actually, the answer that was given was a good answer, as it pointed to the problem: It was a reminder that you need to:

      assign to a locally declared variable.

      So I'm not sure the answer was intended to "just" be a solution/workaround, but to help correct or fill in the misunderstanding / forgotten piece of the puzzle to help OP realize why it wasn't working, and realize how reactivity is designed to work (based on assignments).

      It was a very simplified answer, but it was meant to point in the right direction.

      Indeed, it pointed to this main point that was explained in more detail by @rixo later:

      Personally, this also totally aligns with my expectations because in your function fruit can come from anywhere and be anything:

  21. Sep 2020
    1. DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
    2. When the message say function was called outside component initialization first will look at my code and last at my configuration.
    3. We could at least try to offer better error message for this, before it becomes our next NullPointerException, Segmentation Fault or Kernel Panic
  22. Jul 2020
    1. Oracle didn’t seem very interested in OpenOffice.org, and the community of volunteers developing it formed The Document Foundation back in 2010. They called on Oracle to participate and donate the OpenOffice.org name and brand to the community. Oracle never did, and the resulting forked office suite has been named LibreOffice since then.
  23. Mar 2020
    1. Puanani is my chosen name

      This is the name that she has chosen for herself, There is also a "is" instead of a "was" but someone else already said that.

  24. Dec 2019
  25. Nov 2019
    1. I often wish for this. I don't understand why this hasn't been added.

      Ugly workaround for now:

      # Note, even though we don't need or use arguments passed to this selector, you *must* pass in an
      # argument to prevent it from matching the :id selector and giving a "Unable to find id :parent (Capybara::ElementNotFound)" error.
      # Example: el.first(:parent, 1)
      # You may also need match: first if el matches multiple elements to avoid Capybara::Ambiguous
      Capybara.add_selector(:parent) do
        xpath { ".//.." }
  26. Oct 2019
  27. Aug 2019
  28. Feb 2019
    1. this

      I thought the point that the father made about why he put his son in the art of boxing to teach him about being a man at 7 years old. I mean i agree with the lady about him getting hurt in boxing at the age of 7 years old.

  29. Sep 2017
    1. Faced with this predicament and having due regard to the far-reaching questions of importance involving interpretation of the Constitution, it was felt that institutional integrity and judicial discipline would require a reference to a larger Bench
  30. Feb 2017
    1. Too often when we try to finish up the business of electing at first meeting, we discover, later on, that the finish was an extinguisher

      I understand what she is saying until, "That the finish was an extinguisher." I definitely agree with the first part of this claim. Just to compare it to politics or sports (@sophist_monster): The presidential campaign and college basketball come to mind. A large percent of the population wanted good ole Grandpa Bernie to win and at a few times I thought he was going to beat Hil Gal. For my sports people: most people and myself included thought Duke would dominate the NCAA right now (I still do)(Duke of the Ship). But, back to the point, people back in the 19th century and now still continue to finalize winners before the race really begins.

  31. Dec 2016
  32. Oct 2016
    1. One electron could stay in orbit around one proton to become an atom of hydrogen
    2. In the beginning, as far as we know, there was nothing. Suddenly, from a single point, all the energy in the Universe burst forth. Since that moment 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe has been expanding — and cooling down as it gets bigger

      the universe has been expanding and cooling down as its gets bigger

  33. Nov 2015
    1. distributing pamphlets that urged an overthrow of the government

      The pamphlets were urging the resistance of the draft, but the book did not state that the attempt was to overthrow the government. Only to express his political ideals.