235 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. If you have a government email address, you can create a trial account.

      All for it! Built systems allow you the flexibility to include trial accounts.

      Purchased web services that have a trail or free tier have been a great place for my digital teams to learn and experiment. I think if the government marketplace had more easy and acceptable options for free or low cost web service trials it would have a major impact on the pace of change.

      The justified fears of misspent money should be met with research of "did it work" rather than just rules to restrict behavior.

    2. Developing a collective understanding of what makes a good platform is important. A general rule is that if a system is trying to do multiple things, or is highly customizable, it probably isn’t a good platform.

      Love this line. Does this translate into procurement language or is it a best practice norm rather than a rule?

  2. Apr 2019
    1. [An aside about exogenous social capital: you might complain that your tweets are more interesting and grammatical than those of, say, Donald Trump (you're probably right!). Or that your photos are better composed and more interesting at a deep level of photographic craft than those of Kim Kardashian. The difference is, they bring a massive supply of exogenous pre-existing social capital from another status game, the fame game, to every table, and some forms of social capital transfer quite well across platforms. Generalized fame is one of them. More specific forms of fame or talent might not retain their value as easily: you might follow Paul Krugman on Twitter, for example, but not have any interest in his Instagram account. I don't know if he has one, but I probably wouldn't follow it if he did, sorry Paul, it’s nothing personal.]

      In publishing circles, this has long been known as platform or author platform--ie that thing that made you famous in the first place that gives you the space to attempt to try to use that fame to sell books.

  3. Feb 2019
    1. Engineering Challenges
      • Communication 通常的存储都是kv,更新粒度是单个数值,但是ML算法通常的数据集类型是matrix,vector,tensor,更新的是part matrix或者vector,所以可以更进一步优化通信数据类型。

      • Fault tolerance

  4. Jan 2019
  5. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. So I'd rather have, you know, five of these tabs open with the order book and trade history for something that I'm, uh, watching imminently than just have the chart open on one page and then the exchange with the order book, trade history on, on another tab. You know what I mean?
    2. no, and I was talking to her at the meetup and find it very useful to see all my accounts on these three exchanges on one screen. I don't want to have to log in to each one separately and keep track of how much coins I have on each. I would rather see this on one screen every morning. I pull up the screen easy to see. I don't necessarily need to trade from that screen, but I can just an idea of what holdings I have because I'm constantly rebalancing.
    3. So that's what I, that's why I had many exchanges, but then it became a hassle to manage and like anyway, I profited off that that was good. But in 2018 when it, when it became a bear market, that same strategy didn't work. And just because there was just the overabundance of coins, new coins, and they weren't blowing up like they used to. So I was like, why am I keeping all of this bitcoin scattered across diff or ether or rather scattered across different exchanges?
    4. Then once of use various tools to basically identify a potential trade, then I will basically figure out what the risk to reward is going to be for that trade.
    5. say try to focus on something that's really gonna drive you away from the competition, that people need. Because like I pay for multiple tools.
    6. Yeah, I mean, so if you have one tool, I mean, in theory it makes more sense because you're not all over the place.
    7. So, you know, it's just, it's a, it's a little repetitive.
    8. e? I use individualized applications for exc
  6. Nov 2018
    1. This is Colony.A platform foropen organizations.

      a platform for cooperative open communities

    1. SurveyMonkey

      SurveyMonkey is a FREE survey platform that allows for the collection of responses from targeted individuals that can be easily collected and used to create reports and quantify results. SurveyMonkey can be delivered via email, mobile, chat, web and social media. The platform is easy to use and can be used as an add on for large CRMs such as Salesforce. There are over 100 templates and the ability to develop customized templates to suit your needs. www.surveymonkey.com

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. The Moodle project

      Moodle is one of the largest open source collaborative platform used in the development of curriculum.

      Moodle is an Australian company and has various levels of subscriptions including one level for free. Overall I have found the site to be user friendly rich with demos, documentation and support including community forums. This site supports multiple languages and has an easy to use drop down menu for that selection.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  7. May 2018
    1. Thesemodels are often shared globally by all worker nodes,which must frequently accesses the shared parameters asthey perform computation to refine it.


      • 网络带宽的巨大消耗
      • 很多算法是顺序的。这种同步的训练方式很低效
      • 分布式的话容错性差
  8. Feb 2018
  9. Jun 2017
    1. A Social Operating System for Decentralized Organizations


  10. Feb 2017
  11. Nov 2016
    1. Uberisation is basically known as the application age or the advanced age where people are becoming advanced and using the applications for everything. This application culture is known as the uberisation culture. http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/tutoring-becomes-part-rising-uberisation-culture/

    1. The online platform has changed the social scenario in various contexts. Mainly with the help of online platform, the people are able to connect to each other. In the field of education also lots of changes have been witnessed by the society. It has changed the dimensions of study. http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/youtube-tutoring-a-leap-change/

    2. Today English is the most commonly used, i.e. spoken, written and listened language, making it extremely popular all around the world. In many countries, it has become the second official language, as they have understood the importance of it in the modern context. http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/top-10-books-on-english-language/

    3. Sharing economy can be defined as the socio-economic system which is used to describe the social and economic activities. Shared economy is also known as peer economy, collaborative consumption or share economy.http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/shared-economy-and-millennial-changing-the-startup-scene-in-the-uk/

  12. Sep 2016
    1. Note: A future level of CSS may introduce ways to create custom highlight pseudo-elements.

      Oh my god, yes please!

  13. Aug 2016
    1. There was a culture then, almost a requirement, that one needed to build platforms and contexts (social or political) to support one’s thesis, and then material practice would follow. These issues were pressing, because by this time I had begun to teach at Cooper Union. I was negotiating between promoting a rigorous painting model and a new context—conversations with students and colleagues about contemporary art issues and institutional critique. So it was a very complicated time for me as an educator, to figure out how to insist on a conversation about painting rigor in relation to contemporary art. I continued to go the way that I needed to with my own work, both protecting it from the institutional framework and furthering my ideas about painting in school and in the studio—it was a tough, amazing time.
  14. Jul 2016
  15. May 2016
    1. You don't eat People Food and give your developers Dog Food. Doing that is simply robbing your long-term platform value for short-term successes. Platforms are all about long-term thinking.
  16. Mar 2016
    1. should be pretty high, because we’re talking about a workplace

      Also about shared legal ownership. In the early stages probably more of a concern as members would have higher levels influence and company culture and processes aren't set. At scale though barriers to entry could be quite low, consider a Cooperative like REI has a very low barrier ($29 and signing a form.)

  17. Sep 2015
    1. This is an interesting history of web app and specifically component / styling development at Yandex and the evolution of the BEM methodology.

  18. Aug 2015
    1. All these worries stem from a transfer of power: from publisher to platform; from content creator to content distributor

      A discussion about publisher as platform, or how we're defining publisher is in order here. These were previously connected, but no longer. Though some media still need it. fasicnating!

  19. Feb 2014
    1. API Management Using Github

      I have documented eleven approaches to using Github for API management to date:

      • Design and Code
      • Documentation
      • Software development kits (SDK)
      • Code Samples (Gists)
      • Developer Authentication
      • Developer Profiling
      • Presentations and Guides
      • Issue Management
      • Roadmaps
      • Hackathons
      • Terms of Service, Privacy, and Branding
    1. Github As The Central Presence, Definition, Configuration, And Source Code For Your API Posted on 02-05-2014 It is easy to think of Github as a central repository for your open source code—most developers understand that. I have written before about the many ways to use Github as part of your API management strategy, but in the last few months I'm really seeing Github playing more of a central role in the overall lifecycle of an API.