1. Jun 2024
    1. Distinct Factors Influencing Adult Learning

      Motivation, Experience, flexible environment

    2. Adult Learning Principles

      basically why they learn. Use, self driven, ready/relevant

    3. earn at their own pace

      learn but yeah

    4. Collaborative Learning


    5. hands-on experiences,

      calling this experimental.

    6. Use of Prior Experience

      key 3

    7. Practicality and Relevance

      key 2

    8. Self-direction

      adult key 1

    9. Techniques for Enhancing Child Learning

      visual, storytelling, and play based. Interested in adult differences.

    10. Innate Abilities or Disabilities

      Kids are unique, remember that

    11. Socio-economic conditions:

      Interesting because I feel like this is important for adult learners as well.

    12. Absence of Prior Experience

      key 3

    13. Curiosity and Exploration

      key 2

    14. Dependence on adults:

      key 1

    15. foundation of their lifelong learning path is laid

      solid line

    16. Children stepping into the world of knowledge absorption and skill acquisition are termed child learners.

      I like this definition. Use it.

    17. one encounters elements of behavior, cognitive development, and societal factors


    18. Child learners and adult learners manifest distinctly different learning patterns.


    1. ypertext presents a radically divergent technology, interactive and polyvocal, favoring a plurality of discourses over definitive utterance and freeing the reader from domination by the author.

      I really agree with this part where it says that it shows the diversityt technology has, it's also interactive, because in just one click, you may enter to a whole new world of information.

    1. eLife assessment

      This interesting study explores whether tumor cells can manipulate their Hydra hosts and has useful findings on the consequences for the fitness of the host Hydra.<br /> However, the evidence supporting these findings was incomplete, would benefit from the addition of several control experiments. The work will be of broad interest to many fields including development biology, evolutionary biology and tumor biology.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, BOUTRY et al examined a cnidarian Hydra model system where spontaneous tumors manifest in laboratory settings, and lineages featuring vertically transmitted neoplastic cells (via host budding) have been sustained for over 15 years. They observed that hydras harboring long-term transmissible tumors exhibit an unexpected augmentation in tentacle count. In addition, the presence of extra tentacles, enhancing the host's foraging efficiency, correlated with an elevated budding rate, thereby promoting tumor transmission vertically. This study provided evidence that tumors, akin to parasitic entities, can also exert control over their hosts.


      The manuscript is well-written, and the phenotype is intriguing.


      The quality of this manuscript could be improved if more evidence were to be provided regarding the beneficial versus detrimental effects of the tumors.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Background and Summary:

      This study addresses the intriguing question of whether and how tumors can develop in the freshwater polyp hydra and how they influence the fitness of the animals. Hydra is notable for its significant morphogenetic plasticity and nearly unlimited capacity for regeneration. While its growth through asexual reproduction (budding) and the associated processes of pattern formation have been extensively studied at the cellular level, the occurrence of tumors was only recently described in two strains of Hydra oligactis (Domazet-Lošo et al, 2014). In that research, an arrest in the differentiation of female germ cells led to an accumulation of germline cells that failed to develop into eggs. In hydra, fertile egg cells typically incorporate nurse cells, which originate from large interstitial stem cells (ISCs) restricted to the germline, through apoptosis. However, this increase in apoptosis activity is absent in "germline tumors," and germline ISCs instead form slowly growing patches that do not compromise tissue integrity. Despite the upregulation of certain genes associated with mammalian neoplasms (such as tpt1 and p23) in this tissue, determining whether this differentiation arrest and the resulting egg patches truly constitute neoplasms remains a challenge.

      The authors have recently published two papers on the ecological and evolutionary aspects of hydra tumor formation (Boutry et al 2022, 2023), which is also the focus of this manuscript. They transplanted tissues derived from animals with germline tumors to wildtype animals and analyzed their growth patterns, specifically the number of tentacles in the host tissue. They observed that such tissues induced the growth of additional tentacles compared to tissues without germline tumors. The authors conclude that this growth pattern (increased number of tentacles) is correlated with "reducing the burden on the host by (over-)compensating for the reproductive costs of tumors" and claim that "transmissible tumors in hydra have evolved strategies to manipulate the phenotype of their host". While it might be stimulating to add a fresh view from other disciplines (here, ecological and evolutionary aspects), the authors completely ignore the current knowledge of the underlying cell biology of the processes they analyze.


      The study focuses on intriguing questions. Whether and how tumors can develop in the freshwater polyp hydra, and how they influence the fitness of the animals?


      Concept of germline tumors.<br /> The conceptual foundation of their experiments on germline tumors was the study of Domazet-Lošo et al (2014) introducing the concept of germline tumors in hydra (see above). While this is an intriguing hypothesis, there has been little advancement in comprehending the molecular mechanisms underlying tumor formation in hydra beyond this initial investigation. Germline tumors in hydra do not fully meet the typical criteria for neoplasms observed in mammalian tissues. More importantly, a similar phenotype was already reported by the work of Paul Brien and described as "crise gametique" (Brien, 1966, Biologie de la reproduction animale - Blastogenèse, Gamétogenèse, Sexualisation, ed. Masson & Cie, Paris). This phenomenon of gametic crisis is unique to Hydra oligactis, a stenotherm, cold-adapted cosmopolitan species. In this species, gametogenesis severely impacts the vitality of the polyps, often leading to complete exhaustion and death (Tardent, 1974). Animals can only be rescued during the initial phase of the cold-induced sexual period (see also the research of Littlefield (1984, 1985, 1986, 1991). The observed arrest in differentiation arrest in germline tumors might represent an epigenetically established consequence of surviving gametogenesis. Regrettably, this important work was not mentioned by the authors or by Domazet-Lošo et al. (2014), highlighting a notable gap in the recognition of basic research in this area that might challenge the hydra tumor hypothesis.

      "Super-nummary" tentacles in graft experiments.<br /> The authors describe that after grafting tissue from animals with germline tumors to wild-type animals, the number of tentacles in the host tissue increased when the donor tissue had germline tumors. A maximum effect of four additional tentacles was found with donor strain H. oligactis robusta and three additional tentacles with donor strain H.oligactis St Petersburg. In general, H.oligactis wild-type host strains had fewer tentacles than H.oligactis St Petersburg strains. This is consistent with the results of Domazet-Lošo et al (2014) who showed that the number of tentacles increased in the strains with germline tumors. What conclusions can be drawn from these experiments? The authors might want to conclude that transmissible tumors in Hydra have developed strategies to manipulate the phenotype of their host. But there is no evidence for this, as essential controls are missing. It is known that the size of hydra polyps is proportion-regulated, i.e. the number of tentacles varies with the size and number of (epithelial) cells. Such controls are missing in the experiments. There is also a lack of controls from wild-type animals in gametogenesis: it is very likely that grafts with wild-type animals with egg spots of comparable size as the germline tumors (see above) will result in similar numbers of tentacles in host tissue.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study introduces the MRAD database, which provides a useful tool for evaluating risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's disease through Mendelian randomization analysis. While the findings are supported by solid evidence, the study's value could be enhanced by addressing methodological concerns and ensuring rigorous validation of significant associations. The MRAD database has the potential to aid researchers and clinicians, but the current analysis appears incomplete without these refinements.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This MR study by Zhao et al. provides a comprehensive hypothesis-free approach to identifying risk and protective factors causal to Alzheimer's Disease (AD).


      The study employs a comprehensive, hypothesis-free approach, which is novel over traditional hypothesis-driven studies. Also, causal associations between risk/protective factors and AD were addressed using genetic instruments and analysis.

      Major comments:

      (1) The authors used the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) model as the primary method and other MR methods (MR-Egger, weighted mean, etc.) for sensitivity analysis. However, each method has its own assumption, and IVW is only robust when pleiotropy and heterogeneity are not severe. Rather than using IVW imprudently across all associations, it would be more appropriate to choose the best MR method for each association based on heterogeneity/Egger intercept tests. This customized approach, based on tests of MR assumption violations, yields more stable and reliable results. For reference, please follow up on work by Milad et al. (EHJ - "Plasma lipids and risk of aortic valve stenosis: a Mendelian randomization study"). This study selected the best MR model for each association based on pleiotropy and heterogeneity tests. Given the large number of tests in this work, I suggest initially screening significant signals using IVW, as done, and then validating the results using multiple MR methods for those signals. It is common for MR estimates from different methods to vary significantly (with some being statistically significant and others not), and in such cases, the MR estimates from the best-fitted model should be trusted and highlighted.

      (2) Lines 157-160 mentioned "But to date, AD has been reported as hypothesis-driven MR study based on a single factor, ignoring the potential role of a huge number of other risk factors. Also, due to the high degree of heterogeneity present in AD subtypes, which have different biological and genetic characteristics. Thus, the previous studies cannot offer a systematic and complete viewpoint.". This statement overlooks a similar study published in Molecular Psychiatry ("A Phenome-wide Association and Mendelian Randomization Study for Alzheimer's Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study of 502,493"), which rigorously assessed the effects of 4171 factors spanning 10 different categories on AD using observational analysis and MR. The authors should revise their statement on the novelty of their study type throughout the manuscript and discuss how their work differs from and potentially strengthens previous studies.

      (3) Given the large number of tests, the multiple testing issue is concerning. To mitigate potential false positives, I recommend employing the Bonferroni threshold or FDR. The authors should only interpret exposures that are significant at the Bonferroni threshold.

      (4) In the discussion, the authors should interpret or highlight exposures that remain significant after multiple testing corrections.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important and timely study that advances our understanding of the role of lateral hypothalamic orexin/hypocretin neurons in appetitive approach and consummatory behaviors. Specifically, using fiber photometry, the authors provide solid and convincing evidence that orexin neurons are primarily active during approach and not consummatory behavior, in a manner that is dependent on metabolic state. Further, using optogenetics and cell type-specific electrophysiology, they show that inputs from the ventral pallidum and lateral nucleus accumbens shell to orexin/hypocretin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus are predominantly inhibitory.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Using fiber photometry, Mitchell et al. report that the calcium activity of lateral hypothalamic orexin neurons increases during the approach to a food pellet in a manner that depends on the metabolic state and begins to return to baseline prior to and during food consumption. This activity is also enhanced during the approach to palatable food relative to a standard chow pellet. They also present ex vivo electrophysiological evidence that GABAergic neurons in the ventral pallidum and lateral nucleus accumbens shell, but not medial nucleus accumbens shell, provide predominantly inhibitory, monosynaptic input onto lateral hypothalamic neurons. Overall, most claims are well supported by the data, though the electrophysiology analysis is somewhat limited and some information that could inform interpretation of the data is lacking.


      (1) The fiber photometry recordings make use of an isosbestic control, and the signals were aligned using linear regression after baseline correction and calculation of robust z-scores.

      (2) The fiber photometry analyses are based on animal averages, rather than trial-based averages, which can result in Type 1 errors without appropriate measures to account for the influence of the subject.

      (3) Monosynaptic currents from GABAergic inputs from the ventral pallidal and lateral shell are identified by the remaining current in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP).


      (1) The data are not discussed in the context of the prior literature on ventral pallidal GABAergic inputs to the lateral hypothalamus (such as Prasad et al. 2020, JNeurosci) and it is not clear whether these patterns of monosynaptic inhibitory inputs are specific to orexin neurons.

      (2) The paper does not address whether there are synaptic inputs from non-GABAergic ventral pallidum neurons, though very recent work suggests that ventral pallidal projections to the lateral hypothalamus may be enriched with glutamatergic RNA markers relative to other projections (Bernet et al. 2024, JNeurosci). Some statements in the manuscript refer to ventral pallidal inputs in general, despite the use of cell-type specific expression in VGAT-cre mice.

      (3) The statistical analysis of the electrophysiology data is limited and does not appear to account for the lack of independence for cells recorded from the same mouse.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Mitchell & Mohammadkhani et al. used an Orexin-Cre mouse line with a Cre-dependent GCaMP virus to perform lateral hypothalamic (LH) Ca2+ fiber photometry recordings in mice during the approach to food under various metabolic and saliency conditions. They also used a Vgat-Cre mouse line with Cre-dependent ChR2 in various regions of the ventral striatopallidal (VSP) complex in combination with an Orexin promoter-driven reporter virus labeling Orx-LH neurons to assess electrophysiological connectivity of inhibitory/excitatory inputs from VSP to Orx-LH. Overall, authors note that Orx-LH Ca2+ activation occurs during approach to food (but not consumption of food), and that VSP->Orx-LH connectivity is primarily monosynaptic and inhibitory, although this varies across subregions, with some monosynaptic excitatory input as well. While their methods and analyses are technically sound and the manuscript is clearly written and presented, the further knowledge gained over previous work is rather incremental and does not produce a substantial shift in the current existing framework.


      Cell type specificity of OX/HT recordings is confirmed by post-hoc immunostaining, both for fiber photometry and electrophysiological connectivity. This is an important strength given the contentious history of cell specificity in various transgenic OX/HT mouse lines.

      Clearly implicating metabolic state and food saliency as factors impacting OX/HT activity dynamics is a strength, and linking the influence of ghrelin receptor signaling is relatively novel.


      In fiber photometry traces, OX/HT activity begins increasing 2-3 seconds prior to the food approach (Figures 1F and 1G), requiring an explanation. One possibility is that mice may be detecting odorant cues indicative of food prior to the physical approach.

      Figure 1F - the authors' interpretation that OX/HT activity doesn't actually decrease during consumption, but simply "trends toward baseline" is complicated by the fact that the authors shaded 20s-30s intervals labeled "eating". Mice do not typically consume food for 20-30s nonstop. Mice typically consume for ~1-5 seconds, then they take a break, then they resume.

      The authors state in the Discussion "... the reduction in OX/HT cell activity was more closely correlated with the termination of approach behavior" (rather than with eating per se). However, in many cases, mice begin consuming food immediately after approaching it, so it is puzzling that there is an activity reduction following the approach, but not an activity reduction upon consumption. In other words, the cessation of approach and the beginning of consumption are often tightly linked together in rapid sequence.

      Figure 2E - the single polysynaptic oIPSC appears to have the same/similar latency as many of the Monosynaptic oIPSCs. Close proximity of consecutive oIPSCs may affect the analysis of amplitude and latency. For example, in representative traces of Figure 2C, it is unlikely to get an accurate measure of the second oIPSC.

      The comparison of apparent connectivity differences between VP vs. mNAcSh vs. lNAcSh is limited by appropriate anatomical quantification and demonstration. When using a Vgat-Cre mouse line and targeting the VSP, there is the potential for massive viral spread across the entire Nucleus accumbens/VP/SI/BNST area.

      How do the electrophysiological properties of OX/HT neurons (and VSP inputs) change across metabolic/saliency states? For example, under High Fat Diet, chronic Food Restriction, and chronic Ghrelin. This seems to be the fundamental question that the authors are working toward, but it is not resolved with the current data set.

      Potential Ephys Pitfall: a high Chloride internal solution means that oEPSCs might actually be GABAergic after all. Low Chloride solution, so Cl reversal potential is closer to RMP (or put more Chloride in pipette so it has more depolarized potential than resting- to reverse current mediated by Chloride ions). However, the internal solution used for oEPSCs was calculated to have a Cl reversal potential at ~ -20mV; thus, the Cl-mediated PSCs would be depolarizing when cells were held at -65mV. Did the authors apply any blockers in the bath to confirm that recorded oEPSCs were glutamatergic?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Orexin/hypocretin (OX/HT) neurons are implicated in food intake and there is evidence supporting OX/HT neurons' role in reward consumption potentially influenced by animal's metabolic state. Here, Mitchell, Mohammadkhani, et al. use fiber photometry to dissociate OX/HT neurons' role in reward-seeking by contrasting their role in reward consumption. Mice were given normal chow or palatable food in a fed or fasted state. The authors recorded GCAMP signals from OX/HT neurons during food approach and consumption. They observed heightened OX/HT GCAMP signals during the food approach; in contrast, they saw the signals decline during arrival at the food source and during food consumption. In a second set of experiments, the authors investigate upstream circuits that could potentially gate OX/HT neurons. They use optogenetics to directly stimulate inhibitory inputs arriving from either the ventral pallidum, the medial, or the lateral nucleus accumbens shell to OX/HT neurons. They investigated if these circuits impinge monosynaptically or polysynaptically onto OX/HT neurons to assess their functional role in inhibiting these neurons. The authors found that the ventral pallidum and the lateral but not medial nucleus accumbens shell exert inhibitory control over OX/HT neurons.


      The manuscript is well-written, employs suitable statistical analyses, and the conclusions are generally supported by the results.


      Larger group sizes in some instances and causal manipulation of the inhibitory circuits during reward approach vs consumption would enable the authors to make stronger assertions about these circuits' role in gating OX/HT neurons in these behaviors.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study substantially advances our understanding of energy landscapes and their link to animal ontogeny. The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, with<br /> high-throughput telemetry data and advanced track segmentation methods used to develop and map energy landscapes. The work will be of broad interest to animal ecologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors propose that the energy landscape of animals can be thought of in the same way as the fundamental versus realized niche concept in ecology. Namely, animals will use a subset of the fundamental energy landscape due to a variety of factors. The authors then show that the realized energy landscape of eagles increases with age as the animals are better able to use the energy landscape.


      This is a very interesting idea and that adds significantly to the energy landscape framework. They provide convincing evidence that the available regions used by birds increase with size.


      Some of the measures used in the manuscript are difficult to follow and there is no mention of the morphometrics of birds or how these change with age (other than that they don't change which seems odd as surely they grow). Also, there may need to be more discussion of other ontogenetic changes such as foraging strategies, home range size etc.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      With this work, the authors tried to expand and integrate the concept of realized niche in the context of movement ecology by using fine-scale GPS data of 55 juvenile Golden eagles in the Alps. Authors found that ontogenic changes influence the percentage of area flyable to the eagles as individuals exploit better geographic uplifts that allow them to reduce the cost of transport.


      Authors made insightful work linking changes in ontogeny and energy landscapes in large soaring birds. It may not only advance the understanding of how changes in the life cycle affect the exploitability of aerial space but also offer valuable tools for the management and conservation of large soaring species in the changing world.


      Future research may test the applicability of the present work by including more individuals and/or other species from other study areas.

  2. jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com
    1. this.

      Add a button to buy

    2. g.

      Add a button to buy

    3. Ready to Enroll in It's A Wrap!

      Can you move this underneath the FAQ section?

    4. Jacqueline Sinfield Jacqueline has worked in health care for over twenty years. In England, she trained and worked as a registered nurse and obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology before moving to Canada and setting up her practice as a coach for adults with ADHD. Her Untapped Brilliance blog has been named a “Top ADHD Blog of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018” by Healthline, “Best of the Web Blog” by Psych Central and “Top 20 ADHD Blog Winner” by ADDerworld. In addition she was a writer for the health website VeryWell.com for two years as their ADHD Expert. Her book Untapped Brilliance has helped thousands of adults with ADHD.  Education Jacqueline is a qualified nurse, bachelor’s degree in psychology (Hon.) and a certificate in counselling.  She is a Coach U (USA) graduate. She has also studied and read widely with international ADHD experts and continues to be attentive to emerging research.

      I fell that the about section further up on the page is enough. I'd remove this

    5. Not in a grin and bear it sort of way, but in an enjoyable and rewarding way. In this video you will learn the strategy!


    6. What do a timer, notebook, and index cards have in common? They are the three tools that help you to concentrate!


    7. Immediate Access After making the payment, check your inbox. There will be an email with your login information so you can start the first module right away!

      Is this a double up?

    8. When you do this, you feel proud of what you accomplished and the memories you created. Year planning doesn’t have to be done in December. You can do it any time, including right now! The printable worksheets are designed make the planning process easy and fun.

      remove this

    9. Feel centred, grounded and proactive rather than scattered and reactive. Create time in your day to do your important daily actions, so you feel confident they will get done. Eliminate worries that you are forgetting things… because you aren’t! Start each day with a clear direction and focus, so you always know what needs to be done and when. Reduce your stress levels. And much more!

      Can you reduce this to the top 3 ideas and the much more bullet point?

    10. It helps to break through that glass window pane of resistance you can have when you know what task you want to do and how to do it, but you can't seem to start. When you use this technique, you naturally feel enthusiastic and 'into' the task rather than dragging your feet and half-heartedly doing it.

      I'd remove this to make it more concise

    11. Coaching Notes After our call, I email you your coaching notes. These help you remember the key points we talked about. Plus, it means you don’t have to write anything down during the ‘It’s a Wrap’ coaching session… unless you want to.

      And combine this one with the private coaching session blurb

    12. A Private Coaching Session 1 75 minute private coaching session with Jacqueline      During our ‘It’s a Wrap’ coaching session we go through the steps together and personalize them to you and your unique life.

      I'd call this out as an option separately once you've explored all standard features

    13. Comments You can leave comments under the training videos to get feedback from Jacqueline as you go through the steps. Tech Support   The training videos are hosted on an intuitive and easy to use platform. However, if you have any tech questions, please email us at support@untappedbrilliance and we will take care of you right away.

      I'd remove these 2 because they're not really features

    14. Self Study Option

      Can you add a bar like this for the upgrade option as well? Something like 1:1 Option?

    15. Step 1 Pick

      Can you condense this section about the steps somehow to make it easier to read and make the sales page shorter overall? Possibly 2 columns or even 3?

    16. Know which ideas to focus on first, and which can happen later. Learn how to make realistic plans to avoid feeling overwhelmed or disappointed. Understand how to break big things down into ‘do-able’ actions. Learn how to feel motivated, even when you would rather spend the day on the sofa. Become consistent, so that you don’t get side tracked or forget your plans. Have a repeatable system, so you can trust yourself to follow through and finish things again and again. Plus! A positive side effect is you feel proud, accomplished and confident in your abilities.

      Can you reduce the number of points in this list and reduce them to the top 5? And call out the PLUS idea separately at the bottom so it stands out.

    17. The ‘It’s a Wrap’ 6 step process to go from idea to finished!

      Is this meant to read: This 6-step process will see you go from idea to finished!

    18. That is why I created ‘It’s a Wrap.’

      Can you start a new visual section here and introduce it with this line as a heading.

    19. In the last 1

      Lead in with something like: Hi, I'm Jacquline

    20. Do you...

      But currently your reality looks a little more like this... and then pick the top 5 tangible/common/relatable issues

    21. Imagine being able to start and FINISH all your important tasks and projects! (Without ever buying another productivity book.)

      I would add more context underneath this awesome opener. A short paragraph around the actual dream future. What that would look like and what it would feel like.

      And then... leading into a new section that speaks about their 'right now' they're trying to escape from.

    22. O

      I would set the scene around who Dan is first... something like: Meet your fellow ADHDer Dan.

    23. *

      I would slightly reword the tagline in the header image so it starts with the outcomes. Something like: Motivate yourself so you can successfully prioritize and follow through with your plan with this ADHD-friendly 6-step system.

    1. 他の人のコードで見たときに認識する必要があります。



    2. なる。


    3. なる。


    4. *kwargs


    1. less suitable

      Are there alternate approaches or sensors to use joint accelerations in tight feedback loops?

      Also, does "tight feedback loops" mean >10kHz?

    1. White fur and red eyes, Jon realized, disquieted. Like thetrees ...

      ooo also stark and targ other colors

    2. They’repassing me out of training. I’m to be made a brother with the rest ofyou. Can you believe it?”


    3. mockery.


    4. Seat Stannis on the IronThrone and I promise you, the realm will bleed.

      its gonna bleed regardless

    5. “I will give Lyanna your love,

      he only loved her cuz he didnt have her

    6. So Ned bent his head andwrote, but where the king had said “my son Jorey,” he scrawled“my heir” instead. The deceit made him feel soiled.

      alicent would love him

    7. The sound Viserys Targaryen made when that hideous iron helmetcovered his face was like nothing human. His feet hammered afrantic beat against the dirt oor, slowed, stopped. Thick globs ofmolten gold dripped down onto his chest, setting the scarlet silk tosmoldering ... yet no drop of blood was spilled.He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill adragon.

      tragic family

    8. Viserys smiled and lowered his sword. That was the saddest thing,the thing that tore at her afterward ... the way he smiled. “That wasall I wanted,” he said. “What was promised.”

      he don't even know

    9. where menwhose braids were even shorter than their manhoods sat


    10. Three quick strokesand it was done.


    11. andlifted her into the air, as he might lift a child.

      which she is

    12. “My brother Rhaegar was a erce warrior, my sun-and-stars,” shetold him. “He died before I was born. Ser Jorah says that he was thelast of the dragons.”

      thats what i thought

    13. Dan Ares wife


    14. “The stallion who mounts the world!”

      the prince who was promised


    1. but it also gives me the very strong sense that for any generalization/observation I may want to make, the object of my attention is in constant flux and transformation and is being studied from thousands of diverse disciplinary and cultural perspectives: what the hell do I know?

      This would seem to be a "bug" and not a "feature" for academic research in or about anything that exists, entirely or tangentially, in a technology driven environment. Research is slow, methodical, and focused. Technology is rapid, a little bit wibbly-wobbly, and diffuse. But also, what the hell do we know? It could be a hidden feature.

    1. For example, D. pachea is endemic to the Sonoran Desert of North America, where it depends on the sterols in the cactus Lophocereus schottii, which has alkaloids that other Drosophila species cannot tolerate. Because of its obligate association with its cactus host, it is exposed to temperatures that often approach 50°C. Such species provide unprecedented opportunities to understand the genetic bases of adaptations to extreme situations (see Box 1) and to recruit these species to address problems of species loss in the face of global warming and other anthropogenic changes.

      Interesting, kind of similar to how different species of mammals adapt to different environments and even take on adaptations necessary to survive in that environment. I think that studying evolutionary adaptations of these drosophila could help to combat species loss as it would give us insight towards generational survival.

    2. D. melanogaster, described by Meigen in 1830, appears to have originated in sub-Saharan Africa (Lachaise et al., 1988). The first out-of-Africa habitat expansion of D. melanogaster is thought to have occurred between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, when it moved to Europe and Asia

      Throughout my undergrad research, I have found that most species whos evolutionary history or point of origin is tracked usually comes out of africa and then moves into europe or north america. This the same for humans, and felids to my knowledge. However, Canids seem to have originated in Northeast Asia.

    1. on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the sl*t you are so bent on becoming;

      This line is an instruction from the mother to the daughter on how to walk "properly" on Sundays (when sunday mass is usually held). The mother's use of the word sl*t reflects internalized misogyny on her part, perpetuating the same societal norms that boxed her in.

    2. don't eat fruits on the street - flies will follow you;

      The line acts as a warning about being careful. The mother warns her daughter about caring for her health and cleanliness, making sure she adheres to the specific and constricting standards of being a woman.

    3. this is how you sweep a corner;this is how you sweep a whole house;this is how you sweep a yard;

      The text show the mother's detailed instructions on homemaking, a traditional domestic responsibility of women. This reflects the responsibilities girls are expected to endure, stating that the cleanliness of one's household, no matter how many men live there, is part of a women's job and role.

    1. This is a myth that always comes up but is simple to answer. At the Council of Rome in 382, the Church decided upon a canon of 46 Old Testament books and 27 in the New Testament. This decision was ratified by the councils at Hippo (393), Carthage (397, 419), II Nicea (787), Florence (1442), and Trent (1546). Further, if Catholics added the deuterocanonical books in 1546, then Martin Luther beat us to the punch: He included them in his first German translation, published the Council of Trent. They can also be found in the first King James Version (1611) and in the first Bible ever printed, the Gutenberg Bible (a century before Trent). In fact, these books were included in almost every Bible until the Edinburgh Committee of the British Foreign Bible Society excised them in 1825. Until then, they had been included at least in an appendix of Protestant Bibles. It is historically demonstrable that Catholics did not add the books, Protestants took them out.
    1. it was Luther attacking the church's doctrine of indulgences"which of course was buying or getting your dead relatives, buying your dead relatives, out of purgatory.And as Luther came to realize there was no biblical support for this text. Well, as the Roman Catholic theologians looked to try to have a counter to Luther, they landed on this text in Maccabees, as prayers for the dead for support for this whole doctrine of indulgences and purgatory and getting relatives out of purgatory. Granted, this is a very flimsy evidence for that doctrine, but it was at least something. So, in a vain and futile attempt to refute Luther and to refute where it all began with the Reformation"the attack on the indulgences"the Roman Catholic Church at Trent canonized the Apocrypha. So the Protestant Bible is sixty-six books and the Roman Catholic Bible is eighty books. But here's the simple truth: the Protestant Bible did not remove these fourteen books. It's very much the opposite. The Roman Catholic Church added the Apocrypha to the canon, and it didn't do so until 1546.

      Refutation from Catholic Answers: This is a myth that always comes up but is simple to answer. At the Council of Rome in 382, the Church decided upon a canon of 46 Old Testament books and 27 in the New Testament. This decision was ratified by the councils at Hippo (393), Carthage (397, 419), II Nicea (787), Florence (1442), and Trent (1546).

      Further, if Catholics added the deuterocanonical books in 1546, then Martin Luther beat us to the punch: He included them in his first German translation, published the Council of Trent. They can also be found in the first King James Version (1611) and in the first Bible ever printed, the Gutenberg Bible (a century before Trent). In fact, these books were included in almost every Bible until the Edinburgh Committee of the British Foreign Bible Society excised them in 1825. Until then, they had been included at least in an appendix of Protestant Bibles. It is historically demonstrable that Catholics did not add the books, Protestants took them out.

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 80570,RRID:BDSC_80570)

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      What is this?

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      Resource: BDSC_35200

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: BDSC_6931

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: BDSC_6931

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: BDSC_35200

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: BDSC_35200

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 6930,RRID:BDSC_6930)

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      What is this?

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      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 6930,RRID:BDSC_6930)

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 9969,RRID:BDSC_9969)

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      What is this?

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      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 5137,RRID:BDSC_5137)

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 32219,RRID:BDSC_32219)

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      What is this?

    66. 80570

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 80570,RRID:BDSC_80570)

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      What is this?

    67. 55136

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 55136,RRID:BDSC_55136)

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      What is this?

    68. 9969

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 9969,RRID:BDSC_9969)

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      What is this?

    69. 9969

      DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2167-20.2020

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 9969,RRID:BDSC_9969)

      Curator: @anisehay

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      What is this?

  3. febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
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      What is this?

    2. CVCL_0132

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      What is this?

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      Resource: (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A-21208, RRID:AB_2535794)

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

    1. BDSC stock # 30558

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010991

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      What is this?

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      Resource: BDSC_10689

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      Resource: BDSC_26694

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      What is this?

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      Resource: BDSC_26320

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      What is this?

    1. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center

      DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06671-8

      Resource: Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (RRID:SCR_006457)

      Curator: @maulamb

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_006457

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