1,091 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. On the simplest level, some programming languages are designed to prevent certain classes of mistakes. For example, some are designed in such a way that it is impossible to make the mistake that caused the Heartbleed bug.45These techniques have also been deployed in the aviation industry, for example, to ensure that the software that provides guidance functionality on rockets, airplanes, satellites, and scientific probes does not ever crash, as software failures have caused the losses of several vehicles in the past
    2. static methods on their own say nothing about how a program interacts with its environment

      Issues with static methods - behavior of code may vary when used in different environments,

    3. Code can be complicated or obfuscated, and even expert analysis often misses eventual problems with the behavior of the program.

      Problems with static methods for testing



  2. Aug 2017
  3. Jul 2017
    1. WebPack developers need not call compileComponents because it inlines templates and css as part of the automated build process that precedes running the test.
    2. You should write isolated unit tests for pipes and services.

      good to know

    1. Understanding these new mechanisms of political participation is central to this book’s project.

      Testing: Public Post. Understanding these new mechanisms of political participation is central to this book’s project.

    1. Teachers teach; they do not evaluate, and they do not hold their students’ fates in their hands directly

      Teachers teach; they do not evaluate, and they do not hold their students’ fates in their hands directly

    1. the qualities pertaining to the properties of the form

      Testing public annotations (from iOS Safari browser)

    1. Furthermore, the format of the test causes many educators to erroneously believe that the state test or provincial exam only assesses low-level knowledge and skill. This, too, is false. Indeed, the data from released national tests show conclusively that the students have the most difficulty with those items that require understanding and transfer, not recall or recognition.
  4. May 2017
  5. Apr 2017
    1. this is a note that I am adding to this document. is there only one note that gets attached?

    2. Try it on this sentence.

      i am creating a comment on this sentence. what is different between using this and google docs? well it's an item on the web, for one. then how would using this integrate with google docs?

  6. Mar 2017
    1. for not very large numbers

      Would an approach using the Sieve or Eratosthenes work better for very large numbers? Or the best shot would be a probabilistic primality test?

    1. Unfortunately, penicillin was ineffective against the rabbit's infection. Disappointed, Fleming set the drug aside for a decade, as the rabbits had "proved" the drug was useless as a systemic medication.Years later, he administered the drug in desperation to a dying patient, for whom all other treatments were ineffectual. The penicillin performed a miracle, and the rest is history.

      Interesting how these two sources contradict each other with regards to why Fleming did not release Penicillin for ten years.

      Article: Understanding animal research

    1. Had Fleming himself carried out a simple and well established animal test - the mouse protection test - the potential of his discovery might have been realised 10 years earlier

      Interesting how these two sources contradict each other with regards to why Fleming did not release Penicillin for ten years.

      Article: Would drugs be safe for us without animal tests?

  7. Feb 2017
    1. According to the weather service, areas expected to be affected include campgrounds next to the river as well as ranches, farms and roadways.

      Probably not a good time to camp.

  8. Dec 2016
  9. Nov 2016
  10. Oct 2016
    1. government on Sunday strongly reacted to Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit’s remark on Kashmir’s “freedom”, saying the “only outstanding issue is how t


    2. Singh said, “Our stand is very clear in the context of J&K issue. If at all there is any outstanding issue with Pakistan it is how to liberate the part of J&K which remains under illegal occupation of Islamabad after 60-65 years of Indpendence and make it a part of J&K and part of the Indian Union.


    3. Singh said, “Our stand is very clear in the context of J&K issue. If at all there is any outstanding issue with Pakistan it is how to liberate the part of J&K which remains under illegal occupation of Islamabad after 60-65 years of Indpendence and make it a part of J&K and part of the Indian Union.


    4. ongly reacted to Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit’s remark on Kashmir’s “freedom”, saying the “only outstanding issue is how to liberate part of J&K which

      Test control

    5. MoS in Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh said, “Our stand is very clear in the context of J&K issue. If at all there is any outstanding issue with Pakistan it is how to liberate the part of J&K which remains under illegal occupation of Islamabad after 60-65 years of Indpendence and make it a part of J&K and part of the Indian Union.

      This is sdkfskdfvssf dshfjsvdhj ssfbhsfsshjfhsf sbdfhhsf

    6. “Whatever goes on in Islamabad and on behalf of Pakistani authorities is a reflection of confusion and frustration they suffer from,” he said.


    7. Pakistan High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit had said that Pakistan was dedicating its Independence Day to Kashmir's “freedom” and would continue to extend full diplomatic, political and moral support to the people of the State.

      Test Annotaiton dflsdf

    8. “We are dedicating this year’s Independence Day to the freedom of Kashmir. And, we firmly believe that the sacrifices made by the people of Jammu and Kashmir will not go in vain. The ongoing unrest should be ended. Pakistan will continue to extend its full diplomatic, political and moral support to the valiant people of Jammu and Kashmir till they get their right to self determination,” Mr. Basit said.

      This is Test Annotaiton 10/10/2-16 3:23 PM

  11. Sep 2016
  12. Aug 2016
    1. O, shared governance! Where have you gone

      Reminds me of O Brother Where Art Thou?

    1. Digital Archiving Lab

      More testing...

    2. College

      I can annotate this, but I can't annotate the Tweets widget or the tweets in it.

    3. vision of Teaching and Learning Technologies is a group of creative, reflective educators and technologists who foster community around and drive advances in teaching, learning, and research, by developing pedagogical partnerships with faculty and academic units.  Work With Us

      Hmm, seems like I can annotate some things, and not others.

  13. Jul 2016
    1. students were being made to take them several times a year, including “benchmark” tests to prepare them for the other tests.

      Testing has gone sentient. Resistance is futile. At least in the US.

  14. Jun 2016
    1. The term “testing” evokes a certain response from most of us: the person being tested is being evaluated on his or her knowledge or understanding of a particular area, and will be judged right or wrong, adequate or inadequate based on the performance given. This implicit definition does not reflect the settings in which the benefits of “test-enhanced learning” have been established.

      Testing as a demonstration of learning progress.

    2. Setting aside the last few minutes of a class to ask students to recall, articulate, and organize their memory of the content of the day’s class may provide significant benefits to their later memory of these topics.

      Formalizing the exit slip procedure in the BILL would be a good way to do this.

    3. This theory posits that memory has two components: storage strength and retrieval strength. Retrieval events improve storage strength, enhancing overall memory, and the effects are most pronounced at the point of forgetting—that is, retrieval at the point of forgetting has a greater impact on memory than repeated retrieval when retrieval strength is high.

      This meshes well with cognitive load theories about learning.

    1. “separate but equal”

      But isn't this also what Roberta Davenport is doing at P.S. 307? Not waiting for racism to disappear, but accepting that it will always be with us, and trying to build an educational environment that resists injustice, that teaches the students how and why they are in segregated schools, and what we can do about it -- but also a stance that rejects judging schools by test scores and other standard measures.

  15. May 2016
    1.  accelerating simultaneously with the digital turn, and it is no coincidence. Source digitization has transformed historians’ practice in ways that facilitate border-crossing resea

      Testing public annotations of Canvas pdfs

    1.  Imagine an educational system in which we based our understanding of student potential and achievement upon individual interests and passions, developed and nurtured throughout the years of schooling. This is what most teachers intuitively seek to do. Imagine, then, how amazing schools could be without the false conventions of examinations and tests that are philosophically at variance with all that we know about learning and humanity. Imagine the traditionalist bereft of the Examination Excuse. The fact is, we know that we don’t need examinations for students to get into good colleges and we don’t even need good colleges to learn and be successful, so why is this absurdity still the unchallenged tail that wags the dog of our school systems?
    1. For this reason, integration tests should always be kept separate from unit tests, in order to keep the unit tests running as quickly as they can.

      Many integration tests can function without any network, I/O etc. and still run as fast, or almost as fast as a pure unit test.

      Perhaps worth separating integration tests into those which are purely in-memory/local and those which hit the outside world?

  16. Apr 2016
    1. Brief but useful contrast of Jest vs. Angular approaches to dependency injection.

      The argument is that most code uses one implementation in production and one mock in testing and that using require() as the seam for inserting test doubles makes code easier to write than Angular's approach of implementing its own module system and DI container.

  17. Feb 2016
    1. I'm not sure I like the requirement to use classes but some interesting notes on dependency injection for JS

  18. Dec 2015
    1. The basic principle is that you patch where an object is looked up, which is not necessarily the same place as where it is defined. A couple of examples will help to clarify this.

      This caught me out, as it did for a lot of other people apparently, see also this useful post about Python Mock gotchas: http://alexmarandon.com/articles/python_mock_gotchas/

  19. Nov 2015
    1. Given we put the system in a known state before the user (or external system) starts interacting with the system (in the When steps). Avoid talking about user interaction in givens. When we take key actions the user (or external system) performs. This is the interaction with your system which should (or perhaps should not) cause some state to change. Then we observe outcomes.
    1. This problem is precisely the kind of problem that FSMs are very good at resolving. If you can enumerate the states, and events, then you know the number of paths though the system. So if Given/When/Then statements are truly nothing more than state transitios, all we need to do is enumerate the number of GIVENs and the number of WHENs. The number of scenarios will simply be the product of the two.

      Main observation here is that BDD is essentially a syntax for specifying states and transitions in a state machine. If all possible states and events can be enumerated, you can quantify what proportion of paths through the system have been tested

    1. まぶた)

      Testing a highlight on Ruby text.

      Highlight is meant to wrap this image: kanji

      Highlight is also meant to include the super-script hiragana characters: まぶた

      Actual highlight includes the hiragana characters "まぶた" as well as ")"

  20. Sep 2015
    1. Hello world!

      This is my first post.

      Testing Hypothesis on Facebook.

    1. Now, the problem is that the usual approach to controller testing is to instantiate the controller using $controller, but this fails since we do not have a named controller registered on our module

      This was the problem I ran into initially when writing a test for GroupsListController

    1. Henry J. Gardneris an associate professor at the Australian Na-tional University. His technical interests include scientific software,e-science, and virtual reality. Gardner has a PhD in theoreticalplasma physics from the Australian National University. Contacthim at Henry.Gardner@anu.edu.au



  21. Aug 2015
  22. Jun 2015
    1. If you want a DIY version of this, try ImageMagick's compare command: compare bag_frame1.gif bag_frame2.gif compare.gif Documentation: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/compare/ reply no_gravity 2 hours ago Interesting. And to render the html you can use cutycapt. Which is in the Debian repos too. I just tried it, and this rendered a nice diff of two pages for me: cutycapt --url=http://www.xyz.com/1 --out=1.png cutycapt --url=http://www.xyz.com/2 --out=2.png compare 1.png 2.png diff.png reply easytiger 2 hours ago Now make it a webservice and charge $200/month! reply programmernews3 1 hour ago First part already done: http://archive.is/ reply prottmann 1 hour ago apt-get install the services and use them on my server ;-) reply

      Plain and simple way to report visual degradation of website or webapp

  23. Apr 2015
    1. import time

      testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing

    1. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used for creating and visually representing a webpage.

      Sure is!

  24. Mar 2015
  25. Feb 2015
  26. Jan 2015
    1. Not surprisingly, conceptualizing an argument in the form of a prototype and building a functional tool that performs and presents that argument are substantially different endeavors

      A comment

    2. With the evolution of digital approaches in the humanities, the development of digital prototypes, databases, systems, and tools is shifting from being generally treated as a service to being recognized as scholarship

      this is an example

  27. dione.library.uvic.ca dione.library.uvic.ca
    1. A m a l g a m a t e d S e r i a l N u m b e r s T h e s e   s t r i n g s   c a n   b e   c o m b i n e d   t o   m a k e   u n i q u e   b y   a m a l g a m a t i n g   t h e   c h a r a c t e r s   i n   a n   o r d e r l y   s e q u e n c e .   I n   t h e   f o l l o w i n g   e x a m p l e ,   y o u   c a n   m a k e   a   r e f e r e n c e   t o   p e o p l e ,   t h e i r   l o c a t i o n   a n d   t h e i r   d e v i c e s .   T h e   w h o l e   s t r i n g   c a n   b e   u n i q u e   w h i l e   e l e m

      this is an example of using pdf.js and OJS together.

    1. A trace records all its intermediate values in a small activation record area. To make variable accesses fast on trace, the trace also imports local and global variables by unboxing them and copying them to its activation record. Thus, the trace can read and write these variables with simple loads and stores from a native activation recording, independently of the boxing mechanism used by the interpreter. When the trace exits, the VM boxes the values from this native storage location and copies them back to the interpreter structures.

      this is a successful test of inline PDF.js document annotation

    1. We need to buy the building in order to do the Arcade renovations. Our landlord has agreed to do a rent-to-own scenario with a large down payment which is rare in the commercial world. Most business dream of this type of situation. We have tried all our options by going to banks for funding but we lack the assets to get a commercial mortgage. This goal includes perks, Indigogo fees, PayPal/credit card fees and legals fees.

      This is another test.

  28. shawn.dewolfe.bc.ca shawn.dewolfe.bc.ca
    1. They don’t subscribe to the “take a number system.”

      This is my test

  29. Dec 2014
    1. Trying to embed something in here from the atlantic article

      <iframe width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" src="&lt;a href=" http:="" <a="" href="http://www.theatlantic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.theatlantic.com="" video="" iframe="" 384088="" "="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://www.theatlantic.com/video/iframe/384088/"></iframe> OK, that didn't work. How about a YouTube vid? <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//&lt;a href=" http:="" <a="" href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.youtube.com="" embed="" VX07m-wahOg"="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.youtube.com/embed/VX07m-wahOg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> OK, not embeds work so far. Not even images. Inserting images using the image url just gives you a link. Was hoping for the actual image.

  30. Sep 2014
    1. Could hidden food sensitivities or intolerances be the culprit of your struggles and silently destroying your health?

      Yes! Testing on Safari.

  31. Aug 2014
    1. This user's guide includes introductions to Scalar's features as well as more in-depth material to explore as your get to know the tools. If you're familiar with blogging platforms like WordPress you'll find yourself at home with many of Scalar's editing features, though you can also do things with Scalar that would be next to impossible in a typical blog.

      This is an annotation of a thing on a thing.

    2. free, open source


  32. Apr 2014
  33. futurepress.github.io futurepress.github.io
    1. el, be sure to inquire the price, and don’t be too particular. With halting steps I paced the streets, and passed the sign of “The Crossed Harpoons"—but it looked too expensive and jolly there. Further on, from the bright red windo

      test for seab annotate

  34. Jan 2014
    1. he heatmap The heatmap shows you where annotations are on the page. Click on a tab to open the

      Hello World

  35. Oct 2013
  36. Aug 2013