- Sep 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Our focus is not on codifying knowledge, but on creating opportunities for articulations grounded in integrated semantic web research
EXTENSION We would love to use these methods as a way to co-create Digital Dialogues such that members of a Dialogue group can synchronously and asynchronously annotate what is going in beneath their words and language
- Jun 2023
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
One of my favorite ways that creative people communicate is by “working with their garage door up,” to riff on a passage from Robin Sloan (below). This is the opposite of the Twitter account which mostly posts announcements of finished work: it’s Screenshot Saturday; it’s giving a lecture about the problems you’re pondering in the shower; it’s thinking out loud about the ways in which your project doesn’t work at all. It’s so much of Twitch. I want to see the process. I want to see you trim the artichoke. I want to see you choose the color palette. Anti-marketing.
other things that came to mind:
- social/collective annotation like Hypothesis
- publishing notes online through digital gardens, etc
- online journaling
- Apr 2023
A project of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media https://rrchnm.org/portfolio-item/tropy/
- Jun 2022
alanjreidphd.wixsite.com alanjreidphd.wixsite.com
Reid, A. J. (Ed.). (2018). Marginalia in Modern Learning Contexts. New York: IGI Global.
Heard about this at the Hypothes.is SOCIAL LEARNING SUMMIT: Spotlight on Social Reading & Social Annotation
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Slides from Amanda Licastro from the Hypothes.is "SOCIAL LEARNING SUMMIT: Spotlight on Social Reading & Social Annotation"
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
By asking students to share their annotations openly, we help students to see a wide range of annotation practices, thus demystifying what has often been a private, individual practice.
Teachers can model their own reading and annotating practices for students, but this can be expanded when using social annotation. This will allow students to show each other a wider variety of potential note taking and annotation strategies which help to reinforce the teacher's own modeling. This can be useful modelling of a practice in public which has historically been done privately.
By featuring notes which might be reused for papers or developing later research, teachers can also feature the portions of the note taking process which can be reused for developing new ideas. How might annotations within a text be linked to each other outside of the particular flow of the paper? Might there have been different orderings for the arguments that may have been clearer?
What ideas in the broader class might the ideas within a particular text be linked to? What ideas outside of the class can be linked to those found within the text?
In less experienced groups, teachers might occasionally call out individual annotations in discussion to ask the group for what purposes a student might have annotated specific portions to highlight the various methods and reasons.
What are the list of particular note types here? - Paraphrasing segments to self-test for understanding - Creation of spaced repetition type notes for memorizing definitions and facts - Conversations with the text/original author and expansion of the ideas - Questioning the original text, do we agree/disagree? - Linking ideas from the text into one's broader knowledge base - Highlighting quotes for later reuse - others??
Link to - double-entry journaling in Bruce Ballenger<br /> - types of questions one might ask within a text, Ballenger again
- Apr 2022
winnielim.org winnielim.org
We have to endlessly scroll and parse a ton of images and headlines before we can find something interesting to read.
The randomness of interesting tidbits in a social media scroll help to put us in a state of flow. We get small hits of dopamine from finding interesting posts to fill in the gaps of the boring bits in between and suddenly find we've lost the day. As a result an endless scroll of varying quality might have the effect of making one feel productive when in fact a reasonably large proportion of your time is spent on useless and uninteresting content.
This effect may be put even further out when it's done algorithmically and the dopamine hits become more frequent. Potentially worse than this, the depth of the insight found in most social feeds is very shallow and rarely ever deep. One is almost never invited to delve further to find new insights.
How might a social media stream of content be leveraged to help people read more interesting and complex content? Could putting Jacques Derrida's texts into a social media-like framing create this? Then one could reply to the text by sentence or paragraph with their own notes. This is similar to the user interface of Hypothes.is, but Hypothes.is has a more traditional reading interface compared to the social media space. What if one interspersed multiple authors in short threads? What other methods might work to "trick" the human mind into having more fun and finding flow in their deeper and more engaged reading states?
Link this to the idea of fun in Sönke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes.
- Nov 2021
muse.jhu.edu muse.jhu.edu
article explores how annotation with digital, social tools can address digital reading challenges while also supporting writing skill development for novices in college literature classrooms. The author analyzes student work and survey responses and shows that social annotation can facilitate closer digital reading and scaffold text-anchored argumentation practices.
Writing to understand what I read is critical to my practice. Doing so socially is particularly helpful when I don't understand something or am lacking the motivation to keep reading.
- Jun 2021
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
Reflecting on how new digital tools have re-invigorated annotation and contributed to the creation of their recent book, they suggest annotation presents a vital means by which academics can re-engage with each other and the wider world.
I've been seeing some of this in the digital gardening space online. People are actively hosting their annotations, thoughts, and ideas, almost as personal wikis.
Some are using RSS and other feeds as well as Webmention notifications so that these notebooks can communicate with each other in a realization of Vanmevar Bush's dream.
Networked academic samizdat anyone?
- commonplace books
- digital gardens
- annotation
- Webmention
- Vannevar Bush
- academic samizdat
- personal wikis
- Oct 2018
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
The role of touch in the multi-sensory experience of reading turns out to be as important as we intuit it to be when we hold a volume or turn a page — or better yet, when we mark it up.
I've found that the way I read and my reading retention have changed since I started to regularly use digital annotation. The act of selecting what sentence to highlight, how to tag passages and articles, and what to make public has changed how I feel about reading online. I still prefer paper for pleasure reading, but for news, research, and collaborative reading, digital now works just fine for me.
- Nov 2017
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
But if they are learning how to build on the Web they probably need to know something about becoming findable (or unfindable) on the Web. And by extension they need to understand how the power behind that findability is impacting the course of human history. 12 months ago if I had said that, some people would have rolled their eyes at me, but I think it’s safe to say that in the last 9 months we’ve all realized just how powerful algorithms are in shaping the outcomes of our culture.
This is a pretty useful example of a paragraph with subtext, don’t you think? Could easily imagine future readers and annotators coming to this passage and scratching their heads for a minute while looking at the date. What happened nine months before June 2017? Living outside the US, it took me a few seconds to guess it (and my guess may be wrong). Of course, Martha was “playing for the audience” (though DoOO is having an impact outside the US). There’s indeed a shared understanding that events in the political arena may be relevant in our work on digital literacies.
- Jan 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
they may not be ready for that this year, or on the first day, and so there must to be online spaces where they can practice this kind of engagement safely and receive constructive feedback so that they can become responsible and thoughtful participants in the digital public sphere.
- Feb 2016
dlsanthology.commons.mla.org dlsanthology.commons.mla.org
Wido van Peursen
- Dec 2015
dlsanthology.commons.mla.org dlsanthology.commons.mla.org
Commentary as a practice of annotation that not only helps readers comprehend a text but also facilitates its critical evaluation elucidates the relevance of the text for a particular readership and establishes or promotes specific interpretations.
I think like we're working with a very limited (even if acknowledged) definition of commentary/annotation. We're really just talking about expert analysis laid over a text, which is nothing new, though as pointed out below this tradition can achieve a new dynamism in the online environment.
What I think is more interesting about annotation and the digital humanities is the potential for readers themselves to become truly active contributors to the knowledge surrounding the texts--not simply served explanation for their relatively passive comprehension.
- Jul 2015
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Pruebas sobre los casos de anotación de W3C
- Nov 2014
twitter.com twitter.com
Claudia Müller-Birn unterscheidet drei Annotationsebenen:
- concept level
- identification level
- external knowledge level
mit zunehmender Vernetzungskomplexität.