10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. It will be argued here that the new configuration of three possible degrees of freedom—markets, governance, and knowledge production—can be modeled in terms of a triple helix of university-industry-government relations (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 1997; Leydesdorff & Etzkowitz, 1998). Governance can be considered as the variable that instantiates and organizes systems in the geographical dimension of the model, while industry is the main carrier of economic production and exchange. Thirdly, academe can play a leading role in the organization of the knowledge production function (Godin & Gingras, 2000).

      university, government, and industry.

  2. Nov 2020
  3. Oct 2020
    1. In the past two decades, the policy concept of a knowledge economy hasincreasingly become an object of knowledge and governance



  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
  6. May 2020
  7. Apr 2020
  8. Sep 2017