64 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. it is useful to instead zoom out, look at a bigger picture, on a longer timescale, and see if we can use this to find our way forward.

      for - zoom out - in time and space - story of our species

  2. May 2024
  3. Aug 2023
    1. You agree that Zoom compiles and may compile Service Generated Data based on Customer Content and use of the Services and Software. You consent to Zoom’s access, use, collection, creation, modification, distribution, processing, sharing, maintenance, and storage of Service Generated Data for any purpose, to the extent and in the manner permitted under applicable Law, including for the purpose of product and service development, marketing, analytics, quality assurance, machine learning or artificial intelligence (including for the purposes of training and tuning of algorithms and models), training, testing, improvement of the Services, Software, or Zoom’s other products, services, and software, or any combination thereof, and as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

      "Zoom terms of service now require you to allow AI to train on ALL your data—audio, facial recognition, private conversations—unconditionally and irrevocably, with no opt out.

      Don’t try to negotiate with our new overlords." https://twitter.com/tedgioia/status/1688221240790528000?s=20

  4. Mar 2023
    1. 자동으로 사진을 편집

      Feature roadmap

      • 3x faster Upscaling soon
      • Infinity scrolling for camera tab, so you can go back in your history
      • Face fix; when shooting wide angle photos the face is too low reso and stops resembling the model, I am building a face fix that restores it
      • Zoom in or crop; zoom in and crop parts of the photo which you then get back in high resolution
      • Video; shoot 150 variations of a photo for a 5 second video at 30fps
      • Deleting models
      • Trash auto deleting if >30 days old in trash
      • Auto deleting photos/models if customer cancels
  5. Jan 2023
    1. View closed captioning or live transcription during a meeting or webinar Sign in to the Zoom desktop client. Join a meeting or webinar. Click the Show Captions button .
    2. If closed captioning or live transcripts are available during a meeting or webinar, you can view these as a participant
    1. User To enable automated captioning for your own use: Sign in to the Zoom web portal. In the navigation menu, click Settings. Click the Meeting tab. Under In Meeting (Advanced), click the Automated captions toggle to enable or disable it. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.Note: If the option is grayed out, it has been locked at either the group or account level. You need to contact your Zoom admin. (Optional) Click the edit option to select which languages you want to be available for captioning. Note: Step 7 may not appear for some users until September 2022, as a set of captioning enhancements are rolling out to users over the course of August.
  6. Jul 2022
  7. Jan 2022
  8. Dec 2021
  9. Nov 2021
  10. Oct 2021
  11. Aug 2021
    1. You can request that Zoom delete any and all information they hold on you. Information on your data rights and how to get in contact with Zoom to request they erase your data can be found in their privacy policy. Once you have made the request, follow up to ensure you get confirmation that your data has been removed from their servers.
    2. Zoom told its users that their video calls were end-to-end encrypted when actually they were protected by TLS encryption. Zoom generated and stored the keys to its users’ encrypted information on its servers rather than on its users’ devices, meaning anyone with access to those servers could monitor the unencrypted video and audio content of Zoom meetings. These servers are located around the world, often in countries where companies can be forced to share user data with law enforcement organizations. What’s worse is that, according to the most recent lawsuit, Zoom’s response made it clear that it “knew that it did not use the industry-accepted definition of E2E encryption and had made a conscious decision to use the term ‘end-to-end’ anyway”.
  12. Apr 2021
    1. Nonverbal Mechanisms Predict Zoom Fatigue and Explain Why Women Experience Higher Levels than Men

      Training educators to acknowledge in themselves and others the process of zoom fatigue. Discussing the ratio and tolerance for zoom meetings, specially in mixed-gender classrooms. How many meetings? What is the policy for webcam use? A lot of these questions that could do wonders for people's mental health and learning process.

    1. All Recovery Support Group One current offering is the All Recovery Support Group, a peer-led support group for adults that meets online every Saturday at 2:30 pm and every Tuesday at 8:15 pm Central Time.

      Telehealth via Zoom

  13. Mar 2021
    1. Minimize the face sizes of attendees into grid view, and sit back a bit to allow yourself more personal space.

      I'm curious how much people already have adapted these things. What is MORE exhausting is the amount of micro-tasking that often has to be done throughout the meeting.

  14. Feb 2021
  15. Jan 2021
    1. Journalists should also be wary of publishing raw audio leaked from Zoom meetings, particularly if the source is not sure whether audio watermarking was enabled or not.
    2. At least one Zoom leaker has already been unmasked: a member of the New York State Assembly who apparently filmed his “self-view” while recording a dispute within the Democratic assembly conference over the renomination of the speaker. That may sound careless, but a feature developed by Zoom will allow future leakers to be exposed even without that sort of misstep.
  16. Nov 2020
  17. Oct 2020
    1. Like many other stores, Vroman’s is hosting online events to promote new books, which can attract attendees from all over the country but generally bring in almost no money.

      Maybe they need a book paywall for admission into those events? Buy a book to get the zoom code to get into the event?

      David Dylan Thomas essentially did this for his recent book launch.

    1. It's the part of your garden that you might actively show people when they come round to visit, that you're most proud of.

      It's a bit like cleaning up just for company, or in our current pandemic, just cleaning up the section of the house that's seen in the camera as in this New Yorker Cartoon:

  18. Sep 2020
    1. but I find a simple "Did you see the Mets last night?" can make the difference.

      Sometimes during a Zoom breakout room, something like this could be the difference in a conversation. You have different times of people in the room, those who are very open who talk and discuss, and those who stay quiet and locked inside their own bubble, even after finishing your discussing whatever work you have going on, keep the conversation going or bringing up a topic that people enjoy talking about, is a difference between those people staying locked in their own bubble or breaking it.

    2. Sometimes we can escape them, by speeding away in a power chair

      This reminds me of Zoom calls and how easy it can be to escape a social interaction through muting and turning off your camera. It almost becomes normal to sit in silence, and I am just as guilty as everyone else, sometimes you just don't want to talk to anyone that day. However, this is still sad to think about.

    3. Communication is a two way exchange, speaking and listening.

      I think this is very important and it is relatable to zoom meetings. On zoom, communication is key, but it is not always there. There are many people who do not like to participate, which can hurt our learning. I think that in order for us to completely understand zoom meetings we need both sides of communication.

    4. Writing using assistive technology is usually slower than the pace of conversation. This can result in more than one person communicating simultaneously, which is complicated to follow.

      I think we can all now relate to this a bit, knowing how much zoom slows things down and the difficulties of talking over each other

    5. Communicating with people by using assistive technology is complicated,

      This is very interesting and I wonder how it carries over to zoom technology and if it makes it easier or harder to communicate.

    6. eye contact

      Eye contact in the Zoom era is difficult because so many of us aren't on video. Even if webcams are on, we are often looking off at an angle...

    1. Second, an activity may threaten a student who has not disclosed something relevant to you. Before you ask students to share a story of their name, for example, remember that some students will have changed their name for reasons of personal safety, family breakdown, or gender identity. 

      It's important to recognize that not everyone has come from the same backgrounds or situations. Whether it's a name or sharing a personal story, or even turning on the camera, some students use school as an escape from their home lives, and I think it's important not to pressure students into feeling like their grade is at risk because of their home situations.

    2. Some check-in activities work well to rebuild energy, create new reflective space or adjust the group dynamic among students

      I agree with this statement. Due to the pandemic, we are learning via zoom which can be uncomfortable when you don’t know anyone in the class. When class is started with check-in activities, I personally feel more comfortable speaking out in class because it feels like there is a connection between classmates.

    1. Taking this one step further, a big part of the friction that Zoom removed was that you don’t need an account, an app or a social graph to use it: Zoom made network effects irrelevant. But, that means Zoom doesn’t have those network effects either. It grew by removing defensibility.

      Zoom removed the friction involved in needing an account, an app or a social graph to use it. In doing so, it removed the elements that would create a network effect.

      Without network effects, Zoom also lost it's defensibility.

  19. Aug 2020
  20. Jul 2020
  21. Jun 2020
    1. Zoom, a Silicon Valley-based company, appears to own three companies in China through which at least 700 employees are paid to develop Zoom’s software. This arrangement is ostensibly an effort at labor arbitrage: Zoom can avoid paying US wages while selling to US customers, thus increasing their profit margin. However, this arrangement may make Zoom responsive to pressure from Chinese authorities.
    1. Zoom didn't do this to comply with local law.

      They did this because they don't want to lose customers in China.

      This is just capitalistic greed.

      Shutting down activists over a dictatorship is wrong, and it is actually as simple as that.

  22. May 2020
    1. Because what moves us is not sitting at our computer, it’s the relationship that we have with people

      I find this extremely accurate, and can relate.

  23. Apr 2020
    1. Thousands of enterprises around the world have done exhaustive security reviews of our user, network, and data center layers and confidently selected Zoom for complete deployment. 

      This doesn't really account for the fact that Zoom have committed some atrociously heinous acts, such as (and not limited to):

    2. Transparency has always been a core part of our culture.

      If this were true, why does this exist?

  24. Mar 2020
    1. This is known as transport encryption, which is different from end-to-end encryption because the Zoom service itself can access the unencrypted video and audio content of Zoom meetings. So when you have a Zoom meeting, the video and audio content will stay private from anyone spying on your Wi-Fi, but it won’t stay private from the company.
    2. But despite this misleading marketing, the service actually does not support end-to-end encryption for video and audio content, at least as the term is commonly understood. Instead it offers what is usually called transport encryption, explained further below
    1. When joining a Zoom meeting, the "join from your browser" link is intentionally hidden. This browser extension solves this problem by transparently redirecting any meeting links to use Zoom's browser based web client.

      Using this extension means one won't be affected by the tracking that occurs via Zoom's apps for desktop and mobile devices.

    1. The host of a Zoom call has the capacity to monitor the activities of attendees while screen-sharing. This functionality is available in Zoom version 4.0 and higher.

      This is true if one uses the Zoom apps for desktop or mobile devices.

      There is a Chrome extension that redirects Zoom meetings via a web browser.

  25. May 2019
    1. There are several factors that contribute to the quality of Video and Audio when using Zoom:Bandwidth of the wireless network connected to the Tablet/KubiBandwidth of the remote participant connecting to the KubiQuality of connection between the remote participant and the KubiIn attempting to find out where the bottleneck may reside, it is important to try these steps:For the device paired with the Kubi:Completely turn off and turn on the tablet.Visit http://www.speedtest.net/ and test the speed of your internet connection.  If you see at least 3.0 mbps on the test, you should be experiencing good quality A/V.  If less, your performance may be degraded.Review the Zoom System Requirements.  Typically meetings require 1-2 mbps for high quality sessions.Even if speeds are high, other factors such as internet sharing or streaming services (YouTube, Netflix, other video conferencing software, etc.) running in parallel on the same network can degrade performance.  DSL is especially subject to degraded performance because of its limited bandwidth.For the computer or tablet remotely connecting to the Kubi:Completely turn off and turn on the tablet.Visit http://www.speedtest.net/ and test the speed of your internet connection.  If you see at least 3.0 mbps on the test, you should be experiencing good quality A/V.  If less, your performance may be degraded.Review the Zoom System Requirements.  Typically meetings require 1-2 mbps for high quality sessions.Even if speeds are high, other factors such as internet sharing or streaming services (YouTube, Netflix, other video conferencing software, etc.) running in parallel on the same network can degrade performance.  DSL is especially subject to degraded performance because of its limited bandwidth.If you have made sure that both remote and Kubi networks have good-quality connections and are still experiencing a loss of Video or Audio quality, please contact us by submitting a ticket so that we may further assist you. zoom video quality audio quality bandwidth connectivity Updated: 19 Sep 2016 06:19 AM Helpful?   Help us to make this article better Send Cancel 0 3 SharexjQuery(document).ready(function(){ SupportUI.CPBrowserTitle.modify( jQuery("#solutionIconTitle").val() ); var selectedTopicId = jQuery("#solutionTitle").data("selectedtopicid"); PortalSolutionTree.selectExactTopicId(selectedTopicId); constructTOC.loadData(); eventForImgPreview(); }); PortalSolutionTree.alluseraccessarticlescount = jQuery.parseJSON('{"41547000000991007":6,"41547000000748947":3,"41547000000731926":5,"41547000000748949":2,"41547000000731930":1,"41547000000731928":12,"41547000000738207":2,"41547000000738205":1,"41547000000734019":3,"41547000000740706":1,"41547000000738209":2,"41547000000734021":3,"41547000000740709":1,"41547000000729833":16}');//NO OUTPUTENCODING PortalSolutionTree.entireTopicsData = 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      Zoom video quality depends on bandwidth

  26. Apr 2019
    1. And does this relate to the zoom recording thing as well because you could record it and then comment on the pieces of it.

      Well here we are, talking about zoom annotation! So, here's an annotation on a zoom transcript where we're talking about zoom annotation!


  27. Mar 2019
    1. there's a secret agenda here for me, which is that being able to annotate your company's transcripts of things would be very cool could hypothesis work on whatever copy of the transcript

      Annotating my mention of annotating transcripts. Meta!

  28. Feb 2018
    1. estructuras anidadas (hogar, pueblo, ciudad, región y planeta), cada una con su propia dinámica de auto-organización en torno a redes colaborativas.
    2. . Pensar en términos de estructuras y redes anidadas también proporciona la base para una comprensión distribuida de la agencia.
  29. Jul 2016
    1. zoomer sur un individu comme dans un réseau social et dézoomer sur une vue plus large de la société
