5 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
www.politicalcompass.org www.politicalcompass.org
- Feb 2022
gothamist.com gothamist.com
How cherry-picking science became the center of the anti-mask movement. (2022, February 14). Gothamist. https://gothamist.com
- face mask
- social media
- lang:en
- social distancing
- policy
- children
- scientific evidence
- psychology
- Republican
- Democrat
- mortality
- science
- paediatric
- vaccine
- public health measure
- conservative
- is:news
- effectiveness
- COVID-19
- partisanship
- education
- fact check
- cherry-picking
- behavioral science
- mask wearing
- vaccination rate
- misinformation
- New York
- normalcy
- mask mandate
- protection
- political spectrum
- school
- government
- Dec 2021
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
Hobbes’s position tends to be favoured bythose on the right of the political spectrum, and Rousseau’s by thoseleaning left
Relative political positions of Hobbes and Rousseau.
- Nov 2021
unherd.com unherd.com
The Left’s Covid failure. (2021, November 23). UnHerd. https://unherd.com/2021/11/the-lefts-covid-failure/
- social media
- strategy
- lang:en
- epidemiology
- neoliberalism
- COVID passport
- vaccine
- policy
- political affiliation
- COVID-19
- polarization
- left-wing
- is:webpage
- transmission
- socialism
- intervention
- vaccination
- economy
- Western society
- socio-economic
- economics
- income
- working class
- right-wing
- science
- mainstream
- lockdown
- public health
- political spectrum
- government
- Sep 2021
pluralistic.net pluralistic.net
Steven Brust's (quoted in my novel Walkaway): "Ask what's more important, human rights or property rights. If they say 'property rights ARE human rights' they're on the right." https://craphound.com/category/walkaway/