34 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Such a new post-modern system of construction could produce the loose-fit, low-energy, long-life principles proposed by RIBA President Alex Gordon in the 1970s – and ignored ever since!

      for - post-modern sustainable building - RIBA President Alex Gordon - 1970s proposal for stone system - ignored

  2. May 2024
    1. Alex Sarabia@SarabiaTXCommunications Director for @SenWarren Previously @JoaquinCastrotx @JulianCastro #GoSpursGo he/him/él

      Alex Sarabia Twitter profile Senator Elizabeth Warren Communications Director Previously worked for Joaquin Castro and Julian Castro

  3. Apr 2024
  4. Mar 2024
  5. Feb 2024
  6. Jan 2024
    1. Ausführlicher Artikel zum Hintergrund der Entscheidung der Biden-Adminstration, den Bau der LNG-Terminals CP2 nicht ohne Überprüfung der Klimawirkung zu genehmigen. Zur Zeit haben die USA sieben LNG-Export-Terminals, fünf sind in Bau. CP2 wäre das bisher größte; es ist eines von 17 Terminals im Planungsstadium. Die USA sind weltweit führend beim LNG-Export und bei der Öl- und Gasproduktion insgesamt. CP2 soll, bei Baukosten von 10 Milliarden Dollar, 20 Millionen Tonnen LNG im Jahr verschiffen, 20% der US- Exporte. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/climate/biden-lng-export-terminal-cp2.html

  7. Dec 2023
  8. Sep 2023
  9. Aug 2023
  10. May 2023
  11. Apr 2023
  12. Jan 2023
    1. Extrem interessanter Artikel von Alex Turnbull über die unzureichenden Modellierungen von Waren- und Rohstoffströmen, vor allem in Bezg auf fossile Energien. Politische und wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen werden aufgrund unzureichenden Wissen über Logistik und Infrastruktur getroffen.

  13. Sep 2022
  14. May 2022
  15. ivanov-petrov.livejournal.com ivanov-petrov.livejournal.com
    1. Пожалуй, главная проблема, связанная с массовым внедрением военных роботов — их высокая стоимость. Ведь роботов, в отличие от людей, “бабы еще не нарожают”. Как бы это цинично не звучало, но на войне бухгалтерия играет не последнюю роль.- Ах вот оно что: по мнению штабных генералов ("эффективных менеджеров" войны) рядовые солдаты и сержанты рождаются бесплатно - надо только запрограммировать их на курсах молодого бойца. Тут штабных генералов ждет внезапное разочарование о котором говорилось в этом журнале. Век сменился и: бесплатная фабрика биороботов закрывается, бабы новых не нарожают**. Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости для "самых перестроившихся" стран уже падает ниже одного ребенка в среднем на женщину фертильного возраста, а уровень рождаемости - ниже 8 новорожденных на 1000 жителей в год***. Тут оказывается, что каждый убитый или покалеченный молодой мужчина это дыра в объективном потенциале государства, пославшего его на войну. Это дыра, которая никем не будет заполнена, и которая к тому же будет расширяться - потому что демотивирует женщин в плане рождения хотя бы одного ребенка.
  16. Mar 2022
  17. Sep 2021
  18. Mar 2021
  19. Jan 2020
  20. Nov 2018
    1. Designing for virtual reality and the impact on education | Alex Faaborg | TEDxCincinnati

      This video includes Alex Faaborg on Tedx Talks sharing how VR virtual reality can positively impact education. The introduction of google cardboard is reviewed along with design techniques.

  21. Sep 2017
    1. 着这个问题不能被指定,即使是通过与ImageNet一样大的数据集


  22. Nov 2016
    1. The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family. This does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but they change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Evil, this does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Doctor in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

  23. Oct 2016
    1. They focused on two kinds of students. The “thrivers” were those who did much better in college than their high school grades would have predicted. The “divers” were those who did much worse.

      This is an interesting quote because it shows how personality and traits of a person actually affects the potential of their effort into college courses. A student's personality plays an important role in how they do in college or academics because whether they are enthusiastic or depressed will show in their study habits as well as test scores. When it comes to academics, many people will think it may come natural rather than utilizing the cognitive skills, which is believed to be a skill that applies. However, cognition is an important asset - there is more that contributes into this criteria of education. Although, what draws the line to being fully considered as a thriver student or a diver student. Can someone(a student)be considered both?