40 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. May 2023
  3. Feb 2023
    1. The simulator widget below contains the entire source code of the game. I’ll explain how it works in the following sections.
  4. Sep 2022
    1. Teach or learn psychology with Sniffy the Virtual Rat

      fun rat website!! yay!!

  5. Jun 2022
    1. Tycho Brahe was also very well known for his ‘golden nose’. During a duel over a mathematical formula in the dark with Manderup Parsberg, he lost parts of his nose,and rumors spread that he had used a prosthesis made of gold

      cool af ngl

  6. Nov 2021
    1. Recent research suggests that globally, the wealthiest 10% have been responsible for as much as half of the cumulative emissions since 1990 and the richest 1% for more than twice the emissions of the poorest 50% (2).

      Even more recent research adds to this:

      See the annotated Oxfam report: Linked In from the author: https://hyp.is/RGd61D_IEeyaWyPmSL8tXw/www.linkedin.com/posts/timgore_inequality-parisagreement-emissionsgap-activity-6862352517032943616-OHL- Annotations on full report: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Foxfamilibrary.openrepository.com%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F10546%2F621305%2Fbn-carbon-inequality-2030-051121-en.pdf&group=__world__

      and the annotated Hot or Cool report: https://hyp.is/KKhrLj_bEeywAIuGCjROAg/hotorcool.org/hc-posts/release-governments-in-g20-countries-must-enable-1-5-aligned-lifestyles/ https://hyp.is/zo0VbD_bEeydJf_xcudslg/hotorcool.org/hc-posts/release-governments-in-g20-countries-must-enable-1-5-aligned-lifestyles/

      This suggests that perhaps the failure of the COP meetings may be partially due to focusing at the wrong level and demographics. the top 1 and 10 % live in every country. A focus on the wealthy class is not a focus area of COP negotiations perse. The COP meetings are focused on nation states. Interventions targeting this demographic may be better suited at the scale of individuals or civil society.

      Many studies show there are no extra gains in happiness beyond a certain point of material wealth, and point to the harmful impacts of wealth accumulation, known as affluenza, and show many health effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1950124/, https://theswaddle.com/how-money-affects-rich-people/, https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dark-reasons-so-many-rich-people-are-miserable-human-beings-2018-02-22, https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/why-wealthy-people-may-be-less-successful-love-ncna837306, https://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/affluence,

      A Human Inner Transformation approach based on an open source praxis called Deep Humanity is one example of helping to transform affluenza and leveraging it to accelerate transition.

      Anderson has contextualized the scale of such an impact in his other presentations but not here. A recent example is the temporary emission decreases due to covid 19. A 6.6% global decrease was determined from this study: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00090-3#:~:text=After%20rising%20steadily%20for%20decades,on%20daily%20fossil%20fuel%20emissions. with the US contributing 13% due to lockdown impacts on vehicular travel (both air and ground). After the pandemic ends, experts expect a strong rebound effect.

    2. A final cluster gathers lenses that explore phenomena that are arguably more elastic and with the potential to both indirectly maintain and explicitly reject and reshape existing norms. Many of the topics addressed here can be appropriately characterized as bottom-up, with strong and highly diverse cultural foundations. Although they are influenced by global and regional social norms, the expert framing of institutions, and the constraints of physical infrastructure (from housing to transport networks), they are also domains of experimentation, new norms, and cultural change. Building on this potential for either resisting or catalyzing change, the caricature chosen here is one of avian metaphor and myth: the Ostrich and Phoenix cluster. Ostrich-like behavior—keeping heads comfortably hidden in the sand—is evident in different ways across the lenses of inequity (Section 5.1), high-carbon lifestyles (Section 5.2), and social imaginaries (Section 5.3), which make up this cluster. Yet, these lenses also point to the power of ideas, to how people can thrive beyond dominant norms, and to the possibility of rapid cultural change in societies—all forms of transformation reminiscent of the mythological phoenix born from the ashes of its predecessor. It is conceivable that this cluster could begin to redefine the boundaries of analysis that inform the Enabler cluster, which in turn has the potential to erode the legitimacy of the Davos cluster. The very early signs of such disruption are evident in some of the following sections and are subsequently elaborated upon in the latter part of the discussion.

      The bottom-up nature of this cluster makes it the focus area for civil society movements, human inner transformation (HIT) approaches and cultural methodologies.

      Changing the mindset or paradigm from which the system arises is the most powerful place to intervene in a system as Donella Meadows pointed out decades ago in her research on system leverage points: https://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/

      The sleeping giant of billions of potential change actors remains dormant. How do we awaken them and mobilize them. If we can do this, it can constitute the emergence of a third unidentified actor in system change.

      The Stop Reset Go (SRG) initiative is focused on this thematic lens, bottom-up, rapid whole system change, with Deep Humanity (DH) as the open-source praxis to address the needed shift in worldview advocated by Meadows. One of the Deep Humanity programs is based on addressing the psychological deficits of the wealthy, and transforming them into heroes for the transition, by redirecting their WEALTH-to-WELLth.

      There are a number of strategic demographics that can be targeted in methodical evidence-based ways. Each of these is a leverage point and can bring about social tipping points.

      A number of 2021 reports characterize the outsized impact of the top 1% and top 10% of humanity. Unless their luxury, high ecological footprint behavior is reeled in, humanity won't stand a chance. Annotation of Oxfam report: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Foxfamilibrary.openrepository.com%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F10546%2F621305%2Fbn-carbon-inequality-2030-051121-en.pdf&group=__world__ Annotation of Hot or Cool report: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhotorcool.org%2Fhc-posts%2Frelease-governments-in-g20-countries-must-enable-1-5-aligned-lifestyles%2F&group=__world__

  7. Oct 2021
    1. It is not only the essence of being human but also a vital property of life. Technological advances in communication shape society and lnake its members more interdependent

  8. Sep 2021
  9. Jun 2021
    1. some projects to add to the world of linked data

      I'm so excited to hear an update on this project!

  10. May 2021
    1. 1inch is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator, connecting several DEXes into one platform to allow its users to find the most efficient swapping routes across all platforms. In order for a user to find the best price for a swap, they need to look at every exchange — DEX aggregators eliminate the need for manually checking, bringing efficiency to swapping on DEXs.

      Super cool

  11. Apr 2021
    1. $ ./my_script Will end up in STDOUT(terminal) and /var/log/messages $ tail -n1 /var/log/messages Sep 23 15:54:03 wks056 my_script_tag[11644]: Will end up in STDOUT(terminal) and /var/log/messages
    1. The personality is half mom, half teenager: “cool babysitter.” Seamless will let me stay up late, eat Frosted Flakes for dinner, and watch an R-rated movie

  12. Mar 2021
  13. boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
    1. Players try to build a village together. As the game goes on each player secretly chooses whether they want to go for a coop victory or a single-player win.
  14. Sep 2020
    1. yet when I thought of my beloved Elizabeth, of her tears and endless sorrow, when she should find her lover so barbarously snatched from her, tears, the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my eyes,

      It's interesting to me that Victor only cries when thinking of how upset Elizabeth is going to be when he's the one who's going to die. He fits the whole "man be rational and women emotional" cultural phenomenon of the time to a tee. He's stone faced going into losing battle, but Elizabeth will be just soooooooooo sad and sooooooooo sorrowful. While I'm on the topic, the characterization of Elizabeth TOTALLY fits in while the "passive wife who's in charge of the emotional side of family," to a point where Mary Shelley is a satirist. Also the use of barbarous to describe the Creature is just textbook Othering in the way that demotes the Creature to a irrational and animalistic creature.

  15. Jul 2020
  16. Dec 2019
    1. Assignments 1. General Introduction 1.1. The Way of the Program- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.2. Algorithms- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.3. The Python Programming Language- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.4. Executing Python in this Book- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.5. More About Programs- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.6. What is Debugging?- Completed this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 1.7. Syntax errors- Completed this topic on 14 Nov, 2019 1.8. Runtime Errors- Completed this topic on 14 Nov, 2019 1.9. Semantic Errors- Completed this topic on 14 Nov, 2019 1.10. Experimental Debugging- Completed this topic on 02 Dec, 2019 1.11. Formal and Natural Languages- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 1.12. A Typical First Program- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 1.13. Comments- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 1.14. Glossary- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 1.15. Exercises 2. Simple Python Data 2.1. Variables, Expressions and Statements- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.2. Values and Data Types- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.3. Type conversion functions- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.4. Variables- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.5. Variable Names and Keywords- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.6. Statements and Expressions- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.7. Operators and Operands- Completed this topic on 09 Dec, 2019 2.8. Input- Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 2.9. Order of Operations- Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 2.10. Reassignment 2.10.1. Developing your mental model of How Python Evaluates- Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 - Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 2.11. Updating Variables- Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 2.12. Glossary- Completed this topic on 10 Dec, 2019 2.13. Exercises 3. Debugging Interlude 1 3.1. How to be a Successful Programmer 3.2. How to Avoid Debugging 3.3. Beginning tips for Debugging 3.4. Know Your Error Messages 3.4.1. ParseError 3.4.2. TypeError 3.4.3. NameError 3.4.4. ValueError 3.5. Summary 3.6. Exercises 4. Python Turtle Graphics 4.1. Hello Little Turtles! 4.2. Our First Turtle Program 4.3. Instances — A Herd of Turtles 4.4. The for Loop 4.5. Flow of Execution of the for Loop 4.6. Iteration Simplifies our Turtle Program 4.7. The range Function 4.8. A Few More turtle Methods and Observations 4.9. Summary of Turtle Methods 4.10. Glossary 4.11. Exercises 5. Python Modules 5.1. Modules and Getting Help 5.2. More About Using Modules 5.3. The math module 5.4. The random module 5.5. Glossary 5.6. Exercises 6. Functions 6.1. Functions 6.2. Functions that Return Values 6.3. Unit Testing 6.3.1. Choosing Good Unit Tests 6.4. Variables and Parameters are Local 6.5. The Accumulator Pattern 6.5.1. The General Accumulator Pattern 6.5.2. A Variation on the Accumulator Pattern 6.6. Functions can Call Other Functions 6.7. Flow of Execution Summary 6.8. Using a Main Function 6.9. Program Development 6.10. Composition 6.11. A Turtle Bar Chart 6.12. Glossary 6.13. Exercises 7. Selection 7.1. Boolean Values and Boolean Expressions 7.2. Logical operators 7.3. Precedence of Operators 7.4. Conditional Execution: Binary Selection 7.5. Omitting the else Clause: Unary Selection 7.6. Nested conditionals 7.7. Chained conditionals 7.8. Boolean Functions 7.8.1. More Unit Testing 7.9. Glossary 7.10. Exercises 8. More About Iteration 8.1. Iteration Revisited 8.2. The for loop revisited 8.3. The while Statement 8.4. Randomly Walking Turtles 8.5. The 3n + 1 Sequence 8.6. Newton’s Method 8.7. The Accumulator Pattern Revisited 8.8. Other uses of while 8.8.1. Sentinel Values 8.8.2. Validating Input 8.9. Algorithms Revisited 8.10. Simple Tables 8.11. 2-Dimensional Iteration: Image Processing 8.11.1. The RGB Color Model 8.11.2. Image Objects 8.11.3. Image Processing and Nested Iteration 8.12. Image Processing on Your Own 8.13. Glossary 8.14. Exercises 9. Strings 9.1. Strings Revisited 9.2. A Collection Data Type 9.3. Operations on Strings 9.4. Index Operator: Working with the Characters of a String 9.5. String Methods 9.5.1. String Format Method 9.6. Length 9.7. The Slice Operator 9.8. String Comparison 9.9. Strings are Immutable 9.10. Traversal and the for Loop: By Item 9.11. Traversal and the for Loop: By Index 9.12. Traversal and the while Loop 9.13. The in and not in operators 9.14. The Accumulator Pattern with Strings 9.15. Turtles and Strings and L-Systems 9.16. Looping and Counting 9.17. A find function 9.18. Optional parameters 9.19. Character classification 9.20. Summary 9.21. Glossary 9.22. Exercises 10. Lists 10.1. Lists 10.2. List Values 10.3. List Length 10.4. Accessing Elements 10.5. List Membership 10.6. Concatenation and Repetition 10.7. List Slices 10.8. Lists are Mutable 10.9. List Deletion 10.10. Objects and References 10.11. Aliasing 10.12. Cloning Lists 10.13. Repetition and References 10.14. List Methods 10.15. The Return of L-Systems 10.16. Append versus Concatenate 10.17. Lists and for loops 10.18. Using Lists as Parameters 10.19. Pure Functions 10.20. Which is Better? 10.21. Functions that Produce Lists 10.22. List Comprehensions 10.23. Nested Lists 10.24. Strings and Lists 10.25. list Type Conversion Function 10.26. Tuples and Mutability 10.27. Tuple Assignment 10.28. Tuples as Return Values 10.29. Glossary 10.30. Exercises 11. Files 11.1. Working with Data Files 11.2. Finding a File on your Disk 11.3. Reading a File 11.4. Iterating over lines in a file 11.5. Alternative File Reading Methods 11.6. Writing Text Files 11.7. With Statements 11.8. Glossary 11.9. Exercises 12. Dictionaries 12.1. Dictionaries 12.2. Dictionary Operations 12.3. Dictionary Methods 12.4. Aliasing and Copying 12.5. Sparse Matrices 12.6. Glossary 12.7. Exercises 13. Exceptions 13.1. What is an exception? 13.2. Exception Handling Flow-of-control 13.3. Summary 13.4. Standard Exceptions 13.5. Principles for using Exceptions 13.6. Exceptions Syntax 13.6.1. Catch All Exceptions 13.6.2. Catch A Specific Exception 13.6.3. Catch Multiple Specific Exceptions 13.6.4. Clean-up After Exceptions 13.6.5. An Example of File I/O 13.7. Glossary 13.8. Exercises 14. Web Applications 14.1. Web Applications 14.2. How the Web Works 14.3. How Web Applications Work 14.4. Web Applications and HTML Forms 14.5. Writing Web Applications With Flask 14.6. More About Flask 14.6.1. The format() method 14.7. Input For A Flask Web Application 14.8. Web Applications With a User Interface 15. GUI and Event Driven Programming 15.1. Graphical User InterfacesLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.2. GUI ProgrammingLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.3. GUI Programming OptionsLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.4. TKinterLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.5. Tkinter Pre-programmed InterfacesLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.6. Tkinter Custom InterfacesLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.7. Hello WorldLast read this topic on 07 Nov, 2019 15.8. Tkinter Standard Dialog Boxes 15.8.1. Messages 15.8.2. Yes/No Questions 15.8.3. Single Value Data Entry 15.8.4. File Chooser 15.8.5. Color Chooser 15.9. GUI Widgets 15.10. Creating Widgets 15.11. Layout Mangers 15.12. Specifying Dimensions 15.13. Place Layout Manager 15.14. Grid Layout Manager 15.15. Pack Layout Manager 15.15.1. Summary 15.16. Widget Groupings 15.17. Command Events 15.18. Hello World Again 15.19. Other Events 15.20. Low-Level Event Processing 15.21. Focus 15.22. Event Binding 15.23. Event Descriptors 15.24. Event Objects 15.25. Event Processing 15.26. The Design of GUI Programs 15.27. Common Widget Properties 15.28. Specific Widget Properties 15.29. Widget Attributes 15.30. Timer Events 15.30.1. Animations and Repeated Tasks 15.30.2. Canceling Timer Events 15.30.3. Multiple Parameters to Timer Callbacks 15.31. A Programming Example 15.31.1. A Whack-a-mole Game 15.31.2. Summary 15.32. Managing GUI Program Complexity 15.32.1. Creating the View 15.32.2. Creating the Model 15.32.3. Creating the Controller 15.33. Exercises 15.34. Glossary 16. Recursion 16.1. What Is Recursion? 16.2. Calculating the Sum of a List of Numbers 16.3. The Three Laws of Recursion 16.4. Converting an Integer to a String in Any Base 16.5. Visualizing Recursion 16.6. Sierpinski Triangle 16.7. Glossary 16.8. Programming Exercises 16.9. Exercises 17. Classes and Objects - the Basics 17.1. Object-oriented programming 17.2. A change of perspective 17.3. Objects Revisited 17.4. User Defined Classes 17.5. Improving our Constructor 17.6. Adding Other Methods to our Class 17.7. Objects as Arguments and Parameters 17.8. Converting an Object to a String 17.9. Instances as Return Values 17.10. Glossary 17.11. Exercises 18. Classes and Objects - Digging a Little Deeper 18.1. Fractions 18.2. Objects are Mutable 18.3. Sameness 18.4. Arithmetic Methods 18.5. Glossary 18.6. Exercises 19. Inheritance 19.1. Pillars of OOP 19.2. Introduction to Inheritance 19.3. Extending 19.4. Reuse Through Composition 19.5. Class Diagrams 19.6. Composition vs. Inheritance 19.7. Case Study: Structured Postal Addresses 19.7.1. Storing Postal Addresses 19.7.2. Storing International Addresses 19.7.3. Inheritance Applied 19.7.4. A List of Addresses 19.7.5. Using isinstance


  17. Apr 2019
  18. Dec 2018
  19. Oct 2017
  20. Sep 2017
    1. Through Open Humans, you can gather valuable data about yourself and find cool projects to share it with.
    1. Do you have questions about how best to moderate your online community? CivilServant, software created at the MIT Center for Civic Media, helps online communities do your own A/B tests of moderation practices.

      This is an interesting SaaS system for exploring how to create good moderation systems.

  21. Jan 2017
    1. A plant science manifesto

      During the Spring 2017 semester, students taking a plant physiology course at Dickinson State University will be publicly annotating chapters from this online textbook.


  22. Nov 2016
  23. Apr 2016
  24. Feb 2015
  25. Sep 2013
    1. クルト-ユルゲン・マース博士講演会 「文化外交:外交におけるソフトパワーの可能性と限界」

      イあdsfあsdvのdねfvっklsdf We can annotate with other languages!